Thursday, September 15, 2011

..."and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest..."

the last picture.

My precious mama passed away three days later,
September 13, 2011.

I was asleep at her bedside, 
and although she had been in a great deal of pain all that final day,
the end came quickly and quietly.
No more pain, no more suffering, no more tears.

Goodnight, Mama.
I love you to the moon and back,
and I will see you again on the other side.

if you have ever lost someone, please play this song.
for me, it says it like no other.


  1. Oh, so very sorry! Unfortunately I've been where you are.....(.
    Except I wasn't with my sweet Mom when she passed and was, and still am, very sad about that.
    Blessings to you.....

  2. May you remember all the good times with your precious mother. She will always be with you, in your heart.
    Hugs, Lee

  3. I see sweetness and light. Light up the night...RIP forever <3


  4. My deepest sympathies. I'm glad you were with her when the end came, many of us do not get that opportunity for a last goodbye.
    Peace be with you.

  5. Anne-I am so sorry for your loss, but glad that you were with your precious mama when she went "home". May you find comfort in the stories you will undoubtedly hear over the coming days.

  6. So very sorry for your loss but so glad it was peaceful and surrounded with your love.


  7. My sympathies Anne. Find comfort in the memories and know she'll be watching out for you and smiling from the moon and back.
    xo Cathy

  8. I pray that the peace that passes understanding will take deep root in your heart. I miss my mama SO! I will be praying for you and yours!

  9. My words feel so inadequate...I am sorry for your loss. It is good that she passed on peacefully in her sleep...a comfort to know you will see her in heaven. My heart and prayers will be with you.

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your Mama's with Jesus now and you WILL see her again. Please take care of yourself.

  11. I am so sorry, tears are running down my face. I wish I could meet you and give you a hug. This is so sad! She is with God now and you WILL see her again. Lulu

  12. God Bless you. It is so difficult but the joy is knowing that not only is her pain over, but that-yes-you will see her again.

  13. God bless and comfort you.

  14. So sorry, Anne. I pray that the Lord's presence brings you peace...and when you think of your mama your heart will be filled with sweet memories.

  15. OH dearest friend. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Crying with you tonight.

  16. Anne,

    So very sorry. I know how difficult this time has been for your momma. It's been so hard on you. May the spirit of comfort hug your momma on her new journey and hug you for your journey without her. ♥ Always remember she will always be with you in spirit.

    Blessings for you and your family during this difficult time,
    Stephanie Suzanne ♥

  17. Oh, Anne, my dear sweet friend, I'm so sorry, my heart just breaks for you. I'm glad that you were there with her when the time came and that it was a peaceful moment. I hope you can take a small measure of comfort knowing that she is with God and is happy beyond belief...and that you'll see her again.

    Hugs and love to you ♥ Tricia

  18. I am thinking of you my sweet friend. Uplifting you in my thoughts & prayers.

  19. I am so sorry you've had to experience the loss of your mother. What a beautiful picture. May your mother rest in peace. I pray that you find peace and comfort in this time of need.

    God bless you and family.


  20. Oh, Anne...
    I'm so very glad you were there with your Mama as she passed. You must miss her terribly and I know you are numb with grief. May she rest peacefully now and may your faith comfort you in the difficult days ahead.
    Sending love your way,


  21. I'm so sorry for your loss Anne, but she has found peace now and is free of pain. It's a blessing you were able to be there with her in the end:-)

    Many hugs my friend.


  22. Anne, I am so sorry about your mom, but just remember that she is no longer suffering. Remember all of those wonderful and precious memories that were made over the years. It is hard to lose a parent the memories will stay with us as we talk about all of the good times. My heart and prayers go out to you. Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.

