Friday, October 14, 2011

Yo Mama...

Everybody thinks that their mother is, or was, beautiful.
We're just hard wired that way,
to believe that our mom's are the fairest of the fair.

Now far be it from me to talk smack about anyone elses mama,
but I'm pretty sure that my mama ranks waaaay up there.

 Not just your garden variety pretty, 
but movie star beautiful.

And my goodness, her brothers, my uncles, confirm that she was
the hottest catch in all of Dallas back in the day.

I came upon this priceless stash of photos this past month,
as I was sorting through her belongings...what a find!

 My mom and her mop-top,
tow-headed little brother.
What a darling pair!

 Sweet, smiling eyes.
She had those until the very end.

It's been a month since she passed,
and the stages of grief still sneak up on me in random order,
at often inopportune times.

Still, I know she is with me.
My beautiful, beautiful mama is right here...

...forever in my heart.

linking with


  1. You are right. She is beautiful. I know you miss her and I am lifting you up high in prayer today.

  2. Of course she is with you and always will be:) And you are right she was beautiful, just like you are:)
    ~Debra xxx
    capers of the vintage vixens

  3. She truly is beautiful, Anne. Praying that you might find comfort in her memories and knowing that you will see her again.
    Many comforting hugs to you,

  4. Your mum is so glamorous,i love how she styled her hair and she is very beautiful.
    Saying a prayer for you friend and i believe our loved ones are never far away,

  5. Thank You for sharing these photos. Your mother IS extremely beautiful.

    I'm feeling a little nostalgic now, after reading your post! :D

  6. She was lovely, so much so! There is so much sadness around us all right now for so many reasons and we just have to keep going. Sending sweet thoughts your way, and to everyone in heartache today.

  7. ah yes ... I can see your beauty in her ...!!!!

    and I know you miss her ... savour this time of relection

  8. Your Mom was very pretty and you look so much like her! Sweet memories are always there for us to draw on and keep us going. Sending you hugs, Linda

  9. And she will always be right your heart...

    She was Gorgeous! But you know what? You look just like her!!

    That smile is exactly the same....

    Have a great weekend!

    Lou Cinda

  10. Beautiful have her eyes!
    Sweet blessings to you,

  11. You are certainly right my dear she was movie star beautiful!! what a wonderful find...cherish those photos forever!! xo

  12. Anne

    What a beautiful collection of your mother you look just like her!

    Sending you much love


  13. I noticed the smile in her eyes immediately, Anne. She is beautiful! It seems to me that I see a beautiful inner spirit as well.

    What wonderful treasures are photographs and our precious memories.

    My love to you, Amy

  14. She was absolutely lovely. And I'm sure the same way inside the same as you are. Hugs!

  15. She is beautiful! Now I see where you got your good looks.

    I know the emotions you are going through. Looking though her belongings is bitter-sweet.

    She is still with you everywhere you go, just like she has been since the day you were born.

  16. She's beautiful...and you look just like her :) Oh, I feel your much it hurts...hang in there my sweet friend.


  17. That's the weird thing about can hit you at anytime...even years later. It's a process over time. Your mother was beautiful! It's wonderful that photography can capture a moment in time. ~Hugs, Patti

  18. Your mom is beautiful, and you look just like her! Praying you find peace and comfort.

  19. Hello Anne, how nice to have those photos of your beautiful Mother. You look just like her. Do you see that too? Hugs, sandi

  20. Oh dear Anne.....your mama was so very beautiful.....Your resemble her greatly...and I can see that same smile in your eyes. Grief leaves slowly and often creeps back in at the oddest of times....just roll with the waves and embrace each and every one of those memories.



  21. Anne, what a beauty your mother was, and I see such a resemblance between you two! Each day is a new day when someone passes, but how wonderful to have these photos of her to reinforce those wonderful memories you have of her!

    Kat :)

  22. definitely a hottie :) and you look a lot like her, you know. I am thinking about you. xo

  23. Ditto, all of the above. I see those smiling eyes in your face, too.

    I love how you are honoring your momma this way, and your styling and photography are beautiful as she was beautiful.


