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Friday, October 11, 2013

B&B....and Beautiful!

Thank you to Savvy Southern Style
for selecting this post 
as one of the best links in last week's

Well, hello there!

Just coming up for air long enough to share
my latest photo shoot with you.

As many of you might know,
Fredericksburg, Texas is pretty much
the bed and breakfast capitol of the known world.

There are hundreds of cozy cottages to choose from 
when planning your visit to Fritztown,
but I'd like to offer an extra special plug
to my friend Melissa Mabery's
darling B&B, Cotton Haus.

Located in one of Fredericksburg's many
historic neighborhoods, this adorable abode
could not  be any stinkin' cuter.....

Wow, pretty much sums it up!

Are you dying yet?
I don't know about you,
but I'm now scouring local fleas
for car doors of my very own!
Fab wall art!

Be still, my vintage lovin' heart.

Don't forget to sign the guest book!

And if YOU would like to book a stay
at this quaint little locale,
here's what you need to know:

Cotton Haus B&B in Fredericksburg, Texas

501 E Creek St. 


Please feel free to pin any or all
of these photos to Pinterest,
and please visit and "like" my Facebook biz page...

Have a wonderful week and weekend!
I'll be back sharing details
about my next magazine feature
coming out in just a couple of weeks!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Back To My Roots

There's no place like home.
Is there?
After taking a two month break from blogging
to focus on other pursuits
( and to take a much needed break ),
I'm happy and excited to be returning to this little ole blog.
I've missed you!
Coming up soon, a magazine feature that I wrote and photographed
on a local boutque owner, Jill Elliott.
And for the holidays, a big shop feature
that I photographed for Binky Morgan's shop in Llano, Texas.
Two features, two different publications.
I'll be sure and share all the deets as the time draws near.
I hope you've all had a rockin' Summer.
Happy to be back!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Break

Taking a late Summer break 
from blogging.

{ my "child", Winnie }

See you here in the Fall,
or on my Facebook, page,
Be safe!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

Friday, July 19, 2013

New French Goodies at Timeless Menagerie

I made a quick stop into one of my favorite
shops in Fredericksburg, Texas,
Timeless Menagerie,
and was delighted to find that the crew
had pretty much totally re-set the store
and it's now filled to the brim
with treasures from Lori's recent
shopping excursion to France.

Quick disclaimer: this was not one
of our regular photo shoots, I just happened by
with only my iPhone. So please forgive the phone pics!

Loved these French postcard bundles.
So many to choose from!

These fantastic, HUGE, to-die-for urns.

To me, the crown jewel from the whole
trip, this enormous wedding portrait.

Whimsical children's books.

Stacks of vintage drawers,
perfect for crafting supplies, letters, anything!

Of course, I grabbed several bundles
of these charming French postcards.

Always plenty of nature-based items
to feather your nest.

Hope you enjoyed the tour!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Local Beauty

Happy Fourth of July Week!

And welcome to my new "comment-free" blog.
No pressure to leave a pithy quip,
just enjoy the photos, and if you are so inclined,
pay me a visit over at my Facebook page,
I'd love to have you "like" and share my page!

This go 'round, I'm happy to be sharing a few sneaks
and out-takes from an upcoming magazine feature
on my good friend, Jill Elliott.

Jill is an accomplished designer, and owns MY
favorite clothing store in the whole wide world,
Haberdashery Boutique in Fredericksburg, Texas.


Classic Jill, mixing textures and elements
to create the perfect vignette.

The Elliott's historic Hill Country home....
with the welcoming committee in the front yard.

Everything about this space
is perfection to me.

Part of Jill's collection of
tarnished silver. She actually designed
her entire kitchen around this!

I fell in love with this
equine beauty!

And speaking of beauty...

That's beautiful Jill herself!

The magazine feature, which I have written
as well as photographed, will be out later in the Fall.
Details to follow.

But should you find yourself 
in my neck of the woods,
please pay my friend Jill a visit 
at her divine boutique...

203 East Main St.
Fredericksburg, Texas

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Google Reader Shutting Down

I know that many blog readers use Google Reader
for subscribing to my blog
as well as other blogs new post updates.
It's been mentioned before,
but I wanted to let you know again
that as of tomorrow- July 1st 2013-
Google Reader is shutting down
and will not be updating you on posts any longer.


The good news is that there are
a couple of easy fixes
for you to continue to follow along.
I know that some of you probably already follow
via different feed services, etc.
but if you do use Google Reader
and want to continue following,
I have signed up to share my blog updates
over at Bloglovin'
so you can subscribe there
sign up to have an email sent to you
whenever there is a new post up.

To subscribe with Bloglovin~ You can FOLLOW ME HERE.

To receive my posts delivered right to your inbox,
click on the "Follow Fiona and Twig by Email"
link to the right on your sidebar

Also, don't forget to verify your email
subscription when it first shows up in your inbox.

