Friday, April 27, 2012

Warrenton Round-Up, Spring 2012

It took me long enough,
but I'm finally posting some of the images from my
quick trip to Round Top and Warrenton last month.

I only had time to pop over and see two of my favorite gals,
but they always provide more than enough beauty
to quench my thirst for gorgeous junk!

Both these ladies have had their wares featured in the pages
of Romantic Country, so you know they're doing something right.

First up is my lovely friend Christie Connelly's
space at Sommerfeld Place in Warrenton.

And no trip will ever be complete unless I head over
for a visit and a hug from Sweet T herself,
Theresa Cano of Garden Antqs Vintage.

Here's just a taste of Theresa's brillinace...

 And then there was this  member of the royal family,
third cousin, twice removed...

Gorgeous Sue of Vintage Rescue Squad.
She's the real deal...a fantastic writer, quick witted,
a helluva pool player, and just a fabulous gal with a killer
eye for fantastic junk.

I don't have as many photos of my quick trip
to Warrenton as in years past, but it's one of the trade offs 
I've had to make of late. I'm not able to stay as long, don't have time
to edit as many photos, as life is pulling me in about
a thousand other directions.

But I will never be too busy to make the trip
for Antique Week to support these fabulous friends
and glean some much needed inspiration
from these brilliantly creative minds.

And now, it's off to the amazeballs
in Austin this weekend!
Photos and full report to follow.

Have a wonderful day!

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  1. Love the time worn vignettes. I have a thing for tarnished silver, so that one jumped out at me.

  2. Anne, thanks for including me in this post. I hope you have a blast at the CL show.

  3. Fabulous treasures! How fun!!!!

  4. Oh how I wish I lived in Texas! ♥ Gorgeous photos!!

  5. As always, your photos just make me smile with pleasure.

  6. you are quite the world (texas) traveler!

    I'm living Texas and all its junque thru you!!

    bring it!

  7. Beautiful photos, Anne. Wish I could have been there. They had some great stuff...have fun at the Country Living Fair :) Sounds like fun!

  8. oh man I would love to have the ironstone looking goose!!! What fun, the photos are a visual feast!

  9. Great photos, Anne. I always enjoy looking at booths through your "eyes'!. And I adored Sue of Vintage Rescue Squad! Isn't she a "hoot"?? (now that's Texan, Sue, if you're reading this!).

  10. Have fun this weekend, let me know how it is!

  11. Great post and I absolutely loved seeing what caught your eye through your camera lenses! One day I would love to make that trip to the shows, one day!!

    Take care,

  12. I love seeing all your adventures, thanks for sharing with all of us, who live so far away. Trust me, we are dreaming! Florence

  13. Anne,
    Great photos.Love that lace and and tarnished silver too.Can't get enough of either.

  14. Lovely things, lovely photos. Have a beautiful day...

  15. Amazing displays and your photos are lovely Anne!!~
    Wishing you a beautiful day!

  16. Eye candy everywhere I look. I love all your beautiful pictures. Thanks for a taste of vintage, I'm hoping to get there one of these days:-)

  17. Anne, You might not have as many pictures but what you do have are wonderful. What a feast for the eyes...and it sounds like these gals are great!

    Love your header here and hope you are having a great week- xo Diana

  18. Great pics of Warrenton. I wish I could of met you when you had your booth there.
    I too did not visit as many days as I usually do but I will always find time to visit Warrenton. lol
    Hope your having a wonderful week

  19. Anne,
    I wanted to let you know I nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Love your header. Check out my blog for the details. Pam

  20. Great photos of some great stuff! Have fun at the CL show and take lots of pics to share!

  21. Beauty all around, lucky you to get to see your friends and their treasures:) Have a blessed day dear Anne, HUGS!

  22. Very nice! Love the vintage pillows ~ the more the better:)


  23. Ahhh..Love Warrenton so much. We've been going for years and it is always so inspiring. One of the reasons I love being a Texan! I wrote a little something about my trip there here:

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful images!


  24. Glad you got to sneak in a bit of fun with your girls Anne! Can't wait to see what you capture at the fair!

  25. Oh many lovelies. Thank you for sharing your happy memory making. xo

  26. Lots of wonderful eye candy, Anne! Wish I could shop!

  27. I love the swan and french horn photos! I love the french horn :)
    that "devil lady" and her "horn-y do" are a total hoot!
    Thanks for sharing :)


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