Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Perspective is Everything...

See this wonderfully chippy green chair?

My husband and I found it this past weekend, and I instantly fell in love!

I thought to myself, this will look so lovely out on the deck...it's just the perfect shade of green, with just the right amount of chippiness.

I thought..."wouldn't it be soooooo comfortable to just lounge outside during the lazy Summer days, with a tall lemonade...

 and a copy of Flea Market Style Magazine to peruse..."

So we bought it!
The chair, that is.

And yep, it would be so wonderful to just laze about in this divine chippy chair, were it not for the fact that it's only





My wee little green chair fits in perfectly with the HOLIDAY at hand, and is a perfect lead-in to my next bit of news.

My husband and I met exactly 4 years ago on St. Patrick's Day, so tomorrow serves as an anniversary of sorts for us! We had a marathon first date that day which lasted 13 hours and covered the entire city of San Antonio, so it'll be hard to top that, at least activity wise! We'll likely just sleep in and finish getting me ready for Warrenton next week. 

Thanks honey, for a wonderful four years!

Have a wonderful Wednesday and go drink yourself some GREEN beer!


  1. Fiona,

    Happy Anniversary and St. Patty's Day to an adorable couple. The green chair is adorable too!


  2. silly girl,trying to trick us,but it was fun :) happy st.patty's day to both of you. what a great photo! Bestest,Denise

  3. Oh Sweetie, You are so stinkin cute. You had me going there with the chair. I was thinking you lucky ducky. What a wonderful way to relax in a comfortable old chair like that. Looks like your dolly will be relaxing instead.

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to you and DH. My DH and I celebrated our 35th in January. We still love to think back to when we met, the things we did, the things we said. Love is so wonderful, and sweetie, it gets better with age. Believe Me...

    Have a beautiful Anniversary. I will be thinking of you two. Country hugs and so much love...Sherry

  4. Happy Anniversary! And St. Patrick's Day too! I love your sweet tiny chair, my son is going on a leprechaun hunt tonight, I am sure that chair would be perfect if he were to catch one!

  5. Ahh...isn't love grand? I do love the little tiny green chair! haha ~Mindy

  6. happy anniversary! and that chair is soo cute!

  7. Happy Anniversary, St. Patricks Day and Warrenton show.

  8. I was totally with you on the whole drinking lemonade on the front porch! Who knew they made little chairs like that! Too adorable!
    Happy first date anniversary!

  9. happy anniversary of sorts!! green beer for everyone that can fit on that lil tiny green chair. what a funny post. i love your quirky sense of humor and creativeness.
    have a great first date anniversary!!!

  10. Very cute! I just posted some miniature chairs I found today too, but you had me tricked for sure.

  11. Happy Anniversary! Just new to your blog and signed up for your etsy opening, can't wait! And that chair is so cute!

  12. Anne
    Congrats to both of you!!! The photo of you two is quite telling of LOVE! The chair is perfect just like you. You go rockstar!!! knock them out with your charm.

    Love ya

  13. Happy Anniversary Girlfriend!
    Your hubster is as darling as you! Did you live in SA? I use to live in Alamo Heights, no in a house of my own mind you. A garage apt. a lifetime ago & worked at Dick's on the riverwalk. God I'm old.LOL You had me on the chair, good one! Lisa

  14. So cute! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I too have a march Anniversary. My husband I will be celebrating Sunday! HUGS!

  15. Anne amor, happy anniversary! You guys make such a beautiful & happy couple...now about that chair...how cute is that :) & tiny even...did I ever tell you I LOVE tiny things :) How about insead of a green beer I enjoy a green margarita in your guys honor :) Besos, Rose

  16. I love the tiny green chair! What a cute thing to find. Happy Anniversary! My Honey and I met 2 yrs ago on April 1st! Our first date was 13 hours long also, only we were in Atlanta! It must mean love if your first date is 13 hrs long!

  17. Love that green chair!!! I was totally fooled. Only thing was that it didn't have the seat that's molded to the backside! But the lemonade looks delish. Were you guys on a pub crawl in SA 4 year ago? That's what I would call a great first date. 13 hours of drinking, whew!
    Shrimp was really good, but he couldn't find his "kitten" coozy!
    love ya,
    p.s.I've got more %&*# than you can shake a stick at!

  18. YUP...Hook, line AND sinker! Did you hear me run with the line? You got me good, girlfriend. I love your little chair...and the fabulous photograph of you with your St. Patty's sweetheart. What a lovely couple you make! Congrats on another milestone in your life. Aren't they just the best?

