Monday, February 28, 2011

more time away

hey there

'member me?

i'm going to be taking a bit more of a break here,
but just wanted to check in and let all of you
oh-so-kind souls
know that i'm okay.


life just hit me a bit hard this past month,
and it's still packing a bit of a punch.
just gimme another week or two....i'm tough. sorta.

i'm working on lining up some really amazing guest bloggers for you,
and will be re-posting some of my most popular posts
that you might have missed the first time around...
so i do hope you'll pop back in.

i will be back.

with love and gratitude...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

time away...

nothing dramatic

so please don't worry...

just need a bit of time away

to get stuff in order.

personal stuff

practical stuff

spiritual stuff

i might be gone a week
i might be gone a month

just playing it by ear.


take care of you and yours!

i'll miss you
but i'll see you again...soon!



Thursday, February 17, 2011

annie is loving...

photo groups on flickr...i could study these pics all day long!

dill pickle sunflower seeds

summer-like weather in february

a day where i get a LOT of packing done

mrs. meyer's products...i was already on the bandwagon a long time ago

steven tyler on american idol

a tall glass of skim milk

finally getting my photos saved to dvd's

four days off work in a row

making time to pray

these two cuties i saw on oprah today. LOVE them!

my husband

my "real life" friend adrienne being featured in romantic homes!

finding an extra $20 in my purse

double stuff oreo's

my new/old pitcher from michelle,
featured in these photos

 and this?
this was my 400th post!

happy friday!

linking with debra for 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Winnie Wednesday

My good buddy Donna from Brynwood Needleworks
has a regular Friday feature showcasing her darling Welsh corgi, Fezzik.
Appropriately enough, she has dubbed this "Fezzik Friday", 
and it's always a source of entertainment.
Fez is adorable!

Having said that, I bring to you the first, and most probably LAST installment of
Winnie Wednesday

I shared these pics on Facebook awhile back, 
but felt that they deserved the much wider exposure this blog provides.
Yep, they are just that  good. {snerk}

Meet my doofus cat, Winnie.
And please excuse the iPhone pics.

To know Winnie is to know one thing.
Winnie loves laundry.

Sooooooo much laundry love Winnie has!

 Fresh, warm, straight from the dryer laundry, to be exact.

And yes, those are a pair of my husband's Jockey shorts 
she has inexplicably worked herself into and is "wearing".

I kid you not.

I know what you're thinking...

Where can ***I*** get a cat like this?!

Now taking bids.....


Monday, February 14, 2011

Lavender Love

I know what
smells like now...

It arrives with a California postmark,
and is packaged with the utmost loving care...

 Antique European grain sack pillows, 
filled with the most divine organic lavender
you have ever experienced.
Absolutely dreamy!

 And available exclusively from my sweet friend Maria's
glorious new online shop.

Thank you Maria,
I love my beautiful pillows and sachets!

I'd also like to quickly thank my dear friend Carol Spinski
for the absolutely lovely post she dedicated to me just the other day.

Be sure to pay her a visit at her new site here.

Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Heart You


for no reason other than

just because

everyone needs to hear 

yes indeedy, you truly DO rock!

Thank you for being here, day in and day out.

Just thought y'all needed to hear that!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Styling, Photography, Farmhouse Living....Carol Spinski

In this post, 
I shared a bit about overcoming my fears and insecurities,
insofar as they relate to how I run this here blog.

I promised that the focus of my little corner of the net
would be more on what's going on in the Twig household,
and that's still the plan.

But I simply must  alert you to a beautiful, inspiring new website
belonging to my sweet, amazing friend
Gosh, I love this gal!

She is a true Renaissance woman in every sense of the word...

Most of you probably know her from her highly influential blog,
Raised in Cotton

 {photo courtesy Carol Spinski}

She is an accomplished photographer and photo stylist, 
and her work has been featured in
Artful Blogging, Somerset Life, Romantic Country, Where Women Create,  
Somerset Home and Romantic Homes, just to name a few.

{photo courtesy Carol Spinski}

Her GORGEOUS 1865 farmhouse will be featured in the fabulous Fifi O'Neill's
utterly fabulous new book, Romantic Prairie Style.

