Thursday, April 14, 2011

Imaginarium on Main Street

These days, I am on a mission.

I have always believed that we have a responsibility to support local businesses.
And no, I'm not talking about your local Target or Wal Mart...
I'm talking about locally owned, independent retailers.

As the incredibly worthwhile 3/50 Project puts it,
it's all about saving the brick and mortars our nation is built on.

Which is why, now that I call Fredericksburg, Texas my hometown,
I plan to make it my mission to support, encourage and promote
local businesses I admire.

I can't think of a better place to start than with the store that started it all for me...


My love of all things vintage began here

and my beloved couch named Babette
was even born here...

I mean...look at her.
Do her curvy, flirtatious lines not call to mind
an, *ahem*, decadent French courtesan?

But back to the store.

The building itself is huge...
three magical stories of pure vintage bliss resides here

My creative aesthetic was formed 
walking the aisles of the hallowed Homestead stores

Things I had seen many times before...I began to see in a new light

I was challenged 
to dare 
to dream

to imagine

to take chances

to see the beauty 
in the unconventionally lovely

the romance 
in the cast aside

and the possibilities
in the once forgotten

It all started with this fearless visionary...

{the incomparable Rose Hicks}
and continues with her progeny and their families
{big props to owner/treasure hunter Tim Bolton}

The next time you are in the Texas Hill Country,
heed my advice and make a pilgrimage
to a store which quite simply gets it right every time...

Homestead and Friends
230 East Main Street
Fredericksburg, Texas

And remember the darling little yellow clock I showed you above?
It made the trip home with me!

Thank you Tim Bolton, and the whole crew at Homestead,
for allowing me to roam about clicking away this week...
You know  that I'll be back in soon!


The winner of my  
will be announced Friday...
see you then!

linking with Tricia at


Debra at


  1. Anne these are fantastic shots, I've never set food in the US yet, let alone Homestead but you can see the essence of the place through your photos. I couldn't agree more - we all need to support our local shops and businesses or we'll miss them once they're gone. Who wants bland high street chains everywhere?! Buy independent, buy handmade, buy vintage!

    Jem xXx

  2. Economically, Wal-Mart has been very hurtful to the American economy. The size of their company has forced many businesses to close and to outsource items, to give Wal-Mart the economic edge it has. It may not be popular, but I try to avoid Wal-Mart, like the plague.

  3. I think your mission is one that we all need to adopt. Our downtown is being monopolised by chain stores, although smaller than the walmart, they don;t have the ambience, unique inventory or charm that the independants have. I would take a shop like Homestead anyday over a chain shop.

  4. I'm loving these photos and know for sure that Homestead is my kind of place! Thanks for a peek! I'm thinking 2011 will be the year I finally get to Texas! :)

  5. Wonderful article and spot on! BTW, as I was scrolling down, my eye hit that yellow clock and it was the one piece that I said, "I would buy that!" Good choice.

  6. Dearest Anne!

    Oh how I love Fredericksburg, Texas! The first time I entered this magical part of Texas I fell in love...HARD!

    There is something about the very air I breathe when I go there...I call it God's country and I am thankful for his blessings upon this beautiful area and it's people!

    You photos are gorgeous and upon viewing them I am immediately transported back to those good time feelings!

    Thank you!


  7. What wonderful photographs of a wonderful place. Wish I could drop by.....


  8. I wish I knew about Fredricksburg, Tx when we lived in Laredo! Of course, that was many years ago and being 19 I was not into that much decorating. Love that yellow clock! What a punch of color it will make in one of your rooms!~Hugs, Patti

  9. Homestead set the bar high for the Texas Hill Country style. One of my favorite magazine articles on Carol was when she given several things (including a broken clock) and challenged to create a mantlescape. The end result was beautiful and completely out of the box.
    With a hometown like need never worry about having to set foot in a Walmart again!

  10. yay! We are getting a super walmart! I told the mr. that I am making it my personal goal never to set foot in there ;) With so many goodies, how do you pay your electric bill? I would have come home with much more than that clock (adorable, by the way!) and to an unhappy husband!!


  11. WOW, Homestead looks like an incredible treasure trove of fabulous goodies! No wonder you love it! LUCKY girl!

  12. Hi Anne,
    What a wonderful shop and I can easily see why it inspired you so very much. There are so many things that say, "why didn't I think of that!"
    I would love to go there someday and meet Rose and drool over her shop.


