Saturday, May 14, 2011

not one darn thing

as in...
"not one darn thing to say."

at least anything that i think 
y'all might find 
remotely interesting.

i got nothin'.

my head is utterly and completely
in a blog fog these days.

can you relate?
do you ever feel like you're tossing
thoughts, ideas and images into a 
great big void?

or do you feel that the great big void 
lies within?

that's sorta where i am these days.

i'm not promoting anything.
i sure as heck ain't selling anything.

no exciting new purchases 
or acquisitions to share.

just me and my void...
signing out.


{textures and snippets of life around ye olde lorys household}

thanks to suzanne for inspiring me
to take a fresh look at my surroundings!


  1. well I would say ya did good for having a void...
    my mind on the other hand never shuts down and I find not enough days or time to blog about all that I want to.

  2. Fun to see things around ye olde Lorys household. ;-)
    Happy Day! ~ Sarah

  3. You shared your pictures today, that was nice. Anyway, some sunshine sent your way.
    - Joy

  4. I can relate!;) Love your photos~ Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  5. With photos as lovely as yours, words aren't even neccesary. Although it's always wonderful to hear what you have to say, dear Anne!

  6. I'm so with you right now Anne...

  7. Oh I go back and forth. Your photos are lovely and that is always worth a blog post!

  8. been there. done that. still doin' it. and ya know what? it's ok.



  9. Oh sweetie.
    I so understand and have been in the same place. And you just shared something huge with a whole lot of caring people, some of whom understand what you are talking about.

    What I am learning, is that all my busyness just keeps me from dealing with things.
    So, now my void time, my 'not being able to create, focus on anything, feel productive or useful, not enjoying anything,wonder what on earth is going on" time, is my "be still and know Him, draw nearer to Him let Him heal me " time.

    Lord, I pray right now that Anne will know your peace. That she will see there are seasons for all the feelings we have, and that she will know none of them are bad or wrong, they just are. And that you understand, and are with her through them all. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen

    hugs sweet girl. You will come out on the other side of this just fine.

    barbara jean

  10. we all get that- your pics are wonderful as always!!!

    hang in...


  11. PS That prayer was for me too. =)

  12. I have days like that too. I have a 3 and 5 year old. Sometimes at the end of the day, I'm so worn out that I can't even begin to think about doing anything relatively creative. If I do, it usually happens around 12am when I really should be sleeping :) I can relate.

  13. Oh you have some good blog fodder there! Ahh yes, I have blog fog quite often. But you always seem to have a shining matter how foggy life is.


  14. I so rarely have anything worthwhile to say on my blog! And you have the most fabulous words needed!

  15. Well, heck, Anne...You've left us with some wonderful photos to contemplate during your "fog". Thank you! Hope you have a restful Sunday.

  16. I also in a blog fog. I need to start posting!

  17. Sorry I missed ya, I'm still alive! Hey, is that you in that petticoat?
    call ya tomorrow, D

  18. Your photos are gorgeous, Anne. Wishing you a Happy Sunday!

  19. Blog fog is just a part of life. It's o.k. Take a little or big break, relax, don't fret. We know where you are and will be here waiting for you when thing have cleared.
    Take care,
    Anne xx

  20. well, that is about the best blog post about nothin' i have read! and the pics ain't bad either girlie! xx c

  21. Your pictures are lovely ~ rest, relax and rejuvinate. Your blog fog with clear ;-)

  22. I think you said quite a lot. Thanks for the beautiful pictures.

  23. Yup! I understand Anne. Your photos are beautiful. Have a wonderful week. sandi

  24. Love the mail bag and the and the Hot Biscuits (smile) cute!

  25. Anne, I could look at photographs of your home all day long! I do know what you mean. After my month of giveaways, I just took a week off. I didn't announce it. Just focused on work and home. Before you I knew it, I haven't posted in a week. Made a list of ideas that I had for blog posts this past week and I'm back in business. I hope you feel inspired again soon!

  26. Having a void is okay sometimes. There's no law that says that we have to post witty, beautiful things on ANY sort of external schedule or to ANYONE else's expectations. Our blogs are our own, and we are the only ones who determine content or frequency. This is my favorite part of blogging. If I have something witty to offer every day, I offer it. If I'm too preoccupied or there's nothing to say, I skip a few days.

    Ya know, even your empty blog posts are beautiful. :)

    I hope you get some more stuff into your head real soon.

  27. sometimes we just run out of words. but your images are always gorgeous. have a great day.

  28. Hey sweetie, you said plenty with those lovely photos! Sometimes we have no words, but that does not mean we have nothing to say.

    I pray the coming week will be filled with love, family, friends, a bit of sunshine, and some inspiration.