  23. I'm so glad you've had the chance to be with your momma these last few weeks. You will be blessed in spending this precious time with her. much love, D

  24. So sorry for your loss ~ my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  25. Anne, I am so very sorry to hear about your precious mom. How grand that you have such a sweet photo of the two of you, as bittersweet as it might be. My heart just goes out to you right now...I dread saying goodbye to my mom and do hope that I can be there with her as she passes to Heaven. She will always be with you in spirit, and I hope that many, many happy memories of your years together will comfort you. Prayers and warm hugs to you, dear friend. Love, Angela

  26. Anne, I'm so very sorry for your loss, but so glad that you were there with her. I will be praying for you and you family through this difficult time!
    Hugs~~ Daphne

  27. I am so terribly sorry to hear this. May God hold you and your family in the palm of his hand.

  28. Beautiful words and passing~ Hugs to you my friend~ xo Rachel

  29. I am so very sorry. You are in my thoughts.

  30. Sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to your and family. Sending my prayers.
    Much love and hugs.

  31. I am so sorry Anne. Sending you love and hugs sweet friend.

  32. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal

  33. My Dear Anne...

    I am so sad to hear about the loss of your precious Mother.....

    I have a wonderful relationship with my Mom and know what losing her would mean..

    My heart and prayers go out to you and your family...

    May your wonderful memories keep you warm and tight as you miss your wonderful Mother...

    God Bless,


  34. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. My heart goes out to you for I was where you are, 8 years ago and it still hurts. May God hold you in his arms for comfort.

  35. Praying God comforts you with His sweet peace.

  36. Oh dear Anne, I am so sorry. There are no words to say to give you comfort. I lost my mother when I was 25 and it is still hard. I am praying that God wraps comforting arms around you to give you peace. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family...

  37. Dear Anne, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear mother. Praying for God's comfort.

  38. Dear Anne
    My love and prayers to you for peace & comfort. I am truly sorry for your loss. Sending you a bouquet of hugs.

    Love you

  39. What a precious picture....know that she is now at peace and free of pain. Hold all your memories close to your heart, for they are now yours for all eternity. Hugs to you and your family,

  40. Oh sweet Anne, I am so sorry. You are so blessed to have been by her side, even sleeping, as she passed quietly in her sleep. I'd have given anything to be with either of my parents when they passed away. I pray for your heart which I know is breaking right now. We're here when you are ready.


  41. I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. The photo of you together is beautiful, she looks so serene.
    Thinking of you and sending big hugs.
    Anne xx

  42. Sweet Anne...I am just so sorry. But I know the sorrow you feel right now and will be praying that the peace that passes understanding will cover you and your family. I hope you know that the heartfelt hugs and love we send to you via our comments are very real and that we each wish we could physically hug and hold and help bear your sorrow. You have a huge group of friends loving and thinking about you and we are here for you.
    I have a picture very much like yours with your beautiful mama with my own taken last year. I know that God's grace IS sufficient and that He will never leave you or forsake you. His mercies are new every morning, and will walk with you during these days, weeks, and months ahead.
    I will keep you in my daily prayers. Love and hugs,

  43. I am so very sorry for your loss.
    She is with the angels above watching over you and loving you. My thought go out to you and your family.

  44. Oh, Anne, I'm so sorry. My heart aches for you. Please know you are being lifted up in prayer right now...may His presence and comfort be more real to you now than ever before!

  45. Your love shines, your Mom's love shines. I am so very sorry for your loss.

    You were with her and comforted her always.

    - Joy

  46. I'm so sorry for your loss. How blessed you are to have been with her. (hugs) Tears falling but praying for you. ox

  47. Anne, your mom will continue to be close to you in your heart as you move forward. Take care of yourself. I've found that grief is like the ocean waves. It ebbs and tides, and carries you along, but eventually brings you to shore again. All my best to you during this difficult time. ~ Sarah

  48. Anne, you know how much I have always loved that big beautiful smile of yours, now I can see where you got it from. Your mum has that same beautiful smile! Keep that smile on your face in honour of your mum. I cannot imagine how much you are hurting at the moment and how difficult it is for you. My thoughts and tears are with you xx

  49. Dearest Anne, I`m so sorry for your loss.

  50. Dear Anne
    So sorry to hear of your loss. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. May the wonderful memories of your Mum sustain you over this sad time.

  51. I am so sorry for your loss. Try and remember all the good times with your precious mother. Look after yourself and know that there are so many people thinking and caring about you.

