Monday, July 25, 2011

This Old House

Creaky wood floors, 
drafty windows, peely paint.

aka the sights and sounds
of old house love.

I've been tossing around the idea 
of starting a little club.

A farmhouse club, that is.

Not an exclusive, snooty clique...
nope, far from it.

{ tags part of my oc cottage giveaway win }

What I had in mind was a convergence
of those seasoned folks who have lived in and loved
old homes, cottages, farmhouses...

along with those of us brand new 
to the wonderful world of
old home ownership 
and all the joys which go along with it.

 I find myself, oh, at least a few times each week,
encountering some new and befuddling
"old home" situation which leaves me completely clueless.

And it's specifically those times which leave me
wishing I had someone "in the know"
who I could learn from, whose brains I could pick,
whose knowledge could benefit not only me,
but countless others out there.

And who also knows that old homes have a sort of character,
a soul if you will, that new homes simply will never have,
no matter how much old stuff you fill them with.
They have lived a life, and they invite you to enter into
and add to the richness of that ongoing, organic life.

{ pillow from my evelyn and rose giveaway win }

Do y'all know LaurieAnna?
That little stinker just moved into THE most darling old home!
You really should pop on over and check it out.

LaurieAnna has lived in these old beauties for years,
so she is precisely the sort of person I would LOVE
to welcome to our club!
Shoot, I'd make her El Presidente if she joined!

all you vintage home owners, old and new alike...
are you with me?
Good idea?
Shall we do it?

Happy Monday!


  1. Oh Anne, you pictures are so gorgeous! I am not fortunate enough to live in one of those beauties, but would love to see those that do and how they create and "heal"!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  2. Four more days til we move into our beautiful old Victorian Inn! I'd love to join your club :))

  3. Good Morning, Anne,
    Does it count if I have furnished my home with items from my family's old farmhouse?!!

    Have a marvelous Monday ~Natalie

  4. That's what makes your home beautiful.... Love all the photos...


  5. Anonymous25 July, 2011

    Hi Little Anne! Love your pretty snaps. Well,my house was built in 1970 but it has it's moments too! :)
    Like your idea of and olden club but please allow us 'babes' to attend the meetings too! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  6. I would love to join that club!!!! I just bought a 190 year old home that dates back to the civil war (we have found an old Union Soldier's belt buckle in the basement) and the story goes that the Union Army used this farm house as one of their headquarters on the Potomac! So I most definitely would gain much from a club such as the one you are contemplating!!!

  7. well shucks...I don't qualify, but I think it's a great idea. what about people who just have an "old" new house? ha ha. Your photos are beautiful. Hope you had a great weekend!!
    xoxo D

  8. My home is 15 years old, but I wanted it to look old. So far only two rooms are oldish looking, but would love to do more. The club sounds like fun, even if I'm just peeking in.

  9. Anonymous25 July, 2011

    Guess I'm out since we live in a 2-year-old cottage that we built ourselves. But hey, if your club is still going in a hunderd years, I'm in!!! :)
    Love your style & all you share, Anne!
    ~ Zuzu

  10. Well I live in a new-fangled home BUT was born and raised in a 1940s house built with my Daddy's own hands:) Everything is better in a house like that! Have a blessed day dear Anne! HUGS!

  11. If hubs were the fixer-upper type, I'd move into an older home in a heartbeat. Okay, our house is 60 years old and just starting to fall apart, but we aren't befuddled...yet! A club sounds great!


  12. I used to live in an ol' farmhouse......
    boy, do I miss that clawfoot tub!!
    So to those of you that have them....
    I have tub envy!!!

  13. You are so right about old homes welcoming us into their lives. I'd love to join your fun club but remember I live in an old barn. Can you make an exception????Pleeeeeezzzeeee.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  14. Count me in with the club. I have an old heritage house and it is always befuddling me! It has a mind of its own. Don't know how much wisdom I can bring to the club, but I can bring munchies! Diane

  15. Great post!! I am full of envy!!

  16. Can I join? My house isn't old but I have a love for old houses, does that count??? I am a pretty good cook and will bring yummy food :) All your pictures are just gorgeous anne! I wish you a wonderful week, sorry to be so absent, things have been so busy.

