Monday, October 31, 2011

Honored to be in Artful Blogging Magazine

I think the title of this post says it all...
I am so unbelievably honored to be featured
in the new issue of Artful Blogging Magazine,
on newsstands this week.

For those who might not be familiar with how it all works,
those of us who are selected to contribute 
write our own article and our own photographs
and / or artwork are featured.

I was blessed to be given eight pages in the current issue
of this gorgeous publication ( one of my faves! )
to share some of my innermost thoughts about blogging,
and to open up a bit about how it has forever changed me
and enriched my life beyond measure.

It is a joy and an honor, but a bittersweet one, too...
I sent the completed article off to the editor
only 4 short days before my mother entered the hospital
for the very last time.

She never got to read it, she didn't even get to see a rough draft.
I think of the tears of joy she would have shed over seeing
that two of my photos even made the front cover!

But still I know....she sees. She knows. 
She's smiling down, so very, very proud.

So to Artful Blogging,
I say thank you so very much.

To the readers and friends of this blog,
I treasure you beyond words.

And to my dear mama...
as I said in the dedication of a book
I once wrote for her...

" For Mama...I learned to read
and write
and draw
and dream
on your lap...
I love you."

If you like anything at all about me
or this blog, thank the lady in the photo above.
She's the reason.

I hope you'll grab the issue,
as I'm pleased as I can be to be featured alongside
some pretty impressive company...
my friends Tricia of A Rosy Note,
Tracey of French Larkspur
and Mary of Urban Farmgirl.
Congrats, ladies!

For those who can't locate the issue in their area,
I plan on offering it in a giveaway
in the days ahead.

Have a wonderful week!

linking with


  1. Congratulations! I couldn't be prouder and am so glad that your blog is featured in such a beautiful magazine! Your cover is beautiful and I can't wait to read your story!

  2. It's coming around girl ... I knew it was just a matter of time.

    Mama's spirit lives on ... thanks her God given nurturing abilities.

    Bless you as you travel all these new pathways.

    I've adored you from day one ...

    I luh' ya

  3. Anne -
    This is such wonderful news. Looking forward to reading your story and enjoying your beautiful photos.
    The love in your eyes speaks volumns in the photo of you and your beloved brings me to tears every time I see it.
    Be well, sweetie.


  4. I am so proud for you! It is no surprise to me that you were selected to be in the magazine. Your sweet mama did a great job raising such a beautiful daughter!

  5. Congratulations, Anne! I love this magazine...what an honor. Can't wait to read your article.

  6. Anne,
    How wonderful that you have contributed such loveliness to this magazine. I am going to have to get a copy because so many of you are featured.

    I know your Mama is so very proud of you. Thanks for such a sweet and endearing post and tribute to your Mother.


  7. What an honor for you! I am on the search for a copy this week. The dedication to your Mom had me in tears. I can only hope that all daughters feel that way about their Moms...what a compliment to her.

  8. That's pretty awesome Anne, congrats!

  9. Congratulations Anne! It is quite an honor, but one that is well deserved!

    How fitting that you dedicated it to your mother. I know she is proud of you and your accomplishments.

    I love this pubulication, but have so many magazines already that I don't always pick this one up. I'll have to check it out at B&N the next time I'm in the city.

  10. A big congratulations, Anne!! I hope I can fine a copy. This magazine is new to me, but looks wonderful!

  11. Congratulations, Anne!
    What an honor...
    You are beyond deserving of this and I cannot wait to locate a copy of this magazine.
    Your mother IS VERY proud of you, looking down upon you and smiling...
    She helped you write this article. :)
    Her influence upon your life is very evident throughout everything I've ever read from you and there is no better "honor" a mother can receive from her child than to know how deeply she is appreciated and loved. You gave her quite a gift.

    What an inspiration you are to all of us.