  19. I love the little chair, you sure had me fooled~~ Happy Aniversary!!! Blessings... Daphne

  20. You are a stinker!! Would make a cute coaster for the green beer! Hope your day is full of joy!!

  21. Your funny! You got me..Congratulations to you and your soul mate! Here is to many more wonderul years! ~lulu

  22. happy Anniversary, what fun to spend a day in San Antonio, I love that city! Hope you have a great day sleeping in! Hugs, Diane

  23. Happy anniversary to you, enjoy your day.
    I love your wonderfull little chair.
    xo Dorthe

  24. Oh, that is funny. I love those chairs and you fooled me.......sandi

  25. You got me with the chair! I actually bought two of the full sized ones last year... they are new so no cute chippiness:) That is a sweet little one though. Happy anniversary to you and your handsome honey. Have a blessed day my friend and enjoy the memories of 4 years ago!!!

  26. I have a little chair like that! and a little pink one too. Can't remember where I got them - some tag sale I think. Congrats on 4 years and many more wonderful memories to ya!

  27. Happy Anniversary! and Happy St. Patrick's Day! Have fun!



    P.S. That little green chair is cute...and so hard to find!!

  28. Perfect seating for a leprechaun!! Have a fabulous day together!!

  29. Happy Anniversary! You fooled me with the chair. Awesome chair.

  30. Can't wait to be able to drink lemonade on the front porch......and sit out thtre with my pap top spending time in Blogville! Great chair! My parent's had several of those and Boy, do I wish I had them now!!

  31. Still love that chair even if it is teeeny weeeny.

  32. What a tease! I was getting all excited about the lovely chair, in my mind seeing it on a lovely patio........ lol, yep, got me there.

    Happy anniversary and have a fabulous St. Patrick's Day!

  33. Happy Anniversary! Love the chair, too cute and the photo of you two is wonderful! Theresa

  34. Got me! Great family photo and sweet story.....Warrenton is going to be so much fun.....shop for me, will ya? '

  35. How cute...a wee Leprechaun's chair. For sure and y'all found his pot 'o gold that day. I raise my glass o' Guiness to ye.

  36. I'll sit in the chair. HAHAHA! LOL Girl - I betcha anything I gots a grasshopper that would LOVE to come sit on your deck and help with the lemonade! ;-)

    Happy Happy Happy Anniversary!!! Have tons of fun - whatever you two are doing!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  37. Lovin' the cute, tiny chair!! :) Happy Anniversary!

  38. Happy Anniversary! What a fun day to have met :)

  39. LOL! You got me!

    Happy Anniversary and St. Pat's Day!


  40. Haha! You got me! Love this post and congrats to you and hubs.

  41. Really great post......and cute chair! Happy Anniversary to you & your hubby!!!

  42. Hi Anne,
    What a fun day to meet! Congrats & love the little green chair....it would be perfect to lounge in huh?? If only a little bigger...thanks for stopping by & being excited for my bedroom! You are so sweet!


  43. What a cute little green chair. Here's to many more years of happiness to you both. Good luck at Warrenton. I so wish I could be there and meet you and all the other wonderful vendors.

    Take care,


  44. What a darling couple you two are. Definitely meant to be! Happy Anniversary dear Anne.

  45. Well, you had me with the chippy chair... I should of looked at the size of the boards! It's cute nonetheless! Congratulations on your "meeting" anniversary!


  46. Love the green chair, even if you can't sit in it! Have fun in Warrenton, wish I was going! Makes me miss Texas. Have a great day!

  47. Ha! Too cute! I was going to ask you if it was one that rocks? Happy anniversary meeting to you. My hubby still remembers ours even after all these years!

  48. Ha! You funny girl! What a lovely wee little chair it is. And happy sort of anniversary to you too. Love the Riverwalk of San Antonio. Might make my way back there again this year. When I was there a couple of years ago, Renee took me to Guerne (sp?) and there's another little German town she would like to visit this time around. We'll see what I can work out. I wish I coulda had some green beer! Cheers! Tammy

  49. Happy Anniversary!
    I hope you had an awesome day!
    I know how wonderful it is to finally find the right person to share your life with!

  50. happy anniversary! what a cute post!

  51. very cute post!! happy anniversary!!love the green chair..

  52. You crack me up Anne!! I was thinking it was a big ol' chair...and then I came to the photo with the flower frog ~ OUCH!!! I should have noticed the boards on the deck..and the size of them! The little chair is adorable to me. Happy Anniversary sweetie, you guys look so wonderful together, beautiful photo!!! Wishing you many more years of love ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  53. Happy sort of Anniversary!!
    Love the little chair!! Really cute!
    Have a great day!

  54. Happy Anniversary to the two of you!!! You are such an adorable couple:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  55. I think we all turned out to be gullible mullets regarding your green chair trick!! You're so bad!

    Love the tiny chair! Such a cute picture of you two - what a great-looking couple...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  56. Nice blog. Great photos. I have become a follower.

  57. Wow, a 13 hour first date?! So sweet! Congratulations on 4 years!

    Love the green chair. ;)

  58. I have a full size one...same color... $5 at an estate auction... love it!


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