Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Seed Box in Warrenton

When I made my now twice-yearly trek to 
Antique Week in Warrenton / Round Top
a couple of weeks back, I promised you lots of pictures.

And I am more than happy to make good on that promise with yet another
post featuring another fabulous Warrenton dealer!

Welcome to The Seed Box Antiques, Warrenton branch...

{click all pics twice to super-size}

Based in Chadwick, Missouri, Brian and Meloney Russell
are veterans of Antique Week,
yet they bring something new and fresh with each visit.

I like to call their style effortless, fresh, farmhouse chic,
and after viewing these images,
I think you will agree.

It was top priority for me to track down these innovative folks,
as I missed them the two previous times I was here...and let me tell you,
they did not  disappoint.
See for yourself...

 And this dapper gent?

That would be Brian himself, one half of the genius
behind this amazing space!
He's actually on my iPhone here
talking to  Debra of Common Ground!

To see more, please be sure to visit

And remember, there's LOTS more Warrenton pics and posts yet to come!
Yep, it's the gift that just keeps on giving.  :-)

Happy Thursday!

Linking with Debra at Common Ground
Vintage Inspiration Friday.



  1. so in love!!!! wow
    I gotta say though...the twig headed mannequin is a little freaky!

  2. Every picture included something I wanted! ;-D

    Love the iron bed and those galvanized buckets!!


  3. I LOVE all of the aluminum!!! They are soooooo cool those two...

    ;-D xoxo

  4. Hi Anne!! What a wonderful place! I wish we had some neat places like that around here! I know you're so busy getting all settled down. I'm waiting to see.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. This is so up my alley. I love, love, love these pics. I see so many things I like...although the mannequin is a little odd. lol I'm headed to checkout their website. Thanks, Anne. Hope you are having a good day!

  6. Awesome photos full of cool treasures!!

  7. How does one type in tears of pity for one's self, because they can't be around all you talented people. If I knew I would be typing it out right now. Thank you so much for picture after picture of vintage heaven!

  8. omgoodness ... can't hold a candle next to this!!

    literally tehe

    asbsolute genius

  9. That booth is just perfection, I could live in it! i love the washbin light, genious! your photos are divine as well my dear!

  10. Love those light fixtures - You must have had such a great time there!

  11. I just always simply adore their stuff! Great photos! Lezlee

  12. Oh my, more lovely things too take in!

  13. I love everything they do, I'm diggin' those letters and the galvanized lighting. Always cutting edge. Was Brian talking to me? I swear, I'm hiding out in their truck next time!
    Come link this up to VIF, it doesn't have to be porches you know!!

  14. LOVE their stuff! I bought my clock (Monique) from them last year at Urban Market and they were the nicest people.

  15. I love Seed Box Antiques!
    They have awesome-wonderful-fantastic STUFF!!
    Thanks for sharing all your great pics Anne!
    I KNOW you had a good time!!
    Tammy :-)

  16. goodness, how talented could someone be!!!! its gorgeous!!!

  17. Anne, so glad you took pics. Everytime I went by I got sidetracked and didn't take any. The boy manny she bought from me and I was actually inspired from one she previously had and that's the reason I bought that one. Mel and Brian and both super talented in all they day!

  18. A post near my heart..........i love it all....and you Ria.....

  19. mmm! I love it all! But especially the vintage fish tank! I would love to find one of those (and spot to put it!)

  20. What a fabulous place! So much weird and wonderful stuff.

  21. Oh, they live in Missouri....that's only one state over from me. Could be dangerous!!!! I could spend all day in their booth, especially if someone brought me food every once in a while.

  22. Anne the Seedbox stle is truly amazing. So much great stuff under one tent.
    I have to say that Christies place was wonderful too in your previous post. I could have spent all my time there and been happy as a clam. She is as beatiful as the stuff she sells in that awesome place!!!
    Thank you so much for all the great pictures!

  23. wow...incredible display..incredible stuff!

  24. Oh Anne:

    How fun it was to browse through these photos of The Antique Week....Some wonderful displays...loved the mannequin with the "crown". Just fabulous.

    Hope you are keeping up with you and your new home.

    Starview Sonnet

  25. Oh Anne I'm SO glad you featured these AWESOME Vendors & took so many pics....They were a FAVE of mine & while I took some pics, mine certainly do not make them SHINE as yours do....!

    I spent some money here & will be buying from them from Australia....I HOPE they had a GREAT Show because it seemed they were 'out of the way' from the 'guts' of where everything was going on over in the Coles field....!

    I SO wish I could have seen you there....You must have been eating 'go go' berries or something 'cause you CERTAINLY covered a LOT of ground....!!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  26. your photos are just wonderful! thankx for sharing with us.

  27. Love these fabulous photos!!!Please keep them coming:)
    ~Debra XXX
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  28. Love it all Anne!! Thanks for sharing...I would love to go to Warrenton someday!



