Monday, April 25, 2011

just chillin', etc...

That's what my boy Havok is doing right here.
Just chillin'.

I got a new camera lens last week
( thank you Romantic Country and Harris Publications for financing it! ),
and Havok is one of my favorite subjects 
to test out new camera equipment.

If it properly captures the softness of his fur and
the blue of those eyes, then it's a keeper.
Whaddaya think?

I have SO much to post about and share,
including a couple of fun posts about my wonderful day
shared with Suzanne of Privet and Holly this past week.

But today?
Just chillin'.

It was a crazy busy Easter weekend, and not only is there
still a mountain of photos to edit,
but a mountain of laundry as well.

So before I tackle what needs doin' today,
I'm taking a cue from Havok.

How about you?
How was your weekend?
And do ever feel like I do today, just want to chunk all your
responsibilities and just sun yourself in the yard like my pooch?  ;-)

Be back soon!


  1. I'm always distracted by a sunny spot. What incredible blue eyes your dog has .....just gorgeous and piercing.

  2. I FEEL exactly like you do! I'm exhausted from working, my family Easter dinner last night, and would love nothing better than to lie in the sun! I use to have a dog that was a Siberian Husky/Lab mix. She had one blue eye, and one brown eye. Havok is so pretty, even for a boy!!

    Take care, Sue

  3. yes!!
    I am still lounging this morning, just can't...don't want to get up and get going.
    Enjoy your day before the work starts :)

  4. Anne,

    I completely understand what you mean....some days, I take a cue from my doggie Molly, and soak up all the small moments. I work in the garden and then lounge on the porch, scratching her velvety soft ears. And together, we sit and listen to the horses, the goats, and the chickens, loving the warmth kissing my cheeks.

    I say take a page from your pup's book, enjoy today. Laundry will be there later as will the rest of the work.

    Have a wonderful day.

  5. takin' my cue from you


  6. I'd love to do that but it would require sun.An entity which is extrememly endangered and all but impossible to find in southern OH right now!Enjoy.

  7. He is precious!;) have a beautiful day Anne! Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  8. We have Easter Monday off because kids attend and I work at a Catholic school (4 day weekend). Hubby and the boys went up north to a family member's farm for the day. The pup and I are chillin', but I did get dressed and ran up town to the Benjamin Moore store to seek out some white paint inspiration for my living room. Havok (what a cool name) is gorgeous. I love my chocolate Lab, but I'm such a 'blue' lover that those eyes are mighty appealing. I'm hoping to find some enthusiasm to patch the nail holes and prep the living room wall. Enjoy your day!

  9. Do the bare minimum and lounge the rest of the time! :)

  10. I think I'm with you and Havok. It's noon and I'm still resting and on the computer playing. hmmmmmmmm. works for me! hugs, Linda

  11. Hi Anne... darling pic of Havok!... yes, today Tessy and I are chillin, a beautiful Nature walk, and then rest... xoxo Julie Marie

  12. Yep, I sure do:) Today I am doing laundry from my Hawaii trip! I have been back over a week... so, it is about time!

    We had a wonderful Easter week and I am tired and a bit fat from it all!

    Have a blessed day and the lense worked perfectly! HUGS!

  13. What a great photo of Havok!!! Yes, there are days I want to ignore all the things I should be doing and just enjoy the day--followed by a nap of course.

    Easter for us was crazy as usual, but I am so thankful for days spent with our family.

    Enjoy your day of just-chillin'!!!

  14. Havoc is one beautiful dog! Love those blue eyes. I bet you are thrilled with your new lens.

    I am sitting at my kitchen table with my back to the mess of having 20 people for dessert last night. I think I'll keep my back to it a while longer!! lol!

    Have a great day, Anne!


  15. Your baby is doing what I did this weekend... Now I'm trying to get these cabinets done and out of my way... OH how I wish I had a good camera... I will some day. Glad you had a good Easter.


  16. Your dog is amazingly handsome, love that piccy, great camera :)

  17. Love your puppy! So lucky to get to laze around. Don't do it often, but when I do ... it is WONDERFUL!

  18. Hi Little Ann! Oh, Your doggy is so pretty and look at those eyes! Congrats on your new camera!! I know I'm loving mine and have so much to learn but I'm feeling kinda professional! :)
    Chillin' is good! I'm doing laundry since I've just come back from an eye exam. My tiny peepers are dilated and I'm trying to milk this all afternoon!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. Such a beautiful dog! My pup is a constant companion, whether I am working in my studio or out in the garden. The garden is where I have spent most of my time this weekend, in between rain drops. I'm trying so hard to get ahead of the weeds this year! I hope you have had a wonderful Easter. I so love reading about all your new adventures!


  20. He is too too gorgeous!


  21. Oh yes, there are some days I getting busy doing something and just must sit down in the sun and have a cup of tea or iced tea ;-) Your boy is just so handsome~!

