Monday, February 7, 2011


What was on yours today?


  1. love your old ledger...wonderful photos...

  2.'ve managed to make a to-do list look romantic! That's pretty creative. I love your new's such a beautiful picture.
    Susan : )

  3. Hello darling...not much !! doing the house work and after that relaxing !! and that i am doing now.......lovely week !! love

  4. Well with a list laid out like yours, so pretty and all, I doubt I would mind doing mine. You sure can make a worklist look tantalizing.

    I am grouting the shower stall...

    My camera book is due to arrive tomorrow. Once I am finished with the shower I will be finding a cozy place to read. Thank you again for posting the book.

  5. Absolutely love your "to do" list (especially the pictures!)....

    My to do list includes:
    Work (I'm a freelance writer)
    Look at Grad School
    Make Lunch and Dinner
    Exercise with Molly
    Phone Calls
    Clean House

    Although, when the toilet decided to overflow, that put a crimp in my day, but ah well, anywho, most of the list is done!

    Have a great day!

  6. Oh, and if I manage to squeeze out a few more hours, I am making pillows from flour sacks (maybe that could get moved to tomorrow!)

  7. After last week.....just relax!
    I actually started a book yesterday. Yay for me!

    I remember those little ballerinas!! On cupcakes!

    And yep, horse not hose!!!! ha ha

  8. eeekkk, a to do list....mmmmm, each day just comes and of course with suprises, mine for today was to have the plumber come back and cut another hole in the shower to fix a HUGE leak he made while fixing it three days ago...lots of fans going now....but it could always be worse!!

  9. I want to be thankful everyday! Oh and I love that little ballerina! hugs, Linda

  10. catching up on laundry...I try to stay home on Mondays!
    My list always says "thankful" for you, sweetie,

  11. Gosh Anne, your to do list is very poetic and pretty and makes doing things seem less hectic.

    I need a To Do list for my To Do many things to be done.


  12. Love that old ledger ~ and your to do list ~ I would bet it makes the list smile ;-)

  13. Beautiful and sweet photos!

    My to do list for this evening is to get well....been down for a few days now and I'm sick of it!!

    Hope things are looking up for you! It is a new week!


  14. I had a lot on my to-do list, but an unwelcome migraine stopped all that.

    What a lovely to-do list, and the tiny dancer reminds me of the ones my mom used to put on our birthday cakes.

  15. blog, take paperwork to accountant, laundry, grocery store. all checked off. i love that feeling. have a great evening.

  16. Gee, can I send you my to-do list, so you can write it down for me :) Your list just looks so inviting, maybe I would actually feel better and do mine.
    My List:
    Do Laundry
    Put dinner in crockpot
    Sub at school
    Get groceries
    Do homework
    Go to daughter's basketball game
    Go to bed
    Pray I feel better, from this flu thingy
    Hope you got all your list accomplished.

  17. I saw the SAME cute little ballerinas at a huge sale this weekend!! They are darling.
    Tammy :)

  18. Hey Sweetie,

    My list say's:


    Short but sweet, but I don't think even you could make it look that pretty!

    Hoping all is going well, and you are recovering your sanity.


  19. 1. Be thankful I was able to stand up this morning.
    2. Finish closets...check
    3. Go through all the cr@p pulled out of closets...ewww!
    4. Start taxes...double ewww!
    5. Fix a big pan of Texas Goulash...yum!
    Not pretty, but hey it warms the innards!

  20. 2 pots of stew... one venison, one vegetarian, check... wash too many dishes, check... laundry, check... catch up on all of the blog goodness I have been missing, work in progress! Love the photos, Theresa xoxo

  21. My list included...
    *taking son to school
    *grooming my dog
    *return videos
    *pick up daughter from school
    *homework with daughter
    *pick up son from school
    *homework with son
    *make something for dinner
    Still trying to get back in the swing of things-6 weeks post op!

  22. So, like the lady who was late to the hairdresser, I have missed out on a lot of your news! But thank goodness I don't have to catch up with the gals under the hairdryer, I can just read your blog and find out about the fire, the freezing pipes, the broken fence...whew! (Can you tell I haven't been able to read your blog for a few days?!) Anne, you make me smile as you persevere and trust in the Lord, being thankful above all else.

    P.S. I love your new header!

  23. The prettiest to do list I have seen! Mine tend to look like some ink-soaked spiders had a rave across the page, I'm envious! :-) Beautiful ledger and I love the little bird punches made from sheet music, just gorgeous

    Jem xXx

  24. Dentist for kids(check), work (check), volleyball and basketball(check), dinner(check), check in on friends in blog world (check)...let's do it again tomorrow.

  25. Anne,

    Love the new header! If I listed my to do list it would be longer than your post.

    Your Friend,

  26. you are the only person i know (well okay we haven't really met...) that can turn a to-do list into a work of art.
    my to-do lists get scrawled on errant campbell's soup labels, or school lunch charge slips, or my hand...not exactly fine art subjects.
    your photograpy is stunning.

