Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ask Anne....

Breaking News!!!
Be sure to head over to visit Jodie at Everything Vintage,
she's posted about the fabulous time we spent together this past weekend!


Is your name Fiona?

That would be a no. My name is Anne.

Then why the name Fiona and Twig ?

When I was trying to settle on a blog name,
I knew that I wanted something somewhat ambiguous,
yet had meaning to me.
You know, along the lines of Crabtree &
Evelyn, Abercrombie & Fitch, Williams Sonoma...

My most beloved pet growing up was a calico cat named Twig.
My best friend Tom had a beloved calico cat named Fiona.
I 'splained it all right here on my very first post.

And there ya have it!

Why aren't we seeing lots and lots of new pics of your cool new house?

Sore subject.
Because we still haven't moved in yet.
Apparently finding a contractor to put up a fence
is only marginally more difficult
than placing a man on the moon.
And we can't move in until the fence is secure for our pups.
At this point, I'll be happy if we're moved in by Christmas. Seriously.

What happened to your dream of owning a shop one day?

This blog, and consequently my journey, has been nothing if not organic.
As much I've loved and adored
having a space in an antique mall, I've found
that my true passion is photography,
not so much being a shop owner.
In my perfect world, this little blogging gig
will lead to a photo stylist / photography gig
for one of the shelter mags. Fingers crossed!

Do you read and respond to all your comments?

I most certainly read each and every comment,
and appreciate them more than you know.
And I respond to as many of your comments as I can,
either via e-mail or comments on your own blogs.
Sometimes life gets in the way and I don't always
make it back around to everybody, but it's never for a lack of trying!

Why did you disable the ability for people to make anonymous comments here?

It only takes one, as they say.
My thoughts? If you feel strongly enough to leave a nasty, negative comment,
at least have the huevos to sign your name.

Why don't you have word verification on your comments?

Short answer?
Because I think it's of the devil.
I feel like it's an unnecessary and frustrating hoop
to make your guests go through, especially when comment approval
does basically the same thing ( weeds out spam ).
If you have it on your blog, that's your decision,
but the more hurdles I have to clear to leave a comment on your blog,
the less likely I am to leave one.
I'm just sayin'.

Why do you watch such horrendous reality TV shows?

Mea culpa.
I need some sort of stress release from the rigors of my big girl job
(I work long hours as a respiratory therapist in critical care settings)
and crummy, non-socially redeemable television is my drug of choice.
I know it's utterly vacuous and bad for me, but that's half the fun!

If you were a superhero, which superhero power would you choose?

You mean I'm not  one already?

That and the ability to clean my entire house in mere seconds.

Sushi or Steak?

Sushi. A spicy tuna hand roll, please.

Favorite blog?

Anyone who keeps it real while doing so with style.
Lots and lots of you fit the bill!

Do you believe in Heaven?

Although I don't vocalize it nearly enough here on my blog,
my Catholic faith is very important to me.
The nihilistic world view which espouses that this world
is all there is holds no appeal for me.
I can't pinpoint its exact geographic location,
but I hope to meet you all there one day!


This was fun!
I feel another installment coming on in the not-too-distant future.

And because a post without pics just plain bites,
here ya go...

Is Gracie your dog?

No, Gracie belongs to a couple of dealers
we were set up next to in Warrenton last Spring.
I spent a week next to precious little Gracie back then,
so when we headed back last month,
Gracie was tops on my list of "people" to see.

Have a wonderful week!


  1. Cute picture Anne! I was wondering the story behind the name of your blog and when I first started reading your blog, I thought your name was Fiona.. then I kept thinking about Fiona Apple. :) It's nice to know the origins of the blog name - how cute it was two cats names! Such a fun Q&A to read.. I loved learning more about you! I'll be sure to read Jodie's post!

  2. Loved reading this post! I think your personality really shines through in your blog and I appreciate that. And yes, I've wondered how you pcked the name Fiona & Twig. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Anne,
    I just got finished looking and drooling at all those great pics from Antique Week...thanks so much for sharing them. Great post and thanks for sharing where your blog name came from.


