Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Lighter Heart

It's felt like
for quite some time here
in the Texas Hill Country

but in my heart...
not so much.

The heaviness and bitter cold of
paralleled much of what was going on in my
heart and spirit.

and then this week,
a series of events
changed everything...

in a GOOD way.

God was faithful.

Just as He always is.

Right on time.

This week,

in my heart

in my spirit

through my eyes

and through my lens

Spring arrived!

And with it,
so did





Our beautiful backyard peach tree,
adorned with the lovely peach blossoms you see here.

Happy Thursday,
Happy Spring!

Linking with Tricia at
A Rosy Note for Photo Feature Friday


  1. Just beautiful. Makes my heart sing.

  2. Hooray for you!! Bring on the "spring"
    Have a blessed Evening Anne

  3. Please send it here! Pretty please!!



  4. It's really good to hear you with that smile in your heart.

  5. YAY! I am looking forward to that event at our home but we have a month or two to wait. Oh well, I will live vicariously through my bloggie friends! Glad your heart is lighter.


  6. Sounds, and looks, like things are peachier for you!
    xo Cathy

  7. Well said, and well photographed!

  8. Hi Anne, I just stopped by to check up on you. My life has been a little hective right now so I haven't been able to visit like I want to do. I love your pictures tonight and they definitely make you think Spring is here. We had 70 degree weather today so that made you think that Spring is on the way. It felt so good. I will be so glad to do away with the layers. Have a great St. Patrick's Day and Take care. Your Missouri Friend.

  9. Hi Little Anne! Oh, I'm glad your spirits have been lifted and congratulations on your photo shoot for Fifi! You're wonderful and you're gonna be the most famous one! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Anne...such beautiful photos and uplifting thoughts - spring certainly does help! The first blooms give us hope for more... :)

    Take care, Kathy

  11. Anne...I haven't been by for awhile...I've missed your beautiful words & images.

    So sorry you've been having such a hard time. God IS good, and loves you very much. Sometimes He lets us experience things that help us figure out how strong we are...and then He always steps back in (feeling this in my life right now!) I'm glad you've got the faith to know this, my friend. You'll be in my prayers...

    Hoping things continued to look and feel brighter and brighter every day...Spring IS coming and life is good....


  12. Beautiful photos and beautiful words. I've had a similar time in my life lately, but I do think spring is coming. Love the blossoms of hope.

  13. My heart is singing for you! Glad your spring has arrived.

  14. Happy everything! He does listen doesn't he?

  15. I am so happy to hear that Anne. Beautiful post. Gorgeous photos! :)

  16. winter blues...not always easy to shake- i know, been there. glad the sun is back out for you and the clouds are lifting...
    lovely photos, too!

  17. I am so happy to hear you are doing well, Anne! Beautiful post, and beautiful photos!

  18. Oh Anne GORGEOUS pics as always....I'm GLAD to know Spring is on it's way in your neck of the woods....!!

    We've been badly 'ripped off' down here in Oz with our Summer this year & I was hoping to CATCH some warmer weather at Round Top.... :o) !!

    I'm also hoping to catch a certain Lil Junker....?? Do you think you're gonna make it over....I'd LOVE to catch up with ya'll....!!

    Cheers for now from Oz (for NOW),
    Tamarah :o)

  19. I'm glad to see that all is well. Beautiful header btw....I love it!

  20. Such sweet news! So happy you are feeling Spring is so many ways! hugs, Linda

  21. Dearest Anne,

    I have always told my kids and one day will tell my grandchildren as they get older, "God has a plan, we may not understand it but have faith, HE will not desert you."

    Your photos so justly show the pure beauty of a gentle heart!

    Congratulations on a journey well traveled!



  22. Hi Anne, I hope you are finding that much needed peace that is so essential to our well-being. It is hard sometimes to strike the balance we all need in our daily lives. Don't be too hard on yourself. You can only do what you can do. Don't worry ... "worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere." Surrender! Let go and let God ... Congrats on having your photography published. That's a great accomplishment on this new road you have taken. I loved your guest posts. And pink spongey rollers -- I remember them well, along with Toni perm rods (that's how I got my Shirley Temple look in 1st grade). :) Wishing you a bright and beautiful day and abundant blessings, Tammy

  23. So very good to read the lord is lifting your spirits, I pray you see better days ahead and your heart is happier. Spring has a way too of making our hearts a little lighter knowing the earth is coming alive with all of God's beauty he created for us to enjoy. Keep in his word and prayer and know that with your trials you can help be a blessing to others and bring glory to the lord on how he is helping you. You have so many followers who could benefit from your experience.

    As always, you have a eye for photography, God has sure given you a gift. Congrats on your accomplishments and the photo shoot with fifi.

