Monday, January 3, 2011

Testing, 1...2...3....Feedback Wanted


I just downloaded Windows Live Writer for publishing my blog posts,
and I’m seeing how this thing works….clear as mud so far!

All I know is....holy cow, you can REALLY make your pics big in Live Writer!!!
As a basis for comparison, scroll down to my previous post...
these same pics were posted there, albeit in much smaller sizes.

{focus intentionally set on the clock...meaning foreground tickets are SUPPOSED to be blurry}

{ditto above}

Tell me....what are you seeing on YOUR computer screens?
It looks okay on mine, but I'm thinking maybe
that isn't the case on everyone else's 'puters.
I mean...seriously...are those second and third pics
just really obnoxiously big, or fuzzy?

Be honest.

Thanks in advance!

Happy Monday!

{  I lost my siggy in live writer.  :-(  }

Only three more hours until Bachelor Brad returns, squeeeee!


  1. Looks clear as a bell on my end.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Pretty darn snazzy over here!!!!!!!!!

  3. Looks so good - I really have to check that out!!!


  4. oh... it's YOU i hear squeelin'... I was wondering! haha!

    LOVE IT!!! ;-D

  5. Looks good on my computer!

  6. Not fuzzy on my monitor. No problem at all.

  7. Looks good on my computer...and yes the 2nd and 3rd pics are bigger then the 1st....but it all looks real good...

  8. Yep, it's big, I think I can hear the alarm clock ticking.....looks good, Char

  9. Not fuzzy here. I LOVE huge photos. The only thing I see is that the 1st and 3rd photo are a little tiny bit too long to be seen in entirety without scrolling down a smidge on my screen, but I am on my laptop if that makes a difference. Not a huge problem at all.

  10. looks great that the 'full size' then not the x-large? i like the changes you are making to your blog - clean and easy to scroll -

  11. They look clear, but HUGE. I've never tried that before.

  12. On my laptop, the 2nd and 3rd photos are blurry in the foreground (intentionally?) of the photo. The clock is sharp. The first photo is not fuzzy at all. All three photos have the out-of-focus background. Hope this helps!

  13. I use live writer!!! It is the best! Keep it! You won't ever go back! looks great! lulu

  14. I don't knnnnoooowwww??? I think you should send your camera on to me so that I can see if that could be a problem. Hmmm!

  15. Hi Linda!
    Yes, I intentionally set my focus on the clock in the 2nd and 3rd pics, and meant to have a shallow depth of field.


  16. Big, clear and beautiful here on my laptop:)
    ~Debra XXX
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  17. They are big but not too big. They are clear and look like I could reach out and grab that clock. I love the bigger pictures.

  18. Looks great! I LOVE live writer....and for my signature, I saved it in my pictures folder and just insert it at the end of my posts.

  19. Your pictures look really good...nice and clear!

    I was just looking at live writer last night wondering if I should do it. I like all my photos to be the same width and sometimes I feel like it is a big pain messing with the html in blogger. I'll be interested to see how it all works out for you :)

  20. Pictures are gorgeous and clear! I'm curious about how you like this once you get to using it a lot.

  21. I actually like the 2nd one better than the 3rd one. But I'm a very detailed person...I love looking at the details. I guess it depends on what your taking a pic of...the composition, color...ect. AND your pics ROCK!!


  22. OH I just found Live Writer a couple months ago. Isn't it refreshing?! The pictures... obnoxiously large? Yes. Fuzzy? No. You need to download the polaroid feature, it has some fun photo tabs for the corners of your photos =)

  23. crisp clear nice and big.....I think they look great!!

  24. Looks great on the iPad! These image are bigger than the previous post but not gigantic!

  25. I like all 3 photos, but the 2nd one is my favorite. They all came through great. I definitely may have to check out Live Writer in the future.
    Thanks for lettings us see your testings :)

  26. They are clear. They are big! Personally I like them the size they were in your first post best. Somehow, and I probably am not explaining this right, they are so big they get in the way of your words? Anyway, I'll still read you either way LOL

  27. they look great! i have been wondering about how to get bigger pics. do you have to have minima stretch for this to work? again thanks for your sweet comment and you helped more than you know.