  13. Wow what a wonderful place full of treasures..I agree,support your local busineses. LOVE that clock and your photos are beautiful ;-)

  14. Hey Anne, thanks for showing this store, you know I've been wanting to go back and see it for a while now. I'm also glad to see the "white saddle" that they bought from at the Red Barn is being used in a cute way. BTW, will we see any more pics of the Red Barn? Just curious. Have a good one, T

  15. You can tell the folks at Homestead love what they do. It is visible even through your photos. I would love to visit this store, but I fear I would want to stay all day and my family would drag me out. Thanks for sharing! I've marked this as one of the places I want to visit!

  16. What a fantastic shop. Your photographs gave me some ideas. Wish I lived closer and could visit.

  17. Your sentiments about shopping in local stores is wonderful. Wow, what great pics, thanks for posting...

  18. Amen, Sister!!!! Great pictures -- especially of Ms. Rose. Jan

  19. Hi Anne,
    I love your photographic eye....and I can see why you love this store. One day if we ever get down your way we will definitely visit this's right up my alley ;)! My hubby and I feel the same about shopping locally ....our little town is lucky enough to have it's own little grocery store and I'm SO excited to tell you that we just got our own little coffee shop that sells all those wonderful decadent coffee's and Panini's and home made bakery goods. And we only have a population of just under 2,000! We live in the country but not too far away so we'll be supporting them as often as we can...oh and they even serve breakfast! I know where we'll be Saturday morning ;) Great post! I hope you have a wonderful day.
    Maura :)

  20. Say that LOUD AND CLEAR... I own a Nail Salon and it hard to make people understand That is is very important to support local...It not worth five or ten dollars less..I try very hard to shop at the stores up town and the hardware store that is still open in between Home Depot and Lowes, Great post....have a great weekend


  21. This is the kind of store I can lose myself in for hours. Amazing treasures displayed beautifully.

  22. Now you've gone and done it. I'm suffering hard from cabin fever here in Illinois - 44 degrees this morning - and I'm longing for Fredricksburg.

    Many years ago I was a military wife living in San Antonio. We didn't have much money but enough to buy some gas and explore the surrounding countryside. The Texas hill country hit me hard. I can remember my first glimpse of Fredricksburg and the shops. Circumstances meant I could not buy, but sometimes dreaming is just as important.

    Thanks for the trip.

  23. What a lovely post! I can't wait to visit the store someday.

  24. That´s a wonderful shop Anne. So much great stuff and so inspiring. Wish we had something like that over here.
    Thanks for sharing.
    xo Tina

  25. Wow, this post is just brimming with lovlely things. Fabulous photography! I wish that store was near me.... I am in NY :( Always a pleasure to visit your blog. Have a great day.

  26. Anne ~
    You are a pretty lucky gal
    to live in a place like Fredricksburg!!
    I LOVE it there !!
    Thank you for sharing some pictures with us ~


  27. I was mesmerized!! That little yellow clock made me happy just looking at it. Can't wait to see more. xoxox

  28. wow...lucky you! i've always adored her decorating style and knew her children followed in her footsteps. didn't know they had a shop in Texas. how cool for you that it is in your "neighborhood" and you get to go whenever you want to!TFS!

  29. Marvelous pictures--I must get to Texas hill country!

  30. What a fabulous shop and gorgeous photos you took!... I would love to visit there... and I LOVE your little yellow clock!... xoxo Julie Marie

  31. Anne thanks for sharing these wonderful photos of a absolutely amazing place. I love their displays, yes it makes you look at objects in a different way! hugs, Linda

  32. Hi Little Ann! Oh, I've been in this shop! I love Fredericksburg!! You've taken some lovely snaps too, as usual! I got a new camera!! A fancy dancy one - a Canon Rebel T3i! Whooppee!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  33. Gorgeous shop owner, displays and photos! Texas has it all!!!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  34. What an amazingly creative shop! The photo of the furniture casters on the white plate is inspiring. Thanks for sharing. If I ever get out to Texas I'll put this place on my list of things to see.

  35. Wish I had a jet pack...well I guess a private plane would be better. After finding several "favorite" blogs...I now HAVE to plan trips to Kentucky, Minnesota, Washington state AND now Texas for sure! Hmmm...what about a big RV trip..I could get ladies from the South to take a tour of all these wonderful places....what a hoot that would be...we'd have to hire UPS to follow us around to ship the "goods" home!

