Tuesday, August 17, 2010

House News....and My Giveaway Winner!

The view from the street of our new homestead...

Spacious front yard...

Lush trees...

One of our  two barns...

Little Victorian cottage...

We're almost there!!!
Isn't it perfect?  : - )

We do the final walk-through tomorrow
in anticipation of finally closing this week,
so I'll be sure to snap some more pics of the empty house for all of you.

The closing is tentatively set for this Friday *fingers crossed*

{drum roll}

The lucky winner of my
and a 
$125 CSN Shopping Spree
Martha from .the simple things.

Congrats, Martha!

Send me your e-mail address and I'll send you the code
to redeem your gift certificate so you can get shopping!

Thanks so much to everyone who entered,
and to all my new followers, I hope you stick around!
There's lots of exciting stuff on the horizon,
and another giveaway will be here before ya know it.

Have a wonderful Wednesday,
and I'll see you back here with new house pics tomorrow!


  1. Hi Anne, what a picturesque setting! My fingers are crossed for you as well!

    Congrats to Martha!! yay shopping spree ahead!

    Art by Karena

  2. Hello Anne you GORGEOUS Junker you....!!

    I SO WISH this was my home 'cause it has me weak at the knees for sure....I have my fingers & toes crossed for your 'tentative closing'....WOOHOO.... :o) !!!

    A BIG CONGRATS to Martha on her lucky win....!!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  3. Crossing everything...and I do mean everything!

  4. Hi, my fingers are crossed for you to!
    Congrats to Martha!
    I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your evening.

  5. Congratulations to Martha and hurray to you and Mr. Twig as you close the deal! I can't wait to see more pics! And who would think of not sticking around to enjoy all of the fun here at F&T??!! We love you, Anne!

    Blessings and prayers for the closing,

  6. Congrats to Martha!

    And I CAN'T WAIT to see more pics of the house! I think I am in L-O-V-E!!

    Keepin' my fingers crossed for you that Friday is the day!


  7. I am so excited for you and your gorgeous new home. Can't wait to see how you decorate it! Congrats to Martha! ~lulu

  8. I cant wait to see what you do with my room...

  9. The house, the yard and the barn looks dreamy. So excited for you!

  10. I am thrilled for you! I know Friday(or before) will be the lucky day. I've got everything crossed for you. I'm looking forward to wonderful pictures. Yahoo!!!!!

    Of course we'll stick around...that's why we became followers.

  11. I think I am more excited than you are about the closing! Fingers crossed for Friday!

  12. Hi Anne... Spacious front yard, that is an understatement! Wow what a great setting!! The anticiaption must be driving you nuts:-)

  13. Congratulations, Martha!

    Anne: I think if I lived in your town, I'd just be spending all my days standing on the street staring at your beautiful new homestead. (I wouldn't be a stalker, technically.) It looks wonderful from the street.

    Can't wait to see what you do with the place!

  14. Anne I am so happy for you. What a beautiful place you will soon call home. Best of luck to you- I will say a little prayer that all goes well.

  15. Yea!!! Great news! Can't wait for Friday! It looks so pretty sitting there, you're going to have a wonderful life there!
    big hugs,

  16. Congrats to the winner and I am so excited that you are close to getting your new house. Your house reminds me so much of my Grandparents home in Texas that I used to visit as a child. Lots of wonderful memories. Love & blessings from NC!

  17. Can't wait to see more pictures of the new house!
    Congratulations Martha!

  18. now that's a true picture of HOME,is it not? Bestest,Denise

  19. Congratulations! Cannot wait to see pictures of the inside of your "New Home" oxox, Diane

  20. Lucky Martha, congrats to you!

    Anne, your (almost) place is a charming house, & no doubt will be a wonderful home.

  21. Yippee, Anne!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear some wonderful news!!!:-))))

    Thank you again for your guest post and your prayers for my family!!!! You are such a blessing in my life!;)

    Hugs and love to you, my friend!

  22. Gorgeous homestead!!! Can't wait to see more and really can't wait to see how you decorate it all up pretty!

    Congrats to Martha!

  23. Hi Anne,
    It is definitely perfect! Love that front yard. Can't wait to see more. Congrats to Martha!

  24. Dear Anne, great news, I too, will cross my fingers for you, and hope the week-end brings the wonderfull joy of closing .
    Hugs and love , Dorthe

  25. wow anne, it looks just beautiful and so lush and green too! Bet you cant contain yourself waiting for the keys to that gorgeous door!

  26. So excited for you to get into that beautiful new house of yours, Anne! I'm sure everything will go well with the walk-through...fingers are crossed for you, anyway!

    Hope you're having a wonderful night, my friend!


  27. Congratulations to Martha! Keeping my fingers crossed for you for the end of the week - that is one beautiful HOME. x

  28. Hi sweet Anne. Oh how exciting, I am jumping up and down for you:) Hope all goes well on Friday and you can get that moving truck into gear!! Hugs ~ Tina xx

  29. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed! This is so exciting!
    ...and will be fun to watch as you make this house your home! :)

  30. All the very best with your new home , I hope it all goes smoothly for you !

  31. Congrats to the winner! I love your sweet new home and can't wait for the move-in:) Have a blessed day! HUGS!

  32. Congratulations to Martha! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

    Susan and Bentley

  33. Your future home looks so peaceful and inviting. It seems to tell a story. I'll say a prayer everything goes smoothly and you can begin the rest of your life in your dream home soon!