  22. You bet! The photos to edit and the laundry to do will still be there later! Havok is an awesome looking dog ~ I gifted my parents with an Alaskan Malmute that looked sooo similar ~ I've got to share your pics with my mom!!

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  23. Yes I do!!! I am a little slow going today. I wonder if it has anything to do all the food I downed yesterday? heehee...
    I hope you had a beautiful Easter sweet Anne. It looks like Havok did!
    big hugs...

  24. Havok is simply gorgeous Anne! Did you use the 50mm f/1.4 lens?

  25. Hi Anne!
    Your dog is a real beauty and your camera takes fantastic photo's. Is Havoc (great name by the way) a Siberian Husky? We used to have a female years ago..she was HUGE. I hope you got some rain down there in Texas...we've been bone dry for months here in Kansas but we got a bit of rain during the night and it's misting right now. I hope you're enjoying your day of 'Chillin'.
    Maura :)

  26. I'll take a little
    Luckenbach Kitty
    action on the side
    as well as Havok to go,
    thank you very much!!!
    I hope you are catching
    up; I'm still trying!
    My post about our
    adventures is a few
    days out...My post
    tomorrow is a follow-up
    to another that I did
    before Texas. Your
    lens is doing you proud,
    girlie--and your model
    seems very willing!
    xx Suzanne

  27. Love your pup! I'd be sunning myself too if the sun would ever shine in Utah! ~Stacy~

  28. Hey Anne! Your dog is gorgeous!!! Love the blue eyes! Congrats on the new lens. I know you are thrilled. Talking about weather... we had rain and 40's on Friday and now today (Monday) it is sunny and in the mid 80's! I'm loving this summer weather. Bring it on! I spent the weekend in the mountains of NC with my sister and her family. Took my parents up to be with everyone! Have a wonderful week. Love & blessings from NC!

  29. What a sweet pup you have! I love that new camera. It is terrific. Hope your weekend was wonderful. I am lazy today. Took the day off with my Sweets and I am not doing a thing! The rain makes me lazy! HaHa! Hugs to Anne from Anne

  30. I would love to chill with Havok. He is adorable!

  31. OMG!!! Yes Totally just want to sleep great movies on the tube and Chill! But with our tag sale this weekend...can't do it just yet...but next week...I'm there girl...and the next...I'll think I'll drive the 8 hours to Florida and chill there for a few weeks...Ha...I wish!!
    Beautiful Baby Dog!!
    Tammy :-)

  32. Aw Anne, he's beautiful! They are such good dogs too, I had a sib when I was in college and loved him. He didn't really bark, he kinda "wooooed", it was cute. Love your new lens....I'm jealous! Enjoy your time off my dear.

  33. Anne, Havoc sure is a handsome fella and you captured him so beautifully. You know, the one thing I recall most often from previous blog posts of yours is a photograph of Mr. Twig and your two dogs, lying on the ground, "just being a pack". It is one of my most favourite pics of yours ever. Probably because we love being a " pack " with our dogs.

  34. Sounds good to me, but that getting up and going out to work thing gets in the way of my desires.

    What lens did you get? Your photos look great.

  35. Yes indeed, I could use a chillin' day. Maybe I'll have some time tomorrow? We should all take a cue from Havok (love his name)!

  36. Anne, Havok is beautiful! DEFINITELY take a cue from him. Chill whenever you can, cause you know what??? there will ALWAYS be laundry, and other things to do.

    Enjoy all the time you can with hubby and furbabies just chillin' or havin' some fun, the same with children, should you have some in the future. The cobwebs and other stuff will always be around.
    Now how about a few other pics of Havok and his brother? :)
    bein' cheeky!

  37. He is one handsome boy!

  38. What a beautiful boy, Anne! His eyes are amazing! :) I'm glad that you're finally taking some time to kick back and chill out. You've had a rough few months - so you deserve some down time. ♥

    xoxo laurie

  39. Havoc is gorgeous! Yes, Anne, I had one of those just felt like chillin' days just today. The weather was beautiful and my lilacs finally bloomed. The scent is heavenly. I guess it's spring fever. Hugs, Betty Ann

  40. Hi sweet Anne!!! I SO know how you feel...our Easter weekend was full to the brim and it's so nice to get things back to normal around here :) You new lens is amazing!!! and the pup? GORGEOUS!!! I can't get over his eyes...absolutely beautiful. hugs and love, Dawn

  41. Morning sweet friend,

    cant get started today as well.. loved your previeus post...just had to catch up..

    Wishing you a lovely day,

  42. Oh I love your pooch, brings back childhood memories, what beautiful special dogs they are!
    Until they shed!! LOL
    Beautiful photos as always!

  43. Your Havoc is gorgeous! xo ~Lili


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