Friday, January 7, 2011

Into Each Life...

"Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall"

"The Rainy Day"
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Sometimes it comes down in drops
other times, buckets.

My last post was a bucket day.

I had something happen which rocked my world, and not in a good way.
I didn't feel comfortable divulging too much, still don't.

But so many of you were there,
with umbrellas
and smiles
and prayers
and a kind word.

Just like you always are.


I'm better now, but I couldn't let another day pass
without offering my deepest,
most heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your
love and concern.

Thank you for being my
when the rains come down.

Happy Weekend,


  1. Always here for you! Know that the sun will come out soon for you. *Hugs*

  2. sending wishes for sunshine and rainbows to overcome your rainy days:)

  3. Hello gentle lady....just a short note today" God promises a safe landing....not a clam passage." Hang in there!!

    Hugs sent your way,


  4. Opps.....just realized i typed clam instead of CALM....sometimes...I;m such a ditz!!!!



  5. what's the line that curly, red-haired girl in the musical sings -- the sun will come out tomorrow...
    ps... My Grama's Soul typo of clam for calm had me smiling! Thanks Jo!
    xo Cathy

  6. Love you in the sunshine and the rain:) Big hugs and continued prayers!

  7. Always there for you from here:) I am so sorry you are going through something uncomfortable. But in blogland you know that we all love you and will be there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on. We know you would do the same for us. I hope things are getting better and soon will be just a memory. Take care. Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayer:)
    ~Debra XXX
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  8. We are praying for you! I always listen to Jaci Velasquez's song "Flower in the Rain" when I am in the midst of a down-pour.

  9. I've thought about
    you all day....
    Sending sunshine
    your way, dear Anne...
    xx Suzanne

  10. A lovely poem. I'm so glad to know you are feeling a bit better!

  11. I continue to think of you, and hope your raining bucket days will soon stop. We all do care about you.

  12. Hang in there. A lot of people are thinking about you and praying for you. I noticed almost everyone sent hugs your way, which means lots of arms around you. Here's mine...


  13. Oh, Anne, we're here. I sometimes think in songs. I remember an old song and the words went...

    Hold on my child, joy comes in the morning. Weeping only lasts for a while.
    Hold on my child, joy comes in the morning.
    The darkest hour means dawn is just in sight.
    If you've knelt beside the rubble of an aching, broken heart,
    When the things you gave your life for fell apart,
    You're not the first to be acquainted with sorrow, grief, or pain,
    But the Master promised sunshine after rain.

    To invest your seed of trust in God, in mountains you can't move,
    You have risked your life on things you cannot prove,
    But to give the things you can not keep for what you cannot lose,
    Is the way to find the joy God has for you,

    I'm still praying for you and yours.
    Shelia ;)

  14. Oh Anne... I did not see your other post until just now... it has been sprinkling a bit here.

    Please know you are loved, my sweet friend. I give you the words that were offered to me years ago in the darkest of my days... Continue to be as tough as you dare and wait for the sun to shine. It will shine again. I promise.

    Love, prayers and blessings to you, Anne.

    Hugging you from here.

  15. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with something like this so early in what was promising to be a wonderful year for you :-(

    I have no doubt that there is better in store, sending you all the strength I can muster from soggy, snowy England!

    Jem xXx

  16. Thinking of you, dear Anne...xoxo

  17. hey,
    i'm on the road (in indiana and spent the day w/ my sister at a 85,000 antique mall. Going back tomorrow:)
    anyway, wasn't planning on visiting anyone's blogs but your name specifically came to my mind when i opened my computer and now i know why.
    i have pulled you to the top of my prayer list, anne, and will continue to pray for you in hopes that your life gets back on track.
    if you need someone to talk to please just give me a call.

    thinking of you though miles away,

  18. It's not always easy to share what is going on in our lives, but here you don't have to tell all to get love and support. Love to you! Linda

  19. The clouds will lift dear Anne and the sun will shine so brightly again for yo and yours. Know that we are there even in a monsoon. xXx

  20. I continue to pray that everything works out and that you will find peace.

  21. I really hope your ok! Praying for you! Stay strong! God speed! Hugs lulu

  22. Dear heart, praying for you. The anchor holds in spite of the storm.♥O

  23. Hey Sweet Girl~

    I am wrapping my arms around you right now ((((HUGS)))~ Sending Love and Support~Always here for you if you feel the need:)))

    xoxoxo, Carol

  24. Oh honey, I hope things feel better soon.

  25. I hope things get better for you soon....

  26. So glad today is a little better...Lezlee

  27. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and wishing all good things for you...:) Laura

  28. So glad you are feeling a little better...remember I am always here for you. I will still be praying, too.


  29. Remember that poster with the kitty clutching the tree branch? "Hang in there . . . " Sending you wishes for a quick sail through your rough seas.


  30. I am hoping dear Anne that with all of your rain comes a beautiful garden. Theresa xoxo

  31. Annie my Dear, You know I love you to pieces! I hope you feel blessed by all the friends that are surrounding you with the love, the prayers and their Well Wishes!

