Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm Having a Sale!!!

Well...not right away, anyway.
But I thought you'd like a peek at some of what you can expect
when I have the Mutha of All Garage Sales
this Summer...

This is one of our barns, currently being used as
The Mutha of All Storage Units.

You remember what it looked like before we did
a massive cleaning of it, right?

 Lots of potential underneath all the yuck and grime.

Well, we came, we saw, we got it all cleaned up!

And now it's filled to the rafters with 
a plethora of my vintage goodies
acquired at some of the most fabulous
spots in the state of Texas and beyond!

And most of what you see here will be sold!
Not sure about the dress forms...struggling with the idea of letting those go.

 Oh yeah, lots more room to fill.
And believe me, I've got TONS more crap treasures!

So the message to be gleaned from this post would be....

Sale to be announced sometime this Summer.

And if you are semi-local and would be 
interested in participating in an 
occasional sale / MOAGS (Mutha of All Garage Sales)
let me know!
Everything is still in the planning stages,
but once I get this barn cleaned up and decked out,
it's going to be AMAZING.

You'll see.  :-)

I'm patterning it after my beautiful friend Theresa's space at Zapp Hall...

I can only DREAM of having my sale look this good!
But it's nice to have an incredible fairy blogmama like Sweet T
to model myself after.

Off for now, I hope you have a beautiful week ahead!

{ disclaimer: absolutely no pre-sales of any items seen here before sale is announced }

Linking with Debra for
Vintage Inspiration Friday


  1. I'm so excited for you'll be a huge success!! I would love to travel to Texas and visit you and that sale...

    that barn is THE coolest - and is SHOUTING to me with hosting very blessed (truly) you are to have that space...(sniff sniff...miss my barn)

    super nice to hear from you btw...and yes, I have not stopped for you - you are right there -
    (p.s. throw a little my way for this baby to come okay? :)
    Anne Marie

  2. Wow, looks like you're gonna' have all kinds of fun!!!! Wish I was out there to plow through it all. Best of luck with it.


  3. Oh I wish I lived closer!!

  4. What a great barn!!! I can just imagine the events and parties it could hold...I'd have to change my life plans and be a barn party event planner!
    Wish I lived closer...I spy a few things that need to come to my house. :)
    Glad to have you back ~ hope you are enjoying the spring in your new home.
    Sarah xo

  5. MOAGS - Magnificent Objects Anne's Gonna Sell!!
    xo Cathy

  6. oh I see some great stuff. I wish I lived next door to you.

  7. Ahhhh! Before you know it you will have your own store! SO exciting! I didn't know you would be so quick! You sure have done a lot of work!!!! Looking Good!

  8. So my eye candy... I love it all!

  9. Man oh man... I am looking for some gorgeous vintage suitcases... like I see there! If only I lived close! :)

  10. I actually just want the barn! A girl can only dream about having that much space for all her 'stuff'! I may just plan a trip to Texas so I can come to your MOAGS (got my eye on a lot of those goodies)! Have a great week ahead Anne and I hope life is treating yo well. Ya sound so chipper!

  11. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I want a barn!!!!

    m ^..^

  12. Oh yes....i want one of those...oh and two of those....and a couple of those whatchmacallits, you know the ones!! thanks girl. it will be a great sale, you will have so much fun! glad to have you back. life is looking up i hope. don;t forget to save me a whatsit!! love & peace 2 you.

  13. Ohhhh girl that is going to be
    awesome !!
    I think Lisa and I need to take
    a road trip for your sale ~


  14. Yeeeee haaaaawwwww! I'm less than an hour away, so I will HAVE to come relieve you of some things :-)


  15. I feel another road trip coming on...

  16. Oh, sounds like fun. You know, I need more stuff! ;-)
    Happy Spring ~ Sarah

  17. Zoinks, Anne! You've been busy. Some of the greatest treasures I've seen in a while! Maybe, just maybe, a little trip to the Hill Country might be in order.... ~ Angela

  18. wow, you guys really HAVE been working. This is a wonderful space, (and BIG) perfect for some fun!! It cleaned up really well! Just throw a bed out there for me and I'll be down.

