Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Fabulous Care Package

My bloggy BFF,
Debra of Common Ground
  had been threatening to send me a goodie box for quite some time....
but this past week, girlfriend finally made good on the promise,
and man, was it ever good!

Oh! And all these new pics were taken
with my lurvely new Nikon D5000!
Squeeee! I love it!

Because every girl needs a crown,
she gifted me with this gorgeous creation...

 So beautiful! And my little tiny dancer looks just perfect inside, I think.

But dear Debra was only getting started!

She knew that I had fallen in love with a vintage print
she was selling in her booth a few months back, so what did Debra do?
She went and had a copy made for me, that little stinker!

 look closer...

I am so in love with this achingly sweet image!
Now I just need the perfect frame for it.

And because dear Debra knows that I have two Siberian Huskies
that I simply adore, she tucked this little fella in, too...

So who said my blog was going to the dogs, hmmm?  ;-)
Moving right along...

Have you noticed my new header?

It features not only more wonderful gifts from Debra,
but also an incredible recent purchase
from my beautiful friend Adrienne of The Flying Bee...

 Killer watch faces courtesy of Debra,
stunning ceramic hands from The Flying Bee Etsy Shop.
Thank you, ladies!

But there was one last goodie tucked in to my care package.

Do you know what this is?

How about another view?

It's a massive hornet's nest!
That's right, Debra actually mailed this baby from Missouri to Texas!

Now before you turn your nose up and go ewwww, 
just look at how visionaries like my friend Theresa
of Garden Antqs Vintage has used these wonderful nests in her vignettes...

So much bloggy love tucked into one little box, right?

Oh, and one more thing...
Just look at the charming tussie mussie I won from Melissa at Piney Rose...

Before I sign off, I just want to make sure
that you've entered my great new giveaway!

I'm giving away this amazing book to one lucky follower.
to enter.

Have a beautiful Thursday!


  1. Hi Anne,
    Awesome care package!!! Wow! Looks like a wonderful book too ~ I need to go put my name in the hat~

    Loved every picture :)


  2. Hi dear Anne,

    Yes you had a gorgeus gift, -the crone is amazing, and the nest, so very fantastic, and yes I notised your header, because I love the hands with the beautifull watch faces.
    Have a great week-end Anne.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  3. Ok i swore i was a follwer already-but i guess not-but now i am- love your blog- love that CROWN-i so want one-..GOsh I LOVE your style- but no clue how to incorporate it here- just love it all-you are a girl out of my own heart.

  4. That is so sweet. BTY, I'm in Dallas, TX maybe we can plan a meetup for TX bloggers??

  5. LOVE LOVE your rockin new header and congrats on the new camera.. what a feelin'! :) I like how the edges on your new header are all rustic and blend with the pretty oatmeal-coloured background - great job!!
    :) Lara

  6. I can see why you fell in love with that beautiful image, it is gorgeous, really really lovely.

  7. What lovely little gifts! That is so cool! Love your new banner and soooo want your new camera what gorgeous pics :]

  8. Awwww, Girlfriend, you deserve it! The camera takes wonderful photos and love the new header!
    Love ya,

  9. ohhh ahh love the new photos from your new camera, just smashing!! Your treasures are spectacular, mrs. Debra sure knows what you like!! Hope all these goodies makes for a wonderful rest of the week!

  10. Anne ~ The header is BEAUTIFUL! You are such a sweetie and I can definitely see why Debra would want to heap you with gifts, especially if gift-giving is her "love language," like it is with me! I am going to check out these different and inspiring sources. I love everything in your show and tell....My daughter collects vintage dog figurines and would also love your husky, as well as the print of the collie to the rescue! Thank you for sharing all of your prezzies with us! xx P&H

  11. I just have to ask... do you share any of your images? I would love to have a copy of the sheepdog and lamb. I actually owned a print many years ago. I totally understand if you can't as it did come from another person. I never copy images without permission. Even if it's a "no" I had to ask.

    Nita jo

  12. What a wonderful friend Debra is. I love your new header, so cool. And congrats on your new camera!

  13. That is wonderful bloggy love from a friend! Love the header with the hands!

  14. I noticed your new header right away and I love it! You're doing quite well with your new camera too.
    Love your new treasures!!

  15. So many nifty gifties! Debra is too nice! Oh, and yes I noticed your header right away. I always love looking at your blog headers because they have such neat vintage things in them.

    Have a great weekend!


  16. Awww...I want a friend like that!!

  17. soooo much great stuff...I bet you were happy all!!! day!!!

  18. Anne,

    You found a friend as sweet and generous as you are. Enjoy your newly acquired treasures.


  19. OH Anne, you did receive so lovely goodies from Debra~ what a sweet friend! I just love the new header and your hornet's nest, too!

  20. That new header ROCKS! I love the hands with the clock faces! I am so glad you liked the package and all the goodies. Oh, and Debra is just awesome!

    Lovin that new camera, too! Keep it up girlie!


  21. Sweet friend that Debra is! I love all your new treasures.

    And I love the wasps nest. I spotted one on a walk with the kids last fall. I made Libbie go get it for me because I was carrying her baby. Lib was like, "are you sure it's okay?" and I was like, "I am positive there are no wasps still living in it." Luckily for me she totally believed me as I was herding all the kids out of the way because I totally had no clue if anything was still living in it. I just wanted the dang thing and figued if I sounded like I knew what I was talking about, she would believe me!