  52. I am so, so sorry for your loss. I know you will have many happy memories to help you through the pain. xx

  53. So so sorry, my heart goes out to you. May your memories help you through this tough time and may the thought that her suffering has ended and that she is safe again, be a comfort.

  54. I am so very sorry for your loss. I wish you comfort and strength to get trough these difficult days and keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  55. Oh Anne...i feel so with you.......i really have tears an cry when i write this to you...your mom.....o my...she is in heaven darling now...we all now...but it is so hard.....i know that because my mom died two moth is so hard time ......please take care of yourself......big big hugs...and when you will please email me love love from

  56. The photo sums up what I have always heard:
    We come into this world crying, while everyone else smiles.
    We go out of this world smiling, while everyone else cries.


  57. sending you a big hug and one to your mom in the heavens. you photo says everything. my heart breaks for you, it truly does. you will be together again and till then she will be that little angel on your shoulder -- she will be with you forever and a day. sending much love to you and your family and a candle will burn in your mothers honor.

  58. her eyes says everything about her sweetness...

  59. Dear Anne, words can't express how sorry I am for your loss. What a lovely photo of the two of you. My heart goes out to you. Hopefully knowing that you were there loving her right until the last moment will give you some comfort. xo

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Dearest Anne,

    Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for the loss of your precious Mother.
    I wept when I read your heartbreaking post & my heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow. I wish you could know how much you are cared for, the high regard in which you are held, and how deeply your loss is felt by us all.

    May the love of those around you, your faith, and the loving memories of a lifetime sustain you in the days ahead. Your dear mama loves you, she is so proud of you and she will be with you in your heart always.
    It is impossible to imagine the tragedy and magnitude of your loss, but I pray you find hope in the midst of your sorrow and comfort in the midst of your pain.
    May God grant you peace and ease your heartache. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" Matthew 5:4

    With Deepest Sympathy,
    Michelle x

  62. I am sorry the loss of your mother, you are not alone in your sorrow.

  63. Anne, My heart goes out to you. May God give you peace and the ability to smile again. I lost my mother 6 months ago to whom I was very close and I understand how you feel. I still cannot drive by the street that is only 1 mile from my house that she lived on I have to take an out of the way route to not pass it, I pulled up to that place at least 3-4 times a week with her waiting looking out the window. I am glad you got to say your goodbyes. The loss of a mother is an almost unbearable thing for us to take. I even questioned the design of gods plan and life if we had to go through something so painful. I am now able to smile and remember the good times but I sure do feel for you and send hugs and prayer your way. God Bless

  64. So sorry for your heart gos out to you and your family..


  65. Anne~
    My love and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time.
    Because of your strong faith, you DO KNOW you will see her again one all of us will be reuinited with our loved ones.
    Have peace in knowing you were a wonderful daughter and that you were by her side when she needed you the most. In her heart, you gave her a sense of peace and love like she has never felt before from you. Remember that always...
    Love you very much,
    Lisa xoxoxo

  66. I feel awfully sorry for your loss, Anne. No matter how much pain they are in, or how old they are, it is excruciating to lose someone you love that has been such a pillar in your life...and we are never, ever the same. May heaven hold her close. You need to give yourself time to rest and reflect and take care of Mom's things. God's love and peace to your family, andrea @ townandprairie

  67. i am so very sorry for the loss of your dear mama.

  68. My deepest condolences to you Anne, and your family. Thank the Lord you shared her final hours. I'm sure her peaceful passing was knowing you were by her said.

    God Bless,

  69. I'm so very sorry for your loss! Sending over my thoughts & prayers to you and your family. Have a blessed day!


  70. I am so sorry for your loss Anne.
    Sending you hugs and keeping you close in my thoughts and prayers.
    Take care

  71. I am so sorry for your loss of your mother. I am praying for you and your family. Just know God is always with you. HUGS

  72. sweet have been & will continue to be in my prayers.
    i am so sorry....
    just so sorry......

  73. Annie, I'm so sorry.You are in prayers. God bless you and I know he will wrap his arms around you.

  74. My Mom passed a year ago on Sep 22nd. I was so blessed to be with her also when she left this earth. I still miss her so much, but it does get easier. I know that one day I will see her again! I will be praying for you during this time.

