Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vintage Linens Added to My Giveaway!

More exciting news about my upcoming 

Paris Flea Market Giveaway!

I had a wonderful visit yesterday with the always entertaining Jan of
 The Polka Dot Barn, and she generously donated these gorgeous vintage linens to my giveaway...

Tea towels, hankies, a scrumptious pink and white tablecloth...all yours, just for being or becoming a follower, if I happen to draw your name! 

Wasn't that just over-the-top generous of Jan???
Jan really is the best, so be sure to show her some bloggy love in one of three ways:
  1. Go visit her fab BLOG and become a follower! She's a riot!
  2. Go visit her fab ETSY SHOP and buy something! It's all swoony!
  3. Continue to pray for her as she recovers from her  bionic limb attachment foot surgery!
And you'll recall that the equally generous Jackie of Bliss Farm Antiques has donated some yummy vintage French ephemera to my giveaway, too...

 How do I enter, you're asking yourself???

Sooooo easy!

Just sign up as a follower and you're in!
Drawing will be held March 31st after I return from selling at Antique Week in Warrenton.

And don't forget, the giveaway doesn't just include the vintage linens and French ephemera, no sirrreee, it also includes all the cool junque I can pack into the lovely Paris Flea Market hatbox shown below.
AND a copy of Flea Market Style Magazine, too!

Have a WONDERFUL Thursday!


  1. oh.......... i just had to wipe my keyboard down because there was drool on it.

    Good grief woman - those linens are GORGEOUSNESS!!! The hankies... I need those.

    ;-) robelyn

  2. Be still my heart! How generous:) Too much good stuff, Oh I can't wait to see who wins. Oh I hope it is me:) Have a blessed day and thanks to Jan and Jackie!

  3. Awesome!..thanks so much to Jan and Jackie...
    I am so in love with the vintage hankies and that hatbox is to die, reed neck chic, I too am having to control my drooling....

  4. Hey Sweetie. Aren't blog girls just the greatest most generous people! Love the linens and the ephemera. I already follow Jan but thanks for reminding me to stop by and visit her. And thanks for telling me about Jackie, another blog full of beautiful.

    Hugs and Happiness Sweetie....Tracy :)

  5. Wow! It just keeps getting better! Going to go check out Jan's blog!


  6. Lovely! the linen is just so pretty.I cant wait!

  7. Awesome goodies! I am already a follower...does that count! I love your blog, so pretty all the time.

  8. Gasp!!! How beautiful!! Luck y for me, I am a follower! I will go oggle her blog!

  9. Unheard of treasures. My goodness girl, the lucky person that gets all of this will be estatic. If I weren't already a follower I sure would become one. Thanks for a lovely and very generous giveaway.

  10. This is the give away that never ends! It just keeps getting better and better! Hope Jan is feeling better, love the part about the bionic limb! She's a nut!!!
    love ya, talk soon!

  11. OMGosh, too much good stuff for just one giveway! I'm drooling over those wonderful embroidered hankies and ephemera and the hatbox is stunning beyond words. Did I hear them call my name?
    Thanks to Jan and Jackie for the wonderful donations. They are such generous bloggerettes!
    Hope I'm the lucky winner... wish me luck!
    BTW I'm already a follower. hope that counts!
    I'm now off to check out their blogs

  12. Wow this just keeps getting better and better, I really wouldn't have thought that was possible! I have everything imaginable crossed hoping it's my name you pick... I don't know how long I can stay like this though...Theresa

  13. Sounds like it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and more fantastic! Have a great time in Warrenton!

  14. Anne:
    You know I love vintage hankies, girlfriend! These are wun - der - full!!!
    You're so generous for adding them to the giveaway.

  15. This just keeps getting better and better!!

  16. Wow! This giveaway just gets better and better!

  17. dang girl! you gonna need a uhaul to deliver this give-a-way to the winner ..

    get back to packin'


  18. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!! This is going to be one giant size box of goodies on the way to some lucky winner.
    Your friends are oh so generous.


  19. Wow what a generous gift! I need those in MY house! Waiting anxiously for the drawing, but while waiting I'll just have to shop the Etsy market!

  20. Those linens are so pretty with the tiny flowers embroidered on them. What a treat!

  21. holy give away goodness batman! this is like better than my last 3 christmases combined (well, it's not too hard to top a shop vac and subsequent attachments...but you get the drift)
    jan IS the best, everyone needs to meet her. she's like the stand up comic of blogland.
    i can't wait to see what you find in warrenton for us to covet...

  22. What a sweet lady. I'd say you are the winner to have such a good friend!

  23. Such pretty things you are giving away, Wow I would love to be the winner. I am a follower.

    glitter and roses

  24. So...I am entered just for being your friend?
    That's surely too easy!
    But can't pass it up...I too will blog about it while you are away.
    You know I hope you have a wonderful time...I can't wait for pictures.

  25. Just a few minutes ago I was on eBay shopping vintage linens! I already have the magazine though. It's a great one too!

