Sunday, November 27, 2011

Not For The Faint of Heart...

I'm back to give you an update on both my
darling doggies, an epilogue to the sad tale
told in my previous post HERE.

First, the happy news.
Havok has been happily reunited with his previous owners,
and here is an iPhone snap of him as the transition was
taking place.

I've received updates from his new ( previous ) mama,
and he's adjusting well to his new environment.

And now for an update on sweet Belle,
who as you will recall lost her eye in the scuffle.


Belle too is adapting well, or at least as well as can 
be expected under the circumstances...

and with a bit of photo editing magic...

" Woof, I mean, Arrrrrrgh matey, surrender the rawhide chew booty! "

She's being kept comfortable with pain meds 
and lots of tummy rubs, and she wants to thank each
and every one of you for your get well wishes and prayers...
and so do I.

Love y'all.
Happy Sunday,


  1. Awww Anne ~ poor little sweety. Keep those tummy rubs coming her way ~ Soon she will be up and around.

  2. My mom adopted a pup once and while he was still small he got caught up in a skirmish between two of her other large dogs. It was an accident, he was just standing in the wrong place when the others had their dispute, but he lost one eye. Eveyone was traumatized, but Frodo adjusted well and lived a long and happy life. I'm sure Anne will, too. Hugs and tummy rubs for you all three!

  3. Praying for a quick recovery for sweet Belle!

  4. awww poor little... recocver soon hugs xxx

  5. Oh Anne, I'm just reading about this, I'm so sorry! I am so glad she is recovering and that the other has it's old home to go too. Hang in there!

  6. Poor sweet Belle - she's still beautiful.


  7. Oh, poor baby! Sending her hugs and a scratch behind the ears!

  8. Oh heavens that is such a sad and sweet photo of you precious pup! I'm sure she will heal and be back to her old self soon. So tragic that it all had to end this way. Hugs.

  9. Anne, I feel for you and Belle and well everyone... once again I am sorry that this all happen.. Lots of hugs ans kisses from Mya to Belle Try and have a good Sunday

  10. This just breaks my heart about your poor baby's eye. How sad, but at the same time I know you are giving her lots of love and attention.

    It's been a rough time for you and I'm so glad that everything is working out well for both of the little guys.


  11. Oh this tugs at my heart. I am so glad that Belle is doing OK. And that Havok is back with his previous owners. I know how hard it is with these dog issues. Dogs will be dogs and you can;t really change their behaviour. I hope that Belle continues to do well with your good loving.

  12. Thanks for the update. So glad everything is going well. It does take awhile to adjust to the look. I remember when our chocolate lab lost her leg, oh the stares we got! But she adjusted so well.. Enjoy your Sunday!

  13. Bless Belle's little heart! I know that you and Mr. Twig are gonna be loving her to pieces! I am happy that Havok is adjusting well!

    Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  14. Poor Belle, I am glad she is recovering! Anne know that you & Belle are still in my prayers. hugs, Linda

  15. It makes me weep to see what's happened to poor sweet Belle... will be praying for her.

  16. I am so happy that Havok is adjusting well. I feel so bad for you and sweet Belle...I know it is hard to love your pets and something like that's just heart breaking! I hope she heals well and adjusts to her injury. I hope she is not in any pain. ~Hugs, Patti

  17. Oh no, how tramatic for you all. Good thing someone was home when it happened. Poor Belle, I feel so bad for her, I'm sure glad that she's going to be could've ended up much worse. That's so good that Havok will have a new happy home too. Hugs♥

  18. Make sure you send her Hugs and Tummy Rubs from Havok too! Tell her he is sorry, we are giving him lots of hugs and tummy rubs here too! He seemed to recognize my father in law when he came over today; I think he must have smelled SHO on him was very happy to see my father in law even though SHO was not with him.

  19. Goodnes, you've been through a tough time with your beloved dogs. I can see how much you love them both, enough to let Havok go back to his original family.

