Friday, April 20, 2012

Giveaway Winner, Etc...

Happy Friday!

As seen outside one of our barns...

And old tractor seat, a random brick, and an old
mailbox that I found with the letter "A" on it.
Just like it was waiting especially for me, I like to think.

Lots going on here.
I joined a gym the other day after 5 years of relative inertia.
That last ten pounds is hella stubborn, so I'm gonna
just elliptical my belly away. That's the plan, anyway.

Headed into the big city Saturday for a class on
advanced indoor or studio lighting for photographers.
Considering myself primarily a natural light photographer,
I really need to work on my lighting skills, especially
as I'm shooting more and more homes and interiors.

I'm on the verge of hiring a highly recommended
local seamstress to whip me up some lovely
linen roman shades for the living room.
It'll be pricey, but I've seen her work, and it
will be sooooo lovely!

Oh, and the bestest news of all!
This June, me and my husband are planning a road trip
up to Missouri, so that I can meet face to face
some of my absolute besties in the whole world!

We will be bunking with number one bestie
Debra of Common Ground,
and have plans to meet up ( again ) with another bestie
and mentor, Carol Spinski, with hopes to connect with
sweet Debbie Dusenberry who I had the delight of finally
getting to meet in Round Top earlier this month.
And last but not least, my undisputed sister from another mother,
my idol, my prayer partner, my texting and e-mail and phone buddy,
the incomparable Elizabeth Maxson.

I'm super excited for this trip,
as it is sure to be a week full of wonderfulness.  :-)

Oh, and you say you want a winner?
Okay, I've got one for ya....

you're the lucky winner of the tea towels,
courtesy of Sheila at Tattered Goods.

Just send me your address and I'll get those
right off to you!

Have a fabulous weekend in your
little corner of the world!


  1. Anne, I love your new blog header! Funny I never thought of you needing to take a class on photography since your pictures are always stunning!

    You will be sooooo close to me when you come up in June. I live about 70 miles from Kansas City!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Maybe you could ck. out Leola's!!!

  3. Anne,
    So much is going on girl!Those last stubborn pounds are always the hardest grrrrrrr!How fun to have a road trip to meet up with blogging buddy's

  4. Hi there, I hope your lighting class goes well, and I say go for it on the shades! The trip sounds amazing and you'll be in the company of some wonderful and very talented women!

    Enjoy your weekend!


  5. Congrats to Judy.. Anne I hope you have a great weekend.

  6. Congrats to Judy.. Anne I hope you have a great weekend.

  7. I can't wait to give a for real Texan hug!! :-)))

    Lots of love
    Elizabeth :-)

  8. What fun!!! I LOVE Elizabeth Maxon!!!!! She is such a talented woman. Yeaaaa Judy for the big win:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  9. I absolutely think that mailbox was waiting just for you! Happy weekend!

  10. Hey Anne, sounds like a fun trip to Missouri. When you mentioned you are having roman shades made I immediately thought of Debbie Phillips of Simply Slips there in fredericksburg. I guess she's still in the biz but I've always admired her work. Thanks again for praying for my dad.

  11. Congrats to the winners! You gals are very lucky :) Have a wonderful weekend! -Allison

  12. Enjoy your classes...they sound like fun. I could use going to both! :)

    Hurray for the winner and I wish you a lot of fun on your trip!


  13. I think the mailbox was definitely meant for you!

    Have a wonderful weekend:)


  14. I sure loved meeting Debra last month - have a terrific weekend with them all!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  15. Have fun at the class! Man, photography equipment is expensive! You'll be buying the umbrellas for sure!! Have fun w/ Debra!

  16. It sounds like you are gonna have a wonderful time on your trip. And, I KNOW you will love that class you are taking for lighting. You are so good already but I imagine interior lighting is a whole other animal.

    Blessings to you and congrats to Judy...she is going to be over the moon! xo Diana

  17. Oh my goodness! I just popped on to check up on my favorite blogs and saw the news!!! Thank you Anne for making my Saturday!


  18. Sounds like the mother of all road trips ~ you deserve it!
    Congrats to Judy...she is a peach!

  19. Hi Anne,
    What awesome finds!! Especially the mailbox!
    And congrats on joining the gym. I've been doing the treadmill for about 3 1/2 months now and it has helped so much in regards to my weight as well as my mind. I know how hard it is to loose those last few pounds. I am trying hard to loose my stomach after my babies, who really aren't babies anymore:) Sometimes I have to force myself to go, but when I do I'm glad I did. Best of luck to you!
    And how exciting for your photography class and your trip. It is always so amazing to meet other bloggers face to face.
    Have a lovely time!


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