    As always Anne, thank you for the beautiful inspiration! Looks like a wonderful magazine article in the making!

    Have a great weekend,

  36. LOVE all the pictures, especially of Rose! And thanks for the mention of supporting all of our local "brick & mortar" stores! My store is in an old historic area, Old Towne Orange, CA and it too was constructed out of "brick & mortar"! And again, LOVE all the photos, thanks Anne!

    Take care, Sue

  37. Anne I'm so with you here. Ever since we opened out little booth last year this has been my mission. This shop is amazing and hopefully can get there someday.
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Hugs from Florida!

  38. Hi Anne, Oh what a beautiful post, I would never leave a that place, so beautiful photo's. Thank you for sharing. It is such a pleasure to visit your beautiful blog. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Terri

  39. Fantastic store. I'd love to spend days there. We live in a small-ish town, and i spend my dollars here. We even have 3 thrift stores I haunt weekly.
    Have a great weekend

  40. You go Anne!!Love that you are here and going to continue to promote our wonderful shops!! Gorgeous images - I love all the vignettes of curious goods set in such appealing ways - Homestead really was the original wasn't it!! xo Ann

  41. GREAT philosophy!! More power to you!


  42. It was fun following you around while you were taking the pics at Homestead. Your mom is delightful!! Thanks for stopping by and I'll try to do some great vignettes for you next time.

  43. Oh what a wonderful place. Anne I totally agree with you about shopping at our true brick and mortar places. I feel that way about local bookstores too. I love to hold that old book in my hands and wonder where it has been, how it may of changed someones life,etc. Every time I see a shop close it breaks my heart.

  44. What lovely photo's! I visited that store when hubby and i went for our anniversary we loved the town, the german restaraunts and all the shops! You are so lucky to have that all close by. I got my copy of Romantic Country and your photo's are amazing qhat a pretty inspiring article! Congratulations I hope your work is featured many many more times as this is a piece of art.

  45. Anne, beautiful photos! The Homestead has long been a favorite place to shop when in Fredericksburg. Thanks for sharing the beauty! ~ sarah

  46. Ok, as if I didn't have rnough reasons to visit Texas!!! I am getting out my paper and adding this one to my list! ;o)


  47. I totally agree...and would even go as far as saying "Amen" helping support eachother close to us is step#1

  48. I have a friend in Austin, how far is that!?
    I need to get there somehow!!!!

    That burned chair, creepy!! :)

  49. I can see why you love this place, Ann. I can imagine so much of it in your home! And I totally agree with shopping local, which is so important here in the city. Thanks for a great post and wonderful pictures!


  50. What a great place to get lost in, thanks for sharing. Patty/BC

  51. absolutely one of my most favorite stores of all time!!!! I have to walk though 3 or 4 times just to see it all!!! Awesome images Anne!!! XoXxo
    amy boland

  52. That looks like a really fun building to browse through for some wonderful treasures!

  53. Thanks for letting us browse around with you Anne!

  54. That looks like an amazing shop Anne. I can see why you love it. If it was anywhere near me, I'd be there all the time :)


  55. Anne your pictures of the store are gorgeous. ANd that sweet little Rose!!!!
    My girlfriends and I so want to get to this store someday. But darn it...Idaho is a long way from Texas...SIGH...
    sending hugs...

  56. WELL, I can see why you are totally inspired!!! HOLY COW - I LOVE the groupings... the lightbulbs, the baseballs...
    I can totally see why this where it began!

  57. I can see why it started your love of vintage.....just a gorgeous store. I live in Ipswich, Australia and we are all about supporting local business too. We have a campaign after the terrible flooding we had at the beginning of the year called Shop Ipswich and now our Prime Minister is even on the act. It really comes down to us as consumers and what choices we make. Lou xo

  58. that was a beautiful post. it makes me want to be 9 again, rummaging in gramma's garage...snif.

  59. I was there last Thanksgiving. Love Homestead and love Rose Hicks! Great photos!

  60. Greetings from Fredericksburg (Virginia)!! I'm jumping over from A Rosy Note, and I wanted to say, "Hi". I can see why you like this shop so much.

