Saturday, April 17, 2010


Some random Warrenton awesomeness for you, as captured through my lens last month...

Some lovely altered creations. I lost the contact info for these vendors, my apologies!

Great industrial pieces from Effie's and my space.

Fab stuff from Mindy.

Purse from who knows where.

I loved creating vignettes in Effie's space!
Here's another...

and another....

and another...

And headin' over to Zapp...

And finally, meet my bestest buddy from the whole Warrenton experience...


She belonged to our booth neighbors, Charlie and Cindy, and was the most tireless worker of us all.
If my Huskie's wouldn't have eaten her, I woulda brought her home with me.  ;-)

More great Warrenton pics in the days ahead!
Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday!


  1. Such great eye candy! I love vintage buttons and those clocks! Luv them! You do a great job with the vignettes. I bet it's fun!


  2. Great pictures! Too bad we all couldn't go! :(
    Just in case you missed it, I featured your blog Friday in my new feature "Featured Followers Friday"
    Hope your weekend is going well.

  3. Love that RNC purse! yeah and the clocks! just called ya, I'm home

  4. Ohh - I'm totally in love with the mailboxes! *sigh* Such beautiful stuff and your pictures rock! Thank you for sharing this.

  5. Wonderful vignettes!!! I am so enjoying all the pictures from Texas!!!!

  6. I want that wedding cake topper and someone had a whole ROW of mannequins! Ackkkk!

    I'm so THERE next year! By plane, train, whatever!

    Thanks for sharing,,,,(wiping the drool of my chin!)

    Hugs to you Anne!

  7. Love those altered creations, that first photo bears such a likeness to my Mom it's uncanny, I'm going to have to show it to her!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier:-)

  8. How fun!

    Love all the sites, especially those colorful medals! Wonderful!

    Love all that "junk" Anne. Keep it coming..


  9. Totally Gorgeous Smorgeous!!! All of it! TFS
    Lou xx

  10. Hi Anne,

    What beautiful treasures ~ loved the altered Art creations all that fabulous lace and antique buttons, also the wonderful medals and shoes lasts.

    Happy weekend

  11. Great photos and wonderful vignettes. So full of goodies. Love it.
    ~ Tina

  12. Anne, the creations on to are so beautifull, and your vignettes, wonderfull so many goodies.

  13. Can't get enough of these photos! So inspiring! Getting me more excited to head to Brimfield!!

  14. Thank you for all of these great pictures! I have enjoyed Warrenton thru your eyes and the eyes of other bloggers! Gorgeous vignettes you created, my friend! Have a blessed dsy!

  15. Fabulous pics as always girly, I love Gracie! Hugs, Have a Blessed Sunday, Janna

  16. Anne..

    Congrats as you're my "Blog of the Week"..

    Thanks for being you as I adore your blog.

    with love,

  17. Awesome vignettes Anne!!! The whole show looks incredible!!! Was it just the best experience??! Thanks for letting us live vicariously :)

    Hugs ~

    :) T

    p.s. LOVE Robelyn's purse!

  18. Love the new header Anne! Again, thanks for sharing all of the photos full of inspiration for those of us living vicariously through you and everyone that was able to be there! Theresa

  19. The photos are fabulous......felt like I was right there shopping with you! Sounds like you had a great time. Maybe one of these days, I'll get there to see all the treasures too. Have a great weekend!

  20. Love the pictures. It makes me even more excited about our trip to "Farm Chicks" in Spokane, WA in June. Texas is quite a trip for me but your pictures make it tempting.

  21. Lovely vignettes, in fact lovely pictures altogether.

  22. As always such pretty pics! I passed on a Beautiful Blogger award to you on my blog. If you'd like, come on by!

  23. Anne:
    Makes me jealous that I don't live closer so that I can go to Warrenton, too! Thanks for sharing some of the booth goodies with those of us who can't make it there.
    Happy Sunday, my friend.

  24. Anne, what a photographer's and junker's paradise!

  25. Love your photos. The clocks would be keepers that is for sure. Be blessed. Cindy

  26. first...i don't know if it's still on the radar but i'd buy that little blue house! i can totally see why you love it!

    thanks for stopping by my blog, i so appreciate it! catching up on blog reading today i realized how sad i was to miss the blog party :(

    i'm glad to find you too! i've added you to my blog roll and look forward to being a regular!

  27. Hey Anne-
    My girls and I did some shopping at Effie's booth- I introduced myself- she has such a sweet spirit- it shows.

    I live in Mission, right next to McAllen. All towns in the Valley run together.

    Will you be doing any shows soon?

    When does Fredricksburg have their Trade Days.


  28. Such fun stuff, Anne~ and Gracie is just too cute!

  29. How awesome are those pics ma'am!?!?!?

  30. Hi Anne, I have enjoyed so much hopping from blog to blog looking at pictures from the shows in Texas. I have seen your darling little face on so many of them. It looks like you had such a great time.

  31. Anne,
    Oh your Warrenton pics just make me drool! Those altered pieces are too Cool! I'm going to have to carry my booty over to Canton soon so I can stop whining about missing the big RT show. Plus, I need some supplies for my PC class. I'm sending you a packet this week. Think I still have your address. Can't wait to get you, Jodie & the other girls in my class. I'll be too busy gabbing with you to teach. Lisa

  32. Pretty, pretty stuff. One of these days I'm gonna make to Warrenton!! Soon, very soon!


  33. I love seeing all your beautiful pics. I can't imagine being surronded for a whole weekend with all of this beauty. JEALOUS!!!

  34. wow, so much to see! thank you for sharing it all with us - there is so much great stuff out in the world! it's not just all bait tubs and crab pots!!! who'da thought? anyhow, thanks for the peek. and i love the creepy headless doll. a new twist on the creepy body-less heads.

  35. how much FUN!!!! it would be hard for me to sell, because I would just want to shop in all the booths!!! hope you did well.

  36. Great displays at your booth! I wish we had gone to find more beautiful treasures...

  37. Awesome goodness!!
    Thanks for sharing,

  38. Hi Anne!

    I'm having the hardest time keeping up with you ... you are like a Texas twister girl!! You're here there doing this doing that ... I've just caught up on your last few posts, all are wonderful ... thank you for sharing the show experience with us ... I hope you will be there in the fall and I have a chance to meet you!!{wink-wink}

    Did you buy that farmhouse? I went to check out the listing and it's gone .. ??

    I so want to comment on all of your posts ... you touch on a lot of feelings I share with you ... time is just not on my side at the moment, ugh, frustrating!

    Hope you're having a good week ..

  39. It's all so pretty that doll lost it's HEAD! My-oh-my... that's like "death by beauty" or somethin'. How in the WORLD did I miss the cool industrial pieces? You would think with all those feet I was around I could have walked right over to 'em... or swanned on over to 'em...


    That purse huh? You would go and pick my favorite... geesh. LOLOL

    Thank You!!! ;-)


I'm all ears....

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