Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Giveaway Coming Soon!

That would be real  soon,
as in starting tomorrow!

I'm delighted to be offering 
one lucky follower a 
coveted, most excellent
from the High Priestess of Junk,

Sue has honored me each year
by including my photos in her beautiful calendar,
and this year, I'm fortunate enough 
to have two photos featured!

She's also chosen some other really
wonderful blogger / photographers,
such as Cat Geiger of
Laura of 52 Flea,
and Sue herself.

I'll be back tomorrow
with all the details,
and also an extra added surprise
to be included in the giveaway!

In the meantime,
I hope you'll pay me a visit over
on my Facebook biz page
to see all the latest photo shoots
and mischief I've been getting into!

And remember to follow
this blog via Google Friend Connect.

You just click where it says
"Join This Site"
and that's it. 
You're In!

See you tomorrow!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...