  28. i think they look great.

  29. I love Live Writer and have been using it for a couple of months. The only thing I don't like is that the first photo never shows up in google reader. I like ex large photos but shy away from doing themself.
    Photos are gorgeous!
    doesn't anyone understand no depth of field? haha

  30. Very sharp and impressive! ~ Hugs, Patti

  31. Looks pretty good on my computer.

  32. Looks clear and beautiful but it doesn't all fit so that I can see the entire picture! I am on a laptop, so that possibly makes a difference! Hope you are having a great day! HUGS!

  33. A-okay for me! I'm on a laptop and see everything perfectly!


  34. They are perfect!!! They look crystal clear and gorgeous!!
    No fair you get to watch Brad 2 hours before me :(

  35. The quality is perfect. I'm sure this is a great feature for your photography. The only downside is photos do not fit on my screen so have to scroll down and never get the opportunity to see the whole shot on photos 2 and 3 on my small laptop.

  36. Hey dear friend.....everything is bigger in Texas.....Is it not??? (O:(O:(O: all looks great.



  37. It looks great Anne! I need to check this out.

    Btw, I love the new lens .....thanks for sharing your opinion with me!

    Have a great year!

  38. They look good on my laptop!

    Have a wonderful 2011,

  39. All look great to me. I started using Live Writer about 2 months ago and was amazed at the size you could upload your photos. The only drawback I have found though, is that when you double click on them they do not enlarge, they are as they are so to speak. The clarity of them is great though and you can frame them, drop shadow them, etc which is a plus.

    Hope this helped.
    P.S. Who is Brad and what am I missing?

  40. Oh my gosh, Anne! It looks like I can reach into your photos and touch that clock! Love it!'s a plus for gals who need reading! :)

    xoxo laurie

  41. I have been following your blog for months but never commented...I love all you pictures and really look forward to any pics from your new home.I made one New Year's Resolution, "to comment on the blogs that really inspire me". I also down loaded the windows live writer after reading you blog and posted my first blog since September.Thanks , Lynda

  42. I am so lovin the BIG photos!!!! So many blogs have small pics which is very frustrating especially when there are lots of details to be seen. Your photos are very crisp & clear, so whatever you are doing - it is working!!!

  43. Looks wonderful Anne!;) Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  44. They look awesome here my dear. Just watched it. Oh the drama!!

  45. Hi, Anne,
    I personally like the large photos. I like to be able to see the details. Pam does make a good point earlier...some of the photos don't fit on my screen without scrolling down. I'm not sure that you need to change anything tho'.

    Have a terrific Tuesday ~Natalie

  46. Not that big of a difference on my computer...but I do love bigger photos...I'm old...what can I say??! Hugs and blessings! Cheryl

  47. Nice & big - looks super Anne! xx

  48. I have no idea what Live Writer is...........

    BUT...the photos look great here.

    Pretty much filled up my entire screen.

    Especially the 2nd photo focusing on that gorgeous clock!!!

    Just watched Bachelor Brad!

  49. Hey honey
    They all look good to this ole grandma. lol
    Just had to come by and wish you a very Happy New Year and to see what you have been up too.
    Love ya

  50. Big but Fabulous!! Sounds like one more thing that I'd get lost in the middle of. xoxo,D

  51. They are really can even see a reflection in the clock! I have a pretty good sized screen though.

  52. Looks super here in the UK!


  53. In Google Reader, they are nice and big (no sidebars in reader of course). When I click over to comment (I use Google Chrome browser, but I think it would be the same in others?) the pics shrink a little..if my browser isn't set to max size it will cut off the larger pics (just went and looked and previous post...seems it does that with the large pics, with or without Live Writer) :)

  54. They look great and yes bigger. Your whole blog seemed to load alot faster for me also

  55. what's a siggy ... favorites??