And once again,
the absolute BEST way to keep track
of what I'm up to is via my Facebook page,
right HERE.

Thanks so much to sweet Courtney at
for letting me swipe her blog post
in order to get the word out!

Have a wonderful week!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

This Is The Life

Ain't it, though?

I loved the sentiment expressed on this tray so much
that I titled my blog post in its honor.

Life in the Texas Hill Country 
is pretty darn good these days.
The house is fabulous. We've started work
on enhancing the front porch area by adding
a flower garden, new shrubbery, and lots
of fun yard and garden art.
True, I did find a rattlesnake on the front porch
last week, but that's a Texas Summer for ya!

At this writing, I have two nifty editorial projects
I'm working on for the Romantic Homes 
family of magazines, and have been keeping
super busy doing commercial photo shoots for
my local retail clients.

A new client added recently is
eWay Furniture, located in the ever charming
downtown Fredericksburg, Texas.
I completed my first shoot there last week,
and I'm happy to be sharing a handful
of those images with you now...

LOVE this NY piece!

It's a great treasure chest of a store...
a little of this, a little of that.
It defies categorization, and I love
the fact that I never know what I'll find around
the next corner in the shop.

I'm gearing up to begin doing ad 
and editorial photography for a brand new magazine
published by the team that brings you
I have several ads in the current issue
for three different shops.
And the new magazine, 
set for a Spring 2014 launch,
will be almost exclusively mine, photographically speaking.
No pressure there!

In the meantime,
the business is growing...
Growth = change.
I've been thinking about changing this
to a comment-free blog. 
Given that I spend so much
of my limited internet time on my 
I sort of want to encourage those of you who
want to interact with me to do so there.
It's just quicker and easier, and feels more
like "home" to me. 

The art of writing an engaging blog post
isn't my strong suit these days. 
It feels like a droning monologue,
when what I'm craving is a dialogue, and Facebook
is just more conducive to that.

You are cordially invited to head on over
and "like" my business page,
And still look for me here,
as I'll be keeping up with all of you
and your respective blogs. You guys still
inspire and motivate me to be better,
try harder and keep growing.

Stay cool, stay safe,
and have a fantastic Summer of 2013!

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Fredericksburg Gem

Happy Thursday!
This is gonna be
short and sweet today.

Like what you see below?

{ double click to super size }

Me too!
It's my friend Jill's house here in Fredericksburg,
She owns a fabulous clothing boutique
called Haberdashery
and is just a wonderful gal
in every sense of the word.

Her home is going to be featured
in a National publication later this Fall,
and it was my honor to do the photo shoot.
Now I've found out that I'll be writing the story, too!
Love flexing those writing muscles.

Have a great weekend,
And pop on over to see what I've been
up to on Facebook....

I'd be honored it you "liked"
and shared my page with others
while you're there.

Leaving you with a teaser here....
be sure to check Facebook tomorrow
to see pics of my new tattoo......

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Second Chances

Just yesterday, I started to think about a post
I had written awhile back.
I'm not sure why, but it just seemed as though
it was speaking to me at this particular
stage of my journey.
I went and looked it up on my blog list this morning,
and I had originally posted it
Sharing it again today, as maybe
it will speak to you, too.
Happy Sunday.

Remember when you were a kid,
and you'd either be playing a game, or just doing
some random thing, and you'd call a "do-over"?

And just like that, you would begin again.
Oblivious and impervious to what had happened before,
a giant cosmic eraser would swoop down
and wipe the slate clean.

Ahhh, that life were only that simple.

In antiquing circles, there is a healthy market
for do-overs.

We routinely recycle, re-use, repurpose...
it is our mantra, our avocation.

But as it applies to life. Real life?
Not that simple.

Which got me thinking,
is there any place or time in my life
where I'd like to call a "do-over"?

How about you?

Would you have married later?
Or perhaps not at all?

Would you have majored in business
rather than education?

 Or would you have swerved left
instead of right on a particular patch of road?

So many questions,
so many choices.

The easy answer is of course, with all the mistakes I have made,
a do-over would be a no-brainer.
A chance to re-write the past and save myself a whole lot
of grief and heartache.

But the truth is that no, I wouldn't choose the easy out, the do-over.
And you know why?

He Is Risen.
Yes He is.

This photo, as well as every other photo in this post
was taken at my friend Carol's shop,

The Bolton's live out the gospel of Christ in their lives
every single day, and clinging to that hope...the positive belief
that He is indeed risen, compels one to also believe
that nothing happens by accident.

That every so-called misdeed and misstep is all part
of His plan, and is somehow, someway, 
all part of the bigger picture.

As wretched, fallible humans, we will muck it all up undoubtedly,
but Someone else has our back, thank goodness.

He will deal with us.
He will teach us.
He will correct us.

A do-over?
No thanks, I'll take a pass.

This is a comment-free blog
but please come visit me here...

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