Wednesday, June 27, 2012

One of These Days

Yep, one of these days, 
I'll do a proper blog post again.

Just not today. Or tomorrow.
Friday isn't looking too good either.

I'm busy, but it's a good busy.
It's busy with photo and writing projects,
and having the opportunity to work with new
publications and new editors.

It's up to my eyeballs in photo editing busy,
and having to crank out a feature article by the weekend.
That kind of busy.

It's also having to work three consecutive
12 hour shifts at the hospital the next few days.

if any of you friends and followers are still out there,
hang in there. I'll be back!

Have a restful, stress-free week!

Photos from one of my
Romantic Country features ( I have three! )
in the Autumn 2012 Issue, taken at
Fredericksburg Trade Days 


  1. It's a very good kinda busy. We'll be here when you return. Work it!

  2. Love you girly!!!! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!!


  3. An AWESOME kind of busy!! Have a great time!! :)

  4. I will always be here! Love each and every post. Thanks for sharing it all with us..

  5. I think it's great you got to run away and play with your friends! I think more of us should make more "me" time! I know what crazy busy is. But I think for those of us that are driven, it's just part of our personalities. Don't work too hard!

    Take care,

  6. How do you do it, girl? You fit so much into your life, I admire your drive and your energy and your commitment so much. Wish I had just a fraction of it.
    Still chuckling thinking about your antics on THAT weekend........

  7. It's always worth the wait....

  8. Anonymous27 June, 2012

    do what you must, we will be waiting for you, busy busy, thats a good thing,

  9. We will be happily waiting! I am so tickled for you!
    Smiles, alice

  10. Actually this is my kind of post. I am a visual person. I love good photos and few words. "Prioritize" is the most important thing at the moment for us. Congratulations on the new publications Anne!
    Ciao Rita

  11. Oooooh! I hated doing 3 12's in a row!! Took me 2 days to recover! You have my sympathy!!

  12. I'll be here, dear Anne.

  13. So happy for you!
    If any of those publications sends you to my neck of the woods let me know ~ I'd love the chance to see you!

  14. That's a good busy! I'll be here - love your posts, even the unofficial ones. lol

  15. it's a full time job, yes ma'am and thank ya very much

  16. I'm tired just reading this post. Have a good day off, when you finally get one!

  17. Oh my goodness. that 's how I feel.. like "eaders... please don't leave me"... I swear I'll blog again!
    Life's got them chapters! YOUR'S is rocking and I am enjoying the show!!
    GO girl!

  18. Well, at least it's a good kind of busy...right? Just think about next week :)

  19. Hey traveling gal,
    you've been having
    SOME fun on the road,
    so no doubt you are
    now paying the piper!
    Sounds like it's ALL
    good, though ~ yay!

    xo Suzanne

  20. Hey girlie...good busy is good:) Enjoy!

  21. I was just gonna say, sounds like a good-busy, but everyone else already did, so I'll just say -ditto!- Glad things are working out well!

  22. What a good kind of busy! (Well, except for those 12 hour hospital shifts - haha - I don't envy you those!) I am so happy that your talent is getting noticed so much! Can't wait to see more of your work featured!

  23. Isn't it a shame we all couldn't have been born rich as well as beautiful so that nasty ol' work didn't get in the way of what we really want to do.


    I just found your blog and i love it!!

  25. Anne,
    I hear ya!See you soon.

  26. Hi Anne, You really appreciate people like you who work those twelve hour shifts in the hospital. I know I really appreciated the ones who took care of my hubby. I am trying to catch up with friends while he sleeps which is good because it is so hot here. We got to come home last night, but will be having doctor visits and probably more hospital stays. I will be looking forward to your August articles in Romantic Country Home. I always enjoy looking at your pictures and envy them. Have a great weekend. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.

  27. Yep, I do three consecutive 12 hr shifts at the hospital too. I totally get it. Currently posting to my blog twice a week, sewing the rest of the time. And loving summer. Have a great 4th!

  28. always look forward to seeing your fantastic work...


I'm all ears....

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