Wednesday, June 2, 2010

White Wednesday From the Archives

 Still feeling under the weather, so I reached back into the dusty, musty Fiona & Twig vaults and cleaned off this Wednesday post from August of 2009.

 I had a whopping 8 comments on this post, and 4 of them were my own!


I do tend to anthropomorphize my belongings, I believe I mentioned that in an earlier entry.

My divine Carol Hicks Bolton couch is named Babette.
And even though I most certainly do not consider my cat Winnie a belonging (she is my daughter, after all ), I do have the odd moment every now and again when I feel certain she's a tiny little human inside a cat suit.

But it goes beyond that.....look closely at my small vase above.
Where the crackling is on the glaze, the slight darkening resembles nothing so much as veins and arteries.
"It's Alive" she exclaimed!

After all, I'm positive that she spoke to the very core of who I am and what I love when she came home with me 12 years ago. And she's been speaking to and inspiring me ever since.

They speak to you too though, don't they?
That whispery yet persistent voice which tells you that home for them
is whichever way and wherever place you're heading.

I mean, how else to explain the absolute "right-ness"
of that one very special piece we all own?
The one we were sure we couldn't afford
yet could not imagine leaving the market without?
It's their fault....they speak to us.

They can be pesky and strident little boogers
when they find their mark....even so far as haunting our thoughts
and dreams in the days and months to follow should we
not heed their supplications and invite them back to our domicile.

Armed with regret and hopeful anticipation,
we invariably head back to the marketplace and find, to our utter dismay, that they spoke a bit more loudly to someone else....who listened.

Shhhhhh, I think I hear Babette.....back for my next post
after I learn what's on her mind this fine Wednesday.

Visit Kathleen at Faded Charm to see
all the bloggers posting whites this Wednesday!


  1. What a cute blog! I'm glad I stopped by! I love those old posts where you got little to no comments! Sometiems they were your best posts just waiting to be heard... thank goodness we save them!

    I love my cats and they are my children as well. My siamese (Lynx) and my calico (Ellie) they are my pride and joy and when they meow I listen!

    Fantastic post!

  2. Me thinks the comments shall be cubed this time around. You must feel better have been sick far too long...hugs.


  3. I hear ya! I don't buy anything unless it speaks to me. And you have seen my blog and know a lot of things speak to me:) They do don't they???lol
    Feel better already!!!!!!!!!
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. I was just ready to dig into the archives when I decided to do a GAA

    I think it's a great feature...especially for new readers.
    When you look way back the people and the comments are all different people. love it

    I'm gonna start digging!

  5. Hi Anne,

    I love your sweet white vase ~ do you know what yesterday when I visited your post it did the same.
    Google has automatically translated this page to Afrikaans.
    Now as I can not read Afrikann! and tried a few times to get the English back, could not.
    I wonder why it did this?

    I hope that you are having a lovely week

  6. So glad you hear the voices, too, Anne.....! At last someone who understands why I can't leave certain things in the store! Thanks for the validation, my friend!

    Love your beautiful vase--it's just perfect.

    Hope you're having a most wonderful day!


  7. Anonymous02 June, 2010

    I love the crazing on the old creamy pieces...some don't but I just truly love it. Hope you are feeling better. :)

  8. Anonymous02 June, 2010

    I have learned...when I hear things speak to me...I bring them home immediately. I figure they must desperately want to be in my home rather than the market stall! This was a cute post - it's fun to go back and revisit old posts and to see how we and our readers have changed.
    Feel better soon!
    Sarah xo

  9. Lovely White!! White Wed. is Fun!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  10. HI Anne! Does Babette groan or giggle when you sit on her? couch actually winces...Buwahahahaha....ok just kidding. Love your sweet post. We have little names for things on our farm, animals, the barn you name daughter calls me Guppy...don't ask me started when she was 4...anyhoo....I totally relate! Big smile. any other names we should know about?