She is also an antique dealer, 
and is co-owner of the vintage shop Raised in Cotton in Raymore, Missouri.
Be sure to visit her online shop, it's just wonderful!

{photo courtesy Carol Spinski}

She is an RN, a wife and a mom.
Heck, this gal does it ALL!

But to me, she has been a creative lifeline and a godsend.

Always just an e-mail or a text message away, she has helped me immeasurably
as I have struggled to grow as a photographer.

 {photos courtesy Carol Spinski}

Always there with an encouraging word or a suggestion,
her cheerleading has truly helped me to believe in myself.
I truly would not have had the courage to recently take on 
my first big photo shoot had it not been for Carol.

She believed I could master my scary Nikon D700,
and whaddaya know?

She was right. :-)

Having selflessly helped me  with my  fears and insecurities,
I think that EVERYBODY needs a Carol in their life!

Head on over and get to know my friend, Carol.

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

And On the Third Day...

...God said
"Let there be water"
and voila!
Our pipes un-froze and once again,
after three long days of frozen pipes and no shower, (ewwww)
we had running water!

 { from my recent photo shoot}

No more carting the wet stuff in, we're all set.....
(fingers crossed, another freeze coming next week)


can't hear you weatherman,
fingers in ears,

It's a bit of a mixed blessing, as we have a cracked pipe as a result of the freeze,
but all things considered, I'll take it.

Have a great weekend!
I know I'm going to, I FINALLY get to take a shower, woo hoo!!!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Rule of Thirds

Happy Thursday...
And no, the title does not refer to the well known photography term.

I've been working extra hard here to put on my smiley,
all-is-well face, 
because as we all well know,
it can always, always  be worse.

In the medical world, we believe that bad things tend to happen in threes.
Yep, we are a decidedly superstitious lot, but it's a time tested theory.

Let's try it out here in blogland!

But first, a pretty picture.
The worst tasting medicine is always better with just a pinch of sugar.

On Sunday, we had the fire...

We're lucky it wasn't worse, but we're looking at a significant 
repair bill for the burned siding and structural damage.

Then came the great freeze out of 2011 this week, with the coldest temps
we've had in Texas in over 20 years.

And despite all our best efforts, we have had frozen pipes and no water since Tuesday.
An unsettling turn of events, given the fire we just went through.
All the "what if's" have swirled through my mind....
Specifically, what if there's another fire? We have no water!

It's not expected to thaw until the weekend,
and at such time, we could be looking at burst pipes and yet another hefty repair bill.

So that's two semi-biblical plagues we've been visited by this week.
Where's the third?

Thanks for asking. It's right here.
I went by the new house this morning...
you know the one we just can't seem to get moved into?
This lovely little gem...

only to discover that the other night, during the hellacious (sp?)
ice/rain/50mph wind storm the other night, 
it took out a huge chunk of the older privacy fencing in the backyard...


Hear that sound?
That's the sound of our handyman putting not only his kids but his grandkids
through college on our dime.
We already paid him a HUGE chunk a' change for the fencing work
he did for us in the Fall.

Ain't life grand?

yes, it is.

Life is  grand, and through all the trials and unexpected expenses,
we are lucky to be living it.

I'm still planning a bit of time away in the days ahead.
Time to take in all the changes,
to re-prioritize,
and to re-focus.

In months past, this blog has devoted a good bit of space to promoting other people...
their stuff, their shows, their homes...
and that will still continue, to some extent.
I love sharing new and talented bloggers!

But many times, I've done so from a place of insecurity...
thinking that you would MUCH rather read about someone else,
see pretty pictures of someone elses stuff or home...

because why on earth would you find ME or MY stuff interesting?

A change is coming.

For better or worse, this year....this going to be about me.
Me and The Mister.
The cat.
The pups.
The swell new Victorian cottage.
My styling projects.
And all viewed through my lens.

Not so much about everyone else BUT me.

Re-evaluation; my NewYear's resolution.
How are yours coming along, my friends?

Stay warm, and Happy Thursday!

Linking with Debra for  
This post isn't necessarily "vintage", but I am, 
so I figger that qualifies!