Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting My Groove Back...aka First Warrenton Pics

Happy Tuesday, Friends.

I'm sharing a handful of images with you today, all taken
this past Sunday in the glorious fields of Warrenton.

Many more to come, just dipping my toes back in the creative waters
today as I begin the editing process. It feels good...it's what my dear mama,
who just so happened to finance my fancy schmancy pro camera,
would have wanted.

As someone recently admonished me, when I despaired of 
never wanting to take another picture again,
" every picture you take will now be 
a memorial to your mother. "

I love that. Indeed.

Hope you enjoy.

I'll be sharing more in the days ahead,
my wish for each of you this week is
nothing but happiness!


pics taken here:

pic #2 pending my locating their business card
pic #3 out in the fields


  1. Wonderful work! Always a lovely tribute indeed! :)

  2. Anne
    So pleased that you had an opportunity to spend time with special friends.
    Thank you for the great photos always enjoy looking at all the beautiful things on your blog. Thinking of each picture as a memorial to your dear Mom is a wonderful idea.

  3. Lovely photos, so glad you decided to take them. I would love to dig through all of those goodies..The hangers are great! xo

  4. Beautiful pictures dear Anne! I can't wait to see more! Love and prayers from one of your MANY fans:) HUGS!

  5. Anne it is wonderful to see some photos again. I love how this will always remind you of your Mom and how much she loved and believed in you!

  6. so glad you are getting back into the groove. i can only imagine how hard that is. great pics girlie. wishing happiness for you too:)

  7. ohmygosh, I'm lovin' those hangers! thanks again for sticking Brian on the phone!!! xoxo

  8. Beautiful pics from all your friends gorgeous booths!

  9. Stunning photographs, Anne - I LOVE the one of the bottle, brilliant! And those little shoes, they're just darling.


  10. Wonderful, wonderful photos, Anne! A tribute to your Mom indeed! xo Diana

  11. You mother would love every single one for sure. They are all beautiful! I love the composition with the baby shoes. andrea@townandprairie

  12. Sweet photos! So special that your talent will continue to grow as a result of your mom's confidence in you. Can a mom leave a greater legacy than that of watching their child flourish and pursue their passion? What a truly lovely gift. I'm doing okay...thank you for your message. xo-angela

  13. Ann, I'm missing out on RT this fall so thanks for sharing the photos. I look forward to seeing more.

  14. So glad to see you have your makin' photo Mojo back again! {with a little help from MaMa!}

    You're doing great kiddo.

  15. You made your Mom proud... every day I see myself doing something that would make my mom proud... especially when I open my mouth and say words she once said.. Oh, Lord, Did I say that! Then a big smile happens....
    nice post!

  16. You know your Mom is smiling at every moment you capture in time! So happy you are back in action!
    Can't wait to see more!

  17. You haven't lost your touch. Your photos are beautiful!

  18. I just love them! You have the best eye.

  19. I absolutely agree with your friend....a great tribute to your mom. She believed in your talent! ~Hugs, Patti

  20. Sorry we missed you at Theresa's blog party, we were a little late getting there. Hope to see you soon.

  21. Hi Anne, Just stopping by to check on you and see how you are doing. I feel for you because we were in the same boat with my hubby, who is an only child. I am one of ten so it was different for me. I am glad to see the pictures which will make your mama very proud. Always remember she will be looking down on you. Enjoy the picture taking and I will be looking for more. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  22. love the pics. getting the groove on is a good thing! hugs to you friend!!

  23. Your friend gave you very good advice. Every picture you take is a blessing to us as well. I would love to go junkin' with you. It would be so much fun to see how your mind works.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  24. Hi there,
    You are a great photographer! Love your photos and you will definitely honor your dear Mother with your memories and your photos. I have found so much healing in my own blog after losing my parents in 2008. I know you will find peace and healing through your blog. (((((hugs))))) Kim

  25. So glad to read that you did make it to Warrenton this year. I was wondering that the other day. I wish I could meet you since I live on a few miles from the most wonderful spot in the world. lol
    Great photo's. I always feel bad taking pictures out there because some of the vendors look at me like I am doing something wrong.
    Anyhoo glad you captured some great shots

  26. Your photography, in your mother's honor and memory, Anne, will help heal you. She'll be with you every step of the way.

