Monday, May 7, 2012

My Big News and More Carol Hicks Bolton...

My big news?
It will come later in this post.
A lot of you on Facebook already know it, but for the rest,
patience, my friends.

It's been far too long since I shared some new images
from my sweet friend
Carol Hicks Bolton's shop,
so I hope you enjoy seeing the brilliance 
being created on Warehouse Row
right here in Fredericksburg, Texas.

This chair, to my mind, embodies perfectly
Carol's new aesthetic of "raw luxury".
 Stripped of all artifice, and allowing the layers to peel away,
revealing the beauty buried deep within.

The purity and honesty revealed in these pieces
speaks to my belief that beauty is found in that
which has lived a full life, and not necessarily
a pristine one.

I never fail to leave Carol's shop
enchanted and inspired, which has in large part,
brought me back full circle.

Starting this month,
you will be able to find me and my good friend
teaming up and selling our vintage wares
at Fredericksburg's latest shopping hot-spot,

" Smitten is a Fredericksburg original. 
Created by a mom, her daughter, and their friend. 
We carry vintage and new home goods, 
some clothing, local savor, gifts, 
and other delights that you WILL be smitten with! "

It's been a couple of years since I gave up
my antique mall booth, but I am super thrilled
to be a part of this incredible new venture.

The shop is due to open mid-May,
and I'll give you a definite date as the time draws nearer.

I'm excited and scared all at the same time,
but I really do think that y'all will adore this shop.
Destination shopping, for sure.
Along with Laboratoire De Design, of course!

Today we begin the big move into our cozy little
room at Smitten, and I do hope you'll
pay us a visit soon, along with all the other
incredible dealers setting up shop
alongside us.

401 E Auguste and S Washington
Fredericksburg, Texas
1 (830) 307-3218

Opening SOON!

Have a wonderful week!


  1. My sisters & I used to come and stay in one of your beautiful houses in Fredericksburg and we loved it. Think it's time to do it again. Must be fun to be in the middle of such excitement. Good luck on your new endeavor. Jan

  2. Anne, this is super exciting news but was happy to see it on Facebook! I can't wait to shop there and get back to see Carol's store. She's just so amazing with her creations. Be seeing you soon... looking forward to being in Fredericksburg!

  3. Beautiful images! Happy for you in your new adventure! I know it will be a HUGE success! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

  4. Awesome news!!!!! That is going to be so much fun for you. Love all of the photos you posted today. Love that look. Can't wait to see more photos of how you set up shop:) Lots of luck to you:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  5. I have finally gotten all the virus kinks out of my computer and can see your beautiful photos and comment once again...

    Another wonderful place to shop! How wonderful. I can hardly wait to visit and see what treasures you're sharing.

    wishing you sunny days and starry nights... and rain. Dixie

  6. I know you're going to have so much fun! Can't wait to see how you two put it all together!

  7. Anne,
    Those pictures of Carol's shop were wonderful.
    I am excited for your new venture. I can see another trip in my future!
    Smiles, Alice

  8. Oh Anne Sweetie...
    Congratulations on your new venture. I can't wait to see pics of your area when you get it all set up. I know it will be spectacular.

    Who knows someday I may get over to Texas and be able to pop on in. What fun that would be.

    I can just feel the "HAPPY" shining through on your pages sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  9. Love your photos! Amazing Talent!!! Good Luck with your new adventure....hope to be there someday soon!

  10. Good for you! Sure wish it was only a "hop, skip and a jump" to TX!

    I'm smitten by your news AND a look at those wonderful thread-bare chairs!

  11. Congratulations Anne! I'm sure you'll have loads of fun! Can't wait to see!

  12. Anne your images are beautiful as always and I'm so darned excited for you and your new venture! I wish you much success as you take this next leap of faith, and I hope to make it down there one day so that I can shop in person! All the best my friend!

    xo Kat

  13. I shall pass through there this summer. Can't wait to pop in!

  14. Anonymous07 May, 2012

    Oh Anne,
    I am so excited for you and your new venture!!! Best wishes!
    And I am just swooning over Carol's chair in the first photo! Perfection indeed!
    Hope you have a lovely week and have fun setting up shop!

  15. yay!!! So happy for you! Lovely photos as always. LOVE the deconstructed chair!

  16. wonderful pics sweetie.
    off to see more.

    barbara jean

  17. Anne,
    Congratulations on your newest venture.I know you will both sell allot.LOVE your taste.Your photos are amazing.You put it perfectly in your words.I guess that is why I love vintage so much.It is not perfect and neither our we.I see the beauty in all.