  4. Great post, and it really not only reflects your life and who you are, but how you grow and change. That part, the growing and changing is extremely important, or at least to me it is. If the process ever comes to a halt, then living our lives would lose interest & excitement. We would just be going through the motions. Do you know what I mean? Again, thanks for this post, kind of fit my state of mind this morning!

    Take care, Sue

  5. I loved your answers! And you have a Gracie, too :)

  6. Very cute picture of you! You have inspired my to remove the word thingy from my comments...



  7. Hi Anne!
    You & your little pooch are so adorable! I love your blog & the way you keep it real! :)

    And you keep my mind working....had to use dictionary.com for 2 of your words today! ;)

    "Like dude, I'm around teenagers all day, like suhweeet...." lol

  8. Anne you know I love you girl and I love you even more after your great question/answer session. Keeping it real is the main goal I have for my blog right now! Loved Jodie's post! She is having the best Birthday month....hope you are also!!

  9. Love your Q&A's, your warm personality shines out - and I can confirm you reply to all the comments left on your posts, which is AMAZING! It's always lovely to see you've emailed, and you are such FUN!

    Ahhhh, so THAT's why your blog is Fiona and Twig!!

    Have a great day,


  10. Love this post Anne and you of course!!

  11. Cute pic of you and gracie. Because I'm one of your longest followers, I knew the answers to most of these questions already. :) You're pretty much an open book.
    So sorry for the delays in the moving process, but everything happens for a reason. I hope things go a little smoother from here on. You deserve it my friend!
    take care!

  12. ~*~You are awesome Anne!! so great to get to know ya better!!! ;) HUGS~ Rachel ~*~*

  13. I love getting to know you and I learned something new...I did not know your were a respiratory therapist and I am with you on the comment moderation. Have a blessed day and hop over and enter my giveawaya if you get a chance

  14. I love getting to know you better , love your blog !

  15. I have only been a reader of your blog for a short time and now some of my questions are answered. I enjoy visiting with you every day.

  16. Great post Anne! Now find a fence builder so you and your pups can all be home by the holidays!

    Kat :)

  17. Great minds think alike...or maybe it's simple minds (and I mean that in the highest form of a compliment). I just did a post kinda addressing comments and responding. I also removed the captcha a long time ago. I don't like having to type in extra...especially the ones where you have to go back and do it. Half the time I forget to and poof...there's goes my nice thought out comment. All comments come thru my e-mail acct. and I can always delete any I feel inappropriate.
    I read Jodie's post and today...just call me Kermit I'm so green with envy!

  18. Thanks for the great post! Since I wasn't around when you started your blog I never knew how you chose the name.

    Cute photo too! And I love your Fiona and Twig bag---sweet!

    I'm crossing my fingers and toes that you can find a contractor to do the fence pronto. How frustrating it must be--do they not need the work or what?????

    Heading off to check out Everything Vintage.

  19. I love this post Anne, fun getting to know more about you! Can we go have sushi sometime? My favorite food :)

  20. Loved learning more about you, Anne! Your bestie Gracie looks much like Scout, aka Dog Draper aka astronaut extraordinaire.

    Your Friend,

  21. This makes me love you even more! I love all of your answers and finding out more about you.
    Thanks for keeping it real.

  22. Hi Anne, love this post. You are a riot, I love how you are always keepin' it real!

    But now...for another question!! I spotted that fabulous bag you are holding in your pic. Did you make that?? If not...who did?? LOVE it!


  23. Oh, I'm so happy for bloggers like you that hate word verification! I've had to begin taking on more blogs to read based on whether they have WV or not. I know that sounds witchy. But you're right. It is of the devil. And that seemingly small amount of time typing in letters on one blog quickly adds up if you read a whole lot!