  61. Hello again Anne! I just wanted to pop back over and say thanks for linking up your pretty pictures to my very first Photo Feature Friday :)

    Hugs ♥ Tricia

  62. Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for giving us the Grand Tour of HOMESTEAD... it is mos def on my 'Bucket List' as Carol Hicks-Bolton has inspired me more than any other Designer/Artist has. The effortless way she makes everything appear natural and undecorated is quite an Art Form... I'm loving your Couch... my Dream Couch is the one Carol featured in her Barn Decorating Spread over a decade ago... I still cherish those photos and one day shall have a Couch as close to that one as is humanly possible! *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  63. I spent the day in fredericksburg a few years ago and it was pure bliss.
    the shops, the vintage, the antiques,the cafes oh and the sidewalks!!!
    I fell in love with it all.
    Having family close by in Bandera, I am sure to visit again soon.
    thanks for the journey thru a wonderful place.

  64. So many beautiful treasures. I could get lost for days in a place like this.

  65. Oh.....I so miss dreaming (and drooling) at Homestead. We're from Austin and are temporarily displaced in CO (thanks to the Army!). I also miss Dooley's 5 & Dime - that place hasn't changed in 50 years and that's a GOOD thing! Glad I found you today via Common Ground's linky! -diane

  66. Beautiful pics and what a beautiful store! I don´t know if we have so a great shop in germany!
    Wish you a wonderful weekend,

  67. I lived in Austin for 7 years right after college graduation, and made many many trips out to Homestead and their other wonderful shops. Their displays were/are so inspiring! I always looked forward to the day that I could afford the treasures I saw there. Now that we live in Chicago, I have only been back 2-3 times ~ husbands family is mainly in the Dallas area.

    Still always dreaming of moving back to that beautiful Texas Hill Country...we will be in TX in July and hope to make it down to the Austin area (don't usually come in the summer, but it was the only thing that would fit into our schedule this year!)

    Thanks for reminding me why I need to include a Hill Country trip in too!

  68. OH my, Anne...I would go broke there! This is some serious eye candy! Beautiful photos!!

  69. Dang.....I WANT THAT YELLOW CLOCK!!! So cute.

  70. Wow! This looks like a wonderful place to visit...too bad it's not closer! (sigh) I try to support local businesses as often as I can. I would much rather buy a nice vintage piece, with some history to it, than buy something mass produced in China. Thanks for the mini tour and the beautiful photos!


  71. we are such believers in the 3/50 project! Thanks so much for supporting it - as a small business, we love hearing of people supporting their locals - it really DOES make a store is absolute heaven - IF we ever make it to Texas....we will search this store out - there is nothing more fun that "roaming" a store...a store full of so much inspiration, that you can't leave :)
    Thanks for sharing it with us!!
    Karla & Karrie

  72. I couldn't agree with you more on this! As I visit shops owned by friends who are struggling and wringing their hands about having the same merchandise they sell show up in Home Goods, or places like that I just cry a little inside for them. They are all hard working creative people just trying to keep their little bit of the American dream alive!

    And I was going to call about that darned yellow clock until I reached the bottom of your post and saw that you had snagged it...grr! ;-)

    Kat :)

  73. Amen. I worked for WalMart for 5 years and now I rarely go near one. They are nothing more than an outlet store for China. And don't let them tell you they have no control over it. They OWN the The brands they sell and THEY are the brand (GEORGE, FADED GLORY etc.) They tell people that complain about the styles of the clothes and that they don't have any control over the clothing (like low riding jeans for plus size women only short short 'hooker' styled clothes for little girls. I heard all the complaints (I worked in softlines - clothing) from the mothers and grandmothers that were astounded at the awful styles of little girl dresses. If we don't support our local merchants, there will be no local merchants to buy from when the chain stores decide to close or raise prices. Now I will climb down off my soapbox for a while. I love your blog. Good luck to you and your friends and I wish I could come and prowl thru that beautiful store. Hugs ~ Mary

  74. To funny, Tim bought those soft balls and springs from me at Marburger!

  75. Beautiful Anne! And beautifully said....

    Lou Cinda

  76. I would SO love to see this place in person! Hope you're doing well, I've been thinking of you and sending you happy thoughts! (Prayers too)!

    The other two house owner,

    Sheila :)

  77. I missed this post. So glad you left a link today. Your photos make me want to fly to TX just to visit. Absolutely gorgeous vintage treasures and styling.

  78. Oh my goodness I had no idea that shop was started by Rose Hicks! That is so cool to learn this. And that yellow alarn clock is GORGEOUS! xo ~Lili


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