  17. I LoVe the idea ! My hubby and I live in a 1913 Farmhouse...his grandparents old is a constant work in progress and I blog about it quite often...I'd love to meet other old home owners as well, and hear about the joys and pains of it all. Check out my Fine Farmhouse...
    I don't get to check in often enough with you and others as often as I'd like..but, It is always a joy when I do !

  18. Ah yes, the befuddling 'old home' situation! Our 70+ years old charmer has given us plenty of those. After some choice words, my husband laments that 'nothing is standard' in this home. But we wouldn't trade it for the world. The soul, the character, the history. Our home's original owner was the town's bike fixer-upper. So many of our neighbors have fond memories of visiting our home as kids needing their bike's fixed.
    Maybe you can find out more of your home's history, as it may explain a thing or two about its' quirks. Cheers to the old house club!
    (oh and can I tell you how ecstatic I was to see the giveaway pillow on your amazing chippy chair - shriek!)
    - Susan

  19. so beautiful! i love the old scale. i am on the look out for one for myself :)
    have a wonderful day

  20. Super, super idea. I just moved into a 1929 Dutch Colonial. Lots of ideas, but short on time and resources. I would love to be part of your group.
    Your photos are always a great inspiration.

    That being said, and the fact that it has "cooled down" to the '80s today, I think I'll go tackle a small project.

    Glad you are finally settling in.


  21. What a lovely idea. Our first home was a 1910 farmhouse in a small town. Now we are currently trying to sell our 1860s stone home in the country. The house we just recently bought is our newest yet. A 1933 one and half story bungalow in a small town again. Lots of mature trees and a decent sized yard make it a gentle transition back to town. I do so love living in the country though. There is nothing better! Old homes do have soul and are definitely the "higher need" children of the housing market but they give so much back too. I'd love to be part of your old house club!

  22. Oh, yay!! I'm in! Built in 1900.. Our Victorian cottage home is charming with it's 100 coats of paint and creaking floors and 13 foot ceilings in 3 rooms....spiderwebs/cobwebs re- appearing the second you whoosh them down:)) love the idea of a club...count me in!


  23. I would LOVE to live in an old house with a porch and a beautiful garden...some day! (sigh) Anyway, I think it's a fabulous idea and as usual your photos are really great. Have a wonderful week!


  24. I would love to join the club... can you find and buy me an old house? *wink* I will take a small one... less to clean!

  25. Hi Anne~
    What a great idea! I love to hear about old to look at their unique beauty...
    My Victorian was built in the 1800's and is loaded with history, which I'm starting to display on my new blog. During our renovation we discovered our home was built on an earlier foundation...which might explain the "company that never leaves"... :) We have now documented dozens of "unexplained" much so that "T.A.P.S." once contacted us asking for our permission to come out and film (thanks to my son!). We politely declined... :)
    An old home is full of charm and graceful beauty, but it does present its challenges...which is why this is a wondeful idea to exchange thoughts and helpful tips on the care of these priceless gems.
    Leave it to you, Anne, to think of such a wonderful idea!
    Count me in!!!
    Lisa xoxo

  26. Hi Anne,
    I think it's a great idea. I don't have an older home but I would sure love reading about and seeing others.


  27. Anonymous25 July, 2011

    The Fairfield House is "with you"!

  28. Love the idea of that sort of club. I spent several years managing commercial property in a historic area (one property dated to circa 1750--for the USA, that's a big deal!). It was alway intresting to find out what problems lurked beneath! I've encountered plenty mishaps to make even the seasoned old home person cringe! I'd love to help with any question / answer sessions, ways to modernize while keeping appearances as close to the original as possible, problem solving, and sourcing for great items to facilitate restoration!

    ~Mikey @ Shabby French Cottage

  29. Count me in our little old farmhouse dates back to the late 1800's it is the home our neighbor grew up in .When her father passed away at the young age of 94 we purchased our sweet little farmhouse ! After 24 years it still needs work (it could be the fact that I am always changing things)
    Will look forward to more details !

  30. Okay Anne, get out from inside my head now. :) (one of my favorite lines from Eat, Love, Pray)

    Girl, I am so there with you and already have a surprise coming that fits right in with this!! Let's do it!!

