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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sharing What I've Learned...Etsy Etcetera

After a week of being an online seller,
I hardly have the huevos to come on here and issue a manifesto
on online selling. But I can share what I've learned,
just as the generous and thoughtful Adrienne of The Flying Bee
has done with me. Tirelessly answering question after question,
I'm not sure I would have had the courage to make the big leap
without all her help, but just as she gave freely,
I now pass her imparted wisdom on to you!

I've had six sales in as many days on my new Etsy Shop,
which is encouraging enough for me to soldier on
in this brave new (to me!) world of the online marketplace.

But first, a word from our sponsors....

Look at the cutie-patootie on sale in my Etsy Shop!


"In another life, this sad little bowl likely was used to hold onions,
which means she's lost her head...haven't we all though, at one time or another?
Repurposed, she's a fab little work of art called The Cry Baby Bowl!
Full of charm and attitude, this little treasure measures
4 1/2" wide by 4" long by 2 1'2" tall.
Deforest of California, Hand Painted. Embossed with date (1956) on back.
Give this sad little girl a home!"

It's a short list really, but I think a helpful one, if for no other reason
than you can gain the benefit of learning from my mistakes!

Tip #1: Have your ducks in a row before you list that first item. Make sure you have plenty of boxes, packing materials, a good postage scale, tape measure, quality get where I'm going. I only thought I was prepared, but countless trips to pick up lacking supplies prove otherwise.

Buy me HERE


Tip #2: A little creativity goes a long way. We bloggers are an imaginative bunch, so this isn't a problem for us. We have no trouble whatsoever imagining the re-purposing potential in something like the Cry Baby Bowl. But to the casual shopper who stumbles upon your Etsy or Ebay shop, it might not be as readily apparent. Give 'em a little help, open up their world to the wonder of upcycling. Spare no adjectives!

Tip #3: The art of the pretty package. A little oomph goes a long, long way. You don't have to go broke making your packages memorable for your customers. Here's what I'm doing this Holiday Season to foof up my outgoing orders...


You see these lush looking beauties?
Six for a dollar at Dollar Tree! I plan on tying one of these 
around each item after wrapping it in tissue paper. 
Cheap and easy, but looks like a million dollars.

I've also included a few peppermints inside an inexpensive organza bag with some of my orders, too.
Now I'm not advocating you go hog-wild with the freebies! The bottom line is now and always has been delivering a quality product at a good price. But if there's something cheap and easy you can do that will A) make your shop and brand stand out and B) make your customer feel special, why not do it?

Tip #4:  Become Besties with your friendly neighborhood post office staff.
Now I know that you can print postage online and do a lot of that stuff yourself from the comfort of your own home, but you never know when you're going to need some last minute bail-out assistance from a real live person.

Buy me HERE


Tip #5: This one is for booth or shop owners....if they're not coming to you, bring it to them.
Let me explain. I don't know how many times in the past couple of months I've whined to my husband about certain items in my booth just not budging. I've told him "Oh, if only all my bloggy friends could take a stroll through my booth, I'd be scrambling to keep stuff in stock"! Depending on where you live and sell, your way-cool chippy, peely, rusty treasure might sit collecting dust season after season. Which is why online selling is so fab for peeps like us. For example, Exhibit "A".

I know my local market well enough to know that the delicate oil painting above would likely be met with curious looks and be passed over for the ceramic rooster in the next booth over. They simply wouldn't appreciate its shabby, imperfect beauty, but I didn't let that deter me.
Listed on Etsy November 17th, sold one day later.
This isn't rocket science! If I can do it, you can, too!

Tip #6: Cross advertise. Post your Etsy address on your blog. Post your blog address on your Etsy shop. Have both printed on your business cards. Now is not  the time to be shy! Get your name and your brand out there!

And finally, and to my mind, most importantly...

Tip #7: Share freely what you've learned. Give unselfishly to anyone in need, set aside all competitive impulses. Call it karma or the golden rule, but always remember that what goes around, comes around. Play nice. Share your glue and crayons.

Fiona and Twig, over and out.

Buy me HERE

Monday, November 16, 2009

Snapshots from an Etsy Shop

Mine, to be exact!
Just a few pics of what you can find in my brand new
Etsy Shop.


Ain't she pretty?
My sweet little Vintage Hat as Art.
 I think I audibly gasped when I first spied her, she's just that lovely.

My Tiny Blue Flower Painting.



All those who love Fiona and Twig's  Etsy Shop raise your hand!


This is my Vintage Wooden Hand.
Perfect for displaying jewelry 
or just for those times when you could use an extra hand around the house.


I'm pretty sure this little lady needs no introductions!
Hand-painted and altogether lovely.

My Vintage Green Candlestick.
Exquisite and wonderfully aged
with just the right amount of vintage patina.

And there's more!
If you see anything you like, head on over to
Fiona and Twig on Etsy
and shop vintage...the ultimate way to shop "green"!

Three Great Giveaways to Announce!
The Brocantess
is having a fantastic one over on her elegant blog!

She is offering three fantastic prizes...

Prize 1--1 Vintage French Rosary
Prize 2--2 Vintage French Books
Prize 3--3 Vintage French linens (torchon, serviette, etc.-based on finds)
Click HERE to enter and tell her I sent you!

Next, the talented Donna of Brynwood Needleworks is having a 200th post giveaway!

Well done, Donna!
Click HERE to enter.

Finally, Kim of My Domestic Bliss is offering a chance
to win $50 towards any purchase at her new Etsy Shop!

Aren't these fun? I'm picking these two if I win!
Click HERE for details.

Beloved Uncle...

My beloved Uncle J.B.