  29. Well, it is one creative void:) Beautiful pictures dear Anne! Have a blessed Sunday! HUGS!

  30. Good Morning Anne! I have to tell you that every time I write your name in a comment I always think "Ann with an E" from Anne of Green Gables ;)
    YES I know how you feel...I seem to feel like that once in a while and struggle to find something to write about. I promise you could take a picture of a blade of grass and we'e be there with you! You did a wonderful job of finding something to photograph and I know each of us enjoyed your post. I hope you have a WONDERFUL Sunday.
    Maura :)

  31. I am sure that void will be filled with something beautiful very soon! Sometimes I think I need those times of void to regroup and refocus!

  32. Can I come live in your's really quite beautiful! ;-)

    Kat :)

  33. Your void is better than mine any day! I have felt that way for over a month. I just got nothin'.

    Tomorrow I have a post planned, but beyond that I am just lost these days. Your photos are gorgeous as always, my friend. I hope life is treating you well otherwise. ;o)

    Happy Sunday!


  34. Anne, your photos are always worth looking at, so if the words don't come, so what? Get passed the " I must post something profound every day " thinking. None of us can be brilliant, witty, entertaining and wonderful every day ( although I come close of course, tehehehehe ). Big hugs to a girl whose photographs are worth a thousand words.

  35. Anonymous15 May, 2011

    Some days it's great to just simply be. Take time to soak in the beauty that surrounds us, and notice the little things that bring us joy.

  36. my brain is mush right now, so yeah i get ya!

  37. Lovely --- with a capital L.

  38. I can relate to that comepletely. I did A post last week that disappeared and now can't think of a thing to post. Maybe tomorrow. Your photos were lovely, thanks for sharing.

  39. turned nothin into something!

  40. Anne, I think you had plenty to say and share, it's not always about promoting anyone or any thing, sometimes just being yourself and sharing whatever is going on in your life is good for me! I wanted to also thanks for praying for Cruz during this trying time, your comment meant so much. Happy Sunday my friend, T

  41. I can totally relate to how you feel, I am in it right now. I have an art blog and my new blog which you visited yesterday, thank you, and I have not posted on my art blog in a month which is a first for me. Maybe I should just do as you did here, post some inspiring photographs, sometimes the fewer words the better :)
    Love you blog, I will be following.

  42. All the time! :] Love all your pretty pics!
    When you have no words, prettiness does good!
    Have a lovely day!

  43. ok, I am jealous!! I know its wrong, but I am drooling over your french pitchers, three!!! eeeekkkk, sooooo lucky!

  44. You know I -totally- understand, Anne. How are things in the home selling part of your life? Nothing new here. It gets discouraging, but we're not giving up! :)

    Your fellow 2 house friend,

  45. now now, girlie ...

    you're just too hard on yourself.
    heck I just posted about washing dishes ... how boring is that ...

    we all love the inner most soul of YOU ...

    Let's go into business together.
    We could host blog-ventions on all of these poignant issues.

  46. What a beautiful way to just pop in and say hi!

  47. ...right there with ya dear anne. embrace the fog. grab a cup of coffee and a book and some comfy socks.

  48. Well, thanks for all the gorgeous pictures, though!! Sooo lovely....

  49. Hi Anne,
    You never seem to be short on lovely photos. I've enjoyed each and everyone.
    I've kinda been in the same funk.


  50. Hey girlfriend I'm right there with you! After three months of the project from H**L at work - 7 days a week 10-15 hours a day, I only have one brain cell left. Haven't blogged in a month because of no time and now that it's finally winding down - nothing left in my head but fog. I need a good brisk breeze to blow through my head and clear that darned fog out!

  51. Awww....thanks
    for the kudos, Anne.
    I think that when
    you travel, you do
    see things a bit
    differently. Maybe
    you need a trip to
    jump-start those
    creative juices?? Up
    North would be nice,
    hmmmm? Until then,
    just LOOK at what is
    surrounding you down
    there. It's a slice
    of heaven, truly. Sit
    with it...drink it in.
    And then bring on the
    xx Suzanne

  52. You and your "void" sure got a lot of comments! Shows that we love to hear from you, no matter what you have to say! :)

  53. It's okay to have days like that... sooner or later the fog will lift and the void will be filled:)

  54. Your beautiful blog speaks otherwise. You said a lot here, beauty, beauty, beauty.
    hugs ~lynne~

  55. Pretty pictures today know what they say "it is always calmest....before the storm". LOL


  56. Thank you for putting into words where I have been... for weeks... and I just can't explain it.
    It does help to know there is someone else out there in the "fog"... :)

  57. oh, ya...i do know what you're talkin' about...i think we put a *huge* burden on ourselves to always something worthy to *say*...I am like you...pretty pics but not many words...