    Congrats to Martha on winning the wonderful and generous giveaway! Lucky girl! Connie

  34. Well now, I can't wait for Friday to hear that all is ready and you're walking through the front door of YOUR new home. Blessings.

  35. I am excited for you and all the possibilities your new digs offer! Can't wait to see some photos!

  36. Hi Anne,
    I'm so happy for you. You are going to have so much fun decorating your new home and just think of all the post ideas. We will sure benefit from that!

    Congratulations to the winner too.


  37. A beautiful storybook setting! I hope all goes well this Friday so you can move forward.

    Congratulations, Martha, on winning the giveaway!

  38. Oh how exciting, I can't wait for you to close, I hope all goes well with the closing, I wish it was me! Your new cottage looks so pretty (;

  39. Oh GOOD LUCK! I hope everything goes smoothly! What a beautiful view! Will be so pretty with the change of seasons!

  40. I hope it is smooth sailing from here... ;)Happy days await!!!

  41. What a wonderful start to my morning! Thank you so much Anne for offering such a generous giveaway! I'm so thankful.

    Thank you so much everyone for your sweet congratulations. :-)

    Best of luck on these final steps of your securing your new home, Anne! What a beautiful one it is!

    I sent you an email, Anne. I'm so excited!! Have a blessed day. :-)

  42. Hi! I just found your blog from Meridan Road and I'm now a follower, I'll be back to see the house on the inside...just beautiful!


  43. Congrats on your new house its so charming. Also I was just looking to see where your shop was located and noticed its in Kerrville. In July we vacationed in TX and made an overnight visit to my niece who lives there. Its too bad we didn't make it to the antique mall.

  44. Anne, It's going to be amazing! i hope Friday is THE day! Have a wonderful week, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say "Bring on the photos!" :)
    Can't wait to see more, especially once you get your talented hands on it! Theresa

  45. There's something "missing" from the photo of your new home, Anne. You and hubby sitting on the porch with glasses of iced tea! Soon!!!
    Hugs! Diane

  46. Oh how do you stand the wait!! Your new home and property is absolutely dreamy! I know you and Mr. Twig will do some amazing transformations all over, inside and out of your new home. Wow! Love it!

    Much prayer and Blessings as you close without delay this week..

  47. Congrats to Martha! So excited for you Anne! So excited for all of us to ~ lots of wonderful posts to come from you on feathering your new nest!!

  48. Oh, Shoot!! I didn't win! :) Congratulations to Martha!
    I'm so glad for you and the closing will go well! Can't wait to see more photos!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  49. Can I move in? Well, can WE move in? There would be 5 of us. lol!

  50. I can't wait to see more pictures! You need to put up a tent and have us all over!!


  51. CONGRATULATIONS to Martha andohmygosh - YOU AND MR. TWIG!!!

    I can't WAIT 'til moving day!!!!!


  52. can't wait to "walk through the front doors" with you and experience it ALL! How exciting! Bonne chance!

  53. Oh Anne, that is just a beautiful scene, what a place to call home! I'll be coming back, maybe sit out in that lovely yard or maybe by the barn and have a glass of iced tea!

    Have a great day!


  54. I'm in total amazement over all the land you have. I bet you are so excited to move in and make it your "own" place! Can't wait to see the makeover pixs!

    Take care, Sue

  55. Anne I am so happy for you.... What a beautiful place you will soon be your home........i can't wait ........til it is friday....hugs and love Ria...

  56. Hi Anne,

    I just can't wait to see what you do with your new home......I'm so excited for you. Congratulations to Martha.....lucky lady. Have a great week.


  57. Congrats, Martha!
    Fingers crossed, Annie....
    You're almost there.
    Now the fun really
    Big hugs to calm
    the butterflies.....
    xx Suzanne

  58. Hi Anne such a lovely photo of your house.So cozy and sweet.I can just see you moving in there.Is their something missing????Maybe a few kids???lol,seriously im sure you would make an awesome mother.Anyway, I better move on,lol I shouldnt say something that personal.

    Have a beautiful day Anne,oh and a super day on friday.keeping fingers crossed for you!;)

  59. Love love love the front of your house, the view is gorgeous! The barn is perfect! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  60. hey, my name is not Martha...hahaha...just kidding, congrats to the winner! I am in love with your home..I know it is going to be perfect after you add your special touches!!!

  61. Hello friend......what a pretty spot you will settle in. Looks like a riding lawn mower might be in your future, tho! (O:(O: My sweet hubby wants one of those bad, can you believe it. ......now I've just got to find him a big patch of grass to mow!! HEE HEE



  62. I am so excited for you. Look at all of that grass to turn into flower beds! And the barns...can't wait to see your animal friends when you get them! I'll be watching and waiting. Hooray!

  63. Love your new front yard ... the anticipation must be grueling! Can't wait to see more pictures and the decorating.

  64. FRIDAY??? I can't believe they put you off for so long! Love the view from the road.

  65. Yes...take LOTS of before pictures!
    Congrat's to the winner and on Friday, all will go well!
    deb :)

  66. What a Sweet Little Home You'll have in just days.... Fingers Crossed for an Easy & Uneventful Closing ~ Congrats to Martha on the Lucky Win....
    xxx standing for crossed fingers!

  67. Anne, this looks like the perfect homestead! Best wishes for all to go smoothly tomorrow.
    Congratulations to Martha! ~ Sarah

  68. Where have I been? How have I managed to lose you? So happy to have found you again. Whew. :) Anne - this home is positively perfection! All of that beaded board? Swoony swoon. I can' wait to watch as you put your mark on it all. Congratulations!!


I'm all ears....

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