    You are always in my heart, and I hope you know I'd be there for you whatever comes your way!

    Big Squeeze and a "Bus" on the Cheek!

  32. Anne, you have been so in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be so. ~ Angela

  33. BE-U-tiful photo...

    you have a great eye~
    probably two of them, huh?

    and a bucket load of friends you've never met...

  34. Another beautiful expression from your heart! Thinking of you! ~ Sarah

  35. So glad it's a better day for you today Anne! Thinking about you and still praying for you! Just wanted to say thank you for your email/reply the other day... means alot!! Here for you, too... if you ever need to chat! God has a plan and what may be bad... He can use for good! :)

    ((BIG HUGS))

  36. Anne,

    Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass but rather learning to dance in the rain!

    Your Friend,

  37. I am so sorry you are going through something so hard...I am keeping you in my prayers XO

  38. I don't know what you're going thru, but I can say I totally get it. We had a bucket or two thrown on our lives this week too. Total game-changer...great analogy. Funny how priorities change so quickly. Here's to strength for both of us :) peace to you,

  39. What a sweet post! I have tears in my eyes......because.....when I was little and feeling blue, my dad would sing to me "into each life some rain must fall". Thank you for reminding me of that. I can hear his voice like he's sitting next to me.

    Glad things are better today Anne!

    Sending hugs from afar...


  40. Simply put. . .you are in my thoughts and prayers! Take care my friend, and take life one day at a time!


  41. Anne...That's what is so great about blogging friends, you can feel their sincere kindness and support. I know you're feeling it! Glad you're a little better today :) ~Patti

  42. We are Happy to be your Umbrella of Prayer....

  43. Thinking good thoughts for you Anne....we're here.

  44. May you always remain in the Game even if there is a Game Changer... A favorite quote of mine for the 'darker' times in Life reads...

    I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. - Og Mandino (1923-1996)

    Often during the darkest times of my Life the Lord showed me the Stars... often in the form of dear ones who were there for me and shined brightly to illuminate the way. May you have an abundance of Stars... lighting your path.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  45. Anne, Im praying for some sort of good and happy thoughts on what ever the situation is. Wishing the Best..

  46. Hang in there girlfriend! As the saying goes... this too shall pass. Thinking of you!

  47. You are still in my prayers Anne.
    I'm glad today was better ~
    hoping tomorrow and the rest of your days are just right!!
    Tammy :-)

  48. Hello Anne,
    I just wanted you to know I have been thinking and praying for you!
    Sending you a big hug!

  49. Sending hugs, warm wishes and prayers your way dear Anne. Even on your most difficult days you are always thinking of others, you are such a sweetie and I hope you soon will see that sun come shining through once again for you. xoxo ~Lili

  50. Hope you and your loved ones are doing okay Anne...
    Luv ya~

  51. Will definitely continue to keep you in my prayers! And wow - that photo is beautiful and goes so beautifully with the Longfellow poem!

  52. Whoops - didn't mean to use beautiful twice - I am getting tired! =)

  53. Whatever it is Anne, I hope it works it's way out in a positive way. Hang in there, we're here! Hugs, Riki And thanks again for your help, I love my new blog design with your inspiration.

  54. Happy Weekend to you too! You shared one of my favorite scriptures... It's helped me through a lot of "rainy days" and I hope things are looking better for you.

    Nita Jo

  55. Whatever it was, I hope the rain has been replaced by rainbows or will be very soon :)


  56. Hi Anne,
    Please know I continue to pray for you. I appreciate that you took the time to send your followers a post to let us know how you're doing. You sure do have a lot of support girl! God moves mountains when there are so many turning to him in prayer for one of his children.
    Sincere blessings,

  57. Thinking of you my lovely friend. Hang in there the sun WILL shine again..

    A big hug to you my friend.


  58. I am always here for you darling....please mail me if that helps you....i will give you again warmm hugs and lots of love ...and i will thought you in my prayers as long as you need that......a far away friend is also a friend in my heart love xxxxx.......

  59. Dear Anne, faith, family and friends will see you through, as will your positive outlook on life and the power of prayer. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  60. I hate days like that, they take a while to get over don't they? I hope the sun comes out for you today.

    Keep strong, dear Anne.


  61. Look after yourself and your husband. I hope life settles down for you soon. Love and hugs and I am thinking about you.

  62. Hi Anne,

    Have just dropped by for a visit and I hope that life is looking brighter for you.
    Just want to wish you all the best for 2011, may you have love, joy, good health and all that makes you happy. My prayers and love are with you.


  63. Hello Anne,
    I have been reading all of the comments and I can easily see and feel all of the love, understanding, support and prayers coming your way. Our blogger friends are always the first to lend a shoulder on which to cry.

    I hope that there will be brighter days for you sweeties. Just remember you are loved.


  64. W.H.E.W!!
    I know that you known that we both know God has given His angels charge over us ...

    take a few days to reel back in!
    You need some down time, honey

    'member, I'm just an email away
    or and iphone chat

    love you more than you know❤

    A little Celtic Blessing - to tide you over. x

  66. Anne,
    Thoughts and prayers are with you during this season of "rain" and may God hold you extra close and may you feel his comfort and reasurance during this time.

