Sunday, January 16, 2011

Photo Shoot Extras

Happy Sunday Evening!

I've been feeling so guilty that I'm not really at liberty to share 
all the pics I shot this past weekend...
have to wait and see if they're published, after all....

So I took a second look and came up with two
really special shots that I snapped at the
Willow Nest photo shoot that aren't being submitted...hope you enjoy!


Gorgeous lavabo, found on Linda and Ludmil's front deck.

And then there's these two characters just over the fence....


Little miniature donkeys. What a hoot!
They stand there and schmooze until you feed them oatmeal cookies!
Now I simply MUST go out and buy me a 
pair of Sicilian donkeys! Thanks, Ludmil! ;-)

Have a great week, my friends!


  1. Those donkeys are the bee's knees! How sweet is that picture?!?!? Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see more.

  2. Good evening, Anne,
    I love the donkeys too. I'll check back to see what's up tomorrow!! Have a marvelous Monday ~Natalie

  3. This is such great news Anne, but with your skills I can't say I'm surprised! And that second shot is too darn cute, now I want a pair of donkeys too!!!


    Kat :)

  4. Grinning from ear to ear!! LOVE the donkeys!! :)

  5. Oh those donkeys are so cute!! Great shot of them! Oatmeal cookies, my fav too!!

  6. Anne, no question that you need a pair of these for your new abode. My close friend (and a photographer) just purchased a pair of these charmers for her property. Oatmeal cookies? I'll have to pass that one along.
    ~ Sarah

  7. Anne, I stay at a place in Round Top where they raise miniature donkeys and I cannot tell you how many times I have almost come home with one, or two!! Glad you had a good weekend - dying to see pictures of the show!!

  8. P.S. I first met Linda and Ludmil when they set up at the Fredericksburg show a few years ago. What a lovely and talented couple. So glad you got to photograph them and that they are getting published. They are as kind and gracious and they are gifted!

  9. Those donkeys are sooo adorable, I just want to pet those sweet noses..they would surely get oatmeal cookies from me!

  10. Great photos...and can't wait to see more!

  11. I just LOVE your new camera! And all your wonderful photos (even though there are never enough for me to drool over!). Let us all know when we can run out and buy a copy of the magazine. So happy for you!

  12. every time i visit the hill country i come home wanting goats & donkeys....and to move to fredericksburg! thanks for sharing the photos, i love them. i know you had a good time! Congrats!

  13. Those donkeys are sweet!

    I used to raise Miniature Horses and ponies. They would beg for those el-cheap-o sandwich cookies....vanilla/chocolate were their favorite!

    Thanks for the memories..........

  14. that would be me and Lisa, cheering you on!!!
    XOXO, (i can make big ones too)

  15. The lavabo is gorgeous, but I am in love with the donkey photo! That would make a wonderful greeting card or framed print to hang. They are adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Anne
    super excited about your new beginning!!! I love the donkeys too cute for words. Hope that your week ahead is filled with love & blessings sweet girl

    love ya

  17. Beautiful my dear Anne....lovely new week

  18. Hello my sweet friend,

    Loev the pictures..the first one is breathtaking!

    Wishing you a lovely and blessed week.

  19. Love the donkeys ... too cute ... you've captured them perfectly!


  20. Lovely pics! I am so excited for you! Have a blessed Monday! HUGS!

  21. Love your photos! I have wanted a donkey for the longest time:) They are soooo cute:) Thanks for sharing:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  22. great shots my friend!!
    oh my , what big noses they have! :)

  23. Hi Anne,

    I'm so happy you're dream is coming true. Your photography is just so lovely (like you) and it makes me happy to look at it. Things have been rather tough here lately, so I'm not getting out as much as I'd like in Blogland. God Bless, and I wish you continued success with your gift of beautiful vision through a lens.

    Big Hugs,

  24. I found your blog this week-end...nice, nice, nice!♥

  25. Those donkeys are PERFECT for a greeting card! Just think of the funniness they could inspire :) LOVE the shots PHOTOGRAPHER GIRL :)

  26. LOVE the lavabo with the blue whatevers in it. So Linda... And as for the donkeys... re-think that one. We have a donkey at the farm & he is such a pain. He wants you to pet him alllllllll the time. Will follow you around making such a racket. And my poor son had NO luck hunting since Jack decided to sit under his deer stand & wait for him to come down....
    Can't wait to see the photos. Have a great week.

