Friday, April 6, 2012

Home Again

It was a blast!

Although my  
adventure ended a day early due to illness,
it was still a wonderfully memorable experience,
and I had a blast.

One of the absolute highlights was FINALLY
meeting this junking goddess diva...

That's my junkin' sista from another mother,
I've loved her since I began stalking her blog three years ago,
and next year, I plan to get to know
my long-distance buddy better by getting into
some certified junkin' mayhem with her!

The lovely Magnolia Pearl folks were a joy to work with,
and my two days spent with them were so much fun.
Thank you, my sweet friends!

I also had the chance to attend the wonderful Bloggers Luncheon
held at Royer's Cafe, which featured an inspiring talk from
my precious friend, Carol Hicks Bolton.

Carol was a revelation to listen to,
as she shared her design philosophy with those of us
lucky enough to attend.

It was also fun to see that my photos are being used
on the advertising materials for Carol's new shop,
I'll share those with you soon!

And finally, in super exciting news,
I am pleased and thrilled to announce that I have been
added to the editorial staff of  
as a regular contributor!

This is such an honor,
and if you haven't subscribed yet, you really should.
It's chock full of all those things
we bloggers hold near and dear...

Per the blog...

FOLK magazine is....

"Devoted to presenting a fresh and youthful interpretation of simple country lifestyles.
We focus on the stories that make America our collective home sweet home.  
FOLK reaches across the many representations of American Country style
to celebrate personal expression in our homes, businesses, and lives.

We are all about the country, sweet tea, indie music, antiques,
roadtrips, small towns, comfort, home, artists,
locally grown and locally made, one-of-a-kind art,
open spaces, photography, patriotism,
simple living.... and the little things."

Sounds great, right?
You can subscribe

More exciting news in the days ahead,
including a wonderful giveaway that I'll be announcing
the first part of the week.
You won't want to miss it!

Happy Weekend, and have a Blessed Easter!


  1. So thrilled for you Anne!!! Congratulations and thanks for linking up at FNF!! :)

  2. How cool Anne, and I can't wait to see more pics, since I didn't make it this time.

  3. Sounds like a fun time with awesome people--looking forward to your Monday post!

  4. congratulations on the magazine! it sounds pretty wonderful. i have a list of mags to search for when i'm back in the states. american publications are quite limited here. i will add it to my list.
    i'm so happy to read about all the good stuff you have going on in you life!
    xo tracie

  5. Congratulations!!! So glad you also had a blast at the Show and spend quality time with all your Friends... that is what Memories are made of and that is Priceless!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. Way to go Anne!!!!

    Glad you had so much fun.


  7. Hi Anne hope you are feeling better. Always love reading your heartfelt posts & looking at your pictures. I just ordered Folk. So happy you are joining them. See ya on fb. Xo

  8. Hi Anne hope you are feeling better. Always love reading your heartfelt posts & looking at your pictures. I just ordered Folk. So happy you are joining them. See ya on fb. Xo

  9. Wonderful news for you, Anne.
    SO happy life is GOOD. You certainly deserve all the recognition and kudos you are receiving, my very talented friend.
    Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter. XO

  10. Oh the places you are GO-ing! Congratulations, Girl. You certainly are surrounded by lovely ladies and beautiful settings.

    Hope your health returns and you're able to enjoy the holiday peacefully.

  11. Yay!!! So happy for you! I {heart} Folk! Have I told you lately that you are just AWESOME?? You are, my friend. You truly are!


  12. Congratulations to my talented friend! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you:) Have a blessed day and a Happy Easter! HUGS!

  13. yay for you!!! Congrats! That is super exciting!
    have a very lovely Easter!


  14. Anne,
    Congratulations so many good things coming your way.I am so happy for you.Have a wonderful Easter.

  15. Looks like you had a grand time girl! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. Sorry your trip was cut short, but it sounds like you had a great time none the less! And woohoo about Folk, what a great addition you will make to their publication!


  17. So glad to hear you had a really good time and things are going well for you.

    Hope you have a blessed Easter.


  18. Your trip sounds like it was so much fun...except for the ending, that is. That's too bad about getting sick.

    And look it you! Your talents are in high demand. Congratulations, on making your dreams come true. I hope you have a wonderful Easter, Anne :)

  19. You gotta get yourself a crown to wear when you are working on stuff for FOLK. Junkin Princess, decked out in style for the new gig. Congrats, exciting time for you. Remember the little people!


  20. Looks like you've been crazy busy! Always excited when I see your photos in magazines!


  21. except or the sick part it sounds like a wonderful time. Congrats on being part of the Folk team I am heading right over to get a subcription!

  22. Congratulations!!!!! Good for you! I am happy that you had such a good time at the show and even happier that you met some special people. I am sorry that you didn't feel well though, and left early?

    God bless you on this Easter weekend. I know you will be missing your Mom this special Holiday. xo Diana

  23. Thanks for the pictures and stories of your past week or so. Loved them all and congrat's on joining Folk magazine! I have looked into advertising with them but was a bit unsure because they are so new. Have a great day.


  24. I am sooo excited for you Anne to be a contributor for "Folk" magazine!! I know you must be over the moon! And I can't wait to hear more exciting news!
    Congratulations and Happy Easter!!~

  25. Hi sweet Anne....Happy Easter to you as well....congrats on your mag assignment.



  26. I would have fun down there also, sure you wore your magnolia pearl clothing
    I read Sue's blog The Vintage Rescue Blog, I like how she shows digging in boxes of stuff

    sorry you got sick , was it a sore throat? darn

    show more pictures of your trip

  27. Hope you are feeling better. What a wonderful time you must have had. One day I will join you all. This is certainly on my list of things to do.
    Happy Easter.

  28. So happy for you! Happy Easter!

  29. Giggly happy for you, my friend! Enjoy it all. ~hugs~

  30. I bet you had a blast! One of these days I would love to go to at least one event that someone has invited me to. Everything is so far from my home in NY. Congrats on your new role with Folk mag. You busy girl :)
    xxx Liz

  31. Congratualations! I'll have to check this out!

    Easter Blessings to you!

  32. Good Morning, Anne,
    Congratulations on your new position with Folk magazine. I'm excited to follow you an this new adventure.

    Take care ~Natalie


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