  24. Hi, Little Annie (I, know, I give folks nicknames) cute picture with you and your tiny little fuzzy face! I loved this q & a time with you. You're an amazing young woman and have a lot going on. You're talented, ambitious, I think maybe a workaholic :), and cute as a button! :)
    I love coming to visit you. Sorry about taking so long about moving into your new home. Maybe there's a reason for the delay you don't know about! We'll wait patiently with you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. You know, I think the waiting is a good practice in patience (and shopping and decorating strategies!) Your pooch is darling :)

  26. Anne, I think I have found we have more in common then I ever thought... my favorite and 1st cat was Lily I named her, ok so that is not the same but the sushi choice yes! The comment jumping through hoops yes! The reality TV yes! The anonymous comment... I am right with you, in fact I had a very mean and somewhat scary comment, I had to actually delete some Posts that involved some Family members! It sure was nice to learn more about you! Chow, Diane

  27. Hahahahahah!! what a nice post today....i know a lot more about you now.......hahahaha!! nice picturre cute little dog !!....happy day darling......love Ria....

  28. How fun! Good choice in the sushi & SOOOooo glad to know I am not the only reality junkie! I shouldn't admit this but one of my fave's was the housewives of New Jersey. I ahven't seen the other ones but i loved them :) Dina almost had me buying a hairless cat because of her Grandma Wrinkles :) What is your fave? oh & thanks for no word verification...that's a pain!

  29. Your photos are amazing Anne ~ would love to have you take some photos in my home and of my booth when I finish it's makeover!!!

    Just came from Jodie's and looks like you two had lots of fun! Your guys are too cute!!

  30. I always wondered how you picked the blog title.I love it! Nice to hear the story behind it as well.What cute cat names I will remember those lol.I love your blog too Anne,havent been blogging much lately but You seem to be who you really are,lol.I mean If I ever met you I think you would be the person here on the page.Thats refreshing too.Most people like to hide behind their real selves.

    Happy Wednesday ahead!

  31. Great post, Fiona! I better darn well meet you before "we all get to heaven"!!!! AND I want one of those totes you have!

  32. Love it :)!!! I'm sure you will be a photo stylist and any magazine would be lucky to have your abilities on their team.

  33. Wonderful to get to know you better since you are residing on my side bar and I come to visit often. Have a great week!

  34. Ahhh.....this was fun to read Anne. And, we MUST meet before we meet in Heaven...even though that would be the best of all places =))

  35. I shall start praying for that fence to get a contractor. I know what you mean about needing an escape from an intense hospital job. I have been there so I get it. hugs♥olive

  36. You're right- word verification is the brain child of the devil- it can suck the fun right out of blogging

    I didn't know you hadn't been able to move into your dream house yet- and all for lack of a fence-I hope Santa brings you one for Christmas.

  37. Just about the cutest most charming blog post ever! Now let's find you a contractor and get you two (I mean four!) on over here to the Fred patch!! xo

  38. awesome!! i feel the same way about anonymous comments and word verification. and i have always wondered what the blog name meant. i was just thinking this morning that i should go back in your archives and find out. thanks, now i don't have to. have a great day!!

  39. Love the post and heartily agree with word verificaion and anonymous comments. And yes you are a superhero.

  40. You are so cute! Love your 'real' answers. Bummer about waiting to move. You've got to be biting at the bit! Hope it will be sooner than later. :)

  41. Your post was MAGNIFICENT darlin!!! You are oh so right, you & I are livin in a parallel universe. Sushi for me please, reality TV ROCKS, own a shop...what shop?, stupid word verification, from Lucifer himself..HATE THEM, really more then I should. Comments, I have no idea how you are able to answer back to any of your comments, that's a full-time job in itself! You go GIRLFRIEND!!!

  42. H Anne:
    LOVE the Q & A. Let me simply say, "You're wonderful." PERIOD.

  43. Anne, dear- such a sweetie you are on this fhoto, with your little dear one,-
    Thanks for some detaiels of your thinkings,--
    and Anne-you are a wonderfull photographer, so just go on girl.
    Hugs from Denmark. Dorthe

  44. Hello Anne... I just love visiting your blog! That was such a fun post! And your puppie is adorable... puppie kisses to her!... xoxo Julie Marie PS I hope you can move in soon!

  45. Anne,
    So love all the information! Love your blog and you are always so inspiring!! So sorry you are not moved in yet.........we are to this date running about 3 months behind schedule getting our house done and moved in. We are cramped in a very small rental in the middle of a bunch of houses. So cannot wait to have room to get all my sewing stuff out and to get out into the country!!