  19. looks wonderful!! cannot wait.
    Hope you are feeling better.

    barbara jean

  20. Wow Beautiful stuff..wish I could be there!

    have a lovely week.

  21. Oh to be closer to you. I need some of those suitcases and the dress forms are wonderful.
    Your sale sounds like a wonderful idea but I really don't know if I could part with some of that stuff.

  22. OH Man! That's one amazing stash you've got there. How economic would it be to fly in from NJ to get a deal on some of those goodies?...not so much huh?...oh well I'll just have sit and drool on my laptop....good luck Anne looks like a great space with tons of potential.


  23. I can only DREAM of living closer and being able to come shop!!! How can you part with that super cool tall black scrolly shelf thingy? Love that!!

    Happy week!


  24. Ha! You got me with the last line........NO presale! I was going to ask about the black manny! She would be perfect in my Charlotte booth. I did a post on it, you will have to tell me what ya think! Up early heading out to my packed garage to wash a farmtable down with some mineral spirits! Have a great day! Hugs, Janna

  25. Anne, that barn is going to be all decked out with all your wonderful things and they'll be talking about your wonderful sale for months to come. You are always the sweetest and I will surely miss seeing you in Warrenton this time. No pics with Anne just won't seem right! I'll be thinking of ya :)

  26. Oh what a wonderful space, I could fill it too:) Looks like a bunch of good stuff and oh my what a wonderful SALE it will be!

    Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!

  27. oh anne. it looks like it will be an amazing sale. i saw a few treasures in there that i like. what a great little barn. i have lots of ideas for it. have a great day.

  28. And what's wrong with this post???? I don't live close so I can come, Not a happy camper Looks like this is going to be so much fun... You will do well.


  29. What a lovely barn filled with so much light!!! I WANT that brown manequin, ALL the vintage suitcases, some of those sweet chairs......

    I wish I could come down and check all these treasures out in person. How fun it would be to meet you and mr. twig!!!!

    Enjoy your week!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Just name the date and time!
    I'll be missing my hug this coming weekend.
    P.S. I must be tired. You would have laughed at the oops in the first comment I tried to leave!

  32. *giggle*

    I saw a roll of duct tape...

    LOL robelyn

  33. Hi Anne-that's exactly what I want to do with my barn. I've been saying it for years, but THIS IS GOING TO BE THE YEAR. It's filled to the rafters with junk...I mean I have to empty it out and get is organized and then I want to have sales periodically.
    Can't wait to see yours and I can't wait to get started on mine!
    Thanks for the inspiration....

  34. wish i could have a sale. i have at least that much stuff to get rid of. it's either donate or toss at this point. good for you selling and making some dough. wish i was around to rummage through it;)

  35. anne, don't sell the dress forms! they are so hard to find these days. best of luck with the sale, and sure will miss you at the shows.



  36. Boy, I wish I lived close by, I already spotted something. Way to heavy to ship.

    I do hope your sale is a huge success.

    God bless your day.

  37. OMG!! I wish I lived closer! And that I owned a large truck to haul stuff home!! WOW!! About those dress forms, I would keep them and put them around the house dressed in vintage or antique clothing. I have one in my bedroom that has on three long vintage petticoats (I call them prairie skirts), a beautiful lace collar and a crown. I bought some vintage clothing this weekend and plan to put the blouse on her instead of the collar and add another petticoat. Just like playing with dolls only very large dolls! LOL!!! Have fun! Wish I could join you!

  38. I agree with Shelley ~ don't sell the dress forms! Or the little boy mannequin...I have the parents...remember?!! One can never have too many barn girls to help at a big sale!

  39. Love that barn! Too bad you were not going to have that sale in October when I will be in Texas! I saw some treasures that would come back home with me! Most especially what appears to be a wrought iron shelf and plant hanger each with scroll work on them. Yeah, those two items would definitely come home with me!