  26. WOW!! those linens are AH-MAZING! What was I thinking when I gave them to you?? ROTF!!
    The vintage French ephemera given to you by Bliss Farm Antiques is the bomb!!
    And, then you're going to add sweetness as only you can - WHOOP!!
    I only have one more thing that comes to mind to say....................................

    PICK ME!

  27. Oh and by the way...How cool to have all of these lovely linens included in this hatbox!
    I can't wait to see what else you haul home to fill it with~donna

  28. It just keeps getting better and better, Anne, and I don't know who is having the most fun, you or your adoring fans! Love the wee little green chair in yesterday's post!


  29. WOW...what a generous giveaway for sure. I would love to enter. Vintage linens are one of my weaknesses I must add. Off to add your button to my sidebar.

  30. I am now a faithful follower!!

  31. Looks like a great give-away to me. Sign me up -- I'm feelin lucky. Jan

  32. Beautiful linens! Someone is going to be very happy with everything!

  33. What a glorious give away!! You are so generous!!!

  34. well, i knew if jan was blogging about this- it MUST be good!! OMG! this giveaway is too too much!! so awesome! i immediately signed up to follow!

    i already follow jan (she is hilarious...LOVE her!) and have been praying for her and her foot (i didn't know she was going bionic though...wonder what she got for cool attachments?!)

    went to her etsy store...that is a dangerous place! i love her work!! will have to pick out a piece- tough decision!

    thanks for the very gracious giveaway!!

  35. I'm following you, ...wish I really was, all the way to Warrenton, Good Luck, Lezlee

  36. Oh my, what a gorgeous collection of treasures!

  37. Wow! The winner will be one lucky recipient of so many gorgeous treasures in this giveaway. Fabulous fun! Many blessings, Tammy

  38. Such lovely linens! That box is filling to the brim with beautiful treasures!!

  39. Thanks for introducing Jan and Jacqui and their generosity - it is all so beautiful - I would love to come across treasures such as yours.

  40. Anne,
    Oh those french papers would be perfect for the botanicals I'm working on. You have some pretty generous friends girl! Your going to need to make another hatbox to hold this loot. Lisa
    PS You can save on shipping tho, just bring it with you when you come down for PC!! LOL

  41. Leave it to Jan to introduce me to a fun new blog. Hope you will pay me a visit as well. We have a lot in common! I'm obsessed with all things French! xoxo Rhonda...

  42. Gorgeous goodies that I would love to win! Thanks for hosting! ~Sue

  43. They do make my heart go pitter pat. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  44. Oh my, this is getting better all the time...

  45. it's all so perfectly lovely! please count me in, I am most definitely following!

  46. I just became a follower. Giveaways are a fabulous way of finding wonderful new blogs to follow.
    Have a wonderful trip, sell bunches.
    Cari b.

  47. I don't know if I can make it to March 31st!
    Have fun at Antique Week, can't wait to see photos.

  48. How exciting for the added sweetner of vintage linens and ephemera. Love it all. Jan's blog is wonderful. I have followed it for a very long time now and enjoy eery bit.

  49. All that beautiful linen on top of the already fabulous stash of goodies, wow!

  50. Such gorgeous goodies!!! Love the linens, their beautiful~~~ you may need two hat boxes for this giveaway! Thanks for stopping by today, I'm planning on going to Warrington, hope to see ya there, if I don't get to go hope to ya at Canton.

  51. These are beautiful. I would love to win these.

  52. WOW!!! Everything is so beautiful. I just found you by way of Jan's blog. She is a great lady and I am praying for her everyday. I have been lucky enough to meet her on two occasions and she is just fun, fun, fun..

  53. Hi Sweetie....
    Linens....Oh my!
    You have some very generous friends If I do say so myself...

    Your box of giveaways is borderlining ...Crazy Amazing!

    Hope your having fun and selling your soxs off!

    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  54. Those linens are stunning! What a giveaway - someone is going to be doing cartwheels!!!
    Happy 1st Day of Spring!

  55. WOWZA Anne,
    Fabulous treasures...Jan has the most kind heart and spirit..I adore her!!
    Enjoy yourself at the best event ever!! xOxO

  56. Ooh Anne Sweetie...
    What a wonderful giveaway. My goodness the hat box is beautiful in itself and you are going to pack it too? Now how much more can a blogger ask for than that? Oh I love it.

    Please add my name to the giveaway. Any one of us would be so lucky to win this beautiful giveaway.

    I can't wait to see what you are bringing back with you. What fun antiquing.

    Country hugs sweetie and much love, Sherry

  57. I hope you had a really terrific time while you were away! Have missed your posts!

  58. Wow the giveaway I am getting ready to do looks puny in comparison! This is going to make one of us Fiona and Twig lovers a very happy camper!

    bee blessed

  59. Thanks for the great links - off to visit them now!

  60. Well, I'm already a follower so I'd love to be entered in your fabulous giveaway. Not only am I looking forward to the drawing but looking forward to hearing all about the big show. WISH I WAS THERE!!


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