Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Behind The Mask

We all wear them at times

We put on one 
to hide what's actually going on inside

This has been my struggle of late
I have been donning a mask,
to hide an inner battle
One I have kept to myself,
one I have stubbornly insisted on carrying all alone, for the most part

I come here, I blog, I share
I take great joy in all of you and your lives, your projects, your dreams

You make me smile, and you allow me to escape, if only for a bit
And little by little, you help save my life
with each kind comment you leave here

and for that...
I love you and thank you


  1. Dear Anne....I hope that you are okay. This post seems very different than previous ones that I have seen in your archives. Very...sad. You know I have felt first hand how reader comments can help in challenging times...very recently... yours being one of them! I would love to return the favor when you are ready to unmask. Until then, I'm wishing you much peace. xx P&H

  2. Dearest Anne~
    I am sending you comfort and lots of love in your time of need.
    Love you to pieces,

  3. Oh how I love HONESTY.... you are so right we ALL have masks. I too wear one so many of the times when I am really feeling the oopposite, and then this place we call blogland is some sort of a refuge for us aahhh NICE :) Anne have a great evening my sweets and take off the mask and relax.


  4. Just want you to know that I am here for you. I will be lifting you up in prayer my sweet friend. You know you can call me anytime...for anything. Hope you get to feeling better soon.


  5. Let the mask drop. People want to know the real you and help in any way they can...even if only with a kind word or an ear for a while.

  6. Well, I am coming thru the computer and squeezing you 'til you wet your pants! Not sure what is going on but I will pray for you when I pray tonight! Love you my friend and you can take that mask off with me anytime... hey, what are friends for? (((((((HUGS)))))))

  7. Hi Anne,
    This is such a unique and very stylish blog!!! I hope your spirits are lifted very soon....sending good thoughts your way!

  8. This is so true.. We can tell each other anything. Have a beautiful day...

  9. Hello my dear,sweet friend!
    I too am here if and whenever you need to chat.
    I am also sending out a prayer for you my friend..Please feel better soon...

    Remember, you are much loved!
    Blessings and Hugs,

  10. You know I peek under there every once in a while, and I love who I see.

  11. Oh i feel the same way! This is a wonderful place. I can be who I want to be here. Not a lie but the me I'd really rather be, not stressed or tired.
    Hugs, Lisa

  12. Hope all is well with you and your family. If you need us, we are here. I would bet, no matter what you are going through, one of us has been through it before. The compassion I have found with my blogger buddies is overwhelming!

  13. This has been a difficult weekend and I, too, am struggling with masks of my own. Lifting you up in prayer for peace and strength.

  14. BILLY JOEL'S "The Stranger"

    you can share anything with us, I am sure most of your followers would agree. If not, feel free to vent to me , any have no idea what kind of stuff I've had to deal with during my life, seriously, and I am open about it, and share, and also I am a good listener.
    wishing you a better tomorrow!

  15. I hope you're okay, Anne--I DO understand about the masks...quite brilliant of you! Hope you're feeling better soon--you're wonderful!

  16. Things will get better....they just have to!
    I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending sunshine and positive energy your way!
    Take care dear Anne,

  17. Dear Anne,

    I do hope everything is well with you and your family. Sometimes it is easy to hide things, I know I do this myself at times.
    Sending love and hugs to you and may you feel better, dear friend.


  18. Hi Ann, I am hoping all is well with you and your family. I am sure we all know about these mask, depends on the day which one may come out. I will hold you in my thoughts and prayers. I always enjoy visiting you and even though I do not know you, I feel as though I do.
    Take care my sweet friend.

  19. Every burden becomes lighter when you let others help carry the weight.

    Wishing you His Peace

  20. Anonymous05 May, 2010

    It's hard to un veil pain. As you can see you are cherished here... Your gifted in many ways and that comes from inside of you. It shows itself in the ways you speek to others. Thru your art/talent/kindness. Be well....

  21. You are so loved Anne! I am so sorry for your sadness. I am praying for you and thinking wonderful things about you. You did write a very unique post here. Blessings to you! Hugs Anne

  22. I hope you will let someone share your burden.

  23. I'm turning in for the night, but I just wanted to express how deeply your words and support have touched my heart this day.

    Wishing you ALL every good thing!


  24. Oh Anne....

    How eloquent and perfectly said.

    Loved reading this post today. I think you speak for many of us. Blogging has become such a wonderful "therapy" for whatever we need therapy for.

    Love your getting your comments...I'm just glad you're "there".

    your blog buddy,

    Starview Sonnet

  25. Anonymous05 May, 2010

    we all wear masks at times and I totally know what you mean how those comments can help you get through those tough days! You will make it! You WILL! Keep on truckin! We don't have to wear our masks forever. Just for a season and this season will bring you out stronger!

  26. oh, hope you get happy...tomorrow is a new day...and new things!!!