  24. Oh Anne, I made it all the way to the end fighting the tears and then they overflowed! Your mama truly was beautiful on the outside but it is so obvious from those photos that the beauty was really spilling over from the inside out. :-) You come to my mind often and I pray for continued healing and comfort. Thank you so much for sharing this at Inspiration Friday, my friend!

  25. She is just gorgeous, like you! Beautiful on the inside and the outside!!

  26. I see where you get your beautiful looks! You're right, your Mom is beyond lovely! I bet she was a catch!

    I know you miss her and so glad for you to have all these wonderful pictures to share.

    Thinking of you!
    From Virginia

  27. Your mom is so beautiful and you definitely got her amazing smile :)

  28. This was a beautiful post, and I see you in her. andrea@townandprairie

  29. Your mum is indeed beautiful and she IS with you. So glad you found those gorgeous photos, they are treasure.
    Thinking of you and sending big squishy hugs,
    Anne xx

  30. Oh Anne, your mama's pictures are beautiful. You have the same smiling eyes that your mama had. You are such a beautiful person inside and out. I cannot believe it has already been a month since your mom passed. I hope everyday is getting a wee bit easier for you and everyday brings you more amazing memories. Hugs to you.

  31. Anne, you and your mom look so much alike. I don't know if you see it or not, but you do. same eyes. was she as ornery as you are? love you, XOXO

  32. Hi Anne,
    I used to say that whenever I look in the mirror that I see my Mother's eyes looking back at me. People always said that we looked alike and I considered that a great compliment. I miss her so very much but I know she is with me.

    Just as your beautiful Mother is with you. Look how much you look like her. You have the same eyes.
    And remember that when you look in the mirror her eyes will be looking back at you. It's comforting, trust me on this one.


  33. She does have sweet smiling eyes (so that's where you got them from :) The moments of grief will continue to sneak up on you at some of the strangest times. It's been 10 years for me and I still have them sometimes. Sometimes I think it's her way of letting me know she and my dad are still with me.

  34. So sorry for your loss. Time has a way of healing some of the pain your experiencing. It's always hardest on the survivors.

    Your mother was a STUNNER for sure! Love the first photo especially.

    Personally we should be born at the age of 90 and work our way to 29 and holding until we pass on! Then it would definitely be the -GOLDEN YEARS-!

    GOD Bless,

  35. like mother, like daughter .. you do have her lips and her smile .. she was a beautiful woman .. could have been a tv or movie star .. would have given any of them a run for their money ..

    allow yourself the time to heal and grieve .. for the first few months after my momma - who was a looker herself - died, i would cry at smell of roses or when i saw someone who looked like her .. then when Christmas came, Walmart came out with this life size dancing Santa .. i had a conniption fit when i first greeted him one evening as i rounded the corner .. there he stood looking so much like my momma with his white hair and smile .. and then he started a little dance that caused me to loose it ..

    here's a trick i learned .. end your cries with laughter .. it will make the pain so much more bearable ..

    love ya' Anne ..
    always, Troy

  36. How wonderful that you have so many pictures and beautiful memories of your mother. Losing a loved one is never easy, but you have to know she's smiling down on you.

  37. Boy, was she gorgeous. Beautiful eyes. These are happy photos. Concentrate on them.

  38. Anne, you are right about your mom's beauty. Such sweet photos. So dear. I must say that you do share that beauty with her...amazing!

  39. The year my mom died (six years ago), I photocopied all my favorite pictures, shrunk them and made them into simple Christmas ornaments. I bough a small prelit tree and hung just her pictures. My Hallie Tree . . . it was such a comfort.

    Your mom's pictures would be beautiful on a small Christmas tree, too.


  40. She sure was a very beautiful lady, movie star qualities. What a lovely post honouring her. Thinking of you xx

  41. what a beautiful tribute....such pretty photos....

  42. What an elegant-looking, beautiful lady your Mom was, Anne. As I scrolling down reading your post and viewing the beautiful old photos you've so kindly shared with us, I stopped at the last two photos which are directly next to your profile picture and could see the deep resemblance of you and your mother. I can't imagine the range of emotions you must have been going through sorting through all those wonderful old photos. I bet it was good "therapy" though.

    Thanks again for sharing.