    Much love,
    Lisa xoxox

  12. Don't you know she is just so proud of you! As are we all. Congratulations and hugs to you!

  13. Dear Anne - I couldn't be happier for you! So well deserved and I know your mom would be so proud xo

  14. Well-deserved congratulations, Anne. I can't wait to see a copy!

  15. Congratulations! I will ask family to find a copy and send it in the Christmas box as I know I cannot get it here.
    My eyes filled with tears, such a beautiful dedication.
    XOX Tracie

  16. Hey sweet Anne! I am so very proud of your publication in Artful Blogging!! And I know your mom is looking down cheering for you, too...
    what a great accomplishment.
    Everything you do now, can be in her honor.
    As always, gorgeous photos!
    Lots of hugs

  17. Blessings and congratulations, Anne. Well-deserved.

    Hugs, Diane

  18. Congratulations, Little Anne! Oh,, this is just wonderful! Your snaps are just amazing and beautiful!
    You've been in my thoughts and hope you're feeling better! I know you miss your dear mom!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Congratulations, Little Anne! Oh,, this is just wonderful! Your snaps are just amazing and beautiful!
    You've been in my thoughts and hope you're feeling better! I know you miss your dear mom!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. Congratulations Ann! The last issue of Artful Blogging I purchased was when my friend Paige of Simple Thoughts was featured...I'm heading out today to pick up this copy for sure!
    I know your Mama would be so proud of you, as are all of us here in blogland that you touch and make feel a part of your everyday life! We love you Ann! Have a blessed day!
    Junk Wild

  21. congrats!! she would be proud!

  22. Congratulations Anne!
    Your pictures are stunning as always and your tribute to your mamma had me in tears,i know she will be very proud of you and smiling down on you,
    Love to you x

  23. Congratulation! What a lovely person your mother must have been and so blessed to have you as a daughter! The photo of both of you brings tears to my eyes seeing the love you have for each other!
    Can't wait to read the article.

  24. What a beautiful and tearful post.
    Bitter sweet is so true.
    Congrats and your mom is looking down and smiling!

  25. Congrats Anna, I will be sure to pick this one up....

  26. Oh goodie for you! I can't wait to see the issue.
    It is a blessing to have such wonderful memories of your mother. I am amazed at how many of my friends didn't have nurturing mothers. Like you I lost mine much too soon, but we received so much from them, didn't we? I have always said that my mother taught me how to live and then she taught me how to die...she did even that with such grace. She never stopped giving.

  27. geesh i think i'm going to HAVE to get this issue. i know ALL of you! so deserving...congrats friend. you're momma is so proud of you:)

  28. Oh Anne! I was fighting tears reading this as I know how truly bittersweet it is. But we are just so thrilled for you about this incredible accomplishment and this little peek at your piece in the magazine is just proof of why your talent and creativity deserves to be showcased. Congratulations friend!

  29. Beautiful article. Congrats Anne. . .



  30. Bravo, Anne, big hugs and lot's of love. It's a wonderful piece! xoxo

  31. it looks like a gorgeous article and your pics are fantastic. my congrats to you anne!



  32. Dear Anne, I'm over the moon happy for you and you know your Mama is too! Your work is just beautiful and for it to be on the cover even! You have a gift-from God and your Mama!
    I would love this magazine!
    xo, Sonya

  33. Congratulations, dear Anne! You're so deserving, and I'm so happy for you. :)

  34. What a beautiful picture of you and your Mom. I know that is one you will treasure forever. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. Can't wait to pick up my copy of the magazine, congrat's!

    Take care, Sue

  35. Anne that is wonderful news! I know you Mom is so happy and proud of you! Yes she is always there with you! I hope to find this magazine. hugs, Linda

  36. Oh, dear friend, I am so very happy for you. I can't wait to run out and grab the next issue. Lifting you up today with hugs and joy!

  37. Congrats! Love your blog and Artful Blogging! Can't wait to get my copy!!!

  38. Congrats!! What a bitter sweet experience, you are so blessed to have such a wonderful momma, I feel the same way about mine...and YES she does know and she is with you...always! blessings dear one~ T

  39. Oh, congrats! It looks great, is the magazine sold at most book stores, like Barnes & Noble, etc? I want to pick up a copy!


  40. Hello Anne,
    Congratulations! Being published in the magazine couldn't have come at a better time. I hope that it put a smile on your face and lift your heart. I am going to run out an pick up a copy. I love following your blog.
    Smiles, Paula

  41. Congrats Anne~ I really hope to find a copy! I have never seen this magazine before I will be on the lookout for it and your giveaway. I think of you often and wonder how you are. Enjoy your day!