  27. Hi Anne! I'm so happy your dreams are becoming reality. Your photos look great ♥

  28. I love the pics but I love the Donkeys the most!

  29. That last picture is the cutest thing EVAH! Oh it needs MUST!!!

  30. Donkeys...we should all have a few! Who knew they could be so cute! Images again...are fantastic!!!

  31. Dearest lovely Anne,
    I love the clarity of your sweet donkey photo - too cute! Congrats on your new title of photographer; that badge is one to save for the memento box for sure! I feel so much like I am sharing in your excitement because I'm working on a paid photography assignment right now.. it's so exciting. I can't wait to hear more about your updates you editing girl! Don't forget to come out of the editing cave for air.. I'll be in the same boat with you. :)
    Lots of love xoxox Lara

  32. Every one I love likes Donkeys too. Maybe i should raise them judging by how many people love them. Congratulatons on living your dream. Magic Anne! Can’t wait to meet you in the flesh someday. Cynthia

  33. A MAY ZING !!! Ok, promise me one thing, as soon as you are hired for a New England photo shoot call me and we'll work something out so you can come and take some photos of my house! Jake is graduating next year so we will be needing senior pictures too!!


  34. I love the donkeys, have always wanted a couple and these two are just adorable.

  35. This is all so exciting!!!!
    I can't wait!!

  36. both awesome shots.... How do you like your new camera? I am thinking of upgrading myself?

  37. I think you should crison your new "friends" Fiona and Twig! They are so cute! Great shots, too, can't wait to see what MAG we need to buy!!

  38. My dearest Anne with an "e", your excitement is contagious and your photos stunning! It is so much fun watching you spread your wings and it gives hope to the rest of us that dreams really are within our grasp. You go girl!

  39. OMGoodness I just fell in love with those donkeys!! See what effect your photography has on me??? Oh, and I really like your new watermark too. xoxo ~Lili

  40. Lurd,
    Okay, I already slobbered all over you. But one more time for all to hear...You are riding the crest baby!!!! That's x-game talk for your living the dream. Lisa

  41. I am crazy for the donkeys! And still laughing at Lisa's post above with the X-game reference. Don't forget to pinch yourself once in awhile so you know it's real!

  42. These are great! I love the colors in the first photo, and I can't get over those cute faces in the second pic! (I schmooze for oatmeal cookies too) :)

  43. Beautiful shots, as always! Lillie would like to know if you could get her a donkey or two also?

  44. Love how the donkeys noses look like hearts :)

  45. I can feel your excitement! I'm so happy for you and your success! Enjoy this time friend, you deserve it for sure.
    Hugs to you,

  46. Silly Debra...I can't believe she didn't recognize me and Cat Daddy in that photo!

  47. Anne, I have a little jenny donkey that my husband gave last year for Valentine's day.( He really did get points for this gift!) She has the sweetest deposition and has made a great companion to our old, old horse. (Around here people are trying to give donkeys away - I see ads every week for free donkeys in the sale papers!) So now I'm a big donkey fan! Love your blog! Never miss it.

  48. I really enjoyed getting to see you again this weekend and visiting with you.

  49. Your photos are fabulous, Anne. I can't wait to see your photos of Linda and Ludmil's in print!!!

  50. I'm so excited for you! SUCH AWESOME NEWS! I too LOVE love love those donkeys! Too cute they are! I have a Lavabo also, I bought it at the end of the season and haven't decided if I'm going to plant in it or have running water. I was leaning toward the water but now with your photo...oh I can't decide! GREAT photos! ...if you have a second, stop by I'm having a fun giveaway!~

  51. YOU are my inspiration!
    These photos....goodness,
    girlie Anne with an E....
    really, really special.
    I love it when good things
    come to good, hard working,
    dreaming, believing people.
    Uh, that would be YOU : )
    Happy Monday!
    xx Suzanne
    PS: I always sensed there
    was something missing at
    my house. Who knew it was
    Sicilian donkeys???

  52. Somkey and Lucky say Hell-o and please bring more cookies... David will be thrilled that his floral arrangement made the cut!!!! His first. Thanks for a fun time. Love Linda

  53. I cannot get over those miniature donkeys! I grew up with horses so I'm a huge fan of all things 4 legged but those donkeys!! I wish I had the space! :-)

    Congratulations Anne! I'm so thrilled you've had such a successful shoot - cannot wait to see it published you must keep us all posted!

    Love from across the pond,

    Jem xXx

  54. Love both the photographs but I ADORE those donkeys! They are so cute, and that's such a quality picture, you can almost count each hair. Brilliant!


  55. Lovely photos of course! Wonder what the berries are,,,lovely sweet donkeys.,.goats are fun too.

  56. Beautiful pics, Anne. L&L are very talented, aren't they? And so my dear, are you!



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