Friday, December 30, 2011

Surprised by Romantic Country Magazine!

Those sneaky little tricksters at  
Romantic Country Magazine!

 I just adore the new Editor, Mary Forsell,
so I e-mail her regularly asking her what sorts of things
they might be looking for in the coming issues.

Well, a few months back, she gave me a short list, and among her wish list
was dress forms or mannequins. I sent her a few shots I had taken in Warrenton
this past September, and that was that, or so I thought.

Bless Mary's heart, she had been so busy that she forgot to tell me that
the art department had chosen two of my photos
for the Spring 2012 feature, on newsstands now!

I only found out this week, as I am still recovering from a nasty throat infection,
and had sent the Mister to the store for some meds, yogurt, OJ, and the new issue 
of Romantic Country, as I knew my super talented friend Shell of Bungalow Bling
was featured in the new issue.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw
that two of my photos had indeed made the issue.

I shot the photo on the top of the page 
at my sweet friend Christie Connelly's
space in Warrenton ( get a blog, will ya, Christie?! )...

 and I shot the beautiful bald headed gal below at my buddy
Theresa Cano's space at Zapp Hall.

The Spring 2012 issue also has inspiring features
on my friends Rebecca Ersfeld  and Tracie Truran,
written and styled by Miss Fifi O'Neill herself!
It's a really great issue, be sure to grab it!

This happy news, along with my antibiotics, should be
the BEST medicine.
Back to recuperating, have a wonderful weekend and a
Happy New Year!

linking with 


  1. Congratulations! Beautiful photos.

  2. Huge congratulations Anne! Those photos are lovely! Wishing you all good things in 2012!

  3. Anne, this is fantastic!!!! A Beautiful surprise that surely made you feel a little bit better. Perfect to end the tear in a positive note.

  4. There's nothing like e GOOD surprise to light up your day! Congrats on two gorgeous photos making the cut!

  5. What a wonderful surprise! The photos are gorgeous! Can't wait to go pick up my copy of Romantic Country Magazine!

  6. Yay!! I am so happy for you!! Get well soon my friend! xoxo Rachel

  7. WOW that is great!! IF only the mag was here GGGRRRRR. Bought some years ago in the USA and still keep those close by for a quick snuff lol.

    Hugs and a happy new year and get well soon.


  8. Excited for you and me!! I couldn't wait to get the magazine after you called and yes my friend your photo's of our spaces look great. Thanks to you again my space is in a magazine. And keep bugging Christie about a blog, I've been trying to get her to start one. Happy New Year and hope you are feeling better really soon!

  9. Atta girl!
    Now for the surprise check...

  10. Super cool!!!! Can't wait to get my issue! xoxo

  11. how dare they .... haha

    we do do a lot of work for no pay ...
    it's all worth it!

    Rebecca is a friend of mine here from the burbs ... we go back lots of years.


  12. Such a great shot and congrats about being in Romantic Homes, my fav! Hope you feel better. I did pin your photo with your blog info. Di

  13. Anne, that is so exciting!!!!!Wow! you have had a great year with all of your talent being shared with everyone:) Soooo excited for you! My issues should be here. Can't wait to see it. Happy New Year!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  14. I am getting that copy tomorrow while I am in Kansas City Missouri
    barnes & noble here i come

  15. Congratulations sweet friend! And what a wonderful way to end the year!

    Blessings to you for the new year!

  16. Yay! Hope you feel better, and Happy New Year!

    Kat :)

  17. Now that is some good medicine and a great way to end the year!

    Feel better Anne and hope your Dad is doing well.

  18. Een heel goed en vooral gezond 2012 !!!.......

    Bedankt voor je liefde en steun van het afgelopen jaar......

    Het voelde als een warme deken......

    Liefs van

    ★ ┊    ★ ┊┊   ★ ┊  ★ ┊    
    ┊   ┊ ☆   ☆┊ ┊     ★┊  
      ★ ┊    ★ ┊ ★ ┊ ★ ┊
    ┊   ┊ ☆   ☆┊    ★┊ ☆ ☆ 
    ☆┊   ☆   ★ ┊    ★ ┊┊ ☆   
    ┊   ┊ ☆   ☆┊    ★┊★┊ ★
    ☆┊ ☆   ★ ┊    ★ ┊ ☆

    A very good and healthy 2012 !!!......

