Thursday, July 15, 2010

Helping Hands

So here's the thing...

We're likely going to be moving soon

and we could really use


a helping hand

or two.

You know what they say...

don't you?

All hands on deck!

Or somethin' like that.

But you know what?

I think we'll be just fine

with the help of all our.....get ready....wait for it.....wait....

handy  friends.



All I want from any of you dear people
is your good thoughts and prayers this next month.
No heavy lifting ( or helping hands ) required.

Money will be a bit tight and nerves will be frayed
as we begin the process of getting our house ready to sell.
I'm going to be working at the hospital LOTS more this next month,
so you might not see my happy, shiny face on your blog roll quite as often.

But never fear!

Once the property changes hands from them to us, I'll be back!

Happy and rested and all settled into our lovely new home!

'Til next time...


You still have time to enter my

Win a wonderful $90 Shopping Spree from CSN Stores!

Drawing will be tomorrow night, Friday, July 16th.

Click HERE to enter.

Linking with
My Romantic Home


  1. My thoughts will be with you, especially since we will be doing the same thing next month. Just think of all the fun decorating you get to do in the new place! I'm sure you will sell the other one fast .. no worries, only good happy positive thoughts :)

  2. Hi Sweet Girl~

    I feel your pain sweetie....we are in the midst of getting our old Victorian ready to go on the market on September 1 and things are nuts here. My brain is fried and I have been bathing in the swimming pool for a month now. The bathroom is under renovation and is almost done! Shew!

    I send you good chi my sweets for lots of calmness in the midst of chaos!


  3. Anonymous15 July, 2010

    Good luck with everything...we'll be here waitin' for ya!

  4. How exciting Anne! I know it means a lot of hard work but then the reward of redoing your new home to make it all yours. We have moved a few times and what has always drove me crazy is that when we put the house up for sale we magically found the time to do the projects that we always intended to do... for someone else! ugh. anyway... best wishes to you and your hubby as you get ready for the move! And I don't know how I missed the giveaway but I'm going to go and enter right now! Thanks!Theresa

  5. We haven't moved for 27 years, but my husband always saves boxes, so if you need any...just a thought. Love the hands, Anne. You always keep your sense of humor even when things get hectic. I'll be praying every day (and glad I don't have to lift anything heavier than prayers!!)

  6. Best of luck, Anne! It must be a very exciting time for you. And nerve racking! I'll be thinking of you! :-)


  7. Oh how exciting!! I hope the move goes smoothly! I cannot wait to see your new place. You will have so much fun with your treasures!
    Hugs, Lisa

  8. Hi Anne,

    Wishing you all the very best for the move, dear friend. Always such a big thing packing all your belongings and shifting house.
    Do you know what... google is still automatically translating your page to Afrikaans ~ spooky.
    I have to read really quickly before it changes.

    Happy weekend and I hope that you have some time to relax a little.

  9. Applause!!!! Can you hear it? Great post even in the midst of it all. You know I'd be there if I could. I can pack a mean box. Let's see, I think I've moved about 12 times in our married life. Super scary, but a packing pro!!
    love ya, girl,

  10. It will all go smoothly :) Sending prayers of a good and happy move.
    LOVE the photos in the last post. I think they are perfect. What a fun shop that you went to.
    deb :)

  11. how exciting, and scary, and fun and nervous and the best new house ever!!!!! its going to be fabulous...just take your time and enjoy, don't try to make it perfect all at once!

  12. Hi Anne, Your new home's front porch looks inviting the way it is. I know you are excited about moving and I am thrill for you. I will keep you in my prayers that everything goes the way that you want. I will be here when you come back to blogging so take all the time that you need. I thank you for the new blog that I have found through reading yours. Your friend Jane at Blondie's Journal. I enjoyed reading it. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.

