Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Antique Week in Review....

If you're new to my blog, or somehow missed the news,
I spent a week towards the end of March
in Warrenton/Round Top, Texas documenting the phenomenal Antique Week.
I was there as a seller, but as an observer as well.

I had literally hundreds of images to pore through,
and still have many left to go.
Here's the best of what's left.

some think it's a bit cryptic, I think it's utterly fab!

 dreamy blue sofa courtesy of the divine Theresa Cano.

 irreverent vignette courtesy of me!

My beautiful friend Angelique gifted me
with this lovely beeswax collage she made!

and pretty maids all in a row

Have a beautiful Wednesday!



  1. I'm all about a naked man in bondage....ooops...I've said too much!!!

    Glad you like the collage.
    Your pictures are great!!!

  2. That was WAYYYY too fun! Your pics are goregous! Especially your vingette :) YOu know it is art when it is a nude!

    Oh I find my self drawn to that little NASA ride car :) All that beautiful junk & I am longing for the kid junk...oh what has become of me :)

    I feel like I have been there too! Thanks for the cheap trip! Probably not so cheap for probably spent a bundle didn't you :) ? I would have!

  3. Dear Anne, thank you so much for your support, I'm much honoured to count you among my followers, since you are one of the best!!!

    Love your photos, but I'm a bit scared by doll's heads, don't why....

    Hugs, Zaira xx

  4. Amazing!! wish I could have one of those mannequins!

  5. So.... what are you trying to tell us with that naked man in bondage? LOLOLOLOLOL

    Girl - I want the garage sale sign, and the cabinet with all the drawers, and the nasa helicopter thing and the...
    everything but the doll heads - yep, i screamed. LOLOLOL

    Did you know you are a stinkin' freakin' dang good photographer?

    ;-) xoxo

  6. WOW... there is SO much eye candy... I can hardly stand it! :) I am lovin' that case of drawers... seriously... drooling here!

  7. Hey there,
    Next year Im climbing in your suitcase- I love your eye and your funny perspective I would enjoy your view thoroughly.

  8. oh me oh my girl ... my head's in a whirl ...

  9. I love the blue couch! The dolls, not so much....they creep me out!!! :-)

    The drawered cabinet is simply awesome! And the mannequins at the end are too!

    Thanks for sharing!!


  10. The chest with ALL THOSE LITTLE DRAWERS and those three caged dress forms.... Honey, those would'a gone home with me. LOVE THEM!!! :)

    You're so lucky to be so close to that show, there in TX. Good stuff, girl!


  11. Anonymous05 May, 2010

    Wow, there were some crazy things things there! You must have had a blast walking around and checking everything out...wish I could have gone.

  12. Oh what a fabulous collection of treasures!! Lovely!! Thank you for sharing!!

  13. Oh Yeah, I'm lovin' Ken and the NASA helicopter! too funny. The first pic looks like something out of "The Mummy"; sorta smooky, would be fun for Halloween!
    love ya,

  14. Your shots ares so much fun, you can tell you had a great time.
    I hope to make there this fall to checkout all of the fun

  15. Anne, you really have a wonderful eye behind the camera! I am already enjoying my visits to your blog and following right behind you as you click away. I want to THANK YOU for your lovely and caring words on my last post about Sasha. You really touched my heart. I wrote it to comfort my dad and daughter but the comments that kind people like you left were the best medicine. xx P&H

  16. Amazing stuff, Anne...thanks for sharing all your great pics!

  17. I think the doll heads in the jars are my favorite! What have you done to me!!! Have a great day!

  18. The nekkid Ken is almost as scary as the vases of doll heads! But the Angelique collage is fabulous!

  19. Anne, how lucky are you?! I am vowing that I will go in October!
    Green with Envy!

  20. Anonymous05 May, 2010

    Hi , Anne , Thanks for sharing all the photos
    Texas week is my dream vacation , fields of shopping for great junk. It doesn't get any better than that!

  21. Anonymous05 May, 2010

    Oh Anne, what we could do with some of that stuff!

    That poor "lady" in the top photo all taped together! LOL!


  22. Sometimes, when I see things such as these things that belonged to people long ago, my imagination kicks in...I can just imagine a little girl holding that old doll, sitting at the patio furniture with her mommy and a tea set. Perhaps the picture hung on their parlor wall, and the Holy Family sat near an outdoor pond. All so tranquil, so peaceful...

    But then, like a record player needle scratching on the LP, (wish I could write what that sounds like, ya know?) there appears these heads and funky signs and the womens' dress forms, and then the guy (ahem) and wow! I had to laugh outloud! You crack me up, Anne!


  23. Love it all! The gift from Angelique is so pretty! Thanks for sharing your trip with us! Have a blessed day, thank for visiting my Daughter and leaving THE SWEETEST comment:) HUGS!

  24. OK...I want one of those fabulous dress forms, I'm drooling right now. And do you think it would be possible to shrink that rusty garden table & chairs set down to a suitable size for shipping & when it arrives here I will use my magical 'Blogging Powers' to bring it back to actual size??? Oh must be mine!!! Yummy stuff friend, I can't wait to meet you in the fall when I get to have my virgin journey all looks sooooooo goooooood!!! ;)
    Smiles Friend & thanks for sharing your cool pics,

  25. Oh, I can't even imagine. I think i would feel like I'd died and gone to heaven, "junk heaven" that is! Maybe someday I'll get over there and I'd love to meet you in person.

    Hope you are having a wonderful week.


  26. HI Ann ~ What is it about doll heads that freaks us out , yet we can't look away? Love it! Such great photos ~ you really are SO talented. Thanks- Dee xo

  27. Anne, what a "bunch" of gorgeus stuff,
    love the little one with her red kissing mouth, the holy family, and the :this,and that,and the almost everything, thanks dear ,for all your inspirationell photoes, it must have been fantastic(guess I said that before-but it is still right)---
    Hugs, Dorthe

  28. Such gorgeous eye candy photos to drool, smile, laugh and GASP over!! I would have definitly have snapped up that chippy rusty garden table and chairs! Thank you for sharing your creative photographic sense of design!!

  29. Great photos.....loved them all. Looks like it would be a fun time the entire time you are there! Like the doll heads!

  30. Gasp!!! So many wonderful things to see. Love the doll heads..

  31. The dolls and their heads will make me have nightmares. But, everything else is so cool! The small drawer cabinet is my favorite!

  32. That must have been so much fun! I would have been on ADD overload w/ all the amazing stuff to look at! I agree w/ "chickens in the basement" the small drawer cabinet thing is awesome!


  33. Gorgie porgie, or in other words, I love these!! Angelique's comment made me laugh out loud, your pictures are amazing!! did you decide what camera to get? I just got my hands on a Canon 30D and I am utterly in love..or is it udderly, ahh just kidding! I want a new camera now, it must be in the air! Have a good rest of the week Anne!

  34. I can't believe I forgot to post that pic of the naked Ken doll!!! It was even better in person! Ha Ha!


  35. now that is a lot of doll heads. you wouldn't you love to hear the stories they could tell? would they say, "i had the best mommy in the whole wide world." or,"that nasty dog chewed up my little body" Bestest,Denise

  36. Hi Anne,
    What a naughty girl you are! I love it! Every girl needs one of those neeked Ken dolls!
    That's some really cool stuff, wish I coulda been there.


  37. Wow! What treasures! Be blessed. Cindy

  38. So many neat things! I don't think I would have come home. ;-) I LOVE those frames...too neat!


  39. So many lovely and interesting things!!
    The bodyless dolls sort of creeped me out though.....LOL!!

  40. a very nice post for my interest.


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