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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tweaking My Booth...

I'm having so much fun! I just can't quit playing in my fab new playhouse!
Seriously, this move down to the first floor has totally reinvigorated me, and coupled with all the inspiration I brought home from Warrenton, I feel completely inspired and re-energized.

Thanks to mall owner Bobby, I now have a new marketing tool guaranteed to lure unsuspecting shoppers into my lair (insert evil, conspiratorial cackle)...


You see the white, fence-looking shelf to the left?

Yeah, that one there.
It fits perfectly at the foot of my vintage baby crib, and butts right up into the main flow of mall traffic. 
People have to look at my wares even if they don't want to, I'm everywhere!!! (insert second, even more conspiratorial cackle mixed with thoughts of possible world domination, hmmmm...)

Notice my fab signage going on there?
World domination, baby. Think globally, start locally, isn't that how that saying goes? 
Okay, so it pertains to recycling or conservation or something altruistic. Don't begrudge me my right to artistic license.  ;-)

Pretty stuff, huh?
I'm trying to stick to a more neutral color palette...more creams and creamy whites (or dreamy whites, to borrow from my friend Maria)! And you'll notice in the pics ahead that I'm incorporating more of what I've been seeing around the blogosphere and in Warrenton....more natural elements like seashells, Spanish moss, wasp nests, all that cool stuff which adds visual interest and texture. Layering in lots of old books, with and without their bindings, just 'cuz they look so stinkin' cool without, wouldn't you agree?

I know it's been quite the trend to incorporate Catholic imagery into decorating for quite some time now.
But I come by my love of this trend honestly, I'm a Catholic gal through and through, and have done years of penances to prove it. Believe me!

You would seriously either be mad at me or high five me if I told you what I paid for this beautiful green floral bowl. Suffice to say, I made out like a bandit.

That's all for now.
I likely won't be able to get back in to tinker and play until next week.
Since all good things must come to an end, so must my extended vacation. I'm back to work in a couple of days, but I'm ready to head back. After all, gotta finance all the shopping trips I'll be making to re-stock, right?

Thanks for looking, and let me know what you think!
Have a wonderful week!


Debra@CommonGround said...

You deserve to be downstairs, it all looks wonderful and I'm drooling over that gorgeous silver blue altered pillow! Glad it's got you jazzed. Have fun!!
love ya,

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Hey Anne...
Your booth looks great!
Love the color pallett and you've got it really looking inviting!
Glad your all excited and ready to go!
Now smile big and lure them in there!!!!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...

kibbygirl said...

It looks amazing. I would love to spend some time pouring through it all. Too bad I live so far away :( Ah well, at least I can feast my eyes here! Have a great week

Sheila said...

LOOKS GREAT! I love the phone... I have a black one on my kitchen counter, it is a great conversation piece :) Enjoy your week.


judi said...

just lovely...great well put together! and love those little suitcases...i have a fetish for them. you should you do SO well.
judi ;)

Kate said...

Marvelous job in your new booth. Yah girl you show em on the first floor how its done:)) Everything really looks super Anne!!! You will surely be such a hit.

Have a wonderful week


raggygirlvintage said...

Your space is looking seriously fab, who wouldn't want to hang out and play there (and hopefully shop!)

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Anne, your booth looks wonderful! I love the stairs bordering your space- just gives it some natural architectural detail- and the crib is fabulous!

Chickens in the Basement said...

Looks great! Your hard work is paying off! I love your poppy print!

Theresa said...

OMG ANNE! Your new space is PERFECT! Not only is it in the most wonderful location but you have made it beautiful. Your tweaking is working for me. I want to shop there so bad! Enjoy your evening and buy a bigger box for all of that money you are gonna be making:) HUGS!

Unknown said...

You have the neatest booth! Tell me it's in Iowa!! It would be so fun to spend an afternoon browsing that mall, but spending the majority of my time (and money) in your booth!


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Your booth looks wonderful. I love the idea of facing the shelves where customers can view what you have to offer. Great idea!
I wish I could be there and shop cause you got lots of good stuff.

Glad you are back and had such a good time.


Rebecca said...

Hey Anne
Looks absolutely amazing, you are the bombdiggety!
Glad you are having fun... I have come home jazzed... I started tearing apart the shop! Spring is coming to Vintage domination, I like that one :)

Jane said...

The booth looks great! Lots of goodies to draw everyone in.

trash talk said...

Isn't loving what you do and having it love you back just the best...not work at all, right?

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Anne,

I love your new booth and would be so great to be there and to be able to see all your wonderful treasures.
It was lovely to see photos of you, on Jodies blog.
Hope that your week is going well.


Rosemary said...

Hi there,
Your booth looks great! I would love to shop in it!!
Great job!

AuroraSuzette said...

Love your new space! Glad to hear you're back, and focused on important goals, like world domination! Love that "N".

Cassie said...

Your booth looks great! Jealous about your trip...