    God bless and keep you,

  24. Anne, your post was a joy to read and the photos were such a pleasure to look at. I am so glad that you are happier within yourself again.
    I'd love to use one of the beautiful photographs as the background on my screen for a little while, may I, pretty please? They make me feel good.

  25. I feel the same way, only I'm still waiting for that Spring awakening. Glad you have found it Anne : )

    Wonderful blossoms. Enough to make anyone feel a bit of joy.

  26. It is so good to hear from you, the photos are wonderful as always. I hope your life is a bit easier and your troubles are sorting themselves out. You have a lot of people thinking about you and wishing you all the best, sometimes you just need private time and space to get your life back into order.
    Look after yourself.

  27. Dear Fiona ........sping is almost there......i hope you

  28. He never fails us, does He?

    I'm so happy to hear your 'voice' again, sweet friend! And your blossoming peach tree is just gorgeous. Ah, Spring! Just the thing to put a smile on one's face!

  29. So lovely and I am so happy you have found some springtime in your life.

  30. Beautiful pictures and thoughts! Enjoy this day that the Lord has made:) Love you bunches!

  31. great to hear that things are better with you! see you soon!



  32. Peach blooms ~ ah, yes! These images are gorgeous. Glad your heart is feeling a touch of spring. My bluebonnets are in full bloom. A bit early this year. Are they blooming in the hill country? ~ Sarah

  33. So glad to see and hear that your heart and spirit have been lifted, enjoy the beauty of life!

  34. Hi Anne
    Glad to hear you are in a better place... standing on God's promises is many times just a choice and egnoring what we are feeling.
    I choose to love, I choose to trust, I choose to go forward in God even though I don't feel like it. I have found that when choosing my feelings line up with my choice.
    Much Love in Christ and many blessings today,

  35. He is amazing, isn't He?

  36. Love those
    peach blossoms,
    but it's the
    Blue bonnets and
    other wild flowers
    that I'm hoping
    to see : ) So glad
    that He's taken
    some of the load
    for you. 'Lots of
    love to you, Anne!

  37. So glad to see you in better spirits - your photographs and posts always bring a bit of spring to my heart :-) I have loved seeing the redbud trees bloom, and the first peach blossoms when I was in Fredericksburg last weekend (Please, God, no late freezes this year!) and I saw my first bluebonnets this past week - spring truly is almost here!

  38. God is never early.

    Never late.

    Always right on time.


  39. It might hit 70 here today! And I am happy to say I can go walking now so I am bringing my camera!

    Love to see you smile through your post Anne! Spring is amazing isn't it!!

  40. "I will pour out my spirit unto you,
    I will make known my words unto you."
    Proverbs 1:23

    welcome back into our lives
    I can smell those blossoms from my front porch.

  41. Spring is such a New Beginning For All... Your Beautiful Photos capture the Perfect Moment!

  42. the first signs of spring are surely wonderful! i'm looking forward to it! enjoy the weekend! susan

  43. Hello
    What a beautiful blog you have. Have a nice day.
    Hugs Zara.

  44. I had faith you would be ok....I'm so happy for you :)
    All my love

  45. I smell peach pie!

  46. So glad to hear you have been "lifted up"!

  47. So very glad your heart and spirit are lighter! Beautiful cherry blossoms! Spring in Texas is wonderful. Last year I visited my son who lives in Austin. I arrived just in time to see the bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush in bloom. Well what a sight! I fell in love with Texas. Someday I'm going to try planting them in Ohio. I will be doing some serious praying that they survive.

  48. Hi Anne,
    Very pretty photos of your cherry blossoms! I just love seeing all the new blooms they do have a way with lifting your spirits! Spring is a perfect time to renew our hearts that can sometimes grow burdened and heavy.
    Congratulations on your photo shoot with Romantic Homes, very cool!
    Keeping you in my prayers.
    Have a wonderful day!

  49. God's timing is perfect sweet Anne. Loving those tiny peach blossoms. Your images are so very lovely of them. xoxo ~Lili

  50. I am loving the signs of Spring everywhere. Love to you! Anne

  51. OMG, I never knew peach trees had such beautiful blossoms. I always love your view through the camera.

    Love ya, Tracy :)

  52. Those are gorgeous. I've never seen peach blooms. What a wonderful color. Even the bark is beautiful.

  53. Great photos sweetie!
    Hope you have a great wkend!
    Big Hugs,
    Lara :)

  54. Wonderful work!
    Have a great day...

  55. How gorgeous are these?! I've never seen a peach blossom. My plum tree has some pretty pink flowers on it right now and hopefully my apple tree will soon. Thanks for linking up your pretty post Anne :)


  56. Oh your photos are absolutely gorgeous Anne! Glad you are feeling better too~ your peach blossoms are just wonderful!! Stopping by from sweet Tricia's photo party today :)

  57. bEAUTIFUL post sweet Anne- i loved it!


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