Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Home at Last!

We're back from our week long vacation
up in lovely Portland, Oregon!
I had a wonderful time, but it's sooooo good to be home again.
As much fun as we had, there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed. 
But a big shout out goes to my mother-in-law
who reads my blog every day...we could not have asked
for a more generous hostess (and host!) and the accommodations were top-notch.
We love you both!!!

I didn't take many pics at all (I know, not thinking like a blogger!),
and I must apologize for the ones I did take...most were snapped
with my iPhone or my cheap point-n-shoot. I left my fancy-pants DSLR at home.

Anyway, I thought you might like to see
the gorgeous blooms growing in my in-law's backyard...

I thought this last pic might be a tosser,
but I actually love the juxtaposition of the fresh with the faded.
Too bad I didn't have my good camera to properly capture it, grrrrrr!

And our dining room centerpiece one evening, fresh from the garden...

Wanna see the new wallpaper on my iPhone?

Taken with the phone at a Portland area supermarket!
I tell ya, beauty is everywhere up in this part of the country!

But I didn't just seek beauty among the blooms...
I also made the pilgrimage to what I believe
is the most gorgeous antique mall I've ever stepped foot in, Monticello Antiques.

I only snapped a few grainy phone pics, again, sorry!

Are you a blogger? Is this your space?
If so, let me know, I absolutely loved what was going on in this booth!

And this....

This amazing outdoor structure they had for sale in their garden room.
Surprisingly affordable, but how to get it home???

Mr. Twig on the left, trying to get the specs on it.
Aaargghh, figure it out honey!

"Hey, I think I can make one of these!"

Sure hope so.
Oh, and I watermarked your butt, the blogging equivalent to branding.

{mischievous grin}

That's all for now.
Gotta go to the kennel and pick up the fur-babies.

Before I head out, I've gotta ask if I've you've entered my fabulous
Welcome Home Giveaway???

If not, then hurry up!
I'm giving away a $90 Shopping Spree, thanks to the fine folks at CSN Stores.

Giveaway ends this Friday, click HERE to enter.

I missed y'all, it's good to be back!


  1. I think your pictures turned out fabulous! The flowers in your in~laws garden are just spectacular {I love foxglove}!

    The antique shop is amazing...I'd have a lot of fun there. The 'structure' is awesome...I could just see my hubby trying to figure out how to make one!! And where to put it?!!

    Happy you had such a nice trip! :-)


  2. Anonymous13 July, 2010

    I am glad you had a good trip. And not sure what you are talking about with the flower photos because they still look amazing. Had to chuckle with your comment about branding Mr. Twig's butt...too funny.

  3. Oh my those flowers are gorgeous! Don't you love the antique stores in Portland? They seem so reasonable compared to any here in Georgia where I live. I LOVE to shop out there but haven't been out for years. Welcome home!

  4. Hi Anne
    Your trip sounds wonderful! Beautiful photos.
    I smiled when I saw the photo of your hubby taking measurements of the outdoor garden structure (we do that all the time too ) :-} Welcome Home ♥

  5. The flowers are beautiful, and I do like the one with the faded along with the fresh. Sort of like life, still beautiful, and always renewing.

    That little outdoor garden room is sweet! I hope your hubby can make a similar structure. Lucky you to have someone that is handy that way.

    I'm so glad you enjoyed your trim. I'd so love to attend the Monticello Antiques show, but its so far away.

  6. OK, that should read 'so glad you enjoyed your trip'. Trip, not trim. Ugh, my fingers were moving too fast.

  7. Whooo hoo!!! Welcome home!!! Looks to me like you had fun - camera or not! Those flowers are GORGEOUS!!!!

    ;-) xoxoxo

  8. sounds like a lovely trip! i love that outdoor piece, just fantastic! maybe my Dad could make me one? have a super day!! hugs, susan

  9. Anonymous13 July, 2010

    Hi Anne
    That is Annie Fannie and Abigails booth at Monticello. They do have a blog - you can find it on my blogroll. Their space is Always amazing!!

  10. Welcome Home ~ The Flowers How Beautiful, I can almost Smell the Beautiful Roses..... That outdoor Covered Porch is Fabulous, but I agree, how in the world would you get it home let alone Out The Door!
    Have a Great Week

  11. Mmmm the photos were fine! Don't worry about a thing!
    Her foxgloves are gorgeous... doing much better than mine! :)
    AND I LOVED the comment about watermark/branding.... my kind of humour! LOL
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. Hey Anne, I know you are glad to be home. Nothing like taking a trip and then coming home. Did you also realize that Monticello's has a blog, http://monticelloantiques.blogspot.com/. I love to look at their pics for inspiration.

  13. Glad you had a safe trip!! Love the flowers, love the outdoor structure and I think your iphone did a GREAT job ... for a phone!!! :)

  14. You are too funny!
    Now that you are a big shot photographer...you don't realize you it's still WHO's behind the camera! THESE PICTURES ARE FABULOUS! you have such a gift for composition.
    So glad you had a great time on the vacay!
    Everyone needs a good break now and again.
    Have a blessed evening!

