Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Thrill of Discovery

I had an absolute blast photographing
my good friend Chris's cottage this past week,
{ after nagging her relentlessly for the better part of a year },
and I'm delighted to share some peeks with you now!

Chris is an amazing decorator as well as
an accomplished textile artist,
as you will see when you gaze upon
her life-size, altered Victorian dress form.

Her home is headed for magazines
later this year, but here are a few early peeks
for my followers!
I'm calling this post "The Thrill of Discovery"
because we all know that so many times,
you pick up a magazine and it's the same homes,
and the same people over and over and over again.

I think it's too cool for school to introduce the world at large
to someone new and fresh and exciting.
I hope you agree!

 And just get a load of THIS......

All lovingly created by Chris herself.
And this is only the tip of the proverbial
creative iceberg. Your minds will be BLOWN
when you see her full array of magical art!

I'd also like to thank my sweet friend
Angie at Knick of Time
for including me as one of her featured posts

Have a happy, safe 
and WARM week!

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