    Have a good weekend!

  22. Anne, Debra sent you some great things for sure. I know you saw this post where I just piled the wasp nests all together ( I love using them in displays.

  23. hornets nest, oh my goodness Anne I haven't thought of those in coon's years. My Mom used to collect them. Debra is the good stuff isn't she?


  24. What wonderful gifts from Debra! I especially love your header pic with the sweet hands ~ I collect hands and hand vases ~ I call them my spare body parts! Notice that you have two Siberian Huskies. My parents owned a Sib Huskie/Alaskan Malmute that was absolutely gorgeous.

    May I ask if I could use the button on your sidebar about The Time To Buy Antiques...? I sell antique mirrors on eBay and would love to add this sign to my blog sidebar if possible.

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  25. I just wanted to pop on here to say thank you very much for your nice compliments! I have thee cheapest crap camera money can buy - a $70 point and shoot.. lol..all I can afford for now. :) I just play with my built in settings and really love taking photos.. I also like to use to give 'em a little vintagesque. ;) Hope that helps.. have a great evening!

  26. Anne, Debra sent you some great treasures, she is sooooo sweet!!! I love your new header, it looks great, My blog got a complete facelift today, I think it was time, it really needed it! Blessings~~~Daphne

  27. Oh I got one too!! Need to get that post up!! The crown is the best!!!
    Hugs, Lisa


  29. I knew what the hornets nest was because we have one hanging in our garage. Hubs tried to give it to me and I just did not know what I would do with it. Here it is hanging in the tree last fall

  30. Debra is one very, very special lady. I had a couple that were dealers at my store last year. He had lost his job, they lost their house, he was in ICU and life pretty much sucked for them. I had done a blog post about them and do you know what Debra did? Her and her husband sent Dan & Cheryl a big check! Yes, a big check to total strangers. She is an amazing, spiritual woman that will always hold a special place in my heart. Your blog, by the way, looks awesome!

    Take care, Sue

  31. When I was in the third grade, I stuck my finger in the whole of a hornet's nest. And like little Jack Horner, something came out on my finger...and it wasn't happy!

  32. Hi Anne,
    All your gifts are so pretty. That print is just like one that my Grandmom had hanging in her house. It will look so good framed.

    Your crown is beautiful. Isn't Debra just the best!


  33. That is one awesome package! I never ever thought about using nests like that. I think its cool. Have a great weekend!

  34. Congrats on the camera! Awesome, awesome!

    Let me recommend a book. It probably taught me more about photography than any other source. It's called "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson. The best reason to shoot DSLR instead of a point and shoot is to be able to artistically control shutter speed, aperture and ISO. Collectively, these elements make up exposure. This book teaches you about each of the elements of exposure and how to make your camera and lenses do what YOU want them to do. And it's written in a way that's very easy to understand. Everyone I know that has read it has gotten a lot out of it. Most have recommended it to others. It's that good!

    I'm very excited to see what you do with your new camera!

  35. What a beautiful package! WOW!!! I love your crown, beautiful. The tussie is really pretty also.

  36. Oh, I do want to see what you do with that hornet's nest....

  37. Lovely gifts Anne! Oh and we have so many of those nests yikes !!

    That picture is so sad it breaks my heart!!

    Your giveaway is on my sidebar!
    Have a great day!
    Pamela xo

  38. I'm the blogger who bought that print from Debra! I love it and it hangs in our den. But I don't think of it as sad - I think of it as Hurrah! The collie has found the lost lamb and is telling everyone where the lamb is!

    What a wonderful package Debra sent you. I so love that crown!!!


  39. You are a lucky girl! Those gifts are amazing :) I love the nest, that is inspired decorating. I love it and..I love the pics on your new camera!!!!

  40. Hello there Anne....!

    I LOVE the print of the Lassie dog & the lamb....I recently found a HUGE one myself....Check out my post from the 4th April if you have a moment... :o) !!

    The hutch with the ironstone you've pictured is GORGEOUS....And the butter pats....Be still my widly beating heart....!!

    Have a lovely weekend & may the Treasures be MANY....!

    Cheers Tamarah :o)

  41. I just had to comment on the picture of the dog and the lamb. When I was a little girl that picture hung in my grandmothers house and I would lay on the floor and make up stories why the lamb was lost,and the bird that was in the snow. I was the lamb. Then after my grandmother died, I got the picture and it still hangs in my house. I still stand and stare at it and make up stories. It was so nice to see someone else after all of these years, to love that same
    picture. You have a lovely blog by the way.

  42. are a lucky girl! You are also very deserving of it all...enjoy and have a great weekend!!

  43. A Hornet's nest in your home keeps out the evil spirits and brings you good luck...(guess that comes from my PA Dutch background)...we have always had one hanging!! Years ago when they were filming a movie in Philly that Oprah was making, set designers came to the antique mall next to our store in search of "wasps" nests to purchase - there is something for everyone in this business of oddities!!! Love your header and all your goodies - and have no idea why you couldn't follow that blog...????

  44. OMG, Anne - I just was catching up on some old posts and I saw your tussie mussie pic - what happened to the sparkly blue rhinestone earring that was attached to the lace? I do hope it wasn't lost in the packaging!!! It really made the piece, I think.


I'm all ears....

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