Unknown said...

Oh Anne!

The booth looks AMAZING! I love the new space and all the treasure inside! The fence shelf is just perfect!

I have rented a small space in an antique mall here in my little town. It will open in a few weeks. You have inspired me!

Here's to an increase in your business in your new location!



Sarah said...

Anne, I can see you are having fun. Good for you! Your booth looks fabulous and so inviting. Would you send me the information on the white urn that is behind the sign with "vintage" blocks? Size and price? It may be just what I've been looking for. Thanks!

littlethings1 said...

I would so love to go shopping !! You have created a fabulous little area for all of your darling treasures ! You will do well !

*The Beautiful Life* said...

It would be so neat if I could see it in person!! :)

LOVE that old black phone! A friend of mine turned one just like that into a clock by adding battery-operated clock parts from Michaels to the dial area and it was my Christmas gift! :)

You booth looks great!!! :)


Annesphamily said...

Wow!Double Wow! You are one classy chickie with awesome stuff! I love love love your stuff! Thanks for sharing! I am drooling! Hugs from Anne

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

Girl you got it goin ON!! I'm not worthy!!

Anne Marie said...

that pillow is rockin! i love that!

your booth looks so bright and cheery....really like your added roses (you should totally add more of those!)

have a great week

Journal Swag said...

Beautiful Anne! I love it all.


Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

Your booth looks gorgeous!!! I love the neutral color palette! I could do some serious shopping in that booth!!! Blessings... Daphne

deb christensen said...

yes, what all those other ladies said.
i pretty much just want to give you my husband's credit card # and have you pack it all into boxes and send it all up to me. he's asleep, he'd never know. i could just tell him it came from publisher's clearing house.

Dorthe said...

Hi Anne,
I think your booth looks fantastic.
So full of all things beautifull, so love the way you displayed all,and your lovely colorsceme,you have many :I would like to buy pieces-
Hugs Dorthe

Creations By Cindy said...

I know you must be happy with your new space. Love the way you have everything put together so well. I love it all. Be blessed. Cindy

Unknown said...

oh you booth is beautiful! So many beautiful treasures! I love all your vingettes. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Anne- finally stopping by- just wanted to say you're doing such a great job with your booth. Warrenton looked FUN!

Lisa said...

Dr. Evil...oh I mean Anne,
Yes, sister soon Target will be carrying the Fiona & Twig label, they'll that Rachel girl right out! Yes, in the world of malls I believe location, location, location. And an awesome owner doesn't hurt. I am so excited to meet you in person! Jodie told me what a sweetie you are. I'm trying to figure out that pesky message board for PC, are u on it yet? Also, I see some things I might need you to bring with you. Big fat creamy suitcase for my fabric, that metal piece that looked like a viking helmet over the blessed virgin. Good job!! Lisa

Julie Ann said...

Gosh- I wished I lived nearby!! I'd be there in a heartbeat!! I am seriously in love with that little pillow on the shelf next to the fence! World domination may not be too far off!! *giggle*

Debby said...

WOW!!! Your booth looks so fabulous, love everything about it.

Alicia ~ time worn style said...

Your booth is looking fantastic, wish I could put my hand through the computer screen and grab some of that super cool treasure!! I wish you well with your world domination, you have made a very good start ;0)
alicia said...

That is one of the prettiest booths I have ever seen! You have the best stuff:) I know you will sell it all,
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

Beatnheart said...

Anne, thanks so much for your visit and kind comments...You are so encouraging and I love it!! Thank You!!! All the best in your Mall venture...I've been enjoying mine for about 9 years now...I think you get out of it what you put in it...and tweaking stuff and changing it around always helps so much...And for me??? Roundtop next year for absolutely positively now the time to book for a decent hotel...? I've never been so I don't know the ropes....


Right on're space looks just Awesome!! Love all the textures you have going on with your Catholic twist!! I especially love the Madonna with the Lamp parts over=head...great look! I was the best meeting you (and your Mom) in Warrenton...time flew by way too quickly though..I didn't get enough time to shop and chat with everyone I wanted too...thank good ness for the internet!
Call me soon!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

I think you should be featured in the next Flea Market Style magazine!! You are truly inspiring ~ and sweet too!

Libbie said...

Anne it is gorgeous! That little SIT note on the chair....genius! I love it! I might need an old chair just to paint SIT on it! Your wares will FOR SURE lure unsuspecting victims in! & I am SURE...your trap is so masterminded no one will be able to leave without giving you ALL their money :) Beautiful Anne!!!!

red.neck chic said...

I'm giving you a standing ovation and happily slappin' some duct tape marked "mine" down on a few things!!!


SO lovin' it - and your SIGN is fantabulous!!!!

;-) robelyn

Mitzi Curi said...

Your booth looks like a place I could do some serious shopping in....unfortunately, I live in Michigan. Hmmm, maybe I'll visit your Etsy shop next....

