Monday, April 30, 2012

Thank you Fifi and Romantic Prairie Style!

Happy Monday!

Just a quick post to start the week off,
as many projects await, chiefly a mountain of photo editing.

But I wanted to encourage all of you,
if you haven't already, to grab a copy of
the incomparable Fifi O'Neill's brand new magazine
Romantic Prairie Style

I've barely been able to put my copy down 
since grabbing it last week, and as an extra added bonus...
I was fortunate enough to have one of my photos
featured in the premiere issue!

I myself collect white enamelware, 
but I snapped this photo
of some of Linda Marcov's 
lovely pink  French enamelware
during my shoot last year at their home.

 Thank you so much, Fifi!
You honor me by including me in such fine company....

Congratulations Fifi, on a job well done!
Now...on to photo editing!
Coming up in the days ahead, many images from 
my visit to the Country Living and Junk Salvation
shows this past weekend.
Have a great week!


  1. Anne
    You are such an inpsiration to me. What an honor to be in Fifi's amazing magazine. Your work is always captivating and beautiful. I am truly honored to know you and be one of the people to share in joys of your life. Never change you are a special sparkly star!

    Love you

  2. congrats on being published again. can't wait to see the posts from Country Living and Junk Salvation. You always do such a great job for us.

  3. Yay! Say hi and give a Pacific NW hug to Linda and Dixie at Junk Salvation! I so wanted to get down there! Next time for much do we love Linda M's pink canisters? So perfectly pretty.


  4. What an honor! Of course they recognise talent when they see it, so I'm not surprised they chose one of your photos for their premiere issue.

    I haven't seen this on the stands here,but hope it will get here eventually.

    Have a wonderful week!

  5. What a beautiful photo Anne of those gorgeous pink enamelware canisters, congratulations!!~
    Your photos are always so stunning!
    I will definitely have to pick up a copy!
    Wishing you a wonderful week.

  6. wow, i need to find a copy of this magazine!

  7. I don't think I've ever seen pink enamelware in all of my years!! As always, great photo! I'm got to go hunt the magazine down!!

    Take care,

  8. Anne,
    LOVE this magazine.Love your photos.I am giving away a copy of this on my blog because I LOVE it so much I want to share it :-)

  9. A BIG congratulations, Anne! I can't wait to find the magazine!


  10. I was just looking at the magazine this morning, Anne. Beautiful work, as always.

  11. I HAVE to find this magazine!!! the enamelware is amazing. I've never seen pink canisters...gorgeous!!

  12. Congratulations again! I love the photo and the cannisters. I have not found the magazine yet but I will, soon I hope.

  13. I got the magazine!! Your pics are absolutely amazing. You capture the look just right. You have a good eye for doing so. What a gift you have. The magazine is full of inspiration.I love the magazine. Im looking forward to reading more.Anne Have a beautiful an creative day....Chickie

  14. Ann how WONDERFUL for you. Congrats. I can hardly wait to get my copy ;-)

  15. Always love your photography and always feel a bit of a thrill when I see your work in a magazine...Those canisters are just like mine in white...I adore them but in pink? devine! Happy day to you...:)

  16. Congratulations, Anne. The photos are just beautiful. You have amazing taste!

  17. That is so exciting and I will be looking for the magazine. The pink enamel ware is sweet. Elaine of Sisters Treasures

  18. Congratulations! How fun for you to have been featured! Have a great Monday.

  19. Hello Anne,

    It looks so great, just my style. I have a copy for my blog but I'm afraid I can not buy in the Netherlands. I would really like to have the magazine.


  20. Congrats! I love your photos.I didn't even know it was out. Ugh! I hope I can find one~Cheers Kim

  21. congrats girlie. you are everywhere these days:)

  22. A big congrats Anne! I've been searching for a copy everywhere and can't find one darn it!


  23. Congratulations Anne! I am so happy for you and proud of you! I know that you have worked hard and it is paying off. I have not seen this magazine yet..but I will sure look for it now. xo Diana

  24. Wonderful news Anne! I've been on the look-out for the premier issue this past week, but no luck finding it yet. Glad to hear you love it and that you've contributed one of your fab photos. :)

  25. I bought my copy of the magazine yesterday, at Lowes, now it will more treasured because I know you took that image.

  26. What a complete and well-deserved honor, Anne! I'll bet that this won't be the only time she'll want to use your beautiful photography. :) I'm hoping that my grocery store is now carrying Fifi's new mag. I will definitely be subscribing to it!

    xoxo laurie

  27. it's on my shopping list ... hope it's not sold out!

    you're lookin' mighty fine dear

    congrats all around

  28. Hey Anne - is there someplace where I could subscribe to the magazine....??

    xoxo laurie

  29. Looks like a wonderful magazine and how fun to be in it! Congratulations!

  30. I just bought that magazine yesterday and started to look at it before sleep. I had a feeling you might be included as a photographer so I looked for your name and saw it, then couldn't keep my eyes open to find your photo.
    NOW, I know where to look! Congrats and I might add along with another beautiful photo, the magazine at a quick glance looks wonderful!


  31. Yay Anne! This is sooo stinkin' exciting. I can't wait to get my own copy. I've been waiting too for it to come out. You must be so thrilled. And it is only the beginning!! I just know it. Just think of the pictures you will be taking a year from now....hmmmm....kind of gets those creative juices flowing I know. How wonderful to watch all of this unfold for you.
    I'm thrilled for you.

  32. Pretty in pink.
    Cliche' much?
    Couldn't resist!

  33. Congratulations Anne, I love that you share with us. I just picked up my copy yesterday, I too can't put it down, I am telling everyone to go and get their copy! Hugs! Florence

  34. Congratulations!!!!Gee you have had some year this year haven't you? That is so wonderful. Fifi is a smart cookie and knows talent when she sees it:) Can't wait until the magazine makes its way to CT.
    ~Debra xxx
    capers of the vintage vixens

  35. It is wonderful! I need to visit Texas, soon, as it seems there is a lot of wonderful stuff there! Come visit me for an Annie Sloan blog giveaway!

  36. fab always..i have an ad in this issue, but havent been able to get a copy yet.....fingers crossed...will have to look around.

  37. First - congratulations on being published again! You are becoming quite famous! Second - I will have to pick up a copy. It looks fabulous!

  38. Anne, I am so happy for you!

  39. Congratulations on your photo. I was honored to meet Linda. She spoke to the vendors and guests of 2nd Saturdayz in Seattle WA.

  40. Hubby just told me today he bought me a years subscription!

    I can't WAIT to get it!



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