  15. Glad you are home, you were surely missed!! love all those dreamy flowers and pics of the market, so pretty, that first booth reminds me of michelle, vintage junky, so pretty! anyway, welcome home!

  16. Welcome Home my Sweet Anne!!!!

    Life has been HORRIBLE without you...you have NO idea!

    I've been flopping all over the floor, peeking out of the curtains, and waiting by the door for you to come home!!!! ;)

    I'll give you enough time to love the fur~babes and visit a little and then I expect to see you HERE again everyday!!!!!

    Life is good now since you're back :)))
    wuv u

  17. Welcome home! I remember little pavillions like that at a summer camp I went to growing up...So sweet! lol, branded. Lezlee

  18. Welcome home sweet girl!!

    You were missed!


  19. Welcome back Anne - sounds like you had a great time.
    How fun that you visited Monticello Antiques - a fellow bear maker of mine have a beautiful both there (not with bears but with all her other creations and all her old furniture) and I have always admired all the lovely stuff in there.
    The one you photographed looks so beautiful.
    Did you bring back some great stuff?
    xo Tina

  20. Lovely photos as always! Such eye candy!!

  21. You must get that garden for your new house!!!! It will look perfect in the yard.

    Glad you had such a nice trip, and glad to have you back.


  22. Another store that could be wallet painful!

  23. Hi dear Anne, welcome home,again.
    Must have been a wonderfull tour. Staying with your inlaws, with their beautifull flower garden, and the fantastic trip to the Monticello Antiques, and all the beauty inside there. Must have been gorgeus to see. I would so love seing it, --the outdoor structure,is amazing, -if your Hubby will built you one, you are a very lucky woman.
    Happy you are back, to show, all the beautifull things, and places I have missed, while you was away.
    Love and hugs, Dorthe

  24. I've missed you Anne! I knew it was about time for you to head on home! Glad you are back and had a wonderful time. Love the photos of the flowers and that antique mall!

  25. Welcome home darling...i missed you............don't ga away ever......hahahahahh!! love Ria.....

  26. Well, yes, thank you, I DID sign up for your wonderful welcome home party!

    Thank you for sharing all the lovely photos--it sounds like you had a great time!


  27. My brother and his family live in Portland! Next time we get up there I sooo need to stop by Monticello Antiques! Glad you had a nice time visiting family-I am sure it was much cooler than your neck of the woods!


  28. Beautiful beautiful flowers!!!!!!!!
    Love those photos what a joy to look at.
    Pamela xo

  29. I think your photos are pretty good! Glad you had a good time! ~Hugs, Patti

  30. Welcome home! We missed ya!!

    Your "cheap point and click" must be pretty good, cause I'm thinking these photos are sublime!!

    I've heard Portland is absolutely gorgeous! Lucky girl!!



  31. drooling over that booth!!
    glad you are back.. I need my daily dose of Anne :)

  32. I had to get up close & personal with the photo from the antique mall. It was wonderful. Oregon is so gorgeous. Great pics! Welcome back! Jan

  33. Welcome Home Anne ~ glad you had a great trip! Loved the photos, so full of inspiration!

  34. she has gorgeous flowers in her garden. So glad you had a good time. Oh.yah......he can make that!

  35. How fun. Well, let's see . . . loved your flower pics and wonder how you were able to get such great shots. Nice work. Love the booth too!!! But my favorite pic was your hubby with the branding - too funny. Welcome home.

  36. you ARE home ... missed your bright smiling face in my comment booth!!!

    now I'M leaving for four days!

  37. Welcome home Anne!
    So glad you had a lovely time and what gorgeous flowers your Mother-in-law has, the garden much be beautiful.
    Also loved seeing the Monticello Antiques booths and what fun it would be, to go there.

    Have a happy week

  38. okay wow where do you ever see something like that garden structure intact? mind blowing! I bet that was annie fannie and abigails booth aka donna and diana that you showed. gorgeous flowers also.



  39. Welcome home, missed you & glad your back!!! Your in-laws have the most gorgeous flowers... and your pictures are awesome! What a great little building, I love it! So glad you had a wonderful trip!!! hugs~~~ Daphne

  40. Envy Envy Envy - I so want to go to Portland!!! It looks like you had an amazing time! Welcome back we missed you.

  41. OH SO JEALOUS!! I did not get to visit this amazing antique mall when I was in Portland!! Not your average mall by any means. Glad you had so much fun, and the flowers are gorgeous! When are you coming over to the Fred patch?

  42. Anonymous13 July, 2010

    Hi Anne! Lucky you sounds like it was so fun and the antique mall is sooo cute.I loved all those flowers, so pretty.Welcome back!

  43. You always show us lots of pretties and lovelies on here! Your images are still pretty amazing you know, even if they were taken without your "big girl" camera! LOL! Welcome home! ~Lili

  44. Hi Anne, Welcome back. From the looks of the beautiful flower pictures, you did a great job of taking pictures. I had a chuckle when you made the comment about hubby. Your roses were so beautiful, my favorite flower. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.