  31. Oh dear Anne.....I don't live in an old home......but I'M OLD......does that count???? LOL LOL



  32. Our house now is only 50 years old, but we have lived in a couple older houses before...1900 and 1938 so I would love to join! Although I do have the creaky wooden floors and drafty windows, the only peely paint I have is on purpose with some of my furnishings. I just love your beautiful images and your thoughts on living in and loving an older home. xoxo ~Lili

  33. oh anne, what a fabulous idea! does an 1829 farmhouse count? lol
    here's my first piece of advice...don't try to make things level...just work with it the best you can. (unless you've jacked/straightened the house to begin with!)
    can't wait to join in the fun!

  34. what a fabulous idea! Love your pretty snaps.

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  35. alas my old house is more of a albatross(ever see the movie "The Money Pit"?) than a joy, but I'd love to see what others have to say and show. As it was originally my "dream" to live in an old home that was refurbished.

  36. Anonymous25 July, 2011

    I love older homes..Especially farmhouses..Can't wait to see the photos you show us in future posts..I am definetly in..

  37. Does loving old houses count? I'd love to live in an old well-worn home, but for now I have to live vicariously through all of you.

    xo Tricia

  38. I would be in that Anne! Our old house is the oldest in our town and I adore all of its quirks.
    Glad you are enjoying your Old Lady too.
    Ness xx

  39. Head on over to This Old House forum. There is TONS on info out there, and the groups is really receptive to questions.

  40. I'm all for it. Our house was built in 1923 and is on 13 acres in the country. Since my husband passed away in February, I'm here alone and would love to be able to ask questions or help answer questions. Count me in!

  41. We live in a little cottage/farmhouse built in 1891. I'd love to be a part of the club!


  42. Fun idea! My house is old, but I'm a lover of old houses!

    Hope you will please drop by and enter my $50 Gift Card Giveaway!! Hometalk has said if I get 500 entries, they will increase the Gift Card to $100.

  43. Gorgeous photos, Anne! That seltzer bottle one is sooo captivating!


  44. Oh Anne
    How fun would that be!!! All those lucky gals who live nearby you. Your photos are breath taking as always!!! Have a wonderful week my friend


  45. Anne, I agree... Old homes have a soul. I grew up in a farmhouse and you are so right. There are challenges but, I think worth it for the soul.
    Have a PRETTY day!

  46. and my 1880 folk victorian are in!


  47. i have had the opportunity to be raised in an old old home and i loved it. after i was married we built a new home,which i loved also. we sold the farm and we moved into another antique home we had on our property. this home i also love. it is has personality plus, but is also in bad need of repairs,badly! is home. i preferr older homes as i am one who loves personality. so a club sounds wonderful. Bestest,Denise

  48. I think you TOTALLY need a club! I can't join but I will be snooping around :) I think you already are the president AND the queen! Now you just need a logo :) oh ....& some members :)

  49. Sounds FUN to me...I've lived all of my adult life in old houses...(except for that short time we lived in the *new* victorian that we just wasn't right no matter what details we added) so back to the old for's just where my heart is...I've been doing posts on my girl's story...I'll be watching for more details:)

  50. Hello Anne,
    I love old homes. My very first home that I purchased with my hubby was a old Victorian home in the Midwest. I loved it for many years! My Dad currently lives in a cabin in Wisconsin that was built in the 1800’s. It is so cozy. I totally agree that the old homes have a certain richness in them. Thanks for sharing.
    Smiles, Paula

  51. Count me in. I live on a farm in the woods in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Your photos are lovely....calming.

  52. Anonymous27 July, 2011

    You have such wonderful collections, Anne... always a pleasure to see them captured in your beautiful pictures!

  53. Sounds like a wonderful idea!
    *Love* the big 3...just started collecting them since I live at 3 Paul St!!
    Still hiding out in the pines and haven't forgotten you!

  54. My house is a Victorian, around 1903...if you are a perfectionist, like my husband, get over it...nothing is square...not from lack of great workmanship and wood, but just shifting times...I would love to join your club!

  55. I think it is a great can never have too many friends to call on when something "strange" strikes you in your beloved home and you need to know how to handle it or just a friend to share the love with.
    1929 it.

  56. Very nice, thanks for the information.
    tips to sell your house quickly


I'm all ears....

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