    Prayers for Bella's swift recovery, for your breaking heart.

  20. OH- This just makes my heart hurt and puts tears in my eyes. Her one beautiful blue eye is just so sad! Prayers for her and all of you, too. xo Diana

  21. Dear Anne,
    I am so sorry to hear of what happened to beautiful belle poor baby,she will be good as new once her wounds heal,it happened to our dog Max and he looked so much like Belle does on these pictures but a week later he looked like this
    We used to bathe his wound with warm water for weeks after and he loved it,he would also rub his face on your hand to massage the would (i know it sounds gross) i think it felt nice for him being loved,
    Love to you and Belle xxxx

  22. Anne, I too am sorry to hear about Belle. I had a foster dog last summer who could only see out of one eye. Alfie was born with a condition where his left eye was smaller than the right and he was blind in it. If I may offer some advice. Alfie was a normal dog in every way, the only things we had to be careful with were opening doors on his left side and basically trying to remember that things on that side of him were not able to be seen. Because dogs move their heads so much anyway he ran and jumped and loved us just as easily as if he could see out of both eyes. Sometimes he would line his good eye up, sort of centering it when he was looking into your face and then he would cock his head. It was so adorable.
    He lives in NYC now with a great couple, but can you tell he took a bit of my heart with him?

  23. Seeing those pictures brings back memories. We had this exact thing happen with two dogs we had. One was mine and one was my sister's when we still lived at home. Both were good dogs and as much as we think of them as family members they are still animals with animal instincts and traits and my sister's dog got the eye of my shiztu. He lived the rest of his life which was quite a few years with one eye and although it was a little hard for us to see at first, we got used to it. He adjusted really well and it never seemed to bother him at all. Both of your sweet pups will adjust to this probably way easier than you will. That's what happened to us. Take care.

  24. Anne... I'm so sorry!!! That's awful!! I have a husky and they are such special dogs... my heart goes out to both Belle, Havok and you guys... Praying Belle heals quickly and will be extra strong in her other eye!!


  25. poor baby belle... but just think, when all her hair grows back, she will look like she is winking all the time :) I am glad Havok is doing well and is back at his other home... what a lucky guy to have 2 families to love him so

  26. Belle is looking much better than I would have thought. Other than the eye, she really looks to be in good spirits. So sorry this all happened, but at least Havok has another good home to go to.

  27. Ohh, that poor little honey!! She looks good though and will back to herself in no time!!!
    I am so glad that Havok is adjusting as well!
    Take care Anne, my thoughts go out to you and your husband, I know how difficult this must be for you both!

  28. Looks like God came thru, Sweetie! Glad He has the answers, love ya, talk soon, the kids are still here, xoxo.

  29. Sweet Belle, she looks so sad, but I know she will be back to her old self very soon with lots of TLC. And I'm glad that Havok is doing well too. Best wishes to all of you!

  30. Aw give that sweet Belle a big hug from me!

  31. Will pray that Belle heals rapidly and that Havok adjusts to this change and that you two do too sweety.

  32. Belle is more beautiful than ever and so lucky to have a mommy and daddy who love her so much. She will be back to herself in no time at all. Keeping that sweet girl and Havok in my prayers!

  33. You know, by now you probably don't even notice sweet Belle's missing eye. Her uniqueness will make her all that more special and you will be loving her so much more. You have the future with her to look forward to, and I wish her many peaceful doggie days ahead!

    Take care, Sue

  34. I think her "patch" would be pretty in pink!
    Poor little Bella!! I'm sure she is happy to be at home and getting all that LOVE. Hug from me too!

  35. Anne,
    my goodness....i am so sorry for all this. my heart does ache for you and this whole event. yours dogs are both so beautiful and will be both healed with much love.