    Hope you get moved in soon! And hey, what kind of camera do you have?? I love taking pictures of my stuff that I make but my camera is not getting it for the blog...........They are all too dark or too small or whatever! Thinking a new camera is just what I need!


  46. well, my dearie ... we are joined at the hip on every account ...
    I'm especially up on a soap box about heaven and that word verification thing-y!!!

    I guess you're stuck with me ... pun intended

  47. Your adorable & your sweet Gracie is precious ! Sorry you are not in your new home , what a bummer, hope you can get a fence up in no time soon ! Your blog is fantastic !

  48. I feel for you on the fence and moving in. We have a new puppy, first time, and it is quite a busy time. I can't imagine not having a fence.
    It was fun to learn some things, some I knew, some I didn't. I'm a heaven believing Catholic too!

  49. Hi Anne! Loved this post..everyone should do it so we all know each other better! Your answers are too funny! I'm with you on the word verification thing...I'm taking it off my blog today!Sorry about the troubles with your house...I know you are so ready to be in there!
    and I love your bag and want one please!!
    Gracie is so cute!
    Thanks for sharing all the info about your sweet self!
    Take Care
    Tammy :-)

  50. So nice getting to know you a little better Anne! Have enjoying scrolling through the last few posts, particularly all those photos with silver and mirrors total drooool!!!

  51. sooooo cute!!!
    and your puppy...eeeeekkkk...adorable, but wait, what is that gorgeous bag with your name? Its fabulous!!!!!!

  52. Anne I always love reading these kinds of question-answer posts and getting to know what makes you tick!!! So fun. If I told you the kindda TV I watch you would probably say 'no way',(I'l give you hint)hubs is a cop)) I think my fave is I Survived. Weird.
    hugs to you...

  53. Fun, fun, fun post. I love learning a bit more about you. I hear ya on a lot of things!

    Here's hoping you move into that fantastic home soon.


  54. Hi Anne,
    I'm so glad that you are keeping it real!


  55. OMG! We have the same exact superhero powers! I knew there was a reason I was drawn to your blog (besides the cool farmhouse and decor!).

  56. Fun to hear more about you. Thank so much for the nice compliments on my blog.....i really appreciate it more than you will know! I am excited about your dream......

  57. Hello dear Anne.....glad to get a little peak into your psyche and your soul.




  58. You are TOO cute! I love getting to know you better and love you to pieces! Jodie was tickled to see you gorgeous home! I love her to pieces too:) Have a blessed evening! HUGS!

  59. Love your questions and your answers. I love getting to know my blogging friends better.

  60. Hey, it's nice to get to know someone a little better! I loved your answers...you have a great flare for words! I also loved your little Gracie....I am a sucker for little doggies...similiar to my own!~Hugs, Patti

  61. Reality shows ROCK! You are a girl after my own heart. D'ya watch the Housewives of...? Oh for some of that big hair and botox! What is the world coming too?! Loved this post.

  62. Hello Anne, I have been following you from the beginning. I remember reading about how you came to: Fiona and Twig. Wow, time does go by quickly.
    I love your post today. Hope that you get that fence up soon. Hugs, sandi

  63. i am going to make this short. i don't understand.why would anyone want to leave a nasty comment and do some really do that? blogs are one of gifts to myself. another thing, it makes me happy to see you write that your catholic faith means alot to you. Bestest,Denise

  64. Hey Anne, you are such a hoot and definitely one who keeps it real! Loved your responses above. And all the pictures you've posted in your past several posts have been absolutely amazing. Makes me want to go home and start rearranging again. My husband hates it when I do that. HA! I sure hope ya'll are able to get moved into your house soon. Sending good wishes your way. You certainly did receive the best birthday present - time with Jodie and her man. Lucky you! Best wishes for a wonderful Wednesday. :) Tammy

  65. Anne, you are just adorable. I love that you so often include pics of yourself on the blog, you have the bestest, biggest, friendliest open smile and you are a genuinely lovely person. You always put a smile on my face.

  66. Agree with the above! All of us in blogland are on some kind of journey, and watching yours along with mine, and many others is very liberating. The world just gets smaller and lovelier with each post.

