Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hometown Walkabout

Hello Again!

I had every intention of taking a few days off to focus on moving stuff,
and I still do...we're taking another load over right now.

But yesterday evening after dinner, I took a walkabout around my
new hometown of Fredericksburg Texas, and captured
some random beauty through my lens.

Hope you like!

If you're ever in my neck of the woods,
I invite you to take a walkabout with me.
It's a gorgeous little town!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. The gorgeous image of the pathway surrounded by greenery is like something from The Secret Garden - just stunning :-) The Rather Sweet Bakery sounds like a delicious place to visit!

    Jem xXx

  2. Anonymous08 June, 2011

    I adore it all! Looks to be a quaint little town, peaceful and lovely....Xoxoxo ~Ashley

  3. So very calming and inviting, girl! Love every detail you captured in each photo. I know you love it there :) Wish I could visit...
    Becky C

  4. cute....can't wait to see your home after you've moved in.

  5. Looks gorgeous, Anna! Lots of exciting discoveries to be made over the next few days, weeks and months.


  6. Anna?! I meant Anne, of course. Sorry ;o)

  7. It looks so charming!! I love little cute places

  8. I love walking around Fredericksburg
    I have been in that very cafe, and it was Rather Sweet LOL, it is a darling town.
    I love the little fish pond outside one little sitting area, I can't remember what shops are right around that little pond. But the pond I will never forget.
    Enjoy your new town and your evening walks.

  9. Anonymous08 June, 2011

    I love Fredericksburg! We used to visit quite a bit when we lived in Waco. There used to be a wonderful Sunday buffet at the Sunday House! I think that's where it was! :) Love your snap of the path amid the bushes! Have fun!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. uh gorgeous. wowza you live in a beautiful spot!

  11. I enjoyed my visit to your town a couple of years ago when I made the pilgrimage to Homestead. WOW! I enjoyed the pretty town so much. So glad to see the bakery is still there. YUM! Love that little birdie pic.

  12. It is such a wonderful place. When we were in New Braunfels visiting my brother recently, I was thinking about you. Occasionally we go to Fredricksbury shopping.
    You certainly have a HOT time of year to move!

  13. oh yes is it. what a great place to be. someday i hope to visit :)

  14. Love your photos, especially Little Birdie! Don't work too hard! xoxo D

  15. Charming town, sweet photos. So happy you are finally moving. hugs, Linda

  16. it sure is and I'll surely remember the invite! :)

  17. Lovely photos! I've been to Fredricksburg a long time ago, but just long enough to see some of the lovely homes.

    Thanks for sharing your walkabout with us.

  18. beautiful pictures Anne ! Fredricksburg looks so charming .

  19. this is me hoping that you own that red chair (if not... please share the location) so that i can mark it as my own when i come harass you.

    ;-D GORGEOUS photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  20. Absolutely STUNNING! What a wonderful idea for a post. Everyone could follow your example and think of all the places we would see.

  21. Oh my, that little bird is adorable! Don't they make the best models?

  22. As ALWAYS Anne, beautiful photos, I love to see your posts and you indeed have a gift.

  23. Looks like a charming little town. Even the tiny bird looks as if he is welcoming you there;) I am so happy for you and your husband, that you found such a wonderful place to live. I can't wait to share the journey with you as you blog all about it:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  24. It looks divine...especially that chippy white and red bench....just divine!!


  25. Oh dear Anne....Fredericksburg is such a sweet little town. Had lunch at the Peachtree Cafe (I think this is in Fredericksburg LOL) when we were in the hill country last year....loved every minute of it.

    BTW. I know how far the drive is during your and sweet hubby must spend quite a bit of time on the little road between Kerville and Fredericksburg....although, if I remember it is quite a pretty drive.


  26. I HOPE that I will one day walk about the town with you! Beautiful images!

    Have a blessed evening, HUGS!

  27. Anonymous08 June, 2011

    Hi Anne,
    I lived in Texas when I was younger and have missed it ever since I moved to California! Hubby and I have been talking about moving to Texas, let me know what you think about your new town, we're not sure yet where we should look. Fredericksburg looks beautiful though!
    Have a great day.

  28. Yes it is I think I told you that a friend of mine lives in near there, and I always said that if I ever move it will be there...Love that town


  29. I REALLY want to move there!!! That's where ALL the cute cottages are........seriously. :)


  30. Looks like a great place so far. I am in love with that red chair with white legs. Have fun moving it all in. It's such an exciting time for you!

  31. The town looks wonderful! I love all the pictures taken from your camera! I hope you are enjoying everything about your new home.

  32. Anonymous08 June, 2011

    Just gorgeous! I think I need to add Texas to my list of places I must visit!!