Laurie said...

OK, Anne, lean into the computer and listen carefully for the word I am about to type.....


Ahhh, the sound of your success - I love the booth! And right by the stairs - perfect!
If BFF Maya were here, she would say "Oooooh, pretty!"
Happy trails,

Unknown said...

It was so fun to meet you in Warrenton! Your booth looks great, but I bet you are exausted! I love, love, love your blog and especially your sense of humor. Keep it up and keep in touch.
Red Shed Cottage Chic

The Flying Bee said...

I LOVE the new booth girlie! It rocks! I am eyeing that rose painting on the bottom shelf! I am so missing you already!


Auntie Cake said...

Hey Anne~
So wishing I could come and play in your booth! I would be there forever, then you would certainly have to restock!!! Great job!

The Feathered Nest said...

Anne!!!! Your space looks so dadgum incredible!!!! I love it ALL! And what a smart cookie to advertise yourself ~ I think it's a wonderful idea...You look like you had the most fun ever at Warrenton, I hope you sold TONS too!!!! You're amazing...hugs and love, Dawn

Robyn said...

I'd DEFINITELY be lured into your booth by it's loveliness~!

stefanie said...

world domination!!! yes!!! good for you, its gorgeous!

deb said...

OMG! Wish I lived closer!!! LOVE YOUR BOOTH!!!!!

Mona Kay Gorman said...

Oh my goodness, did you do your own "staging"? Absolutely beautiful!! Your shop is what I aspire to...congratulations!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

GORGEOUS!!! You have a great eye, and so many interesting, fabulous things in your booth. Displays I would adore to shop from. xo Lidy

Beth said...

Wow...great booth...I wish I lived close enough to see it! xoxo Beth

Mitzi Curi said...

I love your gathering of vintage goods....your display prowess is most evident! I'd love to have you as a neighbor at my antique mall booth. I also appreciate your ambitions for world domination. In the last 11 years I have continually expanded my antique enterprise, which I sometimes refer to as my "empire"! Isn't it great how there's no sense of competition, really, in our world? Your success is my success, in a way....we all want the same thing: for people to appreciate everything vintage goods have to offer! And then for them to please buy something!!!!

nancarts said...

I know I am a late comer to view all of these super pics. Your shop looks amazing...filled with great pieces. Wish I could visit as I would do some buying! lol Keep 'em coming.

Smiles and Blessings,

Erica said...

Beautiful! I don't know where Kerrville is, but I'm going to check it out so I can stop by and shop!

Cottage Panache said...

What wonderful goodies/I especially love the big rusty N...and I would love to get my hands on that tall creamy white hand!

Connie Eyberg Originals said...

Your booth looks amazing! I would not be able to walk past it. You have put together a beautiful look. As they say...It's in the details! Wish I lived closer. Connie

Robyn said...

I just want to visit your booth SO BAD! It's devine. It's delightful. It's dern gorgeous!

Unknown said...


Heaven's Walk said...

Anne - BEAUTIFUL BOOTH! I know that there'd be no way that I could not spend a whole day just wandering around there oohing and ahhing and drooling all over the place! lol! I do have two of those white vases w/the three-dimensional flowers on them, and absolutely love them against my white dishes in my open shelving!

Sure wish we lived closer. I'd be spending alot of time at your place! :)

Hugs ~ and may you have a ton of customers today!


The Rustic Victorian said...

Wonderful booth, great location...I'd half to have a thing or two. It is nice to see the prices.
Good Luck!

Robyn said...

I know i commented on here before but i had to come back and look again. I think it is totally GENIOUS to have you right by the stairs because as you are going up or down they are forced to see your wonderful goods in a different perspective too! GORGEOUS!!!

Elizabeth Maxson said...

Loved browsing and snooping....didn't want to leave your corner. Your space is the kind of space I will stay in and poke around forever and then start making a pile, and then start "guarding my pile" and then start pulling tags off because I can't carry it all back to the counter and so now I am "claiming" it while I am gone, in case someone else has good taste too and wants it...but having the tag in my hand makes it "mine" (well at least in my head...) ;_)

Thanks for sharing...stop by my Shop Talk blog and take a look at my display contest for inspiration. Would love for you to send over a photo for inspiration for my readers. It is for the month of August...

Take care

Drawn to The Sea said...

Just pokin around, looking at your old posts... "dead people's stuff" is right. That's my Granny's alarm clock you've got there.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Wow, you have a in-your-eye spot in that mall. Everyone is bound to see you and get drawn in. You deserve to have many cackles... that is a super spot.

Those metal rectangle wire baskets take me back to or local swimming pool. The bath houses had baskets like that where we would put our clothes in and a bath attendant would stack them in the bathhouse and guard while she knitted. That to me as a young child was a super job. Boy, going through your shop took me back in time... Thanks for the memories.

Hope your shop is doing well in its new spot.

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