  67. Dearest Anne,

    Seems things are getting "wonky" all over. My good friend Sandy of (521 Lakestreet)got a shock recently, and I've been helping her (I hope) through the mess, and found out two days ago that my husband will no longer have a job after the 20th due to an embezzling swine of a boss/owner that ran his company into the ground. We're in our 50's and it's scary in the job market out there. I'm disabled and can't work, so it adds to the stress. Whatever event has happened in your life recently, please realize, and I know you do, God is with you. You and I have never met except in this virtual world of blogging, but should you ever need a me, I have a huge shoulder (really, I'm a big girl) and big ears.......and I can send you a huge box of tissue! Seriously, I'm here if you need to vent. Your in my thoughts, which are full of grace and kindness to you, and in my prayers for strength and will to help you through this time.

    God Bless,

  68. Sending you lots of positive energy from Maine! Hang in there!

  69. Good Morning, Anne,
    I've been thinking about you, too, since I read your post. I hope whatever troubles you will resolve itself with time. Take care ~Natalie

  70. Sending you a great big hug and continued prayers.

  71. Sending love and good wishes your way...
    Take care,

  72. {{BIG HUG}} to you to day, Anne. You are still in my prayers... ♥

    xoxo laurie

  73. That is the thing about is never static. Always changing and sometimes not in a way we like. Just like the other post before will get through steps...lean into it. I hope whatever it is you have some support to help you through it.

  74. You are in my thoughts and prayers each day. What ever the rain in your life I know you are in good hands.

  75. That's what makes you so loveable wear your heart on your sleave :)

  76. Dearest Anne,

    May God's abundant blessings bring forth the totality of your strengths...may you know you are so loved...may all of our prayers bring additional comfort during this dire time of need...and when you raise your eyes to the heaven's during your darkest moments may God's gentle, guiding, loving hand reach out and touch your wipe your hold you up just when you think you can't...and know...please know prayers are being offered up on your and your family's behalf...with spiritual hugs...sweet loving caresses...and hope...always hope...from all of us who are blessed to know of you!


  77. Let God wrap you in His strong arms, sweet friend.

  78. Ditto what everyone else has commented.

    {{{more prayers}}}

  79. Hoping you are enjoying some sunshine...thinking of you!

  80. Dear Anne,

    A big hug, warm thoughts, and hopes for you, that your rainy dayes will soon be whiped away, of the beautifull sun, and the happiness, coming from feeling happy, and comforted.
    Love, Dorthe

  81. Anne~ i Have been praying for you since the last post... I dont know what your going through ... but I know the ONE who does. So I am holding you before Him.xo.

  82. Hi Anne- we've been crazy busy here, and I haven't checked in. SOrry you have been feeling blue and disrupted. I know that feeling- this whole past year!! I keep having to remind myself that I'm SUPPOSED to be here, and to quit arguing with Him about it!! HUGS

  83. anne,
    i am sorry for what you are going thru....i hope with time you have some restful thoughts that will help you get thru this..i stop at my church on my way to work when i need a moment--i will stop by tomorrow and say a special prayer for are in my thoughts.

  84. Oh dear...hang in there are loved. My stomach hurt just reading this and the last post... Sending love and light your way.
    xx, shell

  85. Anne,
    Just know as much as we love you (and we do) God loves you even more...He is able and faithful to hold you during the roughest of storms...

  86. Anne, knoow that we are thinking of you .
    Sending you a very BIG hug.

  87. Anne, what is in your life and your heart is yours and yours alone. It is up to you and only you to decide what you want to give up. We are here no matter what the heart gives. One day at a time, one step at a time. Friendship does not depend on how much is said, but who is there to listen, Char

  88. I just want to hold you tight, Anne girl. Like a daughter...just be there to soothe whatever's wrong away. You are so right...'into every life'
    love to you...

  89. Oh Anne, I hope everything is okay. Sending positive thoughts, lots of prayers, and a big hug your way!!!

    Blessings ~


  90. Anne, just saw your first post, and now this one! Hoping you and yours have seen a light shining through your darkness and if not as yet, but very soon for this to shall pass. I don't know if it is loss that you must deal with or disappointment. But I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Hang in there and know that you have so many out here that are praying, thinking and waiting for this crisis, whatever it may be passes or is resolved quickly!

  91. Just look at all the love that is coming your way...Anne..keep the faith.

  92. Im so thankful you are ok. ~~Hugs~~ Rachel

  93. i've been slowly catching up with all my favorite blog pals, this was my morning with you! your beautiful photos, awesome finds, and sincere words always stick with me through my day, you touch my heartstrings often. i've carried those words from longfellow with my since my college days (amazing i can still remember them, i can't even remember my dog's name lately) they are good words that remind us we aren't alone on our paths.
    and i don't know about you, but i would take a ride on the clam passage ANY day ;~)
    take care
    deb in kodiak

  94. You know I'm here. love travels the miles apart.


I'm all ears....

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