Monday, May 9, 2011

Stop. Breathe. Live.

Happy Monday!

And speaking of happy days...
Not too very long ago, I was blessed to spend a very special one
with the beautiful Suzanne of  
and her equally beautiful Mom.

{ the gals in my kitchen}

Turns out the beauteous duo make it an annual event
to meet up somewhere fun for some extra special
mother-daughter-girl time, and this year, they chose
the beautiful State of Texas.

I was one of the beneficiaries of their Southward trajectory,
so when I had the opportunity to meet these two gals, I leapt at the chance!

After meeting up at my little white farmhouse,
we began to whip up our very own recipe for a memorable day...

 No visit to my neck of the woods is complete
without a trip to Homestead right here in
Fredericksburg, Texas.

 Suzanne poses prettily amidst the treasures!

 At Suzanne's suggestion, we even made time to
snap a snazzy self-portrait while shopping at Red...

 Add a little lite lunch,
a lot of great conversation,
and a spontaneous drive to the one and only
Luckenbach, Texas...

 That's the unofficial Luckenbach greeter,
all chillax after a hard day of welcoming guests.
Or imbibing in the brewskies there to the right in the pic,
whichever.  ;-)

Yep, it was a GREAT day.

And this gorgeous cuff?
An oh-so-thoughtful gift, courtesy of Suzanne and the
fabulously talented Becky of Farmgirl Paints.

Both Becky and Suzanne thought "breathe" was apropos,
as I seem to be in a state of perpetual motion these days.
It's a great reminder for me to slow down and just "be".
Something I struggle with, admittedly.

But not only that, it ties in perfectly to my given profession as a respiratory therapist!
Thank you so much ladies, I love it and wear it all the time!
If you'd like a beautiful handmade cuff of your very own,
be sure to check out Becky's shop.

I miss my sweet friend, but feel so blessed to
have shared this time with her.

If you'd like to read Suzanne's take on our little adventure,
be sure to click HERE.

Have a beautiful week, my friends!


  1. The cuff is beautiful Anne. Thanks for taking us along on your tour of Homestead.

  2. Suzanne and I met at Nada Farm a year ago ...
    I shall never forget the day ...

    how blessed you are!

  3. It sounds like all three of you had a wonderful time. I love your bracelet, it's perfect! I would love to meet you and Suzanne, two of my favorite bloggy friends!

    Have a great week, Anne!


  4. How fun to meet fellow bloggers! I hope to be able to do that one of these days!!!!

    What a lovely time you had with Suzanne and her mom. Memories in the making for sure!

  5. How fun for you all to meet like that and then shop! I saw some wonderful things in those pictures! And that cuff, what a great gift. I've looked at Becky's shop myself and thought of purchasing one. I might have to go and do it now. Breathe is a good one to wear!


  6. Anne
    What a great share when we have a chance to meet one another. Its a great feeling and time of bonding. Have a terrific week my friend and thanks for the breathe reminder I need that too.


  7. Anonymous09 May, 2011

    Hi Little Anne! Oh, what a fun time you must have had with these lovely ladies. Now look at you and Suzanne snapping in that mirror! You know I'm the Queen of the Daring Darling Bathroom Beauty Snappers! I'm going to have to take this snap and do my Bathroom Business with it! Only if it's okay! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. You were both lucky to finally meet each other! Lovely post.

  9. What a fun day Anne! & I thought I was the only one who used words like beauteous :) I make up words all the time :)

  10. Sounds like a fabulous day all around. And a great gift on so many levels!
    xo Cathy

  11. Love your cuff! Great photo of the two of you, and I WILL get down there!! XOXO D

  12. I guarantee ya...if Kitty was sure wasn't on a BL. Kitty was purring on Shiner!
    Great photos and the bracelet.
    P.S. I seeing red?