  42. Aww..Anne- This post brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful to have a Mother that you loved, and that loved you, so much. That is a blessing that some people never have bestowed on them.

    I know that she is smiling down on you and cheering you on...your own personal angel. Congrats to you..and blessings- xo Diana

  43. this is so wonderful!!!! you certainly deserve it! : ) sending you hugs and tons of hugs to the heavens...going to go light a special candle for your Mom. i am sure she is smiling down at you and is as thrilled as can be! a very very special ladie! bless her -- she might be having heaven tea just about now and maybe it's with my mom -- they seem to have a lot in common : ) hugs to you and yours...

  44. Congrats sweet certainly deserve it.



  45. Oh that picture from you and your beautiful...but so confrontational.......i miss my mom so !!! darling.......and i feeling so sad right now.......hope you feeling better than from me

  46. Congratulations and what an honor!!!! Your Momma is proud.

  47. What a well-deserved honor...Congratulations, sweetie pie!

    I'm going to see if I can find a copy of the magazine to order online. :O)


  48. Yay Anne!! I am so happy for you my friend~ I just know your mama is looking down on you from heaven and is so proud of you! xoxoxo Rachel

  49. Congratulations, Anne! I'm sure your Mom is so proud of you.


  50. Oh Anne, I'm so excited for you my friend! Good things come to good people and you are finding how very true that statement can be! I know your lovely mother is smiling down on you and saying how very proud she is of you!

    Kat :)

  51. It's beautiful sweet girl, and so is your tribute to you Mom.
    She shines on through you.

    Thank you for blessings us all


  52. Congratulations on your beautiful photo shoot and article! Your mom is so proud! You are so sweet. I'm sorry that you are sad and miss her. Your reunion in heaven will be sweet!

  53. I am just THRILLED to pieces for you Anne, and I WILL be getting my copy! You are just is so wonderful to be able to watch :)

    And yes, she definitely knows and sees and is so very proud.....

    Lou Cinda

  54. That fun you got a place in that magazine sorry to hear about your lost of your mum...yes she

  55. Wonderful, Anne! So happy for you. I love the magazine and buy it for inspiration whenever I run across it.Hope you are doing okay and that your sweet heart is healing - what a year you have had. xo

  56. Terrific achievement, hope to be able to find Artful Blogger in my area. Congratulations! Patty/BC

  57. Congratulations! That is a wonderful accomplishment!!

  58. You have so much talent. You are very deserving of this honor.

  59. Congratulations! I am so excited for you. I love that quote you show in the photo. Very true.

  60. 8 pages! How exciting Anne, you have have had emotional ups and downs lately. I'm so happy for you, you deserve it and are worthy. I'll be at Barnes and Noble everyday until it arrives!
    Enjoy this friend~SueBee~xoxo

  61. Fantastic, Anne !! Congrats, BIG TIME ! Of COURSE your Mama is looking down here, beaming like the sun ! She is reaping the bounty of the seeds she has sown. The magazine could not have chosen a more wonderful person on which to bestow this honor. You have earned it fair and square. So glad to "see" you glowing a bit -- don't keep that light hidden under the bushel any longer.


  62. Oh Anne CONGRATULATIONS! I know your part in the magazine will be wonderful. I've never seen the magazine so I will definitely be keeping my eyes open for it when we hit the city later this week. The picture of you and your sweet Mom smiling is can see your love for each other. Thank you for sharing this with us again.

    If I can't find the magazine I will be entering your draw...I can't wait to see it. Have a wonderful week Anne with an e.
    Maura :)

  63. Oh Anne, how exciting to have such an opportunity to be in such a gorgeous magazine. Congratulations to you.
    Your mum sees every word you've written and see every photo you've taken.
    Take care, love and hugs to you,
    Anne xx

  64. Congrats Anne! No one deserves to be in that magazine more than you!!!!!!! That picture of you and your mom makes me cry every time I see it...she must've been so proud to have you as a daughter!


    :) T

  65. This is so wonderful, Anne...I can hardly wait to read it! And I believe with all my heart that your mother sees it all...and is oh so proud! XO

  66. This is wonderful news Anne! I can't wait to read your article. What an honor for you my sweet girl.
    hugs from here...