    I lost mine, too, with the purchase
    so now I'm back at sitting in the blogger butt chair!!

  56. p.s.
    well miss savvy, can I download this on a mac?

  57. I love it... is it hard?

  58. Hi Anne, it looks great!!!
    hugs~~ Daphne

  59. They look gorgeous on my end Anne! I've always wanted to try live writer myself as I have to manually edit every photo I upload to make them larger.
    Happy 2011 to you!

  60. Looks good here, I don't know if I like them so big, just a matter of preference...
    Happy New Year,

  61. Hi Anne! The pictures are pretty huge but they are super clear for me. You take such great pictures so that makes a big difference. I don't think mine would work so great, ha-ha! I can't quite see the entire photo on my screen from top to bottom but I make my bottom toolbar thing taller to hold more buttons and such so that's probably why. I do see what Whimsey Creations is talking about too. But I love your blog regardless!

  62. Anne, the pics this size look tres fabu! LOVE Em! I'll try and figure it out one day myself, because some of my pics need to be bigger, they would have much better impact. Yours are cool!


  63. Hi Anne! Those pictures are obnoxiously big... AND beautiful! They're not fuzzy at all! Love that clock, too, and I've been thinking of buying some of those tickets from an Etsy shop (can't remember which one).
    Thanks for the congrats about the feature in RH. Like I said over at Joy's... I didn't want to say anything 'til I saw it in print. I mean they just briefly contact you and tell you they want to feature you and to send some pics. Then, you never hear from them again, so I didn't know whether to tell anybody yet... not even my family (except hubby :)).
    I saw your lovely feature in RH, btw... just beautiful! Your pics are always beautiful though, so wasn't surprised. :)
    Happy New Year week to you!

  64. Hi Anne, I am completely tech unsavvy, so I don't even know what you're talking about. I do know that the pictures look perfect to me. P.S. Love The much drama...crazy stuff :)
    Blessings to you today,

  65. Looks clear to me. are just way too technical for me and it has pissed me off. Thanks for the heads up on the Bachelor coming that show. I am shallow like that.

  66. I use firefox for my browser, and- the photos are GORGEOUS! I love a great big, well taken photo. The photos' ratio of length and height looks different in the new set, but it could be the vodka talking... Hope the bachelor was all you hoped it would be ;)

  67. Looks fine to me!

    happy new year sweet Susan.

    Wishing you a lovely week,
    xx Rozmeen

  68. The first pic was great! In the second and third pics the tickets in the foreground became blurry. Not bad, but I suspect that is fault of the focus, as you said. Anyway, I love the "bigness" of the pics and seeing the nicks and age of the clock. In fact, in the middle pic, I can read the text at the bottom of the clock face "Made by Westclox LaSalle ??? U.S.A." Couldn't read the state where LaSalle is -- Wis(consin) perhaps??

  69. Looking wonderful to this detail loving gal Anne! xo ~Lili

  70. clock is clear. tickets fuzzy.
    Camera can only focus on one or the other clearly. my guess anyway. =)

    I'm perfectly happy with other size, but then I am easy to please. (don't tell my husband I said that!)

    blessings and always enjoy my visit here no matter what size it comes in.

    barbara jean

  71. I have used Writer for over a year and a half. I will never go back to blogger to post. Love the picture sizing capability, the fonts, the ease of loading, and everything else. The only thing that isn't compatible between Writer and Blogger is a picture showing up on our followers' blogrolls on their sidebar. Blogger doesn't recognize the first pic published thru Writer. Struggled with that for a long time until I finally got an answer from Live Writer- I thought I was doing something wrong!
    You will absolutely love Writer!!!!
    ~ Sue

  72. Forgot to say, I have to manually add in my signature at the end of each post. I just keep it saved and paste it in while in source mode. :-)


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