    Thank you for love and support of the past year........

    It felt like a warm blanket..........

    Love from

  19. Congratulations! What an honor! I am very happy for you! I hope you get better really soon!


  20. Well that should cure you right up =) Congrats... what fun!!

  21. How exciting for you Anne, congratulations. I hope you are feeling better soon and your meds kick in fast.
    Happy New Year.
    Anne xx

  22. Hope you feel better!

    That was a nice surprise. Is it cheeky of me to ask if magazines pay for your photos?.

    Happy New Year!

  23. Sorry you are feeling sick! Seeing your photos in the magazine may make your recovery quicker!

    How every exciting for you and Congratulations!

    From Virginia

  24. I'm going to look for it this weekend! I didn't know Shell was going to be in it either. Congratulations! And hope you feel better real soon. Hugs!

  25. Congratulations, Anne. I'm off to go find a copy for myself. ;-)
    Get well soon ~ sarah

  26. Hurray for you, Anne! I can't wait to get the issue! Your photos are wonderful.

    Get better and Happy New Year!


  27. Congratulations ~ what a lovely way to end 2012. Your photos are just lovely. I can't wait to get my copy. Hope you feel better soon ~ Happy New Year ;-)

  28. Anne congratulations to you on your photos being used! I will have to check them out. I got my copy in the mail a few days ago and was very upset the condition it arrived in. Torn, pages bent and wet. I thought they used to send them in plastic? Those particular mags I keep so I can refer back to them but I like them to be in good condition. Hope you are feeling better! Happy New Year!~Hugs, Patti

  29. What a fun surprise! Congratz!

  30. Congratulations!!
    Feel better...
    Happy New Year~
    Lisa xo

  31. That is wonderful!
    Congrats to you for making the cut ;)
    Have a Happy New Year.
    xxx Liz

  32. Anne that is great news!
    High five!

    A cold virus is making its rounds in my house right now. I made a magic, get well soup last night - I think it has boosted my immunity; I'll have to blog about it soon.


  33. Ackkkkkkkkk Stop it! You're killin' Me! It's not "Out" here yet!....."I'm Dyin' Already!"

    So Glad "Were in this issue together, I can't think of a better compliment!"

    Love you to Pieces!

  34. Congratulations! Your photos are beautiful and I will be looking for my copy of the magazine tomorrow. I hope you are well soon. Happy New Year.

  35. Congrats Anne! I will get out to get my copy tomorrow. Even after all these years...I still love my vintage dress's like playing dolls for big girls! Happy New Year! :)

  36. Anne:

    Hoping you feel better soon! The pics are lovely-I'll be picking up a copy this weekend to peruse!

  37. congratulations my sweet bloggy friend. Well done. I have a copy of artful blogging right next to me at the moment and actually let out squeal when I saw your blog in it :-) So very happy for you! Hugs! P.S. I hope you'll stop by Katherines Corner and add your lovely blog to my blog list page :-)

  38. Hi honey
    Congrats to both you and Shell. I just left her sight and she is beside her self with joy. I am really excited and happy for both of you.
    Well deserved I love these shots you captured of my favorite place to wonder through.
    Wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year

  39. Congratulations, I will have to go out tomorrow and get an issue of the magazine. Whooo Hooo! Feel better. Florence

  40. Hi Sweet Anne,
    Congrats to you for having your photos published in Romantic Country, you know I love your work (love of photography).

    Thank you so much for the shout out to me and My Petite Maison, you are a thoughtful friend in mentioning me and it's so much appreciated!

    Thank you also for your kind, kind words about our beloved Zeke. Animal folks are truly the best & have much heart.

    Feel better soon and much happiness to you in 2012, dear one.

  41. Well, how fun is that? What a great surprise! Hope you are feeling better soon, Anne! Wishing you a happy New Year!

  42. Found you through a blog party! I'm new to these and am having so much fun...

    It's all been said, I know, but I just wanted to add my Congrats. There's no greater compliment than to be published!

    I hope you are feeling better real soon. Happy New Year to you and yours.

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  43. Hi Anne,
    Congratulations! You must just be giddy! I'm so happy for you, truly. Even through the darkness He lets in His light to remind you that He cares about what makes you happy. You are blessed because you use your gifts to selflessly bring out the best in others by blessing and encouraging them.
    Thank you!