    ~ Tracy

  40. Dear Anne,
    thank you so much for your lovely words! I´m so glad about it!
    I wish I could travel to Texas and visit your garage, with this beautiful things!!!!

  41. Oh - I´m sure your space will look fantastic Anne. You have such a great taste. It´ll be a dream and I so wish I could come. You´ll need to take tons of photos - promise ;-)
    Have a wonderful day
    xo Tina

  42. Now that sounds like fun! I love that super tall tiered rack in the back. This is a great space.

  43. Oh Anne, how exciting! Would LOVE to come, but as you know, I'm not even anywhere close to you :(

  44. Awesome .. love the barn .. the stacks of stuff .. mostly intrigued by the boxes .. whatcha got in them there boxes, anne ..?

    love the barn though .. reminds me of a chicken house ..

    i can totally see it looking like Teresa's space .. she has such style ..

    would seriously love to participate if you do decide to include others .. as long as it isn't Canton weekend ..

    love ya'

  45. your space will look wonderful i am sure with al of those gorgeous treasures AND your fine eye!! Bonne chance! can't wait to see more. (wish i lived closer! :(

  46. you've just sent me to the moon and back ...

    wowza ... I knew ya ' had in in ya'

  47. Dang, Anne! I wish I didn't live half-way across the country from you because I'd be there! But I have no doubt it'll be the mutha' of all sales. :) Glad to have you back and blogging.

    Take care,

  48. What an amazing space you have! I'm sure you will put on a amazing sale. You are right, your Zapp. Hall friend has a very inspiring booth area!

  49. I love your armless, sexless, mannequin the best! That storage area must have had such appeal for you. All of us in this biz have too much "stuff" that we just can't part with.

    Take care, Sue

  50. Seeing so much
    lovely potential,
    here....and so
    much WORK! No
    doubt that you
    will make it
    sing, though....
    xx Suzanne

  51. How far is it to Texas????????

  52. not sure i could part with the dress forms either! i love all the suitcases! what fun and how cool to have all that storage! xo susan

  53. hey anne! i'm not sure how far away i am from you (i'm near ft. worth)...but i'd love to participate someday! there's nothing better than a barn sale! and i too would totally keep those dress forms! :) happy tuesday to ya...


  54. Hello Anne I have missed coming by here. Does this mean your not going to be at Warrenton this week or next.
    I am excited that they are already out there again and was wondering if you were going to set up.
    It will be my chance to finally get to meet you
    You have a really neat place now to hold a sale.

  55. Dang it, I can only see a couple of pics on my iPad...why??? I love that rusty hangin thing tho. I'm planning one of my own soon, I have a huge unit i'm paying a ton for & I do have mannuins for sale. Wonder if I could talk k into loading it into a u-haul & bringing up there? Did you ever get my text you bum? I'm looking everyday for the mag in my mailbox, have you seen it? Lisa

  56. I'M DYING!!!! I can't wait for your sale. I live in North San Antonio so let me know what your plans are as I'd love to participate. Additionally, your barn is UH-MAZE-ING!

  57. Wooooweeee! I love it! I'm here in Texas and will be all ears waiting to see when you post about the dates and ready to spread the word! Looks AMAZING!

  58. I live in Harper and graduated from Fbg so I know exactly where your house is - so please post all the MOAGS info asap!!!! ;)

  59. oh why oh why do I live so far away, this will be a great sale in a fabulous place!! good luck!

  60. Don't make me drive to Texas girl! Cos' I will!!

    It will be incredible!!! Totally!

    Lou Cinda ;)

  61. Must I repeat how much I NEED to live closer to Texas? Oh my gosh, that is going be THEE sale to go to! and your space is perfect for it! Have fun xoxo

  62. oh wow!! look at all your wonderfulness! i so wish i lived closer..well even in the same country would help.

    so great to find you, thanks again for popping by.
    wishing you a weekend of fabulousness ♥


I'm all ears....

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