Monday, May 31, 2010

Winning Streak

I'm a bit embarrassed to 'fess up to how many blog giveaways
I've won the past couple of months.

I mean, seriously...I've made out like a bandit, a
nd this past week was no exception!

My latest win came courtesy of
my sweet and beautiful friend Kate of Salvage Dior.

I entered her thankfulness giveaway a couple of weeks back,
and look what arrived on my front door...

Firstly, this gorgeous burlap pillow, which was handmade
by one of the dealers at Kate's antique mall, Country Roads.

I don't know that I've ever shared
my gorgeous Carol Hicks Bolton couch with y'all! 
Bought from Mr. Tim Bolton himself
at the iconic Fredericksburg store, Homestead...

And Kate also tucked in a couple of these
fabulous glass candlesticks, complete with darling wine cork candles...

Thank you, Kate!
Having you as a friend is the best prize of all!

Off now to play in my booth for the afternoon!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day!


  1. Anne you are a lucky girl! The gifts are awesome, love those candles but the friendships are the best I agree with you. Enjoy your day!

  2. Oh you lucky dog Anne! All is amazingly beautiful. LOVE the colors of the pillow. Riki

  3. Hi Anne,
    I love that pillow. It's different and I like the touch of rosettes with the ruggedness of the burlap and band. Lucky you.

    The cork candles are too cute.


  4. Anne- those are some of my fav. pictures of your decor style yet -
    that pillow looks perfectly perched on that divine sofa!

    have a great day!
    Anne Marie

  5. Anonymous31 May, 2010

    Hi Anne! Oh, congratulations on winning the precious little pillow and candlesticks! Your sofa looks divine! I'd like to see all of it! :)
    Oh, I was in the antique mall a few weekends ago and saw your booth. The lady at the checkout told me about it and gave me your card! I couldn't wait to check your blog out! It's beautiful and so was your booth!!
    Happy Memorial Day.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. I LOVE Homestead. I bought a bed from them 20 years ago. I loaned it to my sister when she first got married. She sold it in a garage sale and kept the money. MY HOMESTEAD BED!!!! I could have KILLED her.

    Congratulations. I wanna win a burlap pillow. :)

  7. I think I'm going to pass out over how fabulous everything in this post is!!! The pillow!!! The couch!!! Where you got the couch!!!! Breath, breath, breath.
    Loooooooooove everything!!! Like ya couldn't tell. hee,hee,hee.

  8. That cushion is adorable, lucky you. I also covet, covet, covet those candles. Are they for sale anywhere and can I get some shipped to the UK? I am serious, if I can will someone please Email me the details.
    Thanks Jenny X

  9. Of course I love the gorgeous pillow and candlesticks, but you've been holding out on us with that fabulous sofa! What are you thinking? not sharing that masterpiece? LOVE it!! Hope you're having a fun day at the antique mall.
    love ya,

  10. I am about to hyperventilate over that pillow and those wine cork candles...and the sofa...OMGosh...
    Ok, NOW....come over and try for MY giveaway...You'll LIKE IT !! :)))

  11. Congratulations! Those cork candles are great.

  12. Lucky girl! What a great gift and Kate is so sweet. I had the privelege to meet her in person while down in California. Enjoy your goodies.


  13. Such a sweet pillow! Anne, please let us see your whole couch--I love it!

  14. Lucky girl Anne!!
    Lovely gifts and i really like your couch!
    Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

  15. Lucky you Anne. I never win anything and usually don't even enter. Love the couch and was trying to get a better look when you were kind enough to share a peek. I bought a huge wire aviary from Tim at a sale they had next door to Marburger last year. He's a nice guy. Caught a glimpse of Carol but I was too shy to approach her. Have fun booth fluffing.


  16. Anne, The pillow is adorable and I love the cork candles! Congrats.

  17. Wow. Lucky lady!!! I keep tryin' but no
    I LOVE what you won, and the cork candles are just amazing!
    Enjoy your gains!

  18. Anonymous31 May, 2010

    you lucky stiff. i am happy for you. your couch is lovely and lush as well as the pillow. Bestest,Denise

  19. What a beautiful giveaway win Anne - the pillow is lovely. I just LOVE your couch too. So georgeous.
    xo Tina

  20. What a great giveaway you won! Congrats. That pillow looks perfect on your gorgeous couch! :)

  21. hey you!!! you deserve it all cause your a sweetie pie .....are the cork candles real candles or pretend?

  22. Congratulations with you price !! beautiful pillow!! i like it !!

    Pleas come to my blog......and play my give away............happy week hugs from me.....

