Thursday, May 13, 2010

What The???

I need some help from my more blogger savvy friends...
I went to follow a new blog, 
and was met with this rather rude message:

"You are already following the maximum number of blogs (300). 
Unfollow some other blogs first."

I'm sorry, jigga wha?

I know of some people who say they follow 
upwards of 600 blogs, so why the cut-off for me?

And because I know it's the 11th commandment 
that one cannot post without pictures, here ya go.



  1. What?? never heard of such a rude!!!

  2. Hi Anne,
    Sorry I am soooo not savvvvy on the computer :( on another note I LOVE you new header simplistic and sweet :) just like you.


  3. No!!! That is not good! I never even heard of such a thing! YIKES!! I am gonna have to keep checking on your comments here to see if you get any good advice!

  4. I still can't figure out why that's happening to you, I'm with "google connect", is that where your connection site is? Hope the "Follower Police" don't find me!!!

  5. Oh yeah...& nice touch with the daisy :)

  6. What the ????? Anne that is just crazy! I would move on and count myself 'lucky' I guess. That is beyond weird and rude and just plain arrogant!

  7. I never heard of this. Goodness. I know I must follow over 300. Hope someone can help you...


  8. I got the same nasty comment that you did...I had to let somebody I had to choose the ones who hadn't blogged in like months and months. I felt HORRIBLE!!!!

  9. It's like "Anne's Choice"...which ones should you let go? I say fire off a tactful and to the point email to whomever is in charge....and then blog about it.


  10. Sorry Anne but cant help, havent heard it do that before! thanks for bloggy picture though ;0))
    ps. dont unfollow me (wink)

  11. I had the same thing happen to Me..... I was Mortified, but found a way, sorta around it ~ now the way blogger says to do it, is to Delete some of the Blogs You Follow ~ Now that is Rude.... The Way I follow now is by clicking on The Blog I want to follows, Follow Along Button, Then I add them to My Blog List, on My Blog..... There may be an easier way ~ If You Figure something else out, Let Me Know Too! Goode Luck

  12. I use bloglines, and have more than 300 feeds in my account. In their help section they mention having a user with 1,400 feeds!

  13. I don't can help you sorry !!

    But i wish you a haapy sunny weekend !! hugs from Ria

  14. I guess someone is always watching every move we make! Good Luck ~ I am sure you will figure it out! Have a fun weekend!!

  15. hmmmmm, I am no help here either:( Hope you get an answer! HUGS!

  16. HMMM...I think the GOVERNMENT must be behind it {hee hee} and you should contact the White House about a stimulus plan for the GOOGLE FOLLOW program! They are throwing money at everything else, so why not some cold hard cash for the bloggers of America....and the world?!! Okay, so I obviously have no idea what you can do. BUT, I do LOVE your daisies and I DO wish you the happiest of weekends, sweet friend! xx P&H

  17. Scare Me! I follow right @ 250, I guess I'mm coming up on my limit?

  18. I haven't had that I'm no help. Goodness I don't think I could keep up with many. I have to share what did happen to me last night when I was leaving a comment on a friend's. After typing my comment and hitting submit I got a warning message "commenting too fast...slow down!". Did you ever?

  19. Ditto here. Same message. In fact, I got it just about 5 minutes ago when I went to add a blog to the list. AND this after I did go ahead and remove a few (which I HATE!). And still the message. And PUHLEEZE! I don't think there are THREE HUNDRED blogs on that list! So what gives??? I have no idea...

    Sorry, hon! I've considered moving over to another blog platform, but oy the headache and who has the time??? And, my luck would be, I'd somehow inadvertently lose 2+ years of blog posts in the process. :)

    Anyhoo.... let's have a happy Friday anyway -- coffee anyone?? ;)


  20. I think my blogger says I can follow up to 200 blogs. So, I was trying to be conservative. Don't know how to change this limitation.

  21. I am so new....I have no clue as to why the 300 limit.

    I have a question... I have wondered why so many wonderful regular bloggers keep "blogs I follow" on their side bars when the blogger has not blogged for months. I have seen some (blogs I follow) that have not blogged for 6 and 9 months.
    Is it a loyalty thing or just not cleaning up the side blog area?

