Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bloggers Luncheon

Hello Friends!

I am super happy to make a special announcement
on behalf of my sweet friends

 My dear friend Carol will be speaking at
a very special luncheon at Royers Cafe
in Round Top, Texas to kick off
Antique Week at Marburger Farm!

Carol will be discussing her design philosophy,
and I was asked to provide the photography
for her special presentation.

Ain't she cute?

Here, courtesy of Bud, is what awaits
the winning blog entry about this event... 

"Dallas Market Center will recognize the best blog entry 
covering the Luncheon and Round Top Antique Week 
with a prize package worth approximately $600. 

We invite the winner to join us in Dallas 
for our summer FINDS Dallas Temp Show (June 21-24) 
featuring Vintage categories across our wholesale campus. 

The Market will feature a bloggers’ lounge on the show floor – 
the perfect place to regroup, relax and do a little blogging from Market! 
The prize package will include a two night hotel stay, 
a $200 gas card, and two restaurant gift certificates for dinner in Dallas."
All the info you need is on the announcement, 
so please be sure to contact Michaela Webb from
Dallas Market Center
for further details...I'm just the happy messenger! 

I'm not sure if I'll be able to sneak away to attend,
as I will be working with the lovely Magnolia Pearl
folks that day, but I do hope you will contact
Michaela for all the details if you wish to attend.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. I so, so wish I was there. One of these days I'm going to get to the shows. I've been telling myself that for years, but i will make there sooner than later. Have a great time!!

    Take care, Sue

  2. I'm with SUE, one of these days I am coming:) Looks like SO much fun!

    Have a blessed day dear Anne, HUGS!

  3. Ah sweetie, it sounds fabulous! I only wish I were closer to Texas. Maybe we can have a virtual luncheon one of these days....

  4. I also wish I could attend. I am all the way in NY. Sounds like it will be an exciting afternoon. Have a great time. Looking forward to you posting about it. -Al

  5. Now my keyboard is all wet because I'm CRYING and whining that I can't be at ANY of these great events!!
    {sigh} someday....MAGNOLIA PEARL....oh boy....

  6. Did I ever tell you that my sis-in-law lives in Carmine? Oh, how I wish I was going to be there to visit! I'd be there in a jiffy!

  7. Oh- Anne- It looks like you are havig a wonderful time! I do hope you can sneak away to attend some of the events.~xo Diana

  8. It sounds so exciting!!
    Someday I'll get to Texas again!
    Have fun Anne!

  9. what a wonderful time will be had by all and I am sure your photography will be spectacular...and she is adorable!

  10. Sounds like a wonderful event! I'm just a little ways south in Austin, wish we had something like this! I recently found out about your site through Artful Blogging, it's wonderful. Have a great week!

  11. Looks like fun. Have a great time!!!


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