  23. Great prize! I've been on streaks like that before, but not lately. Its such fun when wonderful packages come to the door in bunches!

  24. I am on a streak myself lately!! Congrats on your prizes and keep the horse shoe up!!

  25. Oh that pillow is gorgeous love the flower on it!! Those wine cork candles are adorable, I need to get some of those :) Hope your having a fabulous weekend!

  26. Hi dear Anne,

    You are a lucky woman for sure....that pillow is something very special, and so perfect, on your wonderfull couch,---and the candle sticks, with the darling cork candles are just beautifull,-you deserves it all, --I love your old chair,too, sweetie.
    Happy evening, with hugs,

  27. Anonymous31 May, 2010

    Anne, I think you were born under a lucky star. And just are probably a very nice person who deserves these treasures! The universe balances itself out sometimes and the good people are rewarded with sweet surprises.
    Blessings and XX OO

  28. OH, you did win some goodies! That pillow is just wonderful on your beautiful couch!! Love the fun cork candles!

  29. ANNE...That pillow is perfect on that sofa of yours. Lucky you!!!

    Blessings and stay well.

  30. Congratulations on your gorgeous giveaway gifts Anne! I love all of them!!! Enjoy your beautiful new treasures and have a lovely week sweet girl ~ Tina xx

  31. What a beautiful cushion. So so pretty. Happy Memorial Day. Thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage, hope to see you again soon.

  32. Okay,,,,,shut up! That pillow is to DIE for! And it looks so awesome on your wonderful couch!

    Love the candle and candlesticks too!

    Aren't we blessed to have such talented blogger friends that send us goodies! It's like your birthday year round!

    I just had a friend,,not mail but stop by with a huge box of Gibson 12x12 sheets of Card stock in Ivory and a whole box full of crafty stuff she USED to rep! Her Spring cleaning was my gain!

    (Lulu posted today,,,she's going to stay "off" for about another week,,,but she's holding a giveaway in the meantime!) Glad to see she was up at least to posting,,and then hopefully "down" to rest!

    Hugs and Love,
    Shell (Worked all day in "Shell's little Sweatshop" for Farm Chick items!)

  33. that pillow is gorgeous, especially on your beautiful couch. You desrve it! you give pleasure to all of that read and enjoy your blog...

  34. Simply beautiful pillow, and your couch is gorgeous Anne...I love the candlesticks too!

  35. Oooh, that pillow is gorgeous ~ looks like it was especially made for that yummy couch! Love the candlesticks, too!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  36. Anne, I am going to nickname you "Fiercely Fiona" in regards to all this winning business! You fierce bandit!


  37. Lucky girl! Love the pillow and your gorgeous sofa! Enjoy your day my friend! HUGS!

  38. Hi Anne,

    Congratulations dear friend! I am so happy that you have won such gorgeous gifts.
    Happy Memorial day! and I hope that you have a fabulous June.


  39. Congrats on your beautiful wins, gorgeous pillow.

  40. You bandit! I am sure I was suppose to win a few of those! :)

  41. You lucky girl! That pillow is sooo cute! And those wine cork candles are super cool!

  42. P.S.
    Your coach is gorgeous!!!!!!!

  43. congratulations lucky girl. it is all so beautiful.

  44. What a lucky duck! Beautiful wins. Your couch is fabulous and the pillow looks sweet sitting on it.

  45. oooh, lucky you...that pillow is a stunner!!!

  46. what a wonderful giveaway you won! you lucky girl! that pillow is stunning!! hope you enjoyed your day! thank you for your kind words about my post! enjoy the week! susan

  47. Oh Miss Anne you so deserve all the giveaways you have won! I was just going through some of your posts and enjoying myself. That site with the photo altering was so much fun! I will save it and go back and play some more. hugs to you, Kim

  48. Congrats! I love that pillow and those candles!


  49. I'm not surprised. You have the most positive energy and that is bound to come back to you in spades! Love your little gifts and how well it all goes with your gorgeous couch!!! Mr. Twig must love what you are able to do with your wonderful design skills. Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend and that you are back to feeling 100+%! Hugs ~ Suzanne

  50. Yes congrats Anne~ it was meant for you. I love how it graces your beautiful couch :)
    I agree with Suzanne that your positive and loving energy comes back to you in spades... after all the more you give, the more you get!!
    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead

  51. Love your style! It just makes me feel good to visit your site & look at your beautiful pictures. You were the perfect winner for those giveaways :)

  52. uh-hem...are you looking for quarters under your couch from all the bribing you have been doing? Gracie was no exception I know this...oh yea I do! Gorgeous pillow and it looks even lovlier on your couch! Happy Tuesday...


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