  43. I can tell you that you look just like her, Beautiful...

  44. So beautiful! Amazing fotos! Our mom's will be always with us...

  45. Mom's are it!!! Think about never see football players say "Hi Dad" is always "Hi Mom"......She really does have an amazingly beautiful smile :)

  46. Oh Anne, what a treasure in these photos and you are so right...what a gorgeous young woman she was. Isn't it wonderful to know that the essence of who your Mama was can live on with you in your precious memories of her. I am so glad you found those photographs to help you keep her memory alive with you everyday. Thank you for sharing your heart and your Mother with us at Inspiration Friday.


  47. Anne your Mother is surely one of the prettiest angels Hugs and sincere wishes for a beautiful weekend xo

  48. She was a beautiful woman. Keeping you in my prayers.

  49. Your Mom definitely was a beauty Anne! It's nice to have such lovely photos of her ... {{{hugs}}}

  50. Hugs to you Anne...beautiful photos of your have her smile!

  51. I can see so much of your mother's beauty in YOU!! What a find of delightful. Glad to see you focusing on the day at a time, girlfriend.


  52. WOW, that Mama of your's has a lot of SPARKle and pah-zazz! A true beauty. You take right after your Mom too!!!

  53. Your mom was and is beautiful! It's hard when our parents die but the legacy they leave us lives on in you. My dad died 9 years ago but I still have my moments and feel him often when I'm doing a presentation or helping my kids make tough decisions.

    Thank you for sharing!

  54. Your mom is beautiful and how lucky you are to have all of those photos to look at to remember her by..

  55. My goodness, she was a beauty! How wonderful to find that stash. Don't you just love old photos? How come people looked so different then? Their skin looked so smooth and their hair so shiny. They seemed to just radiate something that feels different than the photographs you see today.

  56. SHE IS EVER SO GORGEOUS! What sweet pictures and memories! BIG HUGS and continue to keep her forever in your heart!

  57. What a loving tribute. Your mom truely was a beautiful woman with such warm expressive eyes which she passed on to you. Cherish the photos and the memories ~ she is STILL with you and will live forever in your heart:)


  58. The grief still sneaks up after 19 years. They are always with us..
    I see you in your Mama!

  59. What a beautiful lady... thanks for sharing your photos and memories of your mom. No person can fill the special place a mom has in our hearts, but love and precious memories can fill it up til it overflows. Still remembering you in my prayers.

  60. You are right - your Mother was a beauty. My Mother is close to dying and I feel the same about her. Thank you.

  61. She is beautiful Anne. I know she is with you. I feel the same about my grandmother being here. Hugs, Courtney

  62. Your mama is lovely! The waves of grief are part of the process. My mama died 9 months ago and I still wake up missing her many mornings. She was one of the beautiful ones too.

  63. I love these photos, Anne...your mother is beautiful and you look so much like her! XO

  64. Wow...she really was amazingly beautifull. I love old photos like that.:)

  65. Your mom was just beautiful. You take after her.

  66. Stopped by to see how you are doing....and saw the pics of your wonderful mama. She was and is again...beautiful!

  67. What treasures these pictures are you have found. She was so beautiful. I see you in those pics too. I'm glad you know she is always in your heart. xoxo

  68. She is a beauty, dear Anne. And, you looks so very much like her.♥

  69. Anne, you are beautiful.
    You look just like her
    and it sounds like you
    also have the same gorgeous
    heart. Precious pics to be
    xx Suzanne

  70. Such a beautiful picture!! She was stunning.

    ~ Clare x

  71. Well va,va boom! Your mama was a gorgeous lady Anne, and I see quite a resemblance in those photos, especially the lovely smile.

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  72. Your mom is beautiful and you look just like her! I can see you have the same smile, too!

    I found myself crying at the end of your post. My mother is 90. Floods of emotions.......

    Bittersweet......Thanks so much for sharing those lovely pictures. I love old photographs!

    I bet your barn look better than my barn :)

  73. Your mother was stunning, Anne! I can only imagine how much it hurts.

  74. Hey girl,
    Maybe you need to send me a scan or two of your beautiful Mama. I have been thinking up something special to honor her.
    Hope your doing well. It must be close to Rose time, huh?
    PS Did you ever get paid? I just saw your text. You know I'm techno challanged!

  75. What a lovely tribute to your beautiful Mom. My heart goes out to you. Know that she is always with you.
    The Polka Dot Rose


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