  36. Ok....I know you warned us....but I just started crying when I saw Bella's photo, Anne. That poor old girl. :( But I'm glad that you're there to give her some extra special TLC and love. Praying for her quick recovery, sweetie. Give her a kiss for me, willya?

    oxo laurie

  37. I know she will be fine, I just wish she understood what was going on. She looks so scared. My 11 year old golden has cancer. I have not told him yet so he's still a happy boy. He gets lots of tummy rubs too!

  38. Hi Anne, I'm so glad to hear things have been happily resolved. I love belle. she is still so beautiful. Love her pirate get up. I hope she's feeling a lot better soon.

  39. Bless her heart...Bless his heart. It is amazing how resilient animals can be...Saying a prayer for BOTH! This hangs in my house...."how blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog." it. You are blessed. :-) :-)

  40. Glad all the transitions are going well. I pray that Belle's eye will heal quickly!

  41. wow...what a story. So sad after all you’ve been through to have more...hang in there. You lil girl will do fine. Lucky it wasn’t worse. blessings..cynthia

  42. The pirate getup is too much funny! Give her a tummy rub from us. Blessings.

  43. Aw...Belle...hope she is feeling herself again soon! The pirate set suits her...and keep up those nice tummy rubs! Glad Havok is happy, too! XO

  44. Oh' Anne, you and the family have certainly had your share of trials lately. I'm happy to hear that Havok is going to be able to be back with his original family, although I know both you and hubby will miss him as much as he'll miss you. So sorry about Bella's eye. We had a family members dog lose his eye too and he did just great. I'll be saying a special prayer for Bella and ya'll.
    Love you...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

  45. Ohhh. Poor girl! (You too, Mama!) Glad she's got you and the Mister. Hope she gets better real soon. Animals are amazing, since they just take each day as it future plans, no regrets of the past. We could all learn from them, eh?

  46. Poor Belle, I know she is in pain now, but it will pass. At least she (and Havok) look happy. AND they are BOTH loved and have good homes!

    I chuckled about the pirate. because that is what my kids wanted to do to KitKat was put an eye patch on him. They even started calling him Pirate Cat.

    Animals, adjust more quickly than adult humans in many situations. I hope this will be one of those times for Belle. I know my kitKat didn't miss a beat. I wish the same for Belle. Also, she doesn't look too bad--considering. I would guess a lot of the bruising is from the removal of the eye also.

    Best good thoughts for all of you!

    Love n Light,

    Ps. when you get a chance check out the link, I sent you yesterday

  47. Oh, poor baby! I'm sure she'll do fine with all your love and attention.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  48. Ahhh ~ I'm just reading this. I hope Belle has a speedy recovery. And I'm happy Havok's previous owners were able to take him back.

  49. Anne, like most of us mommies of wee beasties, you know that she will probably adapt to her injury fairly well. Animals are amazing! But it's still a horrific event, no matter which way you look at it. I'm glad you are able to smile a bit with the pirate patch. And after all of that, I'm sure she will still miss Havok. Take care !

  50. So happy she is home in your loving arms!!
    She is still such a beauty!!

    She will be up and frolicking in no time, animals bounce back so quickly and manage to make do just fine.

    Now its just like she's winking at you!!

    Much love and well wishes!!

  51. My heart goes out to you and your beautiful Belle. I pray that she will have a speedy recovery as I'm sure she is receiving the best of care. Sending healing hugs your way:)


  52. i just want to curl up and hug her .. such a sweet girl .. so sorry the way she is laying on the eye to assist in adapting to the change .. her version of what we would do with our hand .. is she a house dog? love her .. love you ..

  53. I'm so sorry about poor Belle's eye! I hope she recovers quickly. I'm also sad for your loss of Havoc, but I'm sure he'll be happy with his new/old family. :)

  54. What happened to your Belle is so sad. The good news is that dogs "live in the moment", and you won't see her feeling sorry for herself. It will take a bit of adjustment on her part, but I'm sure she'll come out of this healed and confident in herself again.

    It was a good thing that you regifted Havok to his original family. I'm sure they're thrilled to have him back.

    Merry Christmas month, Anne.
    Donna and Tag


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