  13. Funny, I almost bought an iron HAND, today, at the gift shop at our local Art Institute, but thought the cost was too dear. I really want a HAND for my home! I need to start prowling Etsy and e-bay, I fear....before this desire gets out of HAND!!!
    Seriously, good luck with all that is before you
    my dear friend. There will be stress; quite possibly strained muscles {and nerves} but remember the rainbow at the end of the whole thing: your beautiful new home and the new life that you will create there!
    BIG hugs from me to you,
    Suzanne xx

  14. Anne I've moved twice in the last 2 year and plan to stay right here for a long time. I love my house and I know you love your new is exciting to move but so much work. It will all go well, lots of good wishes and helping hands! We will see you when you can get back to us!

  15. Congrats and best of luck. I have owned 2 houses in Fredericksburg and love that town!

  16. Anonymous15 July, 2010

    Much Luck Anne!I can hear the excitement.Hurry back,cant wait to hear all about it.God Bless!

  17. Moving is a lot of work ! I moved my daughter & family this spring and now my son this month! I am tired just thinking of it ! But once you are in your new adorable little cottage you will be so happy !!

  18. Hi Anne,

    I really wish I could help you, but I'm not much good these days. It will be sad not to see you so much, but it will be worth the wait to see everything after you've moved in. Good luck and a prayer for a safe move.


  19. Love the photos and this post....sending good wishes your way.

  20. Oh girl I so feel for you. I hate packing and un-packing we just moved my sister and I told her next time to hire professional packers! Thinking of you.

  21. I believe in hard work! Somehow it is a satisfying feeling and makes it ALL worthwhile in the end. I too am working a lot more this summer. My daughter just had my grandson, so I've got a bunch of days at the store, more than I've ever had. Your move will work out just fine! Stay postive!!

    Take care, Sue

  22. Anonymous15 July, 2010

    Hi Anne! Oh, I love all your 'hands'! :) I'm so happy for you and you will be in my thoughts as you get everything ready!!
    Take care,
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  23. Anne:
    I would personally like to give you a big HAND for that clever post! If HANDsome and I lived closer, I'd surely pop over and help you pack. As it is, I'll have to settle for sharing a HANDful of packaging and moving tips. No, I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but we did move 1500 miles from Wisconsin to Florida. (Yeah...THAT was a blast!)I think I have one more move left in me, but it's going to have to be to a perfect place with a lot more land in order to entice me.

  24. Anne, I will pray that you two will transition easily. I do not like to move but you have the joy of that lovely house ahead. It will be a great time to purge if you can! I have trouble with that myself! Big Hug...olive♥♥♥

  25. Anne, best of luck with your move. Love that you say you're tight on money. Sometimes in blog/retail world we all seem a bit fabulous, when we're just really trying to make it like the next gal.
    Best of luck in your new home and have a ball putting it together.
    Your hard work this next month will pay off!

  26. Anne, that was such a cute post, you sure have a way with words!!! I know you have alot of work ahead of you but how exciting to be moving into that gorgeous new home! I wanted to thank you for your sweet comments about my photo's it meant alot considering sometimes I have to take so many pictures just to get a couple of good one's!!! hugs~~~ Daphne

  27. Anne I hope that all the moving and selling and buying and working...all goes smooth as silk. While we will miss your beautiful face, we want things to go smoothly for you more.

    You wouldn't have really pulled my hair...would you??? are way too sweet for that!
    See ya when you're settled.

  28. Great collection of hands! I hope everything goes well for you and the new house!

  29. Moving is always a pain, but very exciting! Good luck and don't forget an extra roll of toilet paper ;) I did that once, not fun...

  30. I will think about you and wishing you the best luck! Take care.

    Bih hug,

  31. gosh i'm excited for you! i've just spent 45 minutes catching up with your blog - so much to see! i'm so glad you got house number two, it was my favorite. such great nooks and crannies - even in your photos the wonderful "feel" of the home comes through. i can't wait to follow along as you make it yours! shoot i just redid one room and it nearly sent me over the edge...i will be thinking of you. stay hydrated! don't forget to eat!