  27. Hi Anne... love your pretty post of "to do's"... you have such a positive attitude, I love it!... Today I am thankful for a special little "angel" that God sent my way... would love for you to stop in and meet her!... xoxo Julie Marie

  28. Hi Anne ~ I'm so happy to see that things are on the upturn...catching up on your blog and so impressed with your positive attitude in spite of the less than stellar and downright yucky weeks you have had. Wishing you and yours some really boring, regular old days ahead! ~ Angela

  29. Your photos are so dreamy! Only work stuff on my to do list today. Nothing exciting or much fun but tomorrow I hope to spend time with my boys doing something fun!


  30. First thing this morning did blog post, seemed to take me a lot longer than I thought, and then had to go to town to our business to link the things that needed to be linked on my post, as I cannot link on my computer at home, and boy is that getting old... did chores around the house, went to feed my little stray dogs that I've been feeding for months, trying to gain their trust, so I can get em and take them to a No Kill Shelter, then groceries shopping, and home to fix Dinner... and then I will be up quite late sending items to my website lady to add to my website which is in dire need of attention too! I just love the ledger that you keep your to do list on, I'm not that organized, but I'm trying to do better! Hope you have a wonderful week!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  31. Love that ledger girlfriend.
    Pretty much every day on my to do list is the same. Live life to the fullest, enjoy every moment and laugh like crazy as much as I can. These are mandatory. The rest just get's worked in. ;)
    xx, shell

  32. 1. Start making again . . . but I still didn't do it. Tomorrow.


  33. Right now my to do list is a jumbled mess of impossible tasks! I need to get going on it though or I'll really be behind the 8 ball!

    So glad you have running water again and I hope the weatherman is wrong...they are about 50% of the time after all, so hopefully you won't get another freeze!

    Kat :)

  34. I love your attitude, Anne...even with lots going on you remember to be grateful...a great reminder!

  35. My list is never ending and never complete! Time escapes me each and every day and when I look at the clock I find another day is done. The easiest thing to do is be thankful! Best wishes, Tammy

  36. Love that of my favorites!! It was even in a Superbowl commercial yesterday! ;-)
    Love your new header, so pretty!
    p.s. I'm a total list maker and would be lost without them, LOL!!!

  37. I actually had one of those days where the to do list was only one point long.
    1. Post orders

    Other than that it included the gym, the park with the boys, washing (as always) and dinner. Done. Love your list. I am a list writer too.
    ness xx

  38. I am a list maker.

    I am also a list loser (as in misplacing them).

    Great photos Anne!!

  39. My list is this:
    1. Clean the house
    2. Go to the grocery store
    3. Make something yummy for dinner, comfort food
    4. Bake something for dessert
    5. Pick up Mr B. from the airport (he has been gone for a month on business)
    6. Oh yes, and invite you to visit my blog and sign up for my vintage-y good, handmade giveaway!

  40. So, how was the soup. I was going to come over and have some. LOL It just sounded soo yummy, soup on a cold winter day.

    My to do list is way too long, just reading it makes me tired, so thanks for reminding me that "all needs not to be done today" there is tomorrow after all and for that I am grateful!


  41. Every time I come to your comment box, I get this really funny visual of you & your ears ;-)

  42. Anne, only you could make a to do list look so beautiful. Mine doesn't look so romantic. Have a great day.

  43. Great pics, Anne.
    Being thankful is
    always on my list : )
    My list is a series
    of post-it notes
    stuck to the door
    frame by my desk!
    xx Suzanne

  44. It is long long! You don't want to know:) Hope it's all getting figured out girlie. God will help you with that list. Love the little dancer in the page. You are so good!

  45. Anne, simple items...lovely art!
    Hugs, Diane

  46. I think on my to do list is to make a to do list. It's a little long these days. The be thankful is on my list too :)

  47. My list would probably take up 3 or 4 pages! I'v got so much to do to get ready for the show, but I don't even care! I just want to play with the new baby! And most important of all! I am very, very Thankful!

  48. I'm loving your new blog header picture!

  49. OH MY I AM IN LOVE WITH your DREAMY new BANNER!!!! :) What a darling ballerina. I had one of those when I was little. And your photos are completely beautiful! Glad your getting your siding repaired. Gotta love the red box.. we stand in the freeze waiting in line for it at Walgreens. ;)

  50. Clean clean and more clean. The house was a pit after we were all sick.
    You are so sweet to check in on us. We are all doing so much better.
    My favorite on your list is #5~ I'm thankful for you :)

  51. .. check in with F and T ...
    ... always numero uno on my list

  52. Yup. I'm in total agreement with cityfarmer! I MUST check in with F&T first and foremost!!! ♥

    Anne - you seriously need to create a book of your beautiful photography. It is incredible.... :)

    Hope your days are getting a little easier for you, friend.

    xoxo laurie

  53. Beautiful post Anne! Love the photo on the header, wow. Making jewelry today, and loving it. Hugs, Riki

  54. Now THAT is a gorgeous "to do" list. Loving that photography so much!! My list today: go to town for supplies, shovel snow. It's been a reoccurring theme here for the past month. Oh yes, and definitely be grateful is on there too. Love that! xoxo ~Lili


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