  75. I'm sorry you lost your mom. How beautiful that you could be with her. You have a tough road ahead, especially this next year having to go through holidays and special occasions without her. I've been where you are and it's life changing and difficult. It's been almost 10 years for me and I still miss her and feel the need to call and talk to her sometimes. She'll be your angel now.

  76. Dear, sweet Anne,
    I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your mother. I know you must be heartbroken. I think it's the sweetest thing that your mother passed away while you were asleep right beside her. She must have felt so loved and comforted as she was making her journey to the other side...
    p.s. will keep you in my prayers

  77. I'm sorry Anne, I lost my Mom four years ago. Now she doesn't have to be sick any more... I am sending prayers your way....

  78. Anne, I am so, so sorry for your loss. I think it is beautiful that you got the opportunity to be with her when she passed. I will be praying for you and your family during this time and the difficult time ahead.

  79. I am so sorry to hear of your great loss. Mother's help us along the road of life cheering us on and guiding us wisely. Her words and love will always be with you.

  80. Oh, dear Anne, I am so very sorry. I know your heart is breaking. My prayers are with you and your family.


  81. Anne, I am so sorry to read of the loss of your mother. I, too, lost my Mom 8 1/2 years ago...and I know the sorrow feels unlike any other. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. elaine

  82. So sorry to read about your Moms passing. Praying for you and your family in this difficult time.

  83. My thoughts are with you. May the beautiful memories of your mother comfort you. Stan

  84. Dear Anne,

    Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on the passing of your mom. May the peace which comes from the memories of your mom, comfort you now and in the days ahead. Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, please know that you and your family are very close in every thought and prayer.


  85. oh dear sweet anne. i'm so so sorry. we are all lifting you up right now. may you feel craddled in His peace and comfort.

  86. I am so sorry for your loss...God is holding you in His hands, my He be your comfort. Praying for you and your family.

  87. Wishing you peace, comfort and wonderful memories.

  88. Wishing you peace and comfort as you mourn the painful loss of your Mom.

  89. I am so sorry for your loss Anne. You can see both the love and the heartbreak in your eyes and I feel for you. May you find comfort in all of the outpouring of love and concern here and in God's love as well.

  90. i am so sorry for your loss...your mother looked very calm and peaceful in your last picture of her...I know no words can take away the loss and empty feelings you have right now--I pray those feelings become easier each day as you cherish your wondrful memories of your beautiful mother.

  91. Dear Anne....I am so sorry for your loss...thankful you could comfort her in her final days. ~Hugs, Patti

  92. Anne, I'm so sorry. I know that words are just not enough to bring comfort right now. I wish I was there to give you a big hug.

    Your memories of your mom, though they may be bittersweet for a while, will help carry you through your sorrow.

    Let yourself feel each and every stage of grief, time and time again. Lean on that husband of yours, and don't try to stop the tears, even if they come when you are pumping gas or choosing fruit at the grocery store.

    My prayers are with you and your family, sweet one.

  93. Been following your fb posts, and grieving with you. I'm facing the same thing with my mom, she's stage 4 terminal, and could pass anytime.

    Blessing to you Anne. I hope the joyful memories will begin to ease the pain as time passes....

  94. Dearest Anne, you are in my thoughts and prayers; I simply cannot imagine your pain but God does, give it all to Him. He is able, more than able.

  95. My heart is with you, Anne. My Mama passed 3 weeks ago, but I know she is doing just fine - and so is your Mama.

  96. Dear Anne,
    May you always know the joy of your Mother's love and may you have peace knowing she is no longer suffering.
    It's so sweet that you have that last photo to remember her. God Bless you and your family.


  97. My prayers are with you Anne. So glad you were with your mother. Big hugs and take one breath at a time ((((((((((Anne))))))))))

  98. Oh, so sorry for your loss. Sending up Prayers from Alabama.

  99. Dear Anne,
    I am so sorry for your loss. My heart aches to know that you are sad. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you may find peace in knowing that your mother is with home with the Lord.

