Sunday, July 4, 2010

Overdue Thanks

I swear, I'm the most ungrateful blogger around!
Wait, strike that.
Make that the most overwhelmed blogger around!

Not to say that my life is any busier
or crazier than anyone elses,
just that I seem to be less equipped
to handle the madness these days.

I've acquired an embarrassment of riches from some
of my wonderful bloggy friends the past couple of months,
and so today I am FINALLY giving thanks where thanks are due!

First up, I was fortunate enough to win Angela's amazing
Mermaid's Dowry giveaway over at Filigree Moon...

I was lucky enough to meet the lovely Angela
in person this past weekend at Paper Cowgirl,
and she's just as sweet and lovely as she is talented!

Next up, the wonderful Patricia of Vintage Linen Treasures
sent me some pretties to say thank you for posting
about her giveaway! Just look what she sent me...

Next up, my photography inspiration Denise at My Vintage Gardens
sent me a big package of some of her beautiful images
on cardboard. Suitable for framing, really!


Deb at Garage Sale Gal was thoughtful enough
to send me this darling vintage hanky as thanks for winning my book giveaway...

And my most recent win came just this week from Doni at Faith, Grace and Crafts...

Just look at all that loot to add to my mixed media/craftin' stash!!!
There was so much I couldn't even fit it all in the frame!

I'm off to help The Mr. do some grilling,
so I hope all of you are enjoying your Fourth,
and your independence. Don't ever forget or take that for granted.

Love to All,


  1. That's some amazingly awesome loot at that!

    Have a wonderful independence day!

    :) Laura

  2. You have won some amazing stuff and received some sweet gifts also. Hope your 4th has been fantastic!

  3. ... I'm feeling a little left out here ...guess I should send you something ...

    I found something Saturday you're gona love

  4. Those are some nice gifts! I honestly couldn't keep up with your life; you are so busy! Hope you're relaxing today and enjoying time with Mr. Twig.


  5. Anonymous04 July, 2010

    I love all the gifts you recieved Anne.I would say your a sweet person and we all love ya.Well deserved from the heart.

    Happy 4th.

  6. Anonymous04 July, 2010

    Awww, you're to sweet! Your blog is a gift in itself and why we continue to visit you! You're a special know that right? Happy 4th to you and Mr. Man!

  7. What an great bunch of giveaways and thank you's you received. You are well loved. Anne

  8. you are soooooo lucky...treasures, new home...i want to win something...haha...just kidding, I am happy for you. I cannot wait to see what you do to that fabulous house!

  9. Wow Anne, you made out like a bandit! You're so lucky with all those wins and people sending you thanks.......lucky girl, well deserved as well.


  10. Anne...
    Thanks for stoppng by! Hope you've had a wonderful holiday....
    Take Care, Tami

  11. Hi Anne,
    What wonderful treasures, great wins you deserve it girl.
    I am going back to take in more inspiration with your older post.
    Have a great week :)

  12. Great bunch of goodies, girlfriend! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

  13. Hi Anne,

    What a lot of lovely gifts you recieved and you so deserve everything.
    Enjoy your BBQ and have a lovely 4th of July and week ahead.


  14. What wonderful treasures, you lucky girl!!! Hope you had a wonderful 4th... many blessings~~~Daphne

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Okay, let's try again. Tired from the festivities and fireworks and skeeter bites... Thank you, Anne, for the shout out ~ sweet thanks from an even sweeter gal. So happy to have met you at Paper Cowgirl and hope we will cross paths again soon. I'm sure your attention will be focusing on packing, moving, unpacking and settling in your new cottage! Have a great week. ~ Angela

  17. Looks like you're going to need a lot more boxes for your move! What wonderful treasures you received! I just love your blog! ~Lili

  18. Hi Fiona,
    love all your treasures - well deserved.
    Have a wonderful day with the Mister!

  19. Lucky girl!
    Can't wait to see you play with all of that mixed media craft stuff. It is addictive isn't it.

  20. Hi Anne,

    Have a lovely 4th of july. Beautiful gifts!

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. Makes me very happy and really appreciate it.

    Hugs and till soon.

  21. Hmm, have you sorted out yet which room in the new house is going to be your craft room? Because with all these gorgeous new goodies, you will definitely need a BIG room to store everything in, lol. You have been a very lucky girl to win all those fabulous treasures.

  22. What a lot of beautiful gifts you have !!! happy Ria......

  23. Girl, you sure got some great gifts! Love them all! Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

  24. You are certainly a lucky and well deserving lady! Hope you enjoyed the holiday.

  25. You hit the jackpot with all these wonderful gifts! Congrats.
    xo, Sherry

  26. I think its really lovely to have done a special blog feature on the goodies you've won, they look lovely and I bet it makes the give awayers feel good too to see how much you appreciate it!

  27. Hello Fiona...I have enjoyed following your blog! New to all this but thoroughly enjoy it! Congrats on the new old house...not sure what happened to the 1st one, but remember their is always a reason that doors close, we may not know why or understand but God does! There is always a reason for everything. Have a great time on your vacation! Debbie

  28. What an explosion of wonderfulness!


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