  13. Love all these
    great comments
    from many of my
    faves!!! I had
    to smile that Debbie
    recognized RED!
    I'm STILL seeing
    stuff that I didn't
    see that day at Homestead,
    even after making
    several passes through
    the store; I was so
    overwhelmed, I was
    darn right paralyzed!
    So much to take in : )
    Thanks for the memories,
    dear friend. Now I've
    got to get you up to
    Northern Lights territory.
    I've got sooo many great
    haunts to share with you!
    Love ya, Anne!
    xx Suzanne

  14. Such a lovely day. I am happy for all three of you. With my recent move from Seattle to Chicago, I have met and become in person friends with one of my blogging friends. It is so great.


  15. The cuff is wonderful ~ thanks for taking us with you. It sounds like you had a great time~! ;-)

  16. What a wonderful day. Are any of the fires near you? Hope not. I'd miss you!

  17. Great photo of you two. I love the cuff. It is perfect for you. Have a great week!

  18. I had to laugh when I read "beneficiary of their southward trajectory"..... then I continued reading so I could enjoy my own little excursion into Texas hill country with the girls. Just one of many recent outings with strangers I haven't met, with women who don't even know I exist. Isn't that the beauty of blogland, we don't need to know each other before we spend time together. Thanks for a lovely cyber afternoon. I hope to travel to Texas this summer to visit a mutual friend and blogger, Jan Thomason. By the way, I'm loving your new home. I just moved as well, into a 1929 Dutch Colonial with my three boys. Can't wait to see what you do to the place.

  19. Looks like you all had a wonderful friends and good times! It's the best!

  20. Sounds like a good time was had by all. I love the photo of the kitty :)

  21. I bet you two sweet girls got along famously Anne!!! It would have been a treat to meet you both.
    I loved your sweet post about your beautiful mom!
    sending hugs...

  22. You three beauties are just glowing!

  23. What a wonderful visit with your friend and her Mom! Looks like you all had the best of times! Love the cuff, great advice! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  24. Oh how fun!!! Love the cuff too! Xo, Meme

    BTW, I am having a $100,000 $100...:D I hope you can stop by and sign up!

  25. Looks like you had a lovely day with your friends. The mirror pic of you guys is too cute :O) Homestead looks like a fabulous store too!

    Hope you have a lovely week and don't forget to....breathe

  26. Dear Anne,
    what a beautiful photo from you! And it seems you had a wonderful day!
    Thank you so much for your lovely comment - for all your lovely comments- you make me so happy :-)!
    Big Hugs,

  27. Awesome! When we get to spend awesome time with a friend we don't live close to, it is so exciting, isn't it?! Butterflies and giddyness and it fills you more full of life. Good for you, Anne!

    Warm Hugs,

  28. You two are just the cutest thangs! lol! What a fun day you all must'ave had, Anne! Thanks for taking us along and showing us all of those yummy treasures! :)

    xoxo laurie

  29. sounds like a great visit...and i love love the cuff. but i have to say, i'm going to need respiratory assistance if you don't stop showing us the insides of "homestead" you know how much gas it takes to get from kodiak island to texas??????

  30. What a fun day! I love Suzanne. I think she is such a sweetheart!

  31. Over from WUW. Saw the cuff and was drawn. My little granddaughter has CF so of course it caught my attention. I would love to buy a cuff for my daughter.

  32. Oh just getting to all the posts I missed while I was gone. Thank you for the shout out. So glad you like that cuff. Too funny about it being perfect with your job. That gave me and Suzanne a chuckle. Isn't she the best?? Wish I could have been there too. What a wonderful day!

  33. Looks like you had a great day of it =)

  34. Looks like yo had a wonderful time! I am trying to talk hubby into Fredrickburg but he is not biting. He calls it a girl thing!:(

  35. Oh I just loved reading all about when you and Suzanne met. That is very cool and what a lovely time you had. Oh that bracelet is so perfect for you too, Suzanne always has such a way with words! xo ~Lili


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