  11. Hi Anne,

    I must confess I have been lurking around your blog and not writing to you as of late...I am sorry you are still under the weather and wish you will feel better very soon dear lady.

    A beautiful white wicker chair spoke to me last weekend and I did not listen to it only to go back and tell it I really did want it...but alas the wicker chair was swept away by another.

    Hugs and Blessing to you,


  12. Oh, dear, I'm so sorry you are under the weather!
    Loved this archived post, because you have read how I waiver at sales and am not good at making snap decisions! Fun that the vase you pictured had veins, almost like she was alive! My first "baby" was also called Winnie, only she was a black lab-great dane mix that Mr. P and I brought into our lives when we'd been married for four years. She lived until age 10, sweet Winnie, and I still think of her oh so often.
    Please please take care! Loads of hugs to you today! xx Suzanne

  13. Humm, it has to speak to you? 8 comments and 4 your own, I know how that is.. I love the little b.t.y.

  14. Anne, sorry you are still not feeling better...did you try the coldeze? it works, i'm tellin ya' really does...this post is adorable...i'm sure this time around, you will get the comments you and your lovely vase deserve...

  15. Anne I hope you feel better soon but I'm glad you did a re-post! This is so funny, cute and true!
    They do talk to you and they can call you across a crowded room! So true!

  16. What a fun post, Anne. Including mine, there are already 16 comments, and not one of them is yours!
    I love your vase...and share your propensity for naming inanimate objects. Well, except for Miss Ellie, who really knows how to move! ;-)
    Have a great day Thursday!

  17. Get well soon!!!! Love the vase...

  18. Yes, Anne, I understand. They speak to me too.
    Hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks for a wonderful post!

  19. how funny I get that too...they speak to me or they don't

    nice post :-))


  20. Certainly getting more than 8 comments now! Great post because yes, things have spoken to me too. Take care.

  21. Hope you feel better my friend! Love this post as I always do:) Yes, these pieces do speak to us! Enjoy your day! HUGS!

  22. Oh sweet Anne, I am so sorry to hear you are still not well! Love this post:) Treasures speak to me all the time, it is just a pity they don't say the same things to the rest of my family ;) You take care of yourself and feel better soon. Hugs ~ Tina xx

  23. Feel better soon my friend...xoxo

  24. Rustydiva03 June, 2010

    Inanimate objects talk to me too!!!! So glad I'm "not alone".

  25. Anne,
    Sorry your still not feeling well,I hope you get better quick! What a cute post! How fun to go back a bit.

  26. Oh, yes, they speak, and we usually regret the ones that got away (unless they were too costly and we decided eating was more fun!) I love your header! Your vase is so sweet - I have a vase I love, but she hasn't gotten proper veins yet!
    Hope you feel fantastic soon, Anne!

  27. I hope you are feeling better. It is no fun to be under the weather. Nope. No fun at all. In the mean time, pamper yourself. :D

    - Teresa

  28. Stopping by to say hello and follow you! :-)

  29. Hi Anne, very cute post, glad you brought it out again! Take care, Riki

  30. Anne,
    First of all it's hard to believe you ever had a post with only 8 comments. I may have to do some fact checking there. I'm sorry your feeling cruddy, gosh I know that feeling. You just better get yourself well by the 24th. BTW, I'm sending you an email regarding your silly comment. Back to your lovely vase, I only love them with the veiny crackle like that. I wanna see coffee stains on my teacups! I missed the Babette post too. Lordy, my love for all things Bolton runs deep but my pocket book is not deep enough for the couch. Maybe I could do a layaway? It's beautiful, I would never let anyone sit on it. I'd just make it into a shrine, we could all pay homage to Carol. Lisa

  31. I sure hope you feel better soon......
    Oh yes......things speak to me to.......and some scream! LOL!!!!!! I have to take the screamers home for sure! LOL!

  32. Hi Anne ~ I'm pretty sure mine actually move sometimes. They bounce up and down and whisper "come on, you know you want me". Evil little seductresses, every one of them. Lots of feel better wishes streaming your way.


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