  18. Congrats! You can't help but be a success with your artistic eye!

  19. That is awesome Anne...I know you will do great and have a ton of fun.

    I loved seeing all the great shots in this lovely post!
    sending hugs...

  20. Congratulations on your new venture! I only wish it was here so I could come and shop LOL I absolutely love the small architectural piece that kind of looks like a frame in your friend's shop. We just don't have the same wonderful types of things here!

  21. Oh- I can't believe you are almost ready to open. How sweet is that?!!

    I wish I did FB cuz then I would be "in the loop". I guess I'll just bide my time and wait to see your "reveal". xo Diana

  22. Hi Anne!

    Beautiful images!!! Love it all!!!

    And congrats on the shop! Wish I lived closer so that I could come shop there too!!! :) Wishing you a most beautiful week!


  23. beautiful photos...I'm dying to see Carol's place in person but that may be a ways in the future...and Smitten sounds like the perfect name for a store -I'm sure it will be wonderful - look forward to your pics!

  24. Anonymous07 May, 2012

    Hi Little Anne! Oh, how much fun you're going to have and I hope we'll continue to blessed with your beautiful snaps! I love your pretty header too.
    You're always a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. Anne
    So happy, proud, excited for you! I know that this will be such a wonderful part of the newest chapter in your life. So honored to be your friend and share in all of the wonders you are doing! Your photography is absolutely so very amazing.

    Love you

  26. How exciting! I've no doubt, with your talent and clever mind, it'll be a huge success! I need to make a trip there soon!

  27. This is wonderful news, Anne!
    Looking forward to a trip to Fred soon!

  28. Good luck to you! Hope you sell lots:)

  29. Oh how I wished I lived where I could shop at your lovely new store. I would be in there all of the time. I am so happy for you Anne, what an exciting new adventure. One I know you will be hugely successful at! Congratulations friend!


  30. Good luck with
    this new venture,
    Anne! Since everyone
    in Fredericksburg seems
    to know you, you are
    going to fit right in
    in that beautiful little

    xo Suzanne

  31. I'm smitten by it. Too bad I am so far away. I would visit for sure.


  32. Oh, I am so happy for you!

  33. Congratulations, Anne!
    Absolutely thrilled for you and all the wonderful dreams coming true for you. No one desrves this more than you.
    Much love and continued success! xoxo

  34. Congratulations, Anne! I'm so thrilled for you! Praying for a huge success for you and your partner! :) xoxo laurie

  35. Thrilled for you and your partner. Wishing you much success! Love these images. Those chairs...<3

  36. Anne, I'm excited for you and for this new adventure and all the other doors that are opening for you. This is just one more stop I get to make while in Fredericksburg. It takes more that a day to see it all!

  37. Girl, I am SO GLAD you are going to have a space again!!! You've just got it in your blood and you can't deny it! And to share a space takes a ton of pressure off with you working as much as you do too ~ I love your taste and you so many others do as well!! I wish you much, much success Anne ~ and fun too! hugs and love, Dawn

  38. Congratulations Anne!! That is exciting news!!

  39. Congrats and I know you will do really well. I'm having the time of my life with my booths.

  40. How exciting Anne...congratulations!
    Have fun with it and am looking forward to seeing pictures of your space!

  41. Congratulations, Anne! Someday, I am coming!

  42. How exciting! wish I could visit....looks like a fun place to shop!

  43. so very proud and excited for you girlie. wishin' i lived in texas right about now;)

  44. Congrats on your new adventure with Smitten! I want to come shop there one day :) Love all your photos...gorgeous as always :)

  45. Found your lovely blog via Laura @52 Flea and am now a new follower. x

  46. Beautiful images as always, Anne! Well, maybe not the prairie dogs, but EVERYTHING else is awesome!! So very happy for you and wishing the very best for you and your friends in your newest venture!


  47. Love the photography! Your photos are just spectacular and I so enjoy watching you grow. Of course, Carol gives great eye candy, but it is you that makes it a real treat for us.

    Congrats on your new venture!

    Love your new (?) photos of you on the cute and adorable :-)

    See you soon!

  48. Oh my goodenss there are so many fabulous things here to see. I love it all!!

    Beautiful photos!

  49. Anne I am so excited for you!!

    You will make a wonderful team! How much is the Virgin Mary hanging? Please?

    Art by Karena

  50. congrats! love all the gorgeous photos you posted! :) chris

  51. How exciting, Anne! So happy for you!

  52. So excited for you, that is awesome!!! The pictures are just gorgeous!

  53. Fabulous creations from the "laboratory" ! Enjoyed that immensely! Luck in your new venture too!
    Blessings, Lorraine


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