  67. Way to go, Anne! Such a nice treat! Mom will be so proud! andrea@townandprairie

  68. How exciting! So many awesome pages just for you! And don't you just deserve every bit of it!!!! {and I am kinda pathetically excited to see that the scrap of Frenchness from my give away made the pages...I have to savor's the closest I'll get! ;}

    m ^..^

  69. congratulations on your artful blogging feature! Beautiful images;-)
    Sibylle @

  70. Congratulations!! You deserve mothervwould be so proud!!

  71. Your Mom would be so proud and so are we. I can't wait to see it. Such a well deserved honor.

  72. There is not a more deserving person on this earth than you Anne, to be featured in this wonderfully inspiring magazine. And, as always, you show your gratitude by thanking someone else for your achievements - man - you humble me with every post!
    I am so very, very happy for you! I will be popping to Barnes and Noble in the morning to grab my copy before they all get swept up by your millions of 'groupies'!
    Your mum was a very lucky woman to have such a beautiful daughter as you. May she be by your side - always. XxX Anji

  73. You so deserve to be featured in The Artful Blogger. Congratulations! :)

  74. congrats sweet girl! I think you are most deserving :)

  75. Congratulations to you, Anne! Your article turned out beautiful. I have no doubt that your mom is looking down at you, full of love and pride :)


  76. Hi Anne,

    I'm so glad you were published in this beautiful magazine. I love so many Stampington magazines. I consider them books since they are something to treasure forever.

    Yes, your momma is smiling just like in that photo..she so very proud of you.

    Love and Hugs to you,
    Steph ♥

  77. Beautifully bittersweet. Congratulations.

  78. I received my copy last week and loved your article...
    I have to believe your Mom knows and is smiling down at I believe my Mom is watching over me. Yesterday was Mom's birthday and the first time we had to celebrate it without her.

  79. I am so proud of you ANNE and YES, your Mama is smiling down on you! She sees, she knows and she is proud of you too!

    Enjoy your day my talented friend, I am gonna try to find that magazine today:)


  80. Big congratulatory hug to you, Anne.

  81. Amazed and blessed
    to call you friend. I
    remember that post
    you wrote last year
    where you were frustrated
    about progressing with
    your dreams like you
    wanted to.....Sometimes
    patience is the key; or
    perhaps a little help from
    an angel : )
    xx Suzanne

  82. Congratulations, Anne.
    Couldn't happen to a sweeter, or more deserving person. I'll be sure to get a copy!

  83. Congrats and I know your Mama is proud of you. All your fans are too.

  84. Congratulations, sweet Anne. You are so right that your mother is smiling and proud.

    We're all proud of you.♥

  85. Congrats! Very exciting! Your mama is so very proud of her girl!! And so are the rest of us!!

  86. Congrats, sweetie! It was a well deserved honor and we are ALL proud of you. You rock, Anne! :)

    xoxo laurie

  87. (((squeels)))

    so excited for you sweet!
    i can't wait to see/read it!!!

  88. Congratulations, Anne! I know your mother is so incredibly proud of you! You are so talented!!!

  89. Congratulation my dear friend! Mama is so proud of you and so am I. Your images are amazing and beautiful! Big hugs lulu

  90. Many many congratulations, Anne! A fitting tribute to your beautiful Mama. Of course she knows and of course she's proud.


  91. Well deserved Anne! You'll have your own book before you know it!
    Gorgeous photos and heart felt words for sure! Your mama's right by your side~loving you and cheering you on!

  92. Congratulations on the Feature. That's so wonderful!
    xxx Liz

  93. This looks lovely Anne, so much of life is bittersweet but they are the times most often we can feel the breath of God. I am sorry for your loss but happy for your mother's gain.

  94. Hip, hip, hurrraaayyyy! Can't wait to {find} and read this magazine!!!! Congratulations!

  95. Anne that is the most beautiful dedication I have ever read!

    Congratulations, I am so happy for you! Can't wait to pick up a copy!