    Many blessings,


  100. Dear Anne,
    Such a precious photo of you and your Mom. I don't have a photo of me and my Mom before her passing, but thankfully, like you, I was there with her as she peacefully passed into the presence of the Lord.
    My heart aches for you, and knows very well all the emotion you're dealing with.

    May the God of the universe hold you close, envelope you with His love, bathe you in His peace and strength, and comfort you deep inside your spirit.

    Tender blessings and hugs to you,

  101. What a blessing that you were by her side when she passed. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  102. Anne, I wish I could give you a big hug! Hoping God will wrap his arms around you and comfort you during this time.

  103. So sorry to hear about your mom's passing! My thoughts and prayers are with you! God Bless and Take Care!

  104. May you rest in His goodness, His peace and His love for you as you walk this way. Thank you for sharing that sweet picture of you and your Mom...hugs and prayers!

  105. Sorry to hear about your loss. The photo is so very sweet. Hold your memories close and they will give you comfort.

  106. So sorry about your mother. My heart and prayers go out to you. Your love and presence eased her way; may His ease yours.

  107. The Eskimo's believe that perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy and at peace.

    I love you.


  108. We are so sorry to hear this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your mama was so precious. Twyla and Lindsey

  109. Dear Anne, I don't blog much anymore and seldom get to read the blogs I love. Something made me want to this morning and I came right to yours. I'm sorry for all your sorrow right. I loved, loved my dear sweet mamaw too. Sending prayers and a hug your way.

  110. Oh, Anne... I'm so, so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and praryers.
    Much love and a warm hug sent your way.

  111. Sorry seems like such a tiny word, Anne. But I want you to know that my heart is aching for you and your family. When memories are all we have, they become so much more precious! May God hold and comfort you through the days ahead.
    Hugs, Tanya

  112. God Bless you Anne. I have been thinking about you. I am here with my sick mom and dad. This post brought tears to my eyes as what lies ahead. But I am here now like you were there for her. I will continue to pray for your family for stength.

  113. I'll remember you in my prayers.

  114. I am so sorry, precious. I lost my mama 6 years ago so I understand the pain. Thankful they're with the Lord, but always missing them on this side of things. {{{Hugs}}}

    Mary @ Redo 101

  115. A beautiful photograph to capture an even more beautiful love...I am so grateful for you to have had this moment in time with your sweet mother. I am so grateful that she passed from this life to eternal life peacefully in her sleep. God is good! All the time! Love you sweet Anne. We are praying for rest for your body (we know you are weary)and rest for your mind and soul. May God's love surround you and fill you with all of the lovely memories of your times with your precious Mama. We are lifting you and your family up in prayer.

    Love, Heather

  116. so very, very sorry for your loss dear anne. i know your heart break well. my thoughts and prayers are with you...

  117. Dear Anne,
    My Heart is Heavy for your Loss ~ Your Mama now Rests in Peace.... continued Prayers for your Strength & Comfort~

  118. So sorry for your loss... you will miss her and I am sorry. She is home now where we all will be someday.
    I pray you will find comfort in the arms of Jesus.

  119. So sorry for your loss, But know you are thought of and prayed for.

  120. What a sweet picture Anne. Sending you and your family heartfelt sympathy over your loss.
    Love and hugs~

  121. I hope you find peace in the knowledge that she is at peace.I am sorry for your loss.

  122. Oh, Anne! I'm so sorry but your little mother is home now and at peace and no more pain! Hallelujah we have the promise as Christians we'll be with our loved ones again. My heart breaks for you and you, precious one, are in my prayers.

  123. Dear Anne,
    I'm sending you my deepest sympathy. May you feel God's arms around you during this time of sadness and loss of your beloved Mom.

  124. Oh Sweet Anne,
    My heart and tears go out to you!!! I am so very sorry for your loss. I have no other words.

  125. Oh sweet Anne......what words can I say accept.....I' m so very sorry.

    Hugs, hugs and more hugs,


  126. Oh Dear Anne, I am so sorry. Knowing that you were by her side must have made her very happy. Keeping you in my prayers, my friend. Take care of yourself.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  127. So sorry, Anne, rejoice in her life..she is beautiful and loved you shows in the last picture!