  27. Some of us are good at wearing that mask! It is especially important if you live in a small town like you do. I know. I totally understand everything you are saying...or not saying. Just know that you have a world of friends who care about you. I am sorry that we didn't get to meet at Warrenton this time, but know that I am here to talk if you ever need me. You have my email. I am here...sharing many of the same feelings!


  28. Dear Anne,
    what can I say? I'm all ears if you need one.
    Hope you feel better soon.
    sending you many hugs

  29. My sweet friend, You know we are all like family in some respect because we do care about one and another. As you know I am a primary caregiver and I have found so many others who are also in my shoes so to speak. I belong to a support group and it came along at the right time. We are all willing to help you anyway that we can. We sometimes wish that we could be closer then the computer, but that is what I like about this blogging because I have meant so many wonderful friends through here and my Etsy Cottage Style ning group. You know if you want to vent about something we will listen because we truly want to be there for each other. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care my friend and remember you are not alone in whatever the problem is so don't be afraid. Hugs Your Missouri Friend.

  30. So sorry for this pain you are carrying. I hope you find peace with whatever you may be dealing with. You are adored here.

  31. I'll take mine off if you'll take yours off!!!
    {{I hope everyone reads the post before they read my comment... They will think I am demented!!!!}}

    You have to go first because I have to go shopping for some Gorilla Glue Remover since mine is stuck pretty darn tight...been wearing it a very long time!

    Love to you Anne

  32. Hi Anne...I understand this all too well...blogging is very therapeutic as often there are things we don't or can't share. Please know that there are many of us out here who wish the best for you...I will keep you in my prayers that things are better for you soon! XOXO

  33. Wishing you all good things, Anne. Jacqueline

  34. Oh yes, we all do...and are we not so thankful for the One who really does know and still loves..true grace. praying for peace and joy

  35. Hi ANne, This post is so, so true. I think we all wear masks, it helps us cope. I share your sentiment that sometimes the blogging helps in the toughest of times, if only to allow us to escape momentarily. I hope you are well and that tomorrow is a bright, new, shiny day for you. Wishing you all the best all of the happiest and warmest thoughts.
    Be well,

  36. I hope that you are working through your worries. I think we all keep up a facade even on our blogs but know that you are loved and appreciated and there are lots of people thinking about you and sometimes you just need to give vent to your frustrations.

  37. Dear Anne,
    Yes that is the way we act now,-and then-things can be too difficult to express, or we just have to realy deside something,before letting it out.
    I so love your blog,and visiting here, is alwayes a joy.
    I hope all will soon be well.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  38. Anne, I will keep you in my prayers! I hope you will feel better soon. If you need anything were here for you anytime!! Blessings~~~ Daphne

  39. We are all ears...when I feel like that I always feel better when I tell somebody. Although it takes me a while too ~ I always feel better saying (or typing) what is going on within myself. I will be thinking of you and sending {hugs} across the miles from my heart to yours!

  40. Anne, thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope that you are ok. you are not alone as we all have difficult times to get through, keep your chin up and keep on going knowing you've got lots of people cheering you on. have a nice day!
    hugs, Susan

  41. I hope you feel better soon!! *Hugs*

  42. Hi Anne, I do hope all is well, thinking of you
    alicia :0)

  43. Hi there. Well . . . every once in a while, we struggle. Either within ourselves, or with someone we know or love. Just say a few prayers and listen to your heart - it won't steer you wrong. God rally did give us great navigation systems if we take the time to learn how to use them! :) You'll get through it. And you aren't alone. And isn't blogging the best? INSTANT COMFORT!! How awesome is that?
    Good thoughts coming your way . . . Karen ~ Some days are diamonds

  44. Hi sweet are so very right, we all have our battles, our real lives....but this place is soothing, inspirational and comforting. I hope and pray you will be successful in your personal struggle ~ and please remember, we ALL have our own. Sending you big hugs dear friend, much love, Dawn

  45. Hello Anne ~ Life is hard ~ just knowing there are good people out there like you, make it easier to get through the days when the masks come out. I have several myself. One time I don't wear my mask is at Brimfield. I hope we can meet up to say hello. That would be the best treasure I could bring home with me.

  46. hope things are going better and that you are able to take your mask off... have a nice one!

  47. Well my beautiful Anne...

    I think we all do - and I think that's okay - and I think that is what makes us who we are. I'll make you one with duct tape, feathers, bling and whatever else I can come up with - so you can at least giggle while your're sad.

    You know I absolutely 150 million times adore you - and I'm always here.


  48. Good morning Anne....I so can relate to your post today!! I think we all hide our real self at times. I think it takes real courage "to put it all out there" so to speak.

    You are a strong brave woman, you'll know when the time is right.



  49. Dear Anne,
    I missed this post yesterday but I am so glad to read today's post! We all wear masks at one time or another your are right. I too have found much love, acceptance and hope here in blogland. You are much loved and appreciated!


  50. Dear Anne,

    I totally understand. I love YOU for that too!


  51. Sweet Anne, I am thinking about you and marvel at you being able to use a mask. I just retreat and shut the world out. A great big hug to you. love, Kim


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