  22. Oh! Annd...that is a lot of follin' to do. But, that should be your choice~right???

  23. Hmmm...never had that happen. I have had other weird things for the first 6 months of blogging, every blog I followed never showed up in my reader! Wish I could be more help. Have a great weekend!


  24. Hmmm!!!! I have never heard of that!!! It is definately very rude!!!

  25. I'm no help... but please don't quit following me!!! LOLOL

    Girl - I'm lovin' the happy happy daisy!!! Did you know they are my fave?!!?


  26. Anne, you are a funny the required daisy photo!

    Same thing happened to me--it made me feel terrible--didn't know there were limits to enjoying people's lovely blogs...

    I don't have an answer, though...hopefully someone's found a loophole!

    Have a beautiful day!

  27. That's strange. Although I don't think I'll have that problem for a while lol
    I really like your new look and font. The daisy was a nice touch
    Sorry, no help from me, just a nuthin' kinda comment.
    Have a great weekend.

  28. Okay I know nothing about this but I will say that in my experience..Blogger is finicky. Some days I can't do something or I have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get something done and then I go back on another day and it's totally simple. Not sure why. But try it again. And let us know!

  29. You're too cute Anne. Sorry I can't be of any help with the blogger issue but I do love your picture. :)
    Happy Friday to you.

  30. I agree with Marija. Some days (or minutes) it works and some days (or seconds) it doesn't. Try again and let us know! I'm just getting some followers so please don't dump me!

    Happy, happy weekend!

  31. I had the same thing happen to me, when I tried to add a blog straight to my reading list with the "add" button on my dashboard. Even though I deleted some blogs which hadn't posted in over 6 months and went under the 300 limit, it still wouldn't let me add the one I wanted to follow. BUT, IF the blog you want to follow has a followers thingy on their blog, then it doesn't seem to matter at all. If you click on the "follow" button, it adds it to the reading list, even if you are way over the 300 ( like I am ).

  32. oh my goodness you just made me laugh out loud!! too funny...can't help you but hope you have a good weekend, chat soon sweet friend!! :)

  33. Wish I could help!
    Hopefully someone out there knows something to help you!

  34. Hmmm, I have no idea, but I hope you get it figured out! And if you do, I'd love for you to follow me! Just for that you're entered in a sweet giveaway!! Check it
    I'm definitely following you now!! Your blog rocks!!
    Kelli @ SustainingCreativity

  35. Apparently I am an infant terrible as I break the eleventh commandment all the time. I would think one could follow as many blogs as one wanted too! Peace and honey bunches of love.


  36. i'm with debra hope the blog police don't find suzanne

  37. Ditto what LuluLiz said! Same exact thing for me. Adding followers manually from my dashboard was giving me that message you got, even after unfollowing some! But using the follow button on the person's blog did work! So weird! But that's how I managed to get around it!

  38. I am sorry, I know I should not laugh, but the 11th Commandment comment cracked me up! Too cute. As for the following issue, Blogger seems to have random issues that if you wait a day it will be gone. I will try something one day and it will not work, but go back either later or the next day and it works. Just plain crazy. Sorry I was not able to help.

  39. Blogger is a mystery sometimes, isn't it?! As is life, I find. I'm new to this blogging lark so I'm afraid I'm no help at all. But I'm now following YOU so I guess that means I'm one closer to the mean cut-off message! x

  40. It did it to me too! I did end up going through my list and some changed names so I had them twice. Some on longer existed. I also put image/background sites and stores on my google reader. I can go there to look for them. Good luck! I was shocked I followed that many! I haven't had it let me do more or even tell me to upgrade (pay)! STINKS but it is free!
    Hugs, Lisa

  41. Have you tried again lately? Blogger has been seriously crazy lately. I apparently had no followers and was following no-one one day then the next day all was well again! Maybe give it another go.

    Best wishes,

  42. THatis just not right but I am no computer tech so I can't tell you what to do, only I love your blog :) So don't delete me!

  43. I guess "free" has its limitations, and I wonder what is up with blogger sometimes. I have not seen that rudeness, yet, let us know what happens. I am getting adds on my reader list that are not supposed to be there. There may always be a price to pay for free, in some way or other. I wish I could help.
    Happy Sunday!

  44. I'm new to blog-land. I am hearing people talk of the most amazing things. LOL. So sorry.


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