  29. Great photos Anne! Wow...some people are so creative :)

  30. great stuff! Those lights are the COOLEST! :)

  31. I love the lights, your photos of everything are perfect! I must agree though with the two others that the mannequin is odd:)


  32. they have some great treasures. i am going to have to see where chadwick missouri is. road trip!!!

  33. I LOVE their displays and creative ways of doing things. I was so happy when Debra started doing their blog. Tim and I were just talking about them yesterday at Country Roads. He said he saw their stuff while he was in Texas and it was awesome!

    Take care, Sue

  34. Wow, what gorgeous beauties! I am coming next time:) Have a blessed weekend! HUGS!

  35. Hi Anne,
    Ooh, I love this tour, so many things I'd love to bring home here! I'm off to look at the couple posts I missed while working away on my projects here. Lots to look forward to from you as always. Thanks for all the photos, you're the best!

  36. Another great dealer, Anne! I especially love the galvanized light fixtures...

  37. Such beauty!
    LOVE the overall creamy, dreamy, linen'ish color scheme of their display!
    LOVED all the photos!

  38. Hi Anne ~ What Awesome Photos, Love EVERYTHING...
    The ladder with the wired baskets & the Bed are My Favorites, Of Course the Pumpkins Scream Fall!
    Thanks for Sharing

  39. Pardon my ignorance Ann, but what, please, is that interesting table-like thing with the pinkish top? A restaurant fixture perhaps?

  40. I'd be willing to bet a dollar to a donut that they had already sold a ton of stuff by the time you came down on Saturday. I think they must have dealers crawl up on their sells so fast! I think I'm getting there early and everything will have SOLD on it! They are the real "Dynamic Duo"!

  41. Not a thing I did not like, In fact the twig headed mannequin I also kind of get the altered art about it :)

    The photo's a more then wow!!
    thank you for all the rustic inspiration, hmmmm! I need to add some more grays and lot's of galvanized old to my homes decor :) Thank you for planting the bug in me!

  42. Howdy Anne,

    First of all.......thank you for always answering my comments/questions.....U R awesome! Secondly, I have a feeling this show would have taken me days to get through......was there enough room to get my gimpy scooter through? I can't walk far, so it's all scootin' for me. How many vendors were there and how many days does it run?

    So cool, you are definately blessed.


  43. might know that I saw something in every single photo that I would have taken home with me. Wow...lots of eye candy...
    xo bj

  44. OMyGoodness....Anne!!! I love, LOVE former bus. partner Cindy visited their shop a few years back and their style is so incredibly AMAZING!!!! Your photos are, as always, absolutely gorgeous girl ~ thank you for sharing them all! I'm sorry I've been away so long ~ I'm still buried in boxes over here, hugs and love, Dawn

  45. I can not stand it....this place is sooo incredible. I would so love to visit that place. I have saved those hanging washbins of lights to my desktop.
    Greatness I say.
    Thanks for sharing.

  46. WHAT is it about
    flea markets....and
    even pictures of flea
    markets....that get my
    pulse racing?!! Your
    pics are just glorious,
    sweet friend and I
    know you must have been
    in your element!
    xx Suzanne

  47. oooo....we feel like we need to say "trick or treat" What a feast for the eyes....only wish we could have experienced that visit in person :)

  48. I think I just died and went to rusty, galvanized heaven!!

  49. Oh my gosh!! Grunge Heaven!
    Hugs, Diane

  50. The pictures are devine. Love your blog! xo, Brit

  51. Anne my little lurd,
    Those pictures are amazing! I loved seeing The Seed Box in person, it was one of my favorite things in Round Top. Such creative folks. Hay, burlap & metal. Who knew farming leftovers could become beautiful art. Lisa

  52. Hey Anne - What amazing photos! Their treasures looked like something out of "Little House on the Prairie"! Had to giggle at the hay bale for a pillow.....and those galvanized pails/tubs as chandies?? How cool is that???! Thanks for sharing, friend!

    xoxo laurie

  53. That is one of the best set ups/booths I've seen... love the wood (barn door?) back drop for their displays! Oh... and those lights! Cool! Great photos Anne... as always!

    Have a great weekend!

  54. I could moce into the top picture and never leave- the materials, colors and textures just envelop you!
    love those hanging light fixtures with the whole in the buckets!!


  55. gorgeous pictures, wow!! have a great weekend! susan

  56. Wow, we have NOTHING like that here. So jealous! xo ~Lili

  57. Honey another show and I still have not found your booth. That is how big this show has gotten. I did not see this one either. lol
    I was in Tenn through 5 days of the show so I missed a lot.
    Love your shots

  58. heavy sigh* missing TX, missing going to Round Top/Warrington...Seed Box is one of my FAVS! Well, can't be at everything, can we? Great photos! And I love your post of your out buildings and Joy's sale, which I AM hoping to go to! Take Care!


I'm all ears....

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