Saturday, December 28, 2013

Best of Christmas, Best of Fredericksburg

I hope you all had a very happy and
blessed Christmas!

I've never been a big decorator
for the holidays.
I don't do full-blown, decking the halls
sort of stuff, just little touches here and there.

Here are a few from
around the farmhouse.

And I'm really happy to be able
to share with all of you our brand new edition
of the local, high quality, glossy guide to
anything and everything our beautiful
town of Fredericksburg, Texas has to offer.

It's 100 pages of insider tips, and must-see places,
interesting articles and helpful maps,
and best of's FREE!

I'm lucky enough to have my photography
featured in multiple ads in this new issue,
as well as four brand new full-page ads for
my wonderful clients and friends!

 and my shoots for

I did more work for the magazine,
but these are the brand new ads for 2014.

I'm looking forward to lots
of new adventures in the New Year,
and the best part, as always,
is taking all of you along with me!

Wishing you and yours
the best and Happiest of New Year's!

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Giveaway Winner!

Only a quick post today,
then a break to enjoy the holidays....

The winner of the
Shirley from Shirley Stitches.

Congrats, Shirley!
If you send me your mailing address,
I'll get that out to you in the mail
just before the Christmas rush.
And just in time for the New Year!

Be safe everyone,
and Merry Christmas!!!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Calendar Giveaway at Fiona & Twig!


'Twas the week before Christmas....
and I decided to have an impromptu
giveaway for my blog followers!

Just like last year,
I'm super happy to announce 
that the brand new,
from Sue at
is available for all you junkers,
antiquers, and flea marketeers!

And I'm lucky enough to have two
photos included in this years calendar.
I'm Miss January! 

I'm offering one of these
fabulous calendars to one lucky follower,
as well as a couple of other goodies, too!

From Sue at VRS....

 "...As always, this year's calendar features 
the photography of some of the best junkers (and me), 
showcasing the vintage treasures and displays we adore. 
Each month has a gorgeous color photo guaranteed 
to slake your junking jones when you're trapped at your desk, 
but wish you were at an antique show or flea market.
I've included dates of most major US flea markets 
and antique shows nationwide—from Warrenton/Round Top and Brimfield, 
to smaller local and regional shows! 
Plan those junk jaunts and girlfriend getaway weekends in advance....
These are standard 11" x 8.5" calendars 
and are spiral bound, on glossy paper. 
These are wall calendars to hang in your office or home."

Here's my photo for January...

And just because I'm in the
giving mood, I want to tuck in
a couple of extras, too.
Like one of my coveted
vintage French postcards...

Aren't they just
the amorous pair?!

And I have another nifty 
surprise to tuck in, but for now, 
I'm keeping it quiet....but it's good. :-)

Winning is as easy as 
simply being a follower of this blog,
the easiest way being via 
Google Friend Connect.
You can find the "join this site" button
on my right sidebar....scroll down just a bit...
click it, become a follower,
and that's it!
 Then, be sure to leave a comment here
on this post letting me know that you've
become a follower of Fiona and Twig
or that you're already a follower,
and I'll toss your name into the hat.

Blog, Facebook or Tweet about this
for extra chances.
Just leave a comment
for each way you share.

I'll announce the winner this coming
Monday, December 23rd,
and get it in the mail the same day

Good Luck!


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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Giveaway Coming Soon!

That would be real  soon,
as in starting tomorrow!

I'm delighted to be offering 
one lucky follower a 
coveted, most excellent
from the High Priestess of Junk,

Sue has honored me each year
by including my photos in her beautiful calendar,
and this year, I'm fortunate enough 
to have two photos featured!

She's also chosen some other really
wonderful blogger / photographers,
such as Cat Geiger of
Laura of 52 Flea,
and Sue herself.

I'll be back tomorrow
with all the details,
and also an extra added surprise
to be included in the giveaway!

In the meantime,
I hope you'll pay me a visit over
on my Facebook biz page
to see all the latest photo shoots
and mischief I've been getting into!

And remember to follow
this blog via Google Friend Connect.

You just click where it says
"Join This Site"
and that's it. 
You're In!

See you tomorrow!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Poll Question

For the past couple of months,
I've changed this to a comment free blog.
No pressure for y'all to leave comments,
just read and run.

The truth is, I've been spending
increasing amounts of time
over on my Facebook business page,
and I've felt pulled and divided,
and yep, undecided.
{ rhyme unintentional }

Well, I'm opening up comments
for this post, because I want your feedback.

Do you LIKE "no comment" blogs?
There are actually others out there.
Would you prefer to be able to comment?
Why or why not?

Cast your vote!

Edited to add:
It was suggested by a commentor that by closing
my blog to comments, I wasn't interested in hearing what
you guys have to say.
100% untrue.

This blog has been open to comments
for 4 years, and it's only been in the past couple of months
that I've closed comments here
and instead directed people over
to my Facebook biz page in order
to dialogue with me.
Just wanted to clear that up.

you can't have a blog post
without a photo, so here's a pretty picture
to sweeten the deal!


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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Treasures and Trinkets-Red Baron Antique Mall

Without a doubt,
my absolute favorite antique mall
in all of Fredericksburg, or pretty much anywhere,
has got to be 

Not only is it a treasure trove
of fabulous vintage finds,
but it's also owned and operated
by some of the nicest people
you will ever meet.

I was lucky enough to photograph
the mall for a new ad campaign,
and I'm thrilled to share a few shots
with you here.

This post is dedicated to sweet Shawn
and also to our big and burly, funny, sarcastic,
loving, generous, wonderful,
sorely missed, guardian angel Henry.
Godspeed, my friend.

Go see them!
They've got a little bit of everything,
and it's all incredible.

Here's whatcha need to know...

502 W Main
Fredericksburg, TX 78624

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Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Timeless Menagerie Christmas!

"It's beginning to look a lot like...."
well, you know!

 I paid a visit last week
to the fabulously festive 
Christmas Open House
at the enchanting Fredericksburg, Texas shop,

I attended in order to photograph the event,
but also got an extra added bonus....
I got to play Santa photographer, too!

I took lots more photos,
but these are being held back for
a possible Holiday 2014 magazine feature.

I hope you enjoy a little taste
of Christmas, Fredericksburg style!

You walk down through the narrow courtyard,
and upon opening the doors,
you're greeted with 
all the splendor you see above!
{ double click image to really take it all in! }

Marie Antoinette ornaments.
Marie Christmas!

Why, this soiree was such a big deal
that the jolly fat man made a special trip
just for the occasion.
Just look at that precious face!
You KNOW she's been a good girl this year!

Lori always has a great selection
of pillows for every season or holiday.

And speaking of....

Here's shop owner Lori Smithers,
telling St. Nick what she wants for Christmas.
Methinks she'd like a return trip to France,
only this time, with her good pal Anne Lorys in tow.  ;-)

If you haven't discovered this gem of a shop,
please make it a point to pay Lori and the good folks
at Timeless Menagerie a visit!

215 W Main Suite C
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

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