  44. What a wonderful Surprise! Beautiful photo's.I'm gonna have to pick it up when we go to town.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  45. Congratulations! Those are really great shots! How exciting to see something you created and photographed published!!

  46. Good Morning, Anne,
    I am in love with dress forms and this magazine. Congratulations on the feature.

    Happy New Year to you and your family. I am looking forward to our continued blog friendship in 2012.

    Take care, ~Natalie

  47. That's fantastic! What a nice surprise and a great way to end the year. Have to treat myself to a copy.

    Feel better:)


  48. Congraulations!!!!! I hope it took away every bit of that nasty bug you are battling. I am going to check out the links you have here- Happy New Year, too! xo Diana

  49. Congratulations! Lovely Blog.

  50. Congrats! I must go get a copy today!
    I hope you are feeling better, it's awful to be sick.

    Happy New Year!


  51. Congratulations Anne!Yay!Gee Whiz I need to get Subscriptions to soooo Many Magazine! So Many Talented Ladies in the Land of Blog! That includes You Dear!
    Have a Wonderful New Years!

  52. The next issue sounds wonderful!! I love all those included! Happy New Year!
    Hoping 2012 is good to you and yours!
    Hugs, Lisa

  53. Hope you are feeling better! How very, very exciting!!!! I just saw your photos yesterday at the store! Way to go girl!!!! God's blessings for you this year dear girl!
    Love, Ang

    PS Ten more hours... Parisienne Farmgirl's Big Announcement and Giveaway

  54. Congrats Anne, I bet you were thinking you were seeing things.... Hope you feel better & Here's to a Wonderful 2012 ~ No Regrets!

  55. YEAH for you! I will run right out and get a copy!! Of course it is New Years Eve so will have to wait till the am!!

  56. Congrats Anne..I will be sure to get a copy. Happy New Year!!!


  57. Feel better soon and CONGRATS on the Publication!

    All the best in 2012!
    love n hugs,

  58. Congratulations! I am so very happy for you!

  59. Happy New Year and congratulations! I hope you are feeling much better dear Anne! HUGS!

  60. Happy New Year Anne!!! Well seeing your photos should be good medicine indeed. I sure hope you feel better soon. I started running a high fever the Wednesday before Christmas and was at the dr the next day. I had a viral infection and sinusitis. He did give me antibiotics for the sinusitis. Neil came down with it hard 2 days later and we've both pretty much been in bed until now. This kicked our butts. That's what happens when your Christmas weather is in the 70's. I'm praying you and us are well real soon.

    All my love...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute :)

  61. woohoo!!!! cannot wait to see it!

    blessings for 2012 sweet girl

    barbara jean

  62. Oh, How KEwl! Love surprises! Happy NEw YEar! I hope you are feeling better today.

  63. Soo exciting Anne!!! Congratulations!!! Whoo Whoo!!! What a great post! Hope you are on the mend and feeling great today!! Thanks for linking this up at FNF! Happy New Year! xoxox, Courtney

  64. Congratulations, Anne! Your photos are always so beautiful! I hope you are feeling better. Happy New Year!

  65. I'm late in reading this post but I wanted to add my congratulations on again being featured for your beautiful photography and to add to it, you covered one of my favorite collections, mannequins and dress forms! Double score! Way to go, hope you're feeling better now. Betsy

  66. Congrats!! And I agree....Christie - get a blog!

  67. Love your featured photos! Congratulations! I will have to zip out and see if I can still get a copy. Wishing you an Amazing and Happy New Year!

  68. What a great surprise! Congratulations, Anne :)

  69. Congratulations (and I hope the meds kick in and you're soon "back in the saddle").

  70. Congratulations (and I hope the meds kick in and you're soon "back in the saddle").

  71. What a beautiful and heartfelt comment you left for me on my blog tonight, Anne.... YOU know, and I knew you knew, old soul. In my sadness, it's comforting knowing you understand.

    Kindness shown to others always comes back to kiss you gracefully and with much love when you least expect it, dear friend (my step-dad used to say & I so believe it).
    Love, Tracie

  72. Hi Anne! Just saw on Carol's post that you were featured! Congrats, the photos are beautiful!


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