That would be short for John Broadus, 
named after my beloved Pappaw, John Broadus Christian.


"The Old Chevy"...that's the title my Mammaw gave this photo. 
There he is on the left, with his little brother, my uncle, cradled in my Pappaw's lap.
My Uncle J.B. has always held the softest of spots in my heart...
he and my Aunt Betty never had children, but oh, how he doted on me!

 How tiny I was! And yet how safe and completely adored 
I have always felt while in his presence.

How tiny and completely adored he looks here, 
as my Mammaw proudly gazes on...

He has had a rough road of late...he was widowed last year, 
and has suffered other set-backs as well...
a car accident, a hospitalization and lengthy rehab, moving into assisted living.

But how I love to remember him as this...

What joy!
I love all my uncles, my mothers three brothers, 
but my Pappaw's namesake has always been my touchstone.

I received this letter from him as a young teen. 
Kept it safely protected all these many years. It's worth more than gold to me now.

Beloved Uncle, you are indeed truly beloved.
Your niece,

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Online Selling For Dummies

The Dummy in question being ME.

Lesson #1: Don't open up your Etsy Shop until you're prepared.
A no-brainer for most of you, but for blondie here, it's a steep learning curve.

Say Ho, Ho, Ho to The Kringle's!
They are the second item sold in my brand new Etsy Shop
and are getting the reindeer ready for their trip to their new home Monday morning. 
So far, so good!

USPS Boxes: Check!
Bubble Wrap: Check!
Pretty Wrapping Paper: Check!
Organza Pouches/Assorted Other Packing Pretties: Uhhhh....

So I'm headed to the craft store after work this evening
to pick up a few pretty organza-type bags/pouches for my two recent sales,
then off to visit some lucky Etsy seller to buy some in bulk.
I hate the aesthetic component of using bubble wrap,
but with breakables, it absolutely has to be safety first.
Ideally, I want to wrap the Mr. and Mrs. in bubble wrap,
then place them inside their own organza pouch.

Mrs. K seems amenable to this.
But I want to do something more, go that extra mile,
put a little extra wow into my packaging....while still making a profit, of course.
Again, my faithful friends, I humbly solicit your input, suggestions, critiques,
and just all-around sage advice regarding all things Etsy.
I especially would like to hear how you've incorporated
the pretty with the practical when shipping your breakables.

Oh, and here's my other Etsy sale...

Thank you, Lulu!

In booth news, I had another good day yesterday, so Yay Me!
Sold another nifty chair (can't keep these in stock, big sellers!)...

The big painted green box peeking at you on the left...

And a whole host of other assorted smalls.
Booth-wise, I've already made three times what I made all last month so far,
which is more than enough to cover my rent
and justify going out and grabbing more loot.

I'm at the coal mines as I write this (shhhhh, don't tell The Man),
but I plan on adding more to my Etsy Shop sometime today, day job permitting. 

So to all my junkin' buddies, I wish you a day filled
with unexpected treasures and bargains galore!
Grab something rusty for me!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Have I Gotten Myself Into???

Good grief, I have an up and running Etsy Shop now!

It's a sad little shop, with just one little item for sale, but it's a start!
Fiona & Twig on Etsy
Now just go take a peek at how I have things set up,
most especially the shop policies and such.
To those of you superstar Etsy sellers here on my blog roll,
just know that I cribbed this-n-that from your policies
'cause I truly don't know what I'm doing!

 I'd also love to hear from all of you who do have Etsy shops, 
just maybe sharing your experiences and what to watch out for.

Thanks muchly in advance!

Oh, and I'd like to encourage everyone 
to head on over to visit Jill at Gypsy Brocante to celebrate

I'm fresh outta black, but I always 
want to direct folks over to Jill's fantastic blog!

My Booth, Etsy and a Fabulous Giveaway...

I finally took some more pics of my booth this afternoon,
as so many of you have asked me to do so.
It's coming along...I'm not entirely feelin' the love for how it looks,
but it's getting there. The additions from Troy's Big Sale surely didn't hurt!

Really unique papier mache Santa boot I procured from Troy.


Some old, some new. The nightstand that I painted and stained is new, 
as are the cases and hatbox. I've added a lot of smalls, 
but the "bigs" ain't budging yet. Ugh. 
However, I had a fabulous week sales wise, 
big-white-furniture-not-goin'-nowhere notwithstanding. 
I kept hearing that these days, it's all about the smalls. Call me a believer.

I just love this chandelier votive. The crystals are so delicate.

I'm learning the fine art of packin' it in!

Booth overview. Note the big white pieces mocking me,
obstinately refusing to budge. I curse you, cottage-y furniture!

Hey, wait a sec...who's the broad on the dresser?
Do I detect a rival hussy in Helga's booth???


Why, by golly, I think a vintage showgirl floozy
has decided to hang her pasties in my booth!
The claws are sure to come out, as Helga is plenty territorial.
Except Helga doesn't have claws. Doesn't have arms, for that matter...

 Assorted other views...



So in other news, I'm finally getting my butt in gear with regards to my Etsy shop. 
You know, the one that doesn't exist yet? 
That's not entirely true, I have my profile, shop announcement 
and shop policies all filled out. Not only that, but I also have 
Etsy superstar Adrienne of The Flying Bee helping a sista out! 
I chatted her up for at least a half hour this afternoon, she is a doll! 
Now to just take the pics, describe and list the items, 
and figure out the whole shipping business. Oh, and say a prayer!

Moving right along to someone who has it ALL  figured out...

Tracey from one of my absolute favorite blogs, French Larkspur,
is having a fabulous giveaway, and that gorgeous French tablecloth above
is only ONE of the prizes!
Click HERE to enter.

Sleep well, my pretties!

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