Thursday, January 23, 2014

On the Precipice

Precipice n: noun
an overhanging or steep mass of rock, 
such as the face of a cliff.

This is where I stand.
Transitioning ever so slowly from my comfort zone
of photographing beautiful vintage shops and homes,
and entering into the world...stepping out on the precipice,
so to speak....of doing portrait and bridal photography.

My fears and insecurities have held me back,
but thanks to the friendship and flawless mentorship 
of the amazing photographer
Amy Lynn Scarborough
I've taken those first few daunting steps.

I've been the second shooter on two of
Amy's recent shoots, one a bridal and the other
an engagement session.
I'll let the images speak for themselves.

Here Comes The Bride....

 And then one week later,
the soon-to-be Mr. And Mrs. .....

 I'm not at all sure yet
where this will lead,
but I'm thankful that I've taken the chance.
And to say that I'm grateful to the amazing
would be an understatement to say the very least.

I also owe a debt of gratitude to
Chelsea Steffek of
I Love Floral Design
based out of the Austin area.
She designed the beautiful bridal bouquets
used in the shoot.
She also added multiple images of mine
from the bridal shoot on her page
on the mega-wedding site, The Knot!
Click HERE to see!

Soooooo......thanks for looking!
I'll be sure to share more as the opportunities arise!

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but please come visit me here...

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