  32. Go for it girl!!!....but i shall miss you !! o no !! a whole month???? o love love for a month.............Ria.....

  33. This little bit of inconvenience and pain will all be worth it on your first night in your gorgeous new home Anne, you just wait and see:) You have all my best wishes always, that is just a given, my friend. Hugs ~ Tina xx

  34. Very cute post!! Prayers to you and your family in the process of moving and selling! I'm sure your huskies will have some adjustments to make, too!! (My Neeko hates moving!) :)


  35. Moving is never any fun, but I do hope it goes smoothly. Your new home sounds gorgeous!

  36. I am so excited for you and your husband! How exciting, fun, scary, nerve racking,awesome,wonderful .....for you:) I wish I lived closer, I would be over to help you move in a heart beat:) Have a wonderful weekend!
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  37. Oh I wish I was closer so I could help! I'll be thinking of your family! Lots of love your way

  38. It's all worth it! Best wishes as you make the move. Take care! Tammy

  39. Hello Anne,

    I know preparing a home for sale and moving can be rather daunting. You and your family will be in my prayers. Just think how much fun you are going to have nesting at your lovely new home! I am looking forward to seeing the nesting you do to make it a reflection of you.


  40. You're too cute!
    It will all get done ~ here's to a smooth transition.
    Happy weekend to you my friend.

  41. ohh good thoughts coming your way, don't work tooo hard!! congrats again!! happy weekend and all that jazz!! muwahhh!

  42. I have to hand it to you - I want to use my five finger discount on all of those extremities... 'cause I'm saluting the fact that you have all of them that I want.

    I'll come give you a hand... two even... in exchange for the rose one and the funky cool wooden one. LOLOLOLOL

    Anne, I'm so excited for you and Mr. Twig!!! How FUN it will all be after you are fully moved in and RECOVERED!!! This is gonna be fun!!!


  43. I'm so happy for you and I can't wait until you get all settled in your new house so you can play. Packing...ick, gag.

  44. Hi Anne....You must be so excited about getting settled into your new home! Can't wait to see all the ideas you have in store for it!~Hugs, Patti

  45. Anne, Anne, Anne,
    What will I do without my Fionna & Twig fix???
    Who will inspire me with pictures of ironstone?
    Who will promote me??
    Who will make me laugh?
    Who can I bond with over the Boltons?
    Well, I guess I'll let you go earn some money for the new house but I want you to know that me & my tribe have our paint brushes ready to come fix up the house of twig. We'll all be here anxiously awaitng your move. Always your lurd, Lisa

  46. Many hands make light work. Good luck on your move! Wishing you well!!

    Love all the pretty hands!

  47. Best wishes, my friend, with all you are doing. I can't wait until you are in your lovely home sitting and enjoying it all.

  48. We will all be here waiting your return- maybe you can take pics of the getting ready process of your home-so many would probably benifit from that - and the new one as well...
    Cant wait for the new HOme..

  49. I love all the hands. I have several as well, I really like the ones pictured with the dominoes. Best of luck with the house.

  50. Just think of all the hands that would glady help you if we just lived a little closer! Sending positive vibes for a smooth and exciting transition into your beautiful new home. ~Lili

  51. I LOVED this post, Anne! All those beautiful those with the dominos...gorgeous! Wish I could literally lend a hand in all your moving efforts coming up! But my fingers will be crossed that all goes well...does that count?! Hope your weekend is wonderful!


  52. Swetest Anne
    wow, a new adventure, a "new" life- I wish you a happy move, and will be with you, all the way, thinking helping and loving thoughts, from far away Denmark.
    Wishing you all the best for your move, and a happy week-end.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  53. Wishing you lots of luck and patience. Remember to count to 10 (or 100 if needed)! xoxo

  54. I've got to hand it to you. You know your way around a pun. Best of luck with the move.


  55. you've got girl power! keep your eyes on the prize! hope everything goes well! i'll be thinking about you!

  56. Beautiful post! God will hold your hands in this new adventure. I pray all goes well and remember to lift with your legs!


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