  128. I'm so sorry for your loss. I pray for peace and strength for you and your whole family.

  129. Anne,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Lovely photo.

  130. I have not been here in a long time and am sorry to see what has happened during that time..... my heart hurts for you, Anne.

  131. Anne,

    I am so very sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love you sweet friend.


  132. Our thoughts are with you. The photo of you with your Mom moved all of us. We are thinking about you here.

  133. Anne,
    I am so sorry for your loss! I will pray for the repose of your mom's soul, may she rest in peace! I will also pray that you find peace during this sad time! It is never easy! Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that I hope you find great joy in all the memories you hold so dear! Hugs! M

  134. I'm so sorry for your loss. The loss of a mom is a tough road, a lot harder than I ever imagined. Mine has been gone for 26 years. May God bless you with peace and comfort.

  135. So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and sympathy are extended to you.


  136. Oh Anne....please accept my heartfelt sorrow for your loss....

    with so much love and prayers,
    Anne Marie

  137. Dear Anne, My heart is hurtingfor you. My own mother passed 6 years ago the 9th of September. The sharp pain will ease the pain of longing for her will always be. Holding you in my thoughts, Susie

  138. So sorry for your loss Anne, such a sweet photo of you and your mom. Always cherish all of the wonderful memories you have. Your mom is in a very happy place.
    Marianne :)

  139. My heart goes out to you, dear Anne, for I know the pain of your loss. I will keep you in my prayers...

  140. Dear Anne,
    I am so sorry. I cannot imagine the pain you must be feeling for the loss of your mother. I pray that you can take comfort in your faith and the knowledge that one day you will see her again.

    with great love and sympathy,

  141. Keeping you in prayer and thought....May God give you comfort, blessings to you...Xoxoxo ~Ashley

  142. Oh Anne my heart goes out to you...I am so sorry to hear that your mom has passed away. There is always comfort though in knowing that the suffering is over and that our loved one is in His arms and finally at peace. Love and blessings to you.

    A big hug ~


  143. Anne I am so sorry for your loss. I know the pain and sorrow but I also know the memories live on and on. I lost my Dad five years ago and there are still moments it catches me and I cry. I am blessed to have my Mom still here for now. I am so touched by this last photo of you and your Mother. Sweet love on both of your faces. Sending you many hugs and much love and prayers for you and your family. Linda

  144. Anne~ I am so very sorry for your loss. I am sending you thoughts of healing and happy memories.


  145. Oh Anne,
    I'm so sorry...:( Darn it ~ it's just so hard to lose your mom. I lost mine 12 years ago Sept. 25th, and it was truly so very hard.
    I'm praying for you my sweet friend. Did you know our loved ones, who have passed, are our guardian angels? That gave me so much comfort to know and I really believe it. So know she is near....and watching over you..

    xoxoxo {{{{HUG}}}}


  146. my heart is with you now & in the days ahead. my mama passed coming on almost a year already so I feel your pain ever so strongly! they are ALWAYS in our hearts!

    love to you -

  147. I'm so sorry for your loss - but you know she is looking down on you and keeping you in her heart as she will always be in yours. I will add her to my daily intentions,


  148. Oh Anne...I am so sorry. My heart is just breaking for you. I see the pain in your eyes in that beautiful picture. So wonderful that you thought to have it...God be with you and yoru family at this time....

  149. i have a picture like yours. your face and mine show the days upon days of crying, the emotional roller coaster, the dread of knowing what is coming. the eyes show how hurt we are by what is coming and we cannot stop it.
    i am so sorry Anne. may the words of love for you here from all of us sustain you in this time. as well, and more importantly the words of our faith.
    in my fondest of thoughts, Tilda

  150. Anne, I am so sorry for your loss, I loss my Dad 9 years ago and sometimes it seems like yesterday. May the Lord comfort you and your family knowing she is out of pain and in a better place. Regina

  151. And now, she flies on the wings of angels. Prayers with you today and everyday forward. There is little to take comfort in at this time, other than knowing that one day, you will be together again. Hugs and Blessings.


