Monday, December 19, 2011

Exciting News and a Giveaway Winner

Happy Monday!
Boy, do I have some thrilling news to share with all of you!

You've heard me rave about her and her marvelously talented
family on this blog many, many times...

And my own home is filled with many a priceless treasure
from their iconic store Homestead, right here in Fredericksburg, Texas.

Well, the end of an era is rapidly approaching.
Homestead is closing its beautiful doors at the end of this year.


 An incredibly exciting new era is upon us!

My sweet and unbelievably talented friend  
Carol Hicks Bolton and her husband Tim
are embarking on a fabulous new adventure,
which is sure to be a feast for the senses.

Introducing the soon-to-be-open
Carol Hicks Bolton 

I got a sneak peek inside the new building as I was doing
a walkabout in town the other day,
and it looks like it's going to be perfection.

Be sure to follow my lovely friend Binky's blog,
as she has worked alongside Carol and Tim for years,
and has an extra special feature planned on the new shop
after Christmas!

Oh, and in other news?

The lucky winner of my
along with a copy of the new Artful Blogging featuring
my article and photos is
Congrats, Donna!

I'll be back in a couple of days with a gorgeous house tour,
so be sure to pop back in.

Happy Christmas Week!


  1. This is such an energetic post. I can feel your excitement. Congratulations to your winner too.
    Happy Christmas

  2. I'm sorry that Homestead is closing. I had their shop on my 'places to visit' list. But as one door closes, another opens.

    Congratulations to the lucky winner Donna!

  3. Congrats to ALL!!!! Merry Christmas dear Anne, have a blessed day, HUGS!

  4. HOW WONDERFUL IS THIS??!! Carol's style is unmistakable and it's so good that she's opening up a store again! I hope you're doing great sweet Anne ~ we're just getting things ready for Christmas this week...wishing you a wonderful Christmas week!! sending hugs and love, Dawn

  5. maybe it's just me and my computer .. but there are a lot of empty spaces in this post .. like something is not showing up ..

  6. Oh yeah, this will be wonderful, can't wait to see more of what will be happening there! Hope you're having a great week! XOXO

  7. Thank you, Anne!!! I'm so excited to have won your giveaway...and to now have some of your latest work! Merry Christmas to me! (Can you tell I'm dancing around?)

    Merry Christmas Blessings to you and all your friends and family, Anne.

  8. I have such fond memories of the beautiful Homestead stores & so sad to see them close but glad that we'll still get to see the artistry of Carol. Life goes on.... Jan

  9. Hi Anne :) Congratulations to Donna! Oh goodness ...can't wait to see more about this new store that's coming soon but sad to see your favorite store is closing. It sounds as though you won't be without a place to take more wonderful photo's for very long though. Can't wait to see your photo's! Have a wonderful week.
    Maura :)

  10. I've been hearing about this new adventure of Carol's for a few months, can't wait to visit her store. Merry Christmas Anne!!

  11. another beautiful reason to celebrate. Hang in there sweet friend.

  12. Anne, this is an end of an era. I've shopped Homestead since its beginning. I know the new venture will be fabulous.
    Holiday Hugs ~ Sarah

  13. Not to take anything from R.A., but we down here in Texas know Carol is responsible for setting trends with white from way back when...right? Her signature look (I like to call it "Texas Hill Country Style") has influenced me time and time again and I can't wait to see her new store.
    Merry Christmas angel!
    P.S. Lest I forget...congrats to Donna.

  14. What a great way to start the New Year! Merry Christmas!

  15. I am so sorry to see them go, but can't wait to visit the new store when it opens. We have lived in San Antonio since 1987 & the first time we visited Fredericksburg, I thought I had entered heaven. At that time, Carol had more than one store. My home is filled with little bits of her from the past 24 years. When we visited the 1st time, it was a very quiet little town. Now it has changed so much, but I still have dreams to move out to Fredericksburg, as you have. A little Sunday house would be the perfect project and place for my husband and I to retire!!!

  16. Hey Sweetie, I just wanted to get by to wish you a Very Merry Christmas while I had a chance. I think of you so often and I hope my good wishes reach you somehow, but it's nice to actually let you know too. I'll be thinking of you on Christmas and hoping it's filled with busy fun.

    Love...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

  17. Congratulations to the lucky winner!
    Have a Happy Christmas!


  18. It is nice to hear you sounding so up-beat! is that a smile, I see?

    Congrats for your friends, and congrats for your winner!

    Have a blessed holiday, if I do not speak with you before.
    love n light,

  19. It is always sad to lose a store that feels like an Old Friend, isn't it? How wonderful, though, that a new one is opening. You will have fun exploring that one and getting to know it! Blessings to you, sweet Anne- xo Diana

  20. Texas is so on my bucket list...
    Merry Christmas, dear Anne.


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