  45. Hey now you got no love for the lurd, two days home & no phone call, not even a puney text. How soon they forget! Wahhhh:)Yes, I entered to contest. Call me, I need my Anne fix! Lisa

  46. Beautiful photos, Anne...and the antique mall looked fabulous!

  47. Oh my gosh! Those pictures of the flowers are gorgeous...wow! Your mother in law has got it going on when it comes to beautiful flowers. So glad you had a wonderful time. Love that garden structure too. Funny how your hubby is in his I need to build this for her mode....hahaha!
    Can't wait to see your final structure that he will build some how...some way....some day!!!!! Love your posts lately...very fun!
    Glad you are happy too about moving!

  48. had to take another look at the "twighouse"

    well they are timbers, and you are twig, eh?

    so I christen it the "twighouse"

  49. Anne it looks like you had a wonderful time! So glad to hear you, cause you so deserve it.
    Oh I loved that cute little garden room!

  50. Home Sweet Home. Anne so glad you are back. You must have that piece for the new/old house. hugs♥olive

    p.s. the flower photos are pretty no matter what camera you had

  51. Hi Anne, Welcome back!! So your in-laws thumbs are quite green then?? Lovely photos!! And that booth in the mall would have been my fave as well!! I saved your pics in my inspiration file! I sure hope your little Mister can figure out that garden house for you cuz it sure would look fab in the back yard of your new home!! Good luck! Love, Julie

  52. Great photos!!
    Glad you are back. I just got back too, and I know what you mean about sleeping in your own bed. There is nothing like it!!!
    Have a great day!

  53. What are you talking about your photos are great. Oregon can be a super place for growing... tons of wholesale nurseries out there.
    If that booth owner isn't a blogger she should be....fabulous taste.

  54. welcome home! i hear *relaxed* in your words and definitely feel it in your photos! glad you had a great time!

  55. welcome back....
    love those garden shots. that is so NOT my garden...haha.
    so you made it to monticello....wow..i'm sure those ladies would love to make it to round top!!! both have so much going on!!! i would love to see that antique store. i'd be drooling everywhere.
    good luck on the specs. i expect to see the small shed that twig built next blog post!!! haha.
    take care anne

  56. Anonymous14 July, 2010

    So beautiful...Love the pictures and the outdoor structure!

  57. I am glad you had a good trip! Had to laugh at your comment about branding Mr. Twig's butt! I love the garden room and would love to have that in my back yard. Love the pictures of the flowers.

    ~ Tracy

  58. Hey Girlie, welcome back!
    I've been sort of MIA this
    week, too....busy, busy, busy!
    Love all your photos, even
    sans fancy-pants dslr....
    If you get a chance, could
    you mail me details about the
    antiques mart you mention, here?
    I'll be in the area in a few
    short weeks to visit my folks
    {can not not WAIT!} and my mom
    and daughter and I would love
    to visit it! The roses remind
    me of my dad's garden....He
    brings in bouquets, daily.
    Give your doggies an extra
    big hug!!! xx Suzanne

  59. Anonymous14 July, 2010

    Hi Anne! Welcome home! Glad you had such a nice time and I think no matter what camera you use - you've take beautiful shots!
    I'll bet your Mr. Twig will be able to make you that cute gazebo!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  60. So much gorgeousness Anne, whether it be those beautiful flowers ot that fabulous antique market!! So happy to hear you had a wonderful time away. Thanks for sharing all of your lovely pics:) Great to see you back though, you have been missed sweet girl. hugs ~ Tina xx

  61. Anonymous15 July, 2010

    Anne, the faded rose looks like crinkled silk! And "grainy" is good when taking pics of antiques!
    Sets the mood! ;-) All the photos were lovely, dear! They always are. And those hydrangeas...oh my!!
    Welcome back!

  62. Welcome home Anne. I grew up in the Portland area,,it is my "real" home and I miss it so much. I am doing a catch up and see there is much news for you. The photos are wonderful and Monticello is always too good for words.
    Stay cool,,,

  63. Flowers are just beautiful at your in laws..

    Good to have you back!


  64. Told ya! Isn't Monticello the best? I spend *hours* in AF&A's booth...just ask my husband! They have made presentation a fine art, huh?
    Glad you're back...missed ya:)

  65. Hey Anne, glad you're back!
    Isn't Monticello fabulous! My daughter lives near Portland and shops there all the time. I love it!
    So glad you had a good time and your pictures are beautiful. Everything grows bigger up there!
    Many Blessings

  66. Girl, you know I entered your giveaway! Love the flowers and I am guilty of taking pictures with my iphone too. I ALWAYS have it with me:)

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Big hugs my sweet friend!

  67. Hey sweetie!!! I'm so glad you guys are home safe and sound!!! And also glad you had a wonderful time ~ I hope you relaxed and really took it easy. I know you've got a busy time ahead and just want to to take really good care of yourself ~ no burning the candle at both ends working so much and moving, OK??? Sending you hugs and love dear friend, Dawn

  68. You took these lovely photos with your phone! Oh my goodness. They are lovely. My phone doesn't take photos, darn. But thank you for sharing your visit with us. Hugs


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