Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Wishing everyone a bright, cheery, lovely Sunday!
And a Happy Father's Day, too!

P.S. Absolutely loving my brand new Ironstone pitcher
that I grabbed from Homestead in Fredericksburg
the other day!


  1. Happy Sunday to you, too, Anne! Love your beautiful pitcher and what a lovely photograph!

  2. Sweet find! If I were there I would have given you a run for your money! I collect ironstone pitchers!

  3. I went to Homestead.....didn't find anything tho. I love your find.


  4. Happy sunday........for the second from me........Ria......

  5. Happy Sunday to you too dear Anne! I love your new ironstone pitcher:) Make us some lemonade and we'll sit on the front porch and chat! HUGS!

  6. Happy Sunday to you, too, Anne! Absolutely LUV your new header! Awesome! It's so very vintage and welcoming. And what a great find in your pitcher! Makes me swoon...... lol!

    xoxo laurie@heavenswalk

  7. I want to go to Homestead!! I want to live in Fredricksburg...What? is Texas the new California?

  8. Happy Day to you also!

  9. Happy Sunday to you, too, Anne!!! I love your ironstone pitcher, great find! Blessings~~~Daphne

  10. Anne,
    Oh my gosh, I just saw the farmhouse in the last couple of posts. The only thing that would make that house any more perfect would be if your neighbor was Miss Rose Hicks. Well at least if you work at Homestead you can snoop in the files & find her addy! I would give all the lace I own to get a look at her lovely white cottage in person. I hope you guys get it. Lisa
    PS Spidy 1 & 2 & PPP said thank you for the kind words!

  11. I was in Fredericksburg on Friday and went into Homestead as well. Did you notice the drool marks on the front of the cabinet with all of the ironstone inside? There was some beautiful pieces in that cabinet. I was so swooning over the large tureen. I have my fingers crossed for you and you hubby on that sweet house. It's dreamy.



  12. Beautiful pitcher, Anne! Happy Sunday, my friend.

  13. That is a gorgeous pitcher, Anne. But you know what, I think you could make anything look gorgeous with that camera of yours! Sending Happy Sunday wishes right back at ya! x

  14. Hi Anne,
    Boy I would just steal that away from you! Just turn your head for one minute and it's gone!

    Love the house tour too. I feel like we are watching HGTV's House Hunters. Wondering which house will you choose.


  15. Happy Sunday to you as well Anne. Your ironstone is off the chain.~olive~

  16. I love that picture as your new header picture. It's so pretty.

  17. I love it too! As well as your new header! Just think, if you'll be living there, you can shop every day!

  18. Hope your Sunday was a happy one!
    This IS a gorgeous pitcher.
    Your photos are smashing, my dear : )
    Loving the inspiration!
    xx Suzanne

  19. Happy Sunday to you too Sweet one!
    I love Homestead!This pitcher is gorgeous!
    You know I love pitchers right?
    I am just so tickled that you are going to be closer to my favorite Tejas haunts!
    Have a wonderful rest of this beautiful Sunday Afternoon/Evening
    Blessings and hugs,

  20. I'm lovin' your ironstone pitcher too!!!! Gorgeous:) Happy Sunday sweet Anne ~ Tina xx

  21. I have always wanted to visit Fredericksburg! oh, lucky you. You will fir right in with all that charm and talent...


  22. So funny, your google translater has gone crazy. Oh well. I would love to get to fredricksberg some day. Lovely pitcher.

  23. Anonymous20 June, 2010

    Oh I love it! Very charming.There is a Fredricksburgh Maryland also.Not to far from me.

    Happy new week ahead!

  24. say,i love it also. that is my latest thing(even if i am a little behing) i am collecting various ironstone whie creamers. it makes me happy. here is to a new fresh week. Bestest,Denise

  25. That pitcher looks like it would fit perfectly in a certain farm house. Have a great week, yourself...Lezlee

  26. Beautiful pitcher! And I love the pics of the home you are looking at. Wow, what a great location!

  27. Hope you had a blessed Sunday! We sure did! Have a great day. Cindy

  28. Hi Anne
    I adore your "new" ironstone pitcher too :)
    I just really wanted to thank you for your lovely comment on our anniversary this past weekend. You are one of the sweetest kindest souls in blogland and I wanted you to know how much it meant to us!!
    Much love to you,
    Chris & Terri

  29. Hi Anne,
    Oh yes, that ironstone pitcher is super gorgeous! And so is that house! Fingers are
    crossed for you! I could totally see your style all in that house :]
    P.s still working on choosing something with my
    gift over at CSN! Oh my goodness there is lots to choose from! I'm not so good with decisions!
    I'm thinkin' a cute purse! Or maybe a hammock for outside! Oh my! I need to just choose!
    Good luck on your house1 I think it's beautiful!

  30. Lovely pitcher! I love when ironstone has little signs of age. you can just imagine what it was used for in the past.

  31. Mmm... I quite like it too! My Aunt is wanting to sell a box full of ironstone ware. I told her when she comes up with a price to let me know... I hope its a good price...I don't own any ironstone, YET!

  32. love the pictcher! have a super week my friend! xo susan

  33. It is indeed beautiful Anne!

  34. hope you had a great day! can't wait to see which house you choose for sure! You package went out Sat......sorry for the delay.....I came home from the wedding and caught a whopping cold and coughing coughing coughing....should arrive soon!


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