  67. I love reality TV and I'm particularly excited about Brett Michaels new show!

    I hope that your photography dreams come true one day real soon Anne! You are soooo talented and have a really good eye!

    Now, on to word verification. I turned mine off and started getting mass quantities of spam. I hate spam! So I just turned it back on. I hope you still leave me comments because I would be crushed without my little does of Anne here and there!! :-)

    Have a good Wednesday!



  68. Dose. I meant dose. Not does. I need spell checker!!!

  69. Great post, Anne! I want the same superhero powers as you :) p.s. as a fellow health care worker, I know being a resp therapist in a critical care setting is not an easygoing job, dear Anne, that's why we need our "outlets" and other passions to keep us balanced and sane :)

  70. What a fun post Anne! I watch reality shows too. Survivor tonight!
    I hope your fence gets up soon and you can move in.
    Take care!

  71. I love everything you said! Maybe that is why I enjoy your blog so much. You perfectly descriped yourself. keeping it real and doing it with great style...


  72. LOVED your Q & A
    and I hope all of
    your photo-stylin'
    dreams come true!!!
    I see absolutely
    nothing standing
    in your way if you
    keep dreaming BIG.
    xx Suzanne
    PS: Just e-mailed
    you about GRACIE!!

  73. it is always fun to get to know you better!! and I will come and watch reality tv with you any day! thanks for the giggles, love ya! xo

  74. This is fun! You got some wonderful questions to answer! So sorry about the house business. Really we are all hoping for you to move in way before Christmas.

  75. So fun to get to know you a little better. Fun post! Love you blog.

  76. Cute post! I love learning little fun tid bits about everyone! Have a great week!!

  77. Hi Anne,

    It was lovely to get to know you a little better and to read the fun things that make up you.
    Also I wondered how the name Fiona and Twig came about... and now I know.
    Sweet photo of you dear friend and thanks for a fun post.

    Happy Thursday

  78. You are SO crazy girl!
    You cleared up quite a bit of stuff here Fiona! oooops...I mean Anne! hahahahahha
    Not only are you pretty and darn smart but you sure are funny too! (my fav traits in a friend!)

    Well, I guess I need to go do an exorcism on my blog and take the word verification off since St. Anne thinks it's the "DEVIL".

    So how many Hail Mary's do I have to say for this one?

  79. G'eve Anne ~ I love the Fiona & Twig thinking. Very clever. Your write was so interesting, revealing & humorous, to boot!

    Now if someone would tell me how to get rid of WV I would but I have no clue.

    I loved your comment re your being a Catholic, from one to another ...

    Have a lovely autumn eve ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  80. Faith. Doggies. Sushi. You sure got your priorities lined up right Anne. :) I can relate to the fence thinggie from years ago when I had a home on 2 acres out in the country and a run-away-you-can't-catch-me Irish Setter/Golden Retriever gal.

  81. Hey honey this was great reading about you! I am so glad I did not miss this.
    Sorry about you not being in your new dream home yet but it will happen and soon.
    Loved the picture of you at Warrenton...can not believe I still have not met you out there
    Take care

  82. Hi Anne,

    Wow......so open.....thank you for sharing! I admire your talent, and now I admire your openess. We must be twins from another mother, cause I woulda' answered exactly the same.....NOT, LOL! Take care,


  83. Dear Abby, Oops I mean Anne,
    Your such a nut girl!
    I see a new blog party brewing. Go ask Anne.
    I, being your Lurd was already privy to those questions. Except maybe that cute stray your holding in the picture. How bout some harder ones like...
    Survivor or Amazing Race
    Ben & Jerry's or Haagen daz (can't make those marks over the a)
    Justin Timberlake or Usher
    Inquiring minds. Lisa

  84. You're such a cutie! And I hope you get some fence posts in soon. That is a way cool bag you have with your blog name on it! xo ~Lili

  85. Hi Anne! What a totally cute post on your life and personality!! how nice of you to share all those things with us...and I can definitely say we have similarities (as you already know)

    too bad my husband doesn't live closer! he'd build you that fence in no time!!
    and we could watch him on the porch while sippin' some coffee :) and eating sushi! no- that doesn't sound good together....maybe just the coffee ;)
    Anne Marie


I'm all ears....

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