  33. Oh, memories!
    And the Rather
    Sweet WAS rather
    sweet, wasn't it??
    Even in the heat : )
    Love that little
    xx Suzanne

  34. So Anne, have I ever asked you how close to Spring TX you are. That is where hubs, sister and family live. One day we hope to get down there for a visit.

  35. We visited it there several years ago. I enjoyed all the shops. Lucky you to live there.

  36. It's beautiful, Anne. I hope you and your family will be happy there.

  37. Oh...these are sweet pictures. What a lovely new hometown you have!


  38. It looks so charming and quaint. I love that little bakery and cafe.

  39. Oh Anne. What breathtaking photographs!!!! You are amazing girl...I love your "eye" to ~ what you choose to shoot is lovely. I hope the move is going smoothly hon, ours was pure hell but am so loving this old home!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  40. One of these days I'm gonna visit Fredericksburg! Great photos girl!

  41. You live in a magical place my friend, thanks for the walk around town!

    Kat :)

  42. Hi Anne, I am enjoying catching up on my reading tonight. I loved the pictures and I love your curtains. They are so pretty. I am enjoying your previous post. Great pictures. I am getting a little better with my pictures, but I have a long way to go. Have a great weekend and I would love to visit your little town. It looks so invititng. Your Missouri friend

  43. Seems like a gorgeous place to be. Great pics Anne!

    xoxo Rozmeen

  44. What a gorgeous place you have set up roots in! I would happily meet you at the bakery for a coffee and a chat Anne. So glad you are there.
    Ness xx

  45. our town looks so sweet and charming; awesome photos. Happy organizing and moving. Smiles, Paula

  46. Wanna walkabout together one evening? I would love to see through your eyes.

  47. Hi Anne!
    I LOVE Texas, I have a lot of memories tucked in my heart from several trips with my late Husband. I bet had he not went home with the Lord, we probably would've moved there by now. I love all the beautiful photos you share.
    Your new curtains are perfect for you bedroom and yes, an awesome crusty, chippy "awning" would be the perfect finishing touch. Maybe Mr. Twig would temporarily forget about all the ruffles devouring him while sleeping under it. Ha!
    Now I feel better that I'm caught up with F & T. Have a blessed week getting more settled in your charming home.

  48. I LOVE Fredricksburg! I get down there (from SW Fort Worth) every chance I get. Beautiful photos as usual! Thanks for sharing!

  49. Ahhh... Fredricksburg! I've spent plenty of moola there! One of my favorite places to shop and have a girl's day out. My mom and I would usually go together. Since moving to CA I only get to go about once every few years. Lunch at the Peach Tree for sure!

  50. very charming, Anne. I'll have to put Fredricksburg on my must-visit list!

  51. Your new hometown looks so charming! I'll have to add Fredricksburg to my must see list!

  52. Loving that little red would go perfect with the watering can I showed on my blog yesterday!

  53. Oh Anne what a darling little town! And isn't it the same place that that uber talented lady Rose lives (her last name escapes me right now). She will be in good company with you there and of course now Fredricksburg will be synonomous with Anne Lorys too! Love love love that little birdie on the chippy iron scroll. xoxo ~Lili

  54. Hicks!! Rose Hicks -- I just remembered!

  55. Oh, what a pretty place. I wish I could see it in person. I am nearly postive that I saw something about the Rather Sweet bakery in a magazine once. Boy, it looks cute.

    Tricia :)

  56. it looks so charming! your photos are lovely! hope all is well!! xo susan

  57. Super awesome pics, Anne! Gosh I love that cute bird pic!! :)


  58. Love your blog! I love the font you use! Could you tell me how you do it? I am a fairly new blogger! Hugs and Tweets to you!

  59. I love your little town. perhaps someday...when I go to Roundtop!

  60. I had a great time in Fredricksburg...........
    It will be fun to relive it thru your photos!

  61. It has been almost 30 years (gasp) since I have been to Fredricksburg. I gasped because I visited there shortly after I got out of can't possibly be almost 30 years since college!!
    I loved the town then and I'm sure I would love it now too.
    Your photos are gorgeous!

  62. Lucky you! What a beautiful place to call home. Ryn x

  63. Anne, I am totally laughing at you right now because I stood in the very same place yesterday,where the last picture was taken, except mine was of the steeple cross the street! how funny is that! i wish i would have know, you should have stopped by the shoot, would have loved to visit!!! XoXxo amy

  64. I have always wanted to visit Fredricksburg...your pictures make me want to visit even more!

  65. Always love your charming photos! The image of the little birdie on the curlyque chair back is taking my breath away!! Fredricksburg is such a neat place ~ haven't been there in over 15 yrs. but we loved its quaintness!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents


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