    Hugs, Diane

  27. Always beautiful Anne!!!

    Mama did good didn't she? You are such an amazing photographer!!!

    Much love to you

  28. Each of these pics gave me a wonderful sigh of contentment. You do yourself and your mother proud! Beautiful, beautiful photos!!

  29. Beautiful photos as usual...so nice to see you getting your groove back ~ don't push yourself, let it come naturally and I think you will find it very healing. I'm sure you're momma's smiling down on you:)


  30. Thank you for sharing these, Anne. I can feel the love in your heart with these images.

    Your mother's love and inspiration is a forever love. You will carry it with you the rest of your life.

  31. Glad to hear that you're out and about with your lens in tow, but SO upset that I missed you there! I just posted about my trek out there on Sat AND Sun- ugh.

  32. Your photos are so wonderful, Anne.

    A little piece of advice for you today ~ take one day at a time...seriously. You'll have great days, horrible days and that's okay. It's a process and we are all here to support you during this time.

    Take care of yourself, sweetie.


  33. Lovely photos as always, Anne. (The hangers are wonderful!) Wiching you a week filled with happiness as well.

  34. Your photos are always so lovely - you definitely have the eye for taking gorgeous shots. Your mom would be so proud xo

  35. Anne, I love,Love,LOVE that first picture with the sheet music and the "old Farm" in the old box frame!!! OH, I would soooo hang that in my house!
    Wouldn't it look really cool with an old clarinet or bugle/trumpet in there, then a sheet of glass as a shadow box???

    The old bottle is also quite cool (I like old bottles)

    you just click away, when you feel like it, and remember that grief is a process. If a day comes along and smacks you in the face with your grief, flow with it. Do not try to suck it in and forget about it. I am not saying to wallow, but, this is fresh grief- it still needs to breathe a bit. Like a fine bottle of wine. PLEASE, (I won't ask again- because to me this means you do not trust me) email me your mailing info.
    sending hugs and smiles your way,

  36. The picture of the baby shoes
    really tugged at my heart. A fine
    tribute, indeed. Sending you hugs.
    xx Suzanne

  37. Your pictures are so beautiful and a lovely tribute to your sweet mom.
    I am glad to see you our and about.
    Take care of yourself!

  38. Your photos are all so beautiful. I also wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  39. To be strolling in those fields of vintage goods would be divine! I love the bread tin filled with baby shoes the most. I probably would hang the bread tin on the wall with the baby shoes as is, lol. Have a beautiful week, xxoo Heidi

  40. Your pictures are great. I lost my mom last year, I say lost because some days it is still hard. Take your time, there are objects that hold a memory that you will want to keep. I had an estate sale and for months thought I wish I had kept that item. I still think about her illness, I still think about her every single day. I am so thankful for the moments I had when she was healthy. Prayers to you and family. Di

  41. Beautiful Anne!Sending big hugs and sincere wishes for a weekend filled with joy, Katherine

  42. I will forever think of you as a sister in arms as we now share the passing of our mothers within a week of each other. How are ya doing? me....didn’t know I had this many tears, a song in a minor key sends me to the klennex box once again.,,,but like you I wish that every thing I do has my new guardian angels approval. biggest hug to you my friend. i feel your pain too.

  43. I love your gorgeous blog. Glad I found you.:)

  44. great pics! I'm a sucker for baby shoes....so sweet. Jennifer

  45. Great pics, Anne. It was nice to see you at the blogger party. I borrowed one of your pictures. Thanks so much


  46. You know what stands out to me about your pics? The fabulous sharpness!! :-) You must have super calm & steady hands. Hope you had a good weekend ♥

  47. Hi Anne, Just a note to let you know I'm thinking of you. Sundays were always the hardest for me.

  48. Hi Anne, I haven't visited many blogs lately, but I am so sorry to see this. Last time I visited your blog your mom was ill, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you sweet thing. Sending lots of love. Riki

  49. You always show us exactly what we would want to gaze upon if we were there in person. Simply lovely. xo ~Lili


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