  152. Thank you for sharing this private moment, Anne. Beth Neilson Chaman's Sand and Water is the most heartbreakingly beautiful song; it moves me every time I hear it.

    This is such a lovely photo. Your mother's eyes are so clear and bright... your eyes already brimming with tears to come. I lost my mother 14 years ago and she has been with me so often since then. Just close your eyes and feel her warm presence in quiet moments.
    Take care x Jane

  153. Thinking of you and your Mama dear Anne. Prayers and support being sent your way. . .



  154. Dear Anne, So saddened to read about the loss of your mother, it is so tough. Try to remember she is at peace now and is only as far from you as your heart. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
    in Peace,devon

  155. Anne, Can't say how sorry I am about your sweet mother. I just hope for much comfort for you. It is never easy to lose the ones we love. I listened to your song and it is a good one, Praying for you. Judy

  156. I am sorry, Anne. That photo is worth a thousand words...simply beautiful! Your eyes say it all...grace and peace to you, dear one.

  157. My heart and prayers are with you. And yes, our Mamas are always with us. Always.

  158. First of need to write me back....I lost my Mom from lung cancer 10 years ago. As I write this I can not believe it has been that long. I lost my Dad 10 years before that and seriously thought I would never get over it. It was my first major loss and I just was not prepared for that in life. No manuals on how to deal with losing a parent. When I lost my Mom...who died in my arms....I knew I would be OK...after all I made it through my Dad's death. That was my only saving grace. She was SO incredibly brave as I know your Mom was also. NOTHING will make you feel better. As "trite" as it sound the only thing that helps is "Time". Everyday you will cry a little less and smile a little more at the wonderful memories she gave you. Then one day you will think of her and just smile, at all the love, time, care, and wisdom she brought into your life. My heart is heavy with your grief as I have walked in your shows.

  159. Hello dear Anne, what a beautiful photo of you and your mum, holding it together, her brave smile and you trying to hold back the tears and treasuring that special precious moment together. The Lord is with you all and will uphold you in whatever lies ahead. Please accept my sympathies and thank you for sharing this private moment with us. love and prayers, Wendy xxoo

  160. My prayers and thoughts are with you my sweet friend. I know the sting all to well. Your mother is such a beautiful woman...what a precious soul to be added in heaven. May the Lord comfort and hold you close during these hard times. ((hugs))

  161. All my thoughts and prayers are with you,lots of love sent as well,Chrissy

  162. Oh Anne I am so very sorry. Though she may not be with you person she is will always be in your heart.

    Know that we all love you and pray that time gives you comfort.


  163. I feel so very sorry for your loss...

  164. Deepest Sympathies to You and Your Family. God Rest Your Beautiful Mother`s Soul. x

  165. I'm so sorry Anne , the loss of a loved one is so hard . My heart aches for you . She is in a better place .

  166. Anne, I am so sorry to hear about your mother passing on. Just think, all the pain is gone and she is new again by our wonderful Lord. I will keep you in my prayers.

  167. Oh Anne...I am so sorry for your loss but uplifted that she passed peacefully with you by her side...she must have felt such love. Prayers for you.

  168. You were blessed to have been with your Mom while she made her way home... as painful as it may seem to have lost her, you really have not. My heart go's out to you and your family.

  169. Dear Anne,
    May God's comfort be with you and yours.

  170. I am saddened to hear of your mothers passing. My heart aches for you, but rejoices that your mom has reached her forever home! It's a road I haven't had to walk down yet,so I can't fully comprehend your heartache, but I am sending you hugs and praying that the one who holds all the answers comforts you!

  171. Oh, Anne, I am so very sad to learn of your loss. Heaven has received another good soul (I can tell this from your writings of your Mother). Heartfelt hugs to you now and in the days ahead. Patty/BC

  172. So sorry for your loss.. your Mama will be with you forever! Take care..


  173. Hi Anne, I'm so sorry to hear about your mums passing. May God be with you in this difficult time, take care, Maryann

  174. Anne- hoping and praying you feel safe within all the prayers that are coming before His throne on you and your family's behalf.