  96. Oops...forgot to tell you I LOVE your new header!

  97. I know I already congratulated you on Facebook Anne- but I just wanted to come by and say congratulations again here!! You are such an inspiring person!! :) Hugs, Courtney

  98. Congratulations, Anne. Your mama is, indeed, smiling down on your well-deserved success. God bless you.

  99. I am very excited for you, Anne. What a wonderful blessing to have people see and appreciate the gifts that God has given you.

  100. Congrats to you! What a wonderful tribute to your mom. I'm sure she is very proud of you. Such beautiful photos!

  101. I saw your beautiful piece in the magazine. I know your momma is so proud of you and knew your beautiful potential of sharing your love of beauty and life. Mommas are so special and will always be held in that special space of your heart. What a beautiful tribute to her.

  102. Congrats once again! Looks like a fabulous issue! I'm off to get mine!

  103. Contgratulations!! Your mother is gorgeous.. I have not seen this magazine, sure hope I can find it.. hugs ~lynne~

  104. How wonderful Congratulations Anne! well done. I'm sorry I've never heard of this magazine. I wish i had a copy. I'm so thrilled for you truly. Big Hugs ♥

  105. Congratulations! I loved this post and the beautiful tribute to your Mother. I'm looking forward to reading your article along with seeing the gorgeous photography! Congratulations again! Well Deserved!

  106. You really get took me YEARS to figure it all out. Be always thankful for her, and proud of yourself! You (and she) deserve every accolade. Congrats, friend.


  107. This doesn't surprise me at all ~ you really have a special talent and an eye for taking great photos. The photo of you and your mom is precious and I know she is SO proud of you and with you still:) Congratulations to you and wishing you many more blessings!


  108. Congratulations! Your lovely photos and blog deserved to be featured! I have always enjoyed your blog and so happy for you to be in this magazine. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your wonderful mama. Sounds like she was a loving and encouraging role model for you. God bless

  109. Hi Anne- I think of you often. I checked before bed and had to leave a comment, I have chatted through comments before. So proud of your accomplishments and I know your mom is too! Thanks for the chance to enter. Tomorrow I will blog it too. Late and tired. Goodnight.

  110. Just got done posting this giveaway on my blog. Thanks Anne for the chance! Enjoy your Sunday!

  111. Thank you to Anne's Mama, as you have raised a lovely daughter. A wonderful woman who has an eye for the beauty in everything, a smile to share and a kind word to give. Anne has an inspiring and uplifting blog, I am honored to be a faithful follower of it, and read about 95% of her posts.

    The only thing that could be better is if NJ was closer to TX. LOL
    I would so love to visit and get to know her in person. I always feel better after visiting her in cyber space! Anne claims it is all due to you, so thank you Anne's Mama, and hugs too!


  112. Congratulations on your publication in Art of Blogging, such an honor, I too know that your mom is smiling from above and is so very proud of you. Hugs! Florence

  113. Congratulations Anne! I'm honoured that we are in the same issue together. I haven't seen this issues yet but hopefully my copy will arrive any day now! xo

  114. Anne,
    Thanks so much for contributing to Artful Blogging.It was great pleasure working with you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

    All the best,

  115. So sorry to hear about your Mom...but she DOES know and she is SO proud.....we lost our Mom when were were teens so I know how hard it is, I know our Mom is smiling down on us, too, proud of us and still with us always. Your Mom will always be with you, because she lives on in you... oxox

  116. I am only seeing this now - but I wanted to tell you that I am enjoying reading your blog and therefore need to thank your mother.

    It's so hard...I lost my mom (who I credit with giving me the talents I have) in 1994 and I still look up to the sky and ask her advice. But, as the years have gone by - I only remember all the good times and not when she was in the hospital and then in hospice.

    I know that your mom is smiling down on you - with all of your accomplishments. Congrats on being in the Artful Blogger (glad to know about this - I didn't until I read your blog!).

    One of these days I will get to Round Top. But - at least I can try for Brimfield this year!

    Thanks for your lovely blog and beautiful photos!


  117. What a beautiful picture of you and your mother. I'm so sorry for your loss. I have just discovered your blog. What a wonderful spread you have in Artful Blogging. Congrats! That is one of my favorite magazines. I look forward to following your blog. Thank you!


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