  58. Yes honey I can so relate to this and am actually going through this at the present time.
    Hopefully things will not fog our brains to much longer and we can be inspired with words again
    Love ya

  59. I can totally relate and often have brain fog and not just with the blog :O)

    You still provided a gorgeous post full of exceptional photographs. Hope you're feeling a bit more inspired soon.


  60. I want or feel the need to blog and have nothing.. It's ok, that's one of the joys of blogging~I think. Your photo's say so much.
    Enjoy your day sweetie!

  61. Hi Anne,
    Beautiful post, and photos, when you read all the comments, you know you make a difference, just by sharing your mood. We all have the challange to fight the blues, after all we have an administration hell bent on destroying this nation, then many natural disasters, causing sadness. It creats energy that is in the very air, even if we are uninformed. Satan is in the middle just having a fun time. So prayer faith is the key to everything. You make a difference Anne, in saying nothing, you say it all.
    Fog always lifts.

  62. You don't have to say anything, just seeing your lovely pictures is enough for me (for now!) Sometimes we all have to just be still and be quiet. Your beautiful spirit is still visable!

  63. Girl, if I waited until I had something worthy to say or show, I'd never get to talk and you know me...that just wouldn't do!
    Just start ramblin'. In fact...treat your mind like a photo shoot...just take a second look at your thoughts and rearrange 'em.

  64. Blog fog, love that term, I seem to be there too. Someone asked me when I was going to post again and I said when I had something to say or share..I too got nothin'. Your nothing sure is full of pretty somethings! Have a wonder filled day!

  65. Hi there Anne,

    I am just ready to take my painting gear and come out to stay at your house. You blog is an inspiration for the quiet yesteryear. Thank you so much.



  66. Anne,
    You need not say a word, your photos say it all!!

    Inspiration in all you do :)

    I too have been in a fog! a gray one over at my place, perhaps today I will be inspired by simple things in life...see you soon!


  67. Ah, but you do have Hot Biscuits!
    xo Cathy

  68. I hope you realize that you bring smiles to all of us.

  69. I have WEEKS of feeling like that!!
    Beautiful photos..and sentiments. Thanks for posting!

  70. anne your beauitful images say so much. there is always so much beauty shared but i do know that feeling that leaves me feeling in a fog.

    did somedody mention hot bisquits? yum!

  71. Ha Ha I can sure relate..........but I still enjoyed your pictures!! :)

  72. Here's a sad truth... my mind is always a void. So - I totally get ya...


  73. You said it in pictures....which I thoroughly enjoyed!

  74. you don't even need words! Your pic speak for themselves :) It is funny because I usually write my posts & go erase 1/2 the words because I don't want to ramble on so :) Wish I was a little quieter :) Nothin' to say...that would be nice :)

  75. Anonymous16 May, 2011

    HI silly little Anne! Honey, you talk with your snaps, did you know that? These are just lovely snaps from around your home. Just rest your little head and your ideas will come back. I never have any ideas - I'm just a silly! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  76. No need for words. Your perfect photo images speak volumes!!

    Did you hear I'm hosting my Wedding Blog Party and Giveaway on June 10th? I do hope you will join us as I'm sure you would share such sweet things!! Read all about it on my blog!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  77. for someone with nothin to say, you sure found some pretty pics to entice us! I've been in a bit of a blog fog too, even though we're now in Dubai - there's just so much to do but i'm not getting out like I had wanted... it's just too darn hot!!

  78. Thanks for posting on my blog .. you know I love ya' .. unconditionally .. I hear what you say about having nothing to say .. if I were a better photo taker I would post pics of the things I see .. had a post all drawn up about some shoes I saw hanging on a telephone wire .. then find out they aren't a symbol of someone passing, but a symbol of the availability of drugs .. kind of takes the heartstrings right out of it .. lol!
    Glad you like the horseshoes .. my Daddy started that collection .. and ringing them around the railing just seemed like the right thing to do ..
    ok .. the mirror? .. no not for sale .. Rod got that in Canton for me .. $25 .. see you really need to plan a trip to Canton .. it could show you a good time .. lots of cool stuff there .. and tons of photo opportunities .. except now, you have to ask people if you can take pics, esp if it's of their booth ..
    Again, thank you ..
    love, Troy

  79. My problem is that I need a void. My head is always full of stuff, and the "stuff" wakes me up at night, wanting to get out. I have ideas at 4 in the morning, and it's a struggle to stay in bed. I need to learn how to meditate.

  80. I'm with ya! I've been feeling as though I were in a bit of a fog as well, infact I'm in one as I write this! Loved the pics around the Lorys home, can't wait to see more!

  81. I feel ya sister! But you know something exciting will come up soon and you'll have plenty to talk about and share. Your photos always make me happy so keep em coming. ;)

  82. Awww you have the loveliest surroundings Anne! Just looking at your pictures gave me some much needed inspiration! Love the hot biscuits linen! xo ~Lili


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