    I remember the days after my Dad passed away and it felt so strange that the world just seemed to go on as normal- why wouldn't it stop as it seemed my life had during that time and grieve with me...

    bee blessed

  175. So sorry dear Anne, as it is one of the hardest things we go through, loosing a parent. One thing though, your Mother will be free from pain, at rest and peace now.
    Sending love and may you know comfort, that so many of your friends are thinking of you at this time. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


  176. Anne,

    I was saddened to read this but thankful you were with her when she peacefully passed. I know it was not only precious to you, but also to her. Lots of love to you my sweet friend, my prayers and thoughts are with you.


  177. Oh Anne. If you ever read these comments - just know we do survive. Sometimes it doesn't feel like we will - but we do. Take your time, do what you need to do, don't let anyone rush you and say "Times up!".
    Sigh. I am so sorry. As always - you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  178. So very sorry Ann, I pray for strength for you in the coming days ahead.
    The song is beautiful, and so true.

    In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we will be changed. I too look forward to that day when I will see my mom and dad once more.

    Thank you for sharing your precious mom with us.

  179. Oh, sweet Anne....I am so very very sorry to hear this. Words completely escape me right now. All I want to do is wrap my arms around you and give you a big hug. ♥ I pray that you will physically feel God's comfort and love surround you and your family. I will be praying for you, sweetie. Love you...

    xoxo laurie

  180. I know the feeling... My heart goes out to YOU... You are soooo loved - look at all these heart-felt notes... Peace to you Anne...
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  181. I know there is nothing I can say to make this better or easier. Thankfully you were with her at the end and you have that assurance you will be re-united in eternity. It is my experience that time does not heal because memories pop up for me at the odd times still. Your faith in God is what you cling to that is what heals.

  182. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a precious picture of you and your mom it will be a treasure.

    Suzann ~xoxo~

  183. You and your family are in my prayers -- that you will truly feel God's Comforting hand holding you close.

    You and your Mom share beautiful and expressive eyes. I can see the love as well as the pain in yours. Please take some time to grieve and heal Anne. And know so many are praying for you!

  184. I am so sorry for your can see how much she loved you!!! her eyes tell all!

  185. I wish I could find the right words to make it all better sweet friend. I am so sorry that you have lost your Mom to this terrible illness. I am so glad you were with her in the end and helped walk her home. I am sure you brought her so much comfort during the past few weeks. I hope you will take the time away you need to rest, reflect and grieve her loss. I know time and faith will help ease the pain you feel today. xoxo

  186. Dear Anne,
    I am so very sorry for your very great loss. I so understand because I have also walked your walk. Today I cry with you. Maryjane

  187. Praying for you~
    As I sit beside my mom, in hospital rooms... watching her breath, remembering little things... too tired to face my fear of losing her~ I know as you have written, "I will see you again~ on the other side"
    The journey is painful.

    Thank you for sharing your heart~ All those wonderful memories tucked inside will keep her near.

  188. So sorry for your loss:(

  189. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you love and prayers. My Mama passed away in January. It's really an incomprehensible loss isn't it?

  190. This post moved me to tears, Anne. What a precious and raw picture. Your Mom's strength to smile and your love & grief. The love you have for each other will live on always. One of my favorite things the author G.K. Chesterton wrote is 'Heaven is our native land'.
    No more pain and suffering there.
    You are in my prayers,

  191. Sending light and love to you. Many hugs for your heart. Our hearts miss most what they have loved best. May her light always shine within you.
    xx, shell

  192. Anne, I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing your mother is something that no one can describe, and I'm sad that you now understand that loss. I wish for you in the days, weeks, months, and years to come that you will find strength in the bond you had. That you will find peace in her presence all around you. And that you will find joy in the wonderful memories that no one can take from you. If you need anything, please let me know!


  193. Sending loving thoughts to you and your family. Be strong!


  194. Anne, sweetie...I'm so sorry that your sweet momma is gone, but joyful that she is walking with Jesus. I love the photo of